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1. __________________ is done through ground-based field surveys or by using remote

sensors in satellites or airplanes
a. Direct Spatial Data Capture
b. Indirect Spatial Data Capture
c. Digitizing
d. Scanning
2. In ________________ data is derived from existing paper maps through scanning the
data digitized from a satellite image
a. Direct Spatial Data Capture
b. Indirect Spatial Data Capture
c. Digitizing
d. Scanning
3. The process of distilling points, lines and polygons from a scanned image is called
a. Digitizing
b. Scanning
c. Vectorization
d. Imaging
4. GI science majorly contributing
a. Data
b. Graph
c. Network
d. Logic
5. SDT means
a. Specific data type
b. Special data type
c. Spatial data type
d. System data type
6. In ____________ digitizing, the original map is fitted on a special surface
a. On-tablet
b. On-Screen
c. On-Location
d. On-Map
7. In _____________ digitizing, a scanned image of the map is shown on the computer
a. On-tablet
b. On-Screen
c. On-Location
d. On-Map
8. What is not key of spatial data quality
a. Geodatabases
b. Positional accuracy
c. Temporal accuracy
d. Logical consistency
9. Vectorization causes errors such as small spikes, lines, rounded corners in
a. T- and X- junctions
b. Displaced lines
c. Jagged curves
d. All of the above
10. ___________ is defined as background information that describes all necessary
information about the data itself
a. Data set
b. Metadata
c. Map data
d. Database
11. ______________ is the smallest unit of measurement to which the data can be recorded
by an instrument used for surveying
a. Accuracy
b. Precision
c. millimeter
d. feets
12. ________________ are the errors due to misadjustment of instruments
a. Human errors
b. Instrumental or systematic errors
c. Random errors
d. Root mean square error
13. Once the data is entered it must be _______ and ________.
a. Capture and Organised
b. Verified and Edited
c. Verified and Generalized
d. Edited and Organized
14. RMSE stands for _________________
a. Random measure square error
b. Random mean square error
c. Root mean square error
d. Relative measure square error
15. __________ are caused by natural variations in the quantity being measured
a. Human errors
b. Instrumental errors
c. Systematic errors
d. Random errors
16. GIS deals with which kind of data?

