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A Guide for the Professional Development Plan

My specific Goals Rationale Actions and strategies for Target dates


Short term goals (0-12 months) Review

My immediate goals are… 1) I am already subbing in the 1) I will look again at my CV;
CSSDM, but I want to discover then, I will submit my 1) By the end
1) To get a subbing card in EMSB other school boards. I am at application to various English of the
and in other English school the beginning of my career, so school boards. In addition, I school year
board I want to discover all the will prepare for possible (end of
possible options and interviews. June).

2) To do longer subbing contract 2) I have been subbing for more 2) I will gradually start taking 2) At the
(more than 1 day) than a year now, but it was longer subbing contracts. For beginning
always for one day only. I want example, I will not start right of the next
to do longer contracts to gain away with a two-month school year
more pertinent experience. A contract! Instead, I will start (September
one-day subbing is not with three days contracts and 2022)
comparable to a 1-week gradually increase.
subbing contract or longer.
Middle term goals (1-3 years) Review
My intermediate goals are… 1) I would love to do a Ph.D.; 1) I will talk with my friends who
thus, it is logical that I must do started right away their 1) I would like
1) I would love to do a master! I a master’s. In fact, I would love master’s after their bachelor’s to do a
don’t know about what topic to become a University degree and ask how their master
yet. Professor! Also, I love studying, experience is. In addition, I after at
thus a master’s seems to me need to do my own research, least 2
very exciting! look at programs and find a years of
topic that interests me. experience.
2) Since one of my immediate
goals is to start doing longer 2) I will need to continue getting 2) September
2) To have my own class (a full subbing contracts, it is evident experience through subbing in 2023
year contract) that it will lead me to have my order to be prepared when I
own class! Well, I studied 4 will have my own class. Also, I
years in university not just for will keep in touch with people
subbing, but to have my own working in the educational
class! field so that they can support
me with material, ideas,
suggestions, and more!
Long term goals (4 years and more) 1) I love to travel, and I love 1) I will participate in information Review
My lasting goals are… teaching! Thus, teaching sessions concerning teaching
abroad would be an amazing opportunities in other 1) I would like
1) To teach abroad! experience for me! Teaching countries. In addition, it would to teach
2) Start a PHD abroad will allow me to be great to meet and discuss abroad
discover other educational with people that taught abroad when I will
systems and teaching to know their experience and have at
methods! It would be a great learn about it! least 5
personal and professional years of
experience. experience.
So, in 2027.
2) The first important step would
2) As mentioned earlier, I would be that I choose a master’s that 2) I would like
love to become a university passionate and motivate me to do a
teacher! Thus, it is required to enough to do a reasearch about Ph.D after
have a Ph.D.! Nonetheless, I it! Also, I would make sure that many years
would love to conduct a I work hard in my master so of teaching
research about a topic that
would passionate me! that I am accepted for the (at least 10
Ph.D. years).

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