Way of The Celestial Beasts

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Way OF THE CELESTIAL BEASTS Certain philosophies believe that the natural world is comprised and ruled over by four celestial beasts. These being the Earthen Tortoise, the Lunar Tiger, the Sky Serpent, and the Sunbird; each of them representing not only aspects of tangible reality, but also the facets of the soul, its inner turmoil, and the never ending pursuit of balance. Through meditation and study, Monks who follow the Way of the Celestial Beasi are able to channel aspects of the through their Ki, their spirits resonating with the world and the elements, and their bodies manifesting animaliike features. beasts STUDENT OF THE CELESTIAL BEASTS 3rd level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature As you meditate, you are visited by the avatars of the celestial beasts, four diminute representations of each imperious creature a hatchling, a cub, a snakelet, and a chick Each of them presents fo you a gift, anda poem or riddle for you to ponder upon. Aiter choosing which gift to accept, and while pondering on the words spoken to you, the avatar infuses itself in your soul, temporarily altering your person and granting you power. When you finish a long rest, choose one of the beasts to embody; until your next long rest, you gain the features of your chosen celestial beast. Tue SUNBIRD The Sunbird flies across the heavens, bringing warmth, light and life to the people below. Iis everlasting flight vanishes the night and its horrors, and renews life upon the earth. Channeling this beast alters the colour of your hair to have shades of yellow, orange and red, and it raises the temperature of your body; your skin becoming hot to the touch. MANTLE OF Fire 3rd-level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature ‘Asa bonus action, you can spend 2 ki points to have a wreath of fire surround you for 1 minute. Hostile creatures within 10 feet of you when you activate this feature must make a Dexterity saving throw, or take one roll of your martial arts die plus your Wisdom modifier as fire damage. While this wreath is active, you gain resistance to cold damage, and you can use your bonus action on subsequent turns to force hostile creatures in the area to save against the fire damage again. You can dismiss the wreath at any time on your turn (no action required), While this feature is active, you shed bright light in a 10 foot radius around you, and dim light 10. feet beyond that. When you reach 17th level, the area of your wreath increases by 10 feet. FLAMES OF RENEWAL 6th level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature Your fire is capable of both consuming and nourishing life. When you regain hit points as the effect of a spell or feature, friendly creatures inside the arca of your Mantle of Fire regain hit points equalling one roll of your martial arts die plus your Wisdom modifier. Sunsirp's FiucuT 1 Ith-fevel Way of the Cele: feature tial Beasts When you use your Step of the Wind feature, you can spend an additional Ki point to gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed until the start of your next turn, as spectral avian wings appear on your back and leave a trail of fire in your wake. Ifyou move while this feature is active, hostile creatures within 10 feet of your path must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, they take three rolls of your martial arts die as fire damage, and half as much ona success, Alternatively, friendly creatures within 10 feet of your path regain hit points equalling three rolls of your martial arts die. You choose whether to affect friendly or hostile creatures when you activate this feature, In addition, your Slow Fall feature now negates fall damage completely, as you are capable of summoning the wings momentarily without spending Ki points. REKINDLE 17th-level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature The Sunbirds fire burns intensely inside you, ready to be unleashed in a cascade of flame. When your current number of hit points is below half your hit point maximum, you can use your action to spend up to 6 Ki points and soll that same number of your martial arts dice. You regain hit points equalling that rolled total, and hostile creatures within a 20 foot radius of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, or take fire damage equalling to that same amount; a successful save halves the damage. Alternatively, friendly creatures within 20 fect of you regain hit points equalling the same amount. You choose whether to affect friendly or hostile creatures when you activate this feature. You can use this feature once per long res Tue Lunar TIGER ‘The Lunar Tiger chases the Sunbird in an eternal cycle, always on its tail-feathers, looking for a meal to sate his unending bringing with it the night as the Sunbird and its light into hiding. it forces As you channel the tiger's instincts and ferocity, your nails and your canines grow and sharpen, and your eyes become like those of a great cat, with bright golden or amber irises. BESTIAL FEROCITY 3rd-level Way of the C stial Beasis feature As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Ki point on your turn to empower your attacks with a primal fury for 1 minute. When you make an unarmed strike, you can forgo adding your proficiency bonus to the attack roll to instead add double that value to the damage roll Hunter's Pounce 6th-level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature If you move at least 20 feet straight towards a creature and hit it with