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The Moffitt Times

211 Pylesville Rd, Pylesville, MD 21132 NHHS 12/10/21

2 deaths, 2 injuries after explosion New lambs they “have to make sure they are able to
walk and nurse before the lambs can be

at US District Court House Tues born  in

left with their mom. They depend on
their mother more than anything right
now [and they] have to make sure they
keep nursing and that the mom is okay.” 
Reporter NHHS barndith Bookages, the courthouse librarian
who was also in the building during the
disaster. Attorney Tania Talker was in the
      The agriculture teacher claimed that
caring for a baby lamb, “is not much
different from other animals, the mom
building when she heard a “loud boom in CLAIRE MOFFITT is what takes care of most of the lambs’
Cigarettes, chemicals, disaster. Reporter needs.” Aside from the mom they have,
the hallway.” Her client, Suzie Samuelson,
On Oct 12 chaos ensued at the United “heat lamps in their stalls because it’s
was injured and later died on the way to
States District Court House located in been really cold at night and good straw
Anytown hospital.   In the NH barn there are two new
Anytown, Md. According to Fire Chief that makes a bed for them to lay in.” 
FBI agent Joey Investo, confirmed additions to the family: two baby lambs! 
Charlie Extinguisher, between 9:30-9:45      Bigelow revealed that, “to take care of
that 2 agents were also injured while in      According to Aimee Densmore, the
a.m., an explo- the lambs [...] [she] helps the freshmen
the courtroom and were agriculture teacher, “the students were so
sion started from kids check the mothers udders and catch
treated at the scene. excited to hear the news.” 
a small storage the lambs to lock them in at night.” 
They are now in “stable      Senior Beverly Bigelow, said, “she was
closet that con-      By taking care of the animals,
condition.” expecting lambs, but not the news of them
tained chemi- Densmore said the students “learn the
Records clerk coming to the school so soon.” She also
cals ignited by a responsibility of taking care of animals
Sally Dogood said, “I thought, “of course they were born on a
cigarette. There and how to socialize them. They learn
was walking past the day when there was no school, because it
were 2 deaths how to get the lambs used to students
courtroom when the ex- always happens that way.” 
and 2 injuries. and other people.” 
plosion happened, and I      The agriculture teacher explained that
Extin-      The agriculture teacher’s favorite
saw a woman wearing when they get a new sheep they “borrow
guisher reports part about getting new animals is, “just
an orange suit in hand- a ram, which is the male, from a local
that the call was the experience that the students get.”
cuffs with a doorknob farmer.” After they breed the sheep, “the r
made at 9:49 She loves, “seeing them take care of the
bulging out of her head.      Densmre said she had “no fears for the
a.m. Firefighters animals and the excitement in the barn
I tried to help her, but birthing of the lambs because of situations
arrived at the that a new animal creates.”
this is a caption this is a caption this she ran away from help.” in the past where the lambs were turned      Bigelow says her favorite part about
scene at 10:01, Dogood added the only
and the bomb is a caption this is a caption this is a
the wrong way. [She] was able to go in and the lambs is watching them “slowly
thing Samuelson said reposition the animals so they could be
squad arrived at become fluffy!”
was “those jerks, you born the right way.”
10: 13. After hours of investigating, the She described them as, “very calm and
got me, darn you, Steve.” According to at-      The experience was special for the
bomb squad confirmed that the explo- a little skittish.” 
torney Talker, Steve Elliot was pressing teacher because, “the sheep were actually
sion originated in a small storage closet      According to Densmore, “the sheep
charges against Samuelson for not paying at [...] [her] house for a little while. So just
that held paint and “other chemicals.” are bred at NH every year so the students
taxes. the continuation of the sheep family at NH
According to public information offi- in FFA can show them at the Harford
2 hours After the explosion, Talker said and keeping the herd going was neat.”
cer Nat Notetaker, the suspect, George County Farm Fair in July.”
“I thought I was going to die, it’s a shame      Helping the birth of the lambs was so
Frane a janitor, died in the explosion af- She claims they “do fairly well as the
that 2 lives were lost to a selfish deci special to Densore because, “the sheep
ter smoking the cigarette that ignited the students have gotten second and third
were actually at [...] [her]  house for a place before.” 
chemicals. sion of a janitor who had been told that he little while. So just the continuation      Densmore also stated that, “NH is
“It was crazy, people were was not allowed to smoke in the building. of the mother, daughter, and then the the only school with these animals and
screaming and running all over the place, My thoughts go out to the families and granddaughter in the barn was neat.”  probably the only school in the state
I was scared I was going to die,” said Ju- friends of Suzie and George.”      Once the lambs are born, Densmore said with a program like this.” 

