Case Study Analysis HP

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Case study analysis



In the age of globalization, it has become imperative for business organisations to bring a

diversified workforce. According to Bernstein, et al. (2020) promoting a diversified

workforce and inclusion of equality in the workplace creates a positive and productive work

environment and strengthens the global brand value of the firm. Effective management of

cultural diversity and equality allows a company to gain a competitive edge, which has an

impact on the success of the firm. The main purpose of this case study analysis is to analyse

the concept of promotion of cultural diversity with the support of academic studies and within

the theoretical framework. Further, the analysis illustrates the implications of the promotion

of cultural diversity in the real world organisation, Hewlett-Packard (HP). It is a leading firm

in the information technology field and a popular brand of personal computers and laptops.

The final analysis provides an understanding of the practice of cultural diversity in the firm to

manage people from different races, ethnicity, gender, nationality, and ability work together,

followed by the conclusion.

An Analysis of Cultural diversity in Hewlett-Packard

Cultural diversity in the workplace is one of the critical and debatable topics because it is

mainly related to the existence of diversified knowledge, customs, languages, nationalities,

genders and disabilities. According to Ayega and Muathe (2018), cultural diversity has a

direct influence on the working behaviours, reactions and productivity of employees in the

workplace. Further, it is argued by Verkuyten and Yogeeswaran (2020) that cultural diversity

necessitates an organizational culture in which all employees are free to pursue their goals

regardless of their gender, ethnicity, nationality, or other non-performance-related

characteristics. It is supported by Bernstein, et al. (2020) that the inclusion of diversity and

equality empowers employees to develop their skills. So, a diverse collection of peers in the

workplace also assists individuals to explore a diversified range of ideas and innovations to

attain organisational goals.

In today’s corporate world, only organizations that can foresee and respond to change will be

able to thrive. HP is the leading supplier of personal computers and the fifth-largest software

company in the global industry, with approximately 51,000 employees (Alsop, 2021). The

company has recorded a turnover of 63.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2021 (Alsop, 2021). The

presence of a heterogeneous workforce in the firm and the complexity of diversity

management within the company are easy to comprehend. HP has gained immense success

by managing the huge workforce effectively and promoting diversity.

According to Eboh, et al. (2018), effective management of cultural diversity in a firm can be

done by improving the intercultural competencies of employees. Further, Ilie (2019) also

supported and asserted that equality and diversity inclusion can be successful when

employees and other stakeholders of the firm have cultural knowledge and sensitivity to

interact with each other. In HP, empowering innovation and growth of employees is one of

the major goals to build trust, respect and promote dignity among the employee. HP has

introduced a diversity management policy from the outset and promoted open corporate

culture (HP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 2022). The company ensures that it recruits a

diversified workforce beyond any dimension and develops a synergy among the employees to

improve their perception and beliefs and learn about new cultural values at the workplace. As

per a report published by Forbes, HP has an impressive diversified workforce. It employs

45% women employees and 54% minorities along with the 27% underrepresented employees

in the US only (Moorhead, 2019). However, the global workforce of the company has 37%

women employees, which promotes gender equality. This shows that HP is highly concerned

about equality and diversity inclusion in the workplace. It has implemented cultural diversity

by following the three different dimensions of diversity (see figure 1).


Figure 1: Three dimensions of diversity in the workplace (Source: Rahman, et al., 2017)

The company also introduced a training program for the employees to improve their cultural

knowledge and understanding from the perspective of three diversity dimensions discussed in

the above figure 1. This program works to improve the different diversity dimensions such as

primary, secondary and tertiary like race, language, culture, beliefs, perceptions and attitudes

of employees to collaborate with their cultural diversified peers. The diversity training

program in the firm is useful to enhance intercultural competencies and improve the attitude

and values of the individuals in the workplace (Moorhead, 2019). It shows that HP has taken

proactive and affirmative actions for the promotion of cultural diversity in the firm.

