Multi Format Assessment Paper 4 Marking

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Working safely – Assessment 4

Marking scheme
Award one mark for each correct answer. If a delegate ticks more answers than is
required for the question, then no marks at all can be awarded for that question.

Part A
1. Insert in the space provided the most appropriate option from the three listed below:

increasing workload being injured missing a deadline

It is important to work safely to reduce the chance of _________________ (being injured)

2. Who is responsible for safely and health in your workplace? Which statement is
correct? (Select one answer only from the following.)

a) o
 nly your manager is responsible

b) everyone is responsible ✔

c) only you and your manager are responsible

d) the head of the organisation is responsible

3. Think about an organisation’s responsibilities for safety and health. Which two of the
following are true? (Put a ✔ opposite the two statements you think are correct.)

a) a
 n organisation is responsible for the safety and health of anyone who

is on its premises

b) an organisation is not responsible for the safety and health of

contractors performing work on its behalf

c) an organisation’s responsibility for safety and health does not

include visitors to the premises

d) an organisation is responsible for promoting and protecting the

physical and mental health of workers

v5.0 (1)
Working safely – Assessment 4

4. Think about who is responsible for your actions in the workplace. Which statement is
correct? (Select one answer only from the following.)

a) y ou are solely responsible

b) only your employer is responsible

c) the organisation is responsible

d) both you and your employer are responsible ✔

5. What is meant by the term ‘hazard’? (Select one answer only from the following.)

a) a
 workplace precaution

b) the chance of an injury occurring

c) the outcome of an accident

d) anything that has the potential to cause harm ✔

6. Insert in the space provided the most appropriate option from the three listed below:

hazard lapse risk

A___________ (risk) is the chance of something happening that has the potential to
cause harm

v5.0 (1)
Working safely – Assessment 4

7. Think about what a risk assessment is. Which two of the following are true? (Put a ✔
opposite the two statements you think are correct.)

a) it’s to communicate general safety and health information to workers

b) it looks at what you do and asks the right questions to establish

whether workers will be safe

c) it’s to decide on what you think the outcome of an accident is

d) it’s to decide on what else you need to do to make workers safe if

you’re not satisfied with existing controls

8. Identify which term applies to each of the following two statements. (Put a ✔ in the
correct column opposite each statement.)

Consequence Likelihood

is a measure of chance that the event or situation

will happen

is about how severe the harm could be from a


9. Think about hazards and the six broad groups they belong to. Insert the most
appropriate option from those listed below into each of the two statements.

mechanical chemical physical biological environmental organisational

Household waste is a____________________________________(biological) hazard

Moving machinery is an example of a_______________________(mechanical) hazard

v5.0 (1)
Working safely – Assessment 4

10. Think about hazards that are not easy to identify as symptoms take a long time
to show. Insert the most appropriate option the four listed below into each of the
following two statements.

radiation dusts vibration noise

Exposure to high levels of___________________(noise) for long periods of time may

lead to deafness
Exposure to___________________ (dusts) may lead to the onset of occupational asthma

11. Think about how risks can be controlled. Which two of the following are true? (Put a ✔
opposite the two statements you think are correct.)

a) the best way to control a risk is to eliminate it ✔

b) you should always use personal protective equipment as the first

line of defence

c) the best way to control a risk is to reduce it

d) an example of a workplace precaution is a barrier that keeps people

and the hazard apart

v5.0 (1)
Working safely – Assessment 4

12. Think about what a safe system of work is. Which statement is correct? (Select one
answer only from the following.)

a) it’s a process to help when investigating incidents in the workplace

b) it’s a guide or set of instructions for doing a task right, first time,

every time

c) it’s a type of licence issued by somebody with the correct authority

and competence

d) it tells you how the organisation is going to manage safety and
health issues in the workplace

13. What is meant by the terms ‘incident’, ‘accident’ and ‘near miss’. Which two of the
following are true? (Put a ✔ opposite the two statements you think are correct.)

a) a
 n incident that results in injury to someone or damage to property is
called an accident. An incident that results in no injury or damage, but ✔
had the potential to do so is called a near miss

b) a near miss is an incident that always results in injury to someone or

damage to property

c) an incident can be described as an undesired event that has caused

or could have caused damage, death, injury or ill health

d) an accident is an incident that results in no injury or damage, but had

the potential to do so

v5.0 (1)
Working safely – Assessment 4

14. Think about your main responsibilities as a worker. Which two of the following are
true? (Put a ✔ opposite the two statements you think are correct.)

a) it is your responsibility to have insurance in case you get hurt at work

b) you have a responsibility to take reasonable care not to put other

people at risk

c) it is your responsibility to ensure you cooperate with the company’s

safety and health plans and procedures

d) you do not need to inform your employer if something happens that

might affect your ability to work

15. Which two of the following are true? (Put a ✔ opposite the two statements you think
are correct.)

a) unsafe behaviour at work never includes taking short cuts to save time

b) if suitable safety equipment is available you should always use it ✔

c) time and peer pressures may affect your attitude and behaviour

towards safety in the workplace

d) it is acceptable to help others do their job even if you have not been

16. T
 hink about the organisation and worker responsibility for health surveillance and
monitoring. Identify who has responsibility for each of the following two statements.
(Put a ✔ in the correct column opposite each statement.)