New expectations for teens have damaging effects, encourage addictive behaviors
All platforms such as Instagram, Snap-
NEAH SHAW “loosing something special in your life.”because you want to be in the loop and
chat, Facebook, Tic Tok have an option for Adding that “it will make you feel empty.” not look like a looser.” i love puppies so
Journalist the user to log out and for them to delete Even if they were not attached to theirso   The agriculture teacher explained that
it. But why do teens not feel inclined to do phones. They would still feel from otherswhen they get a new sheep they “borrow a
According to students at NH, social so even though they see the negative ef- to have a social media of their own. ram, which is the male, from a local farm-
media is a big part of a teen’s life, but fects? Both Prinz and Neiser agree that its aner.” After they breed the sheep, “the ram
not always something they want to in- According to Scientific Scribbles expectation to have a social media. Neis-goes back where it came from.” 
clude. ( the answer is er adding that “its brutal you know, the     Densmore said she had “no fears for the
Junior Dahlia Neiser and Lundyn dopamine, a chemical produced weight high schoolers and all that. Like ifbirthing of the lambs because of situations
Prinz “feel included” in their high school by the brain hfhufnr when we you don’tind of weird.” She also madein the past where the lambs were turned
environment through their social media feel rewarded or pleasure. a comparison to being like a home-the wrong way. [She] was able to go in and
connections. But despite that positive When a like, notification,
feeling of staying in the loop, these la-
dies have noticed multiple flaws with
comment, or follow pops “ schooler with out it. referring to areposition the animals so they could be
stereotype that home school stu-born the right way.”
up on the phone dopa-
the platforms they use daily.
These imperfections include things
mine releases. When social media dents are not social and don’t     The experience was special for the
know how to interact withteacher because, “the sheep were actually
the dopamine trig-
they label as “bullying”, “pressure”, “so-
cietal standards”, and a “false sense of
ger starts to be-
come claire mof-
is a big part of a others well. referring toat [...] [her] house for a little while. So just
a stereotype that homethe continuation of the sheep family at NH

teen’s life, but not al-

school students are notand keeping the herd going was neat.”
security.” Both girls don’t feel they can fittt ifhruhg social and don’t know     Helping the birth of the lambs was so
be authentic on these platforms. fhuhfhfhf how to interact withspecial to Densore because, “the sheep
Prinz said she is “not voicing [her]
opinion like [she] should” and Neiser a habit
ways something they want to others well. were actually at [...] [her]  house for a
little while. So just the continuation
said she is “losing followers” every time
she posts her girlfriend.
include.” Despite all theof the mother, daughter, and then the
effects, pres-granddaughter in the barn was neat.” 
The high schoolers also noticed that the sure, andind of weird.” She also made a comparison
these social medias have made their
e x p e c -to being like a homeschooler with out it.
peers “more reserved” in the real world.
t a t i o n sreferring to a stereotype that home school
Prinz explains that “it is just an awk-
Prinz said “students are not social and don’t know
ward experience” to talk to someone in user becomes addicted. the only reason I would want to encour-how to interact with others well. hough
person that you have added but don’t That why Prinz compares social media to age [some one to have a social media] isthey see the negative effects? like, notifi-
formally know.

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