an attack, that creature must make a Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against your Ki save DC to avoid being knocked prone, or pushed away from you 10 feet (your choice) The creature's size must be Large or smaller for this feature to affect it, ‘You can spend Ki points when you us this feature to push or knock prone larger creatures. You can affect Huge creatures with this feature by spending 1 Ki point, and Gargantuan creatures by spending 2. [UGULAR RIP 1 Ith-level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature While you have your Bestial Ferocity feature active, any unarmed strike you make isa critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the 420. Additionally, when you land a critical hit with an unarmed strike, you can spend 1 Ki point to add two martial arts dice to the critical hit damage roll PRIMAL ROAR 17th-level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature You can spend 3 ki points to unleash a violent, deafening roar. Hostile creatures within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw, or be frightened of you for 1 minute. A creature frightened by this feature has its movement speed halved. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the condition on a success. Tue Sxy SERPENT The Sky Serpent rules the skies, fickle and tempestuous, granting gentle rain and shade when pleased, and conjuring lightning and raging typhoons when angered. ‘The serpent manifests itself with patterns of small shimmering scales on your skin, and (ifyou so wish) a long, thin and blue or green mustache on your upper lip. Senpent’s Cuspip 3rd-level Way of the ‘lestial Beasts feature You gain access to a ranged spell attack. You are proficient with this attack, and use your Wisdom modifier for its attack and damage rolls. The spell attack has a range of 30 feet, and deals one roll of your martial arts die plus your Wisdom modifier as lightning damage. ‘This attack is considered an unarmed strike, and can be used with your Exira Attack and Martial Arts features. Mornine Mist 6th-level Way of the Cel ial Beasts feature You can spend 1 ki point to cast the fog cloud spell. You can spend 1 additional Ki point when you cast this spell to grant a number of creatures of your choice, up to your proficiency bonus, the ability to see clearly through the cloud you created. SERPent’s Cort 11tlevel Way of the Celestial Beasts feature When you hit a creature with your ranged spell attack, you can spend 1 ki poiat to attempt to stun it, using your Stunning Strike feature, Creatures wearing metal armour or holding a metal object roll with disadvantage on this saving throw. Acreature immune to lightning damage can't be stunned by your ranged spell attack. HEAVENLY WRATH 17th-level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature You can spend 3 ki points to cast the call lightning spell. You can spend additional Ki points to increase the level at which you cast the spell Each additional Ki point increases the spell's level by 1 to. a maximum of 6. Tue EARTHEN TORTOISE The Earthen Tortoise commands the earth, it is its carapace, and all that lives on its surface its guests. [tis steady and calm, seemingly slumbering perpetually; when it rouses however, it shakes and opens the ground, toppling and swallowing all it wishes. Embodying the tortoise, your knuckles become heavy and callaused, and a tattoo- like hexagonal pattern decorates your back. TRON SHELL 3rd-level Way of the C jal Beasts feature As a bonus action, you can spend a number of Ki points up to your proficiency bonus. A number of layers of iron cover your skin ‘equal to the number of Ki points you spent. Each layer grants you temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom or Constitution modifier (your choice) plus half your monk. level (rounded up). Ifyou have multiple layers, once a layer has been depleted of its hit points, it disappears, revealing the one beneath. EARTHEN RETREAT 6th-level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature When you use your Step of the Wind feature, you gain a burrowing speed equal to your movement speed until the end of your next turn. In addition, you gain tremorsense in a range of 30 feet. EMERGENCY CARAPACE 1 Ith-level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature When a creature that you can see (or sense with your tremorsense) within 30 feet of you is targeted with an attack or forced to make a Dexterity saving throw, you can tse your reaction and spend | Ki point to attempt to shield it from harm. You erect a barricade of hardened earth around that creature, granting it the benefits of three-quarters caver. ‘The barricade crumbles to dust and dirt at the start of your next turn, MOouNTAIN SHAPER 17th-level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature You can spend 5 Ki points to cast the wall of stone spell. You can choose to cast this spell without requiring concentration, however, if ‘you do so, the walll created by the spell doesn't become permanent al the end ofits duration. Way OF THE CELESTIAL Brasts (ALTERNATE VERSION) This subclass is an alternate way to play the Way of the Celestial Beasts monk. You can choose whichever way you believe you will enjoy this subclass most when selecting a subclass at 3rd level. BEASTIAL CHANNELING 3rd-level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature Within you the beasts reside in constant conflict, as they do within most people. Through meditation and discipline, you are able to bring an armistice to this raging battle, allowing you to draw freely upon each of