At the time of promoting cultural diversity, communication and integration become more

challenging. According to the study of Ayega and Muathe (2018), people from various

cultures are unable to communicate with one another when they do not function in the same

way or at the same location. When an organization or project demands direction and clarity,

the risk of increased ambiguity, complexity, and confusion is high, which eventually leads to

conflict. HP has Introduced a language buddy program for the employees so that they can

improve their communication skills by learning foreign languages, customers and traditions

(Hewlett Packard Enterprises, 2022). This is one of the exclusive programs of HP, which

ensure equality promotion in the firm beyond cultural boundaries.


In the study of García-Granero, et al. (2018) it is mentioned that to promote cultural diversity,

the firm should focus on a synergistic approach. This approach to managing and promoting

cultural diversity implies cultural contingency, which is based on developing collaboration

among the different cultural knowledge and assumptions. The management of HP has

adopted this strategic approach as a key to respecting the cultural differences and leading

innovation and learning in the firm. The company has an aim to achieve cultural synergy by

valuing other cultures while maintaining its own. HP seeks to retain cultural harmony by

emphasizing differences in the marketplace, workplace, and community. For the promotion

of cultural diversity and improving cultural intelligence, HP has introduced an open company

policy. As per this, the company respects and promotes everyone and fosters an atmosphere

of trust and mutual understanding, which is regarded to be the most critical factor in a

prosperous and flourishing business (HP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 2022). This is also

a significant move of HP to influence employees’ behaviour to understand the context of a

new culture and behave sensibly to support and respect others.


Thus, on the basis of the above discussion, it can be concluded that the promotion of cultural

diversity is necessary for developing social cohesion, fostering creativity and promoting

equality for the employees who are from different cultural backgrounds. The management of

HP has practically implemented different theoretical frameworks to promote cultural

diversity. HP has introduced distinctive programs such as diversity training, open

communication and culture, language buddy, implementation of a synergistic approach to

promoting culture, etc. HP has also recruited employees, beyond, gender, age, race and other

tertiary dimensions. Having a comprehensive understanding of cultural diversity will be

helpful for me to cope with different environments and new context by respecting and

trusting other stakeholders. It will also enhance my cultural intelligence and competencies to

work in the global market by minimizing the conflicts due to cultural differences.


Alsop, T 2021, ‘HP Inc. net revenue 2007-2021, by quarter’, Statista, viewed on 20 April

2022, <




Alsop, T 2021, ‘HP Inc. number of employees worldwide 2001-2021’, Statista, viewed on 20

April 2022, <


Ayega, EN and Muathe, S 2018, ‘Critical review of literature on cultural diversity in the work

place and organizational performance: A research agenda’, Journal of Human

Resource Management, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 9-17.

Bernstein, RS, Bulger, M, Salipante, P et al. 2020, ‘From Diversity to Inclusion to Equity: A

Theory of Generative Interactions’, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 167, pp. 395–410.

Eboh, H, Mahmood, NA, Umar, A, & Ibrahim, AD 2018, ‘Prospects and Challenges of

Workplace Diversity in Modern Day Organizations: A Critical Review’, Holistica,

vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 35-52.

García-Granero, A, Fernández-Mesa, A, Jansen, JJP & Vega-Jurado, J, 2018, ‘Top

management team diversity and ambidexterity: The contingent role of shared

responsibility and CEO cognitive trust’, Long Range Planning, vol. 51, no. 6, pp.


Hewlett Packard Enterprises, 2022, Our Commitment To Global Inclusion And Diversity,

viewed on 20 April 2022, <>

HP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 2022, viewed on 20 April 2022, <>

Ilie, O 2019, ‘The Intercultural Competence. Developing Effective Intercultural

Communication Skills’, International Conference Knowledge-Based Organization,

vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 264-268.

Moorhead, P 2019, ‘HP Demonstrating Commitment To Diversity And Inclusion,’ Forbes,

viewed on 20 April 2022,



Rahman, SA et al., 2017, ‘Exploring the Level of Understanding the Content of Quran among

Diverse Groups of People’, Jurnal Sains Insani, vol. 2(1), pp. 61-65.

Verkuyten, M and Yogeeswaran, K 2020, ‘Cultural diversity and its implications for

intergroup relations’, Current Opinion in Psychology, vol. 32, pp. 1-5.

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