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Chapter 2 Configuration Space

Chapter 3 Rigid-Body Motions

3.2 Rotations and Angular Velocities

Chapter 4 Forward Kinematics

Chapter 5 Velocity Kinematics and Statics
Chapter 6 Inverse Kinematics
Chapter 7 Kinematics of Closed Chains
Chapter 8 Dynamics of Open Chains
Chapter 9 Trajectory Generation
Chapter 10 Motion Planning
Chapter 11 Robot Control
Chapter 12 Grasping and Manipulation
Chapter 13 Wheeled Mobile Robots

Modern Robotics, Lynch and Park, Cambridge University Press 1

Important concepts, symbols, and equations

• SO(3) is a curved 3-dimensional space, but the feasible velocities at any point
of SO(3) form a flat 3-dimensional vector space (the “tangent space”).

Another example: the tangent space at a point of S2.

• Any rotational velocity can be expressed as an

angular velocity ! ∈ ℝ3, which can be considered
the product of a unit axis (in S2) and a speed
(a scalar).
Modern Robotics, Lynch and Park, Cambridge University Press 2
Important concepts, symbols, and equations (cont.)

• Given p ∈ ℝ3 and " defined in the same reference frame, ṗ = " × p.

• Linear algebra notation: ṗ = " × p = ["] p, where

∈ so(3), the 3×3 real skew-symmetric

matrices (satisfying [x] = −[x]T).

so(3) describes the possible Ṙ when R = I, and

it is called the Lie algebra of the Lie group SO(3).

Modern Robotics, Lynch and Park, Cambridge University Press 3

Important concepts, symbols, and equations (cont.)

• If Rsb = [p1 p2 p3], then Ṙsb = [ [!s] p1 [!s] p2 [!s] p3 ] = [!] Rsb.

• Expressing the angular velocity in a different frame:

!b = Rbs !s = R-1sb !s = RTsb !s !s = Rsb !b

• The so(3) representations:

[!b] = R-1sb Ṙ = RTsb Ṙ [!s] = Ṙ R-1sb = Ṙ RTsb

• Exponential coordinate (axis-angle) representation of orientation: !"

Modern Robotics, Lynch and Park, Cambridge University Press 4

Important concepts, symbols, and equations (cont.)

• Scalar first-order linear diffeq:

• Vector first-order linear diffeq:

matrix exponential

Modern Robotics, Lynch and Park, Cambridge University Press 5

Important concepts, symbols, and equations (cont.)

• Integrating an angular velocity

Rodrigues’ formula
• Matrix exponential and matrix log:

Modern Robotics, Lynch and Park, Cambridge University Press 6

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