the beasts’ power. As a bonus action, you start channelling the celestial beasts for 1 minute, choosing which beastlial stance you wish to adopt. While in a stance, some of your monk features, such as flurry of blows, are altered by the beast you are channeling. Once per turn, you can swap to another bestial stance (no action required). BEASTLy BLOWS 3rd-level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature Sunbird When you make an unarmed strike with the Martial Arts feature or the Flurry of Blows feature, you can choose to unleash a swath of fire in a 10 foot cone in front of you instead of making an unarmed strike. Creatures in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, these swaths deal one roll of your martial arts die as fire damage to the creatures. Lunar Tiger. When you make an unarmed strike with the Martial Arts feature or the Flurry of Blows feature, you can choose to forgo adding your proficiency bonus to the attack roll, instead adding double the value to your damage roll. Sky Serpent. When you make an unarmed strike with the Martial Arts feature or the Flurry of Blows feature, you can choose for your unarmed strikes to have a range of 30 feet and deal lightning damage. Earthen Tortoise. When you make an unarmed strike with the Martial Arts feature or the Flurry of Blows feature, your unarmed strikes leave your enemies unbalanced. You can move a creature of size large or smaller that you hit with your unarmed strikes to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. HEAVENLY STEP 6th-level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature Sunbird. When you use the dash action or the Step of the Wind feature, you gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed until the start of your next turn. Lunar Tiger. When you use the dash action or the Step of the Wind feature, at the end of your movement you can choose one creature of size large or smaller within 5 feet of you to attempt to shove. Sky Serpent. When you use the dash action or the Step of the Wind feature, you become a bolt of lightning until the end of your movement. Your movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity, and you can pass through creatures. Creatures you pass through must make a Constitution saving throw, or suffer one roll of your martial arts die as lightning damage; half as much ona successful save. Earthen Tortoise. When you use the dash action or the Step of the Wind feature, you gain a burrow speed equal to your movement speed until the end of your next turn. You also gain tremorsense in a range of 30 feet. EMPYRAL DEFENSE 11th-level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature Sunbird. When you use the dodge action or the Patient Defense feature, you conjure a wreath of fire around you. This wreath grants you resistance to cold damage, and when a creature targets you with a melee attack, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. If the creature fails, it takes one roll of your martial arts die as fire damage; half as much on a successful save. Lunar Tiger. When you use the dodge action or the Patient Defense feature, you can use your reaction to make an unarmed strike against a creature that misses you with a melee attack. If you hit with this attack, it is a critical hit. Sky Serpent. When you use the dodge action or the Patient Defense feature, you create a cloud of fog 15 feet around you. You are heavily obscured while in the cloud, but you can see clearly through it. The cloud lasts until the start of your next turn. Earthen Tortoise. When you use the dodge action or the Patient Defense feature, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution or Wisdom modifier (your choice) plus half your monk level. Unless depleted, these temporary hit points last until you leave tortoise stance. esses ArT CREDITS Four Symbols, RootOfAllLight, (https://bitly/3 GthxZB) Four Symbols, Luqman Reza Mulyono (https://www.instagram.com/jongkie/) TT CELESTIAL STRIKE 17th-level Way of the Celestial Beasts feature Sunbird. When you use the Stunning Strike feature, your strike ignites a creature that fails its Constitution saving throw for 1 minute. While the creature is set ablaze, it must make a Dexterity saving throw at the start of each of its turns. If it fails, it takes two rolls of your martial arts die as fire damage. A successful save extinguishes the fire. Lunar Tiger. When you use your Stunning Strike feature, if you successfully stun a creature whose current number of hit points is lower than your monk level, that creature is automatically reduced to 0 hit points. Sky Serpent. When you use your Stunning Strike feature, bolts of lightning leap from the creature you struck to up to two creatures of your choice within 15 feet of it. These creatures must make a Dexterity saving throw, or suffer one roll of your martial arts die as lightning damage; or half as much on a success. A creature that fails its Dexterity save, must make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it is stunned by your Stunning Strike as well A creature immune to lightning damage is not stunned by this feature, and a creature resistant to lightning damage rolls with advantage on its save. Earthen Tortoise. When you use your Stunning Strike feature, you can choose to have the creature make a Dexterity saving throw instead of a Constitution one. A large or smaller creature that fails its save, is paralyzed rather than stunned, as the earth opens up beneath it and swallows the creature, binding it to the ground.

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