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Lab #:

Topic:Feeding Relationships
Aim:To investigate feeding relationships among organisms in the environment
1. Choose an appropriate terrestrial habitat
2. Prepare a table to record observations made
3. Carefully observe the habitat of study
4. Make a list of the plants and animals seen in the area
5. Make a record of what each organism is feeding on


Organism Source of Food

1. Use the information in your table to construct three (3) food chains.
2. Use your three (3) food chains to construct a food web

Discussion of Results:
1. Introduction
2. Carefully analyze your food web giving examples of:
● The producers
● The herbivores (primary consumers)
● The carnivores (secondary consumers)
● The omnivores (predators/preys)
● Organisms feeding at different trophic levels
● Organism which are competing for food

3. Select any one food chain and explain the flow of energy along this food chain


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