Organisation Worker

Undergoing a health check or completing a

questionnaire to do with your health

Monitor the workplace from time from time to assess

if workplace measures are working properly

v5.0 (1)
Working safely – Assessment 4

17. Think about personal protective equipment – PPE. Which two of the following are
true? (Put a ✔ opposite the two statements you think are correct.)

a) n
 ever use your own PPE from home or from your last job ✔

b) PPE is always supplied in one size only

c) PPE should always be used as a last resort ✔

d) PPE does not have any specific storage requirements

18. Think about health and safety signs. Which statement is correct? (Select one answer
only from the following.)

a) b
 lue signs are mandatory signs ✔

b) blue signs are to warn about hazards

c) blue signs are for emergency escape routes

d) b
 lue signs are prohibition signs

v5.0 (1)
Working safely – Assessment 4

19. Think about emergency procedures in the workplace. Which two of the following are
true? (Put a ✔ opposite the two statements you think are correct.)

a) y ou only need to know if an emergency plan exists

b) workers need to know who to tell if they are the first person to see

an emergency occurring

c) it is not necessary for you to know who is in charge in an emergency

d) you must follow the emergency procedure, even in practices ✔

20. Think about what action should be taken if someone is injured in the workplace. Which
two of the following are true? (Put a ✔ opposite the two statements you think are

a) in a workplace accident you should attempt to deal with injuries even
if you have not had any training

b) first aid is the last port of call in an emergency

c) you should always try to stay calm ✔

d) reassure the person and make them as comfortable as possible till

help arrives

v5.0 (1)
Working safely – Assessment 4

Part B

1. Look at the picture opposite and answer the questions.

Please select the most appropriate answer from the box
below and write it into the space provided.

What is the hazard?

Working on a fragile roof

How can the hazard cause you harm?

Fall and cause injury

What is the most suitable way of controlling the risk?

Follow safe working procedures for the task

Answer selection:

• Exposed skin to solar radiation

• Working on a fragile roof
• Glare and reflections
• Follow safe working procedures for the task
• Fall and cause injury
• Keep a supply of water and take regular breaks

v5.0 (1)
Working safely – Assessment 4

2. Look at the picture opposite and answer the questions.

Please select the most appropriate answer from the box
below and write it into the space provided.

What is the hazard?

Spraying chemicals

How can the hazard cause you harm?

Get a stomach upset or poisoned

What is the most suitable way of controlling the risk?

Don’t eat or drink where hazardous chemicals are being used

Answer selection:

• Wearing inappropriate footwear

• Spraying chemicals
• Keep a supply of water and take regular breaks
• Don’t eat or drink where hazardous chemicals are being used
• Get a stomach upset or poisoned
• Clean up the spillage

v5.0 (1)
Working safely – Assessment 4

3. Look at the picture opposite and answer the questions.

Please select the most appropriate answer from the box
below and write it into the space provided.

What is the hazard?

Confined space

How can the hazard cause you harm?

Lack of oxygen causing breathing difficulties

What is the most suitable way of controlling the risk?

Carry out work without entering the space if possible

Answer selection:

• Poor lighting
• Confined space
• You could start a fire
• Put up a warning sign
• Carry out work without entering the space if possible
• Lack of oxygen causing breathing difficulties

v5.0 (1)
Working safely – Assessment 4

4. Look at the picture opposite and answer the questions.

Please select the most appropriate answer from the box
below and write it into the space provided.

What is the hazard?

Working in hot conditions

How can the hazard cause you harm?


What is the most suitable way of controlling the risk?

Keep a supply of water and take regular breaks

Answer selection:

• Working in hot conditions

• Service and maintain equipment
• Manual handling
• Dehydration
• Keep a supply of water and take regular breaks
• Develop back problems

v5.0 (1)
Working safely – Assessment 4

5. N
 oise can cause which of the following type of harm? (Put a ✔ opposite one statement
that you think is correct.)

a) develop breathing problems

b) develop hearing problems ✔

c) develop eye strain and headaches

6. W
 hich of the following is the most suitable way to control noise in the workplace? (Put
a ✔ opposite one statement that you think is correct.)

a) remove noisy safety guards on machinery

b) manage excessive work demands

c) wear ear protection ✔

7. Working at height with no barriers in place can cause which of the following type of
harm? (Put a ✔ opposite one statement that you think is correct.)

a) could fall and get injured ✔

b) develop high blood pressure

c) causes glare and reflections

8. Which of the following is the most suitable way to control working at height with no
barriers in place? (Put a ✔ opposite the statement you think is correct.)

a) install suitable guard rails and toe boards ✔

b) use a ladder

c) wear PPE

v5.0 (1)

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