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Joana (mei-mei): -Besties assemble, Miriam!

Leonor (miriam): -Hmm? HEY!

Joana (mei-mei): -Priya!

Ines (priya): -Yo!

Joana (mei-mei): -Abby!

Sofia (abby): -WHO THREW THIS PAPER ON THE FLOOR???? Yeah, what’s up, Mei?!


Joana (Mei-mei): -Ready to change the world?

Leonor (Miriam): -So ready!

Inês (Priya): -I was born to this!

Sofia (abby): -Let’s burn this place to the ground!


Joana (mei-mei): -This is gonna be my year.

Leonor (Miriam): -Mei,mei,mei. Come see this!

Joana (mei-mei): -And nothing’s gonna stop me!

Sofia (abby): -Shhh…. Come on, come on! Get your butt over here!

Inês (priya): -Go,go,go

Leonor (Miriam): -Come on, come on! Mei-mei fast!

Joana (mei-mei): -Shut up!

Sofia (Abby): -Shh….


Leonor (miriam): -Devonnn

Sofia (abby): -My mom cuts his hair at the salon, and I felt it. Its’s very soft.

Inês (priya): -Whoa! Can I have some?

Leonor (Miriam): -Yeah,abby, hook a sister up.

Joana (mei-mei): -UGH! He looks like a hobo.

Sofia (abby): -A hot hobo!

Joana (abby): -May i remind you what real men look like?

(Joana shows 4-town poster)

All: -4-town!!

Joana (mei-mei): -Yes! 4-town.

Joana (mei-mei): -Jesse went to art school, tae young fosters injured doves, robeire speaks
French, aron t and aron z are like, realy talented, too. WE ARE 4-TOWNIES, REMEMBER? RIDE

Inês (Priya): -Yeah, but tickets to 4-town, are, like million dollars, and devon’s right here.

Sofia (abby): -And free!

Joana (mei-mei): -Ahh. i gotta go.

Leonor (miriam): -Wait! We’re going karaokeing today.

Sofia (abby): -Yeah!

Inês (Miriam): -Come with us.


Joana (mei-mei): -I can’t. its cleaning day.

Leonor (Miriam): -Mei, every day its cleaning day. Can you just get one afternoon off?

Joana (mei-mei): -But i like cleaning. Plus, I got this new feather duster, and oh my god you
guys, its pickup so dirty, its bananas!

Leonor (Miriam): -Fine! I will let you go.. if you can pass the gountlet! Come on, uhull!

Joana (mei-mei): -Mir, not now…

Leonor (miriam): -You can´t resist it.

Joana (mei-mei): -Ok, were we go.

(everyone dances to the music)

Inês (priya): -Peace sign!!

All: -All right!

Leonor (Miriam): -See, that was good

Sofia (abby): -That was dope!

Leonor (Miriam): -You passed, and here is your reward

Joana (mei-mei): -O M G, Mir, i will guard it with my life! (beija a cd) thank you, thank you!!!!

Joana e Leonor: -4TOWN EVER!

(farewell with hands)

(Joana leaves)

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