a. Numeric data

b. Binary data

c. Spatial data

d. Complex data
17. ___________ is used to assess the probability that a particular set of measurements does
not deviate too much from within a certain range of ‘true’ value
b. Mean expected value of Y
c. Standard deviation of Y
18. For attribute accuracy of nominal or categorical data, ______________ accuracy is
a. Temporal Accuracy
b. Numerical accuracy
c. Nominal accuracy
d. Categorical Accuracy
19. ___________ representation is efficient for image processing.
a. Manual
b. Raster
c. Vector
d. Formal
20. GIS packages provide facilities to link with a ________ and ex- change attribute data
with it.
a. Dbms
b. Cluster
c. File
d. Fiile system
21. In GIS, the simple raster encoding scheme is called as
a. Column ordering
b. Row ordering
c. Cells ordering
d. Table ordering
22. Regular cells are called _______ in 2D
a. Voxels
b. Vowel
c. Pixels
d. Novel
23. Regular cells are called ------in 3d.
a. Voxels
b. Vowel
c. cells
d. column
24. For attribute accuracy of numerical data, ______________ accuracy is required
a. Temporal Accuracy
b. Numerical accuracy
c. Nominal accuracy
d. Categorical Accuracy
25. _____________ describes the history of a data set
a. Accuracy
b. Precision
c. Labelling
d. Lineage
26. _____________ is the process of converting vector data to raster data
a. Vectorization
b. Rasterization
c. Clean-up
d. Merging
27. GPS user solution depends on which of the following?
a. Absolute positioning
b. Satellite vehicle
c. Space vehicle
d. Relative positioning
28. If the phenomena is of qualitative nature and data is categorical then the field is
a. Discrete
b. Continuous
c. Temporal
d. Not Constant
29. If the phenomena is of quantitative nature, then the field is __________
a. Discrete
b. Continuous
c. Temporal
d. Categorical
30. What is spatial interpolation?
a. The process of establishing a statistical relationship between two spatially
correlated variables.
b. The process of establishing values for areas between an existing set of discrete
c. The process of modelling spatial pattern from a set of one or more data layers.
d. The process of establishing values for areas outside the boundary of an existing set
of data points.
31. Which of the following overlay methods would you use to calculate the length of road
a. Union.
b. Point-in-polygon.
c. Erase.
d. Line-in-polygon
32. What is not needed for Successful Spatial analysis?
a. Appropriate Software
b. Appropriate Hardware
c. Competent User
d. Soil Sample
33. What is the difference between slope and aspect?
a. Slope is the gradient directly down the fall line, while aspect is the direction of the fall
line relative to north.
b. B. Slope is the gradient of the fall line relative to vertical, while aspect is the direction
of the fall line relative to the line of greatest slope.
c. Slope is the distance down the fall line from the top of the slope to its bottom, while
aspect is the percentage gradient of this line averaged over its full distance.
d. Slope is the direction of the fall line, while aspect is the gradient of the fall line.
34. What is reclassification?
a. An analytical technique based on point data.
b. The process of simplifying data in a data layer.
c. The process of combining one or more data ranges into a new data range to create a
new data layer.
d. The process of combing two or more data layers
35. In _______________, the entire study area can be represented by a formula f(x,y) that
gives approximated value of the in location (x,y)
a. Trend Surface fitting
b. Triangulation
c. Kriging
d. Spatial moving average
36. Which of the following spatial interpolation techniques is an example of a local, exact,
a. TIN.
b. Spatial moving average.
c. Thiessen polygons.
d. Spatial moving and Thiessen polygons
37. Cartographic grammar refers to
a. cartographic data
b. Cartographic maps
c. Cartographic locations
d. Cartographic rules
38. There is a relationship between the effectiveness of a map for a given purpose and
a. map's length
b. map's scale
c. map's colour
d. map's width
39. Map scale is the ratio between
a. distance in reality and distance on map
b. distance on the map and the corresponding distance in reality.
c. map shape and corresponding shape in reality
d. size in reality and size on map
40. Maps that show much detail of a small area are called ________ maps.
a. medium scale
b. small scale
c. large-scale
d. Very large-scale
41. Maps that covers entire area without showing much details of a perticular sgment of an
area is called _____ maps.
a. small-scale
b. medium-scale
c. large-scale
d. very large-scale
42. Which of the following acts a benefit of GIS?
a. Maintaining geo spatial data
b. Data sharing
c. Accurate data information
d. Presence of data retrieval service
43. Satellite generates which type of signals?
a. Visible rays
b. X rays
c. Cosmic waves
d. Radio waves
44. Which of these is not type of spatial analysis?
a. Spatial Analysis
b. Spatial autocorrelation
c. Spatial stratified heterogeneity
d. Geospatial
45. Conversion of maps from one scale to another may lead to problems of ________
a. visualiztion
b. cartographic generalization
c. map characteristics
d. map presentation
46. Which one of the following is an example of a small-scale map.
a. Map of a building
b. The World map
c. Map of an office
d. map of zoo
47. Which among the following is a server based hardware platform of GIS?
a. Autodeskrevit
b. Staad pro
c. Arc gis
d. Google map
48. Which of the following is having same principle as that of determining the position in
a. Compass
b. Traversing
c. Trisection
d. resection
49. The following are the examples of ‘geographic fields’
a. Air temperature
b. Barometric pressure
c. Elevation
d. Water
50. Interpolation is made possible by a principle called
a. Spatial Autocorrelation
b. Spatial auto-correction
c. Thematic Autocorrelation
d. Thematic auto-correction

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