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Hanley Castle Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday, 17 th March 2022 in
Hanley Swan Village Hall at 19:00.

Present: Councillors: Sue Roberts (Chairman), Lesley Smith, Sue Adeney, Pippa
Barkley, Alan Rogers and Alex Walker.

Apologies: Cllrs Alison Sparkes & Sara Beadon. Peter Goodyear (PPW), CCllr Tom
Wells, DCllr Andrea Morgan, DCllr Martin Allen, Nick Harper (Pond Warden).
In Attendance: The Clerk, 1 parishioner.

28/22 Declarations of Interest & Dispensation Requests from Councillors.

a) To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their
nature: None Received.
b) To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their
nature: None Declared.
c) To Consider Written Requests from Councillors for the Council to Grant a
Dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) – None received.

29/22 Welcome & Minutes: Cllr Roberts welcomed everyone to the March
meeting. The Minutes of the February Meeting of the Parish Council held on
Thursday, 17th February 2022 had been previously circulated and the minutes were

The meeting was then closed to allow members of the public to ask questions or
make comments. – No matters raised.

30/22 Matters Arising and Progress Reports for information:

a) Action List – The Action List was discussed and updated.
 Chapmans Orchard Residents to be invited to the compositing workshop
and asked about the verge outside Chapmans Orchard.

31/22 Finance:
a) To consider and APPROVE any payments notified in writing prior to the
meeting. These were agreed.
b) Receipts Received - read out

32/22 Planning: a) To Consider the following applications referred by

MHDC for consultation:

Application Location Proposal


M/22/00313/HP 1 Gothic Cottages Hanley Swan Rear and side single storey extension
Worcester WR8 0DX

No objection raised

M/22/00317/HP Woodbine Cottage Hanley Two storey extension to rear and

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Application Location Proposal

Swan Worcester WR8 0DN single storey extension to side. New

replacement porch.

Concern raised that another small property in the parish was being extended and would be the
loss of another 3 bedroom property which is the preferred size documented within the NHDP.

21/02055/LB Hanley Castle High School Replacement windows

Church End Hanley Castle
Worcester WR8 0BL

Application supported.

b) Planning Applications received after the Agenda produced:

None Received.

c) Planning Decisions:

21/02038/ Hillview 2 Blackmore Retrospective application for the Application

HP Park Farm Barns replacement of fabric canopy and the Withdrawn
Blackmore Park erection of an open-sided garden gazebo
Road Malvern WR14 with 4 timber posts and a garden shed for
3LF use as ancillary residential buildings

Letter received and circulated from the applicant.

d) NHDP: Next Steps & Actions – Cllr Roberts went through the action list in the
appendix of the NHDP. The Clerk was awaiting a response regarding the Local
Heritage List and regarding the British Legion property. With reference to the
MHDC housing needs survey, it was decided to ask Cllr Morgan for a contact to
discuss the survey as one would be needed if the plot next to St Gabriel’s
Church, identified for affordable housing in the NHDP, were to come forward.
The list of disused or redundant buildings had not been progressed but would
be in the future.
It was agreed that Cllr Smith would re-establish the link with the Three
Counties Showground and invite the CEO to attend a future meeting.
ACTION: Clerk to chase for a response from MHDC & British Legion and
to ask Cllr Morgan for a contact for Housing Needs Survey. Cllr Smith
to contact the Three Counties.

33/22 District and County Councillors’ Reports – None present

34/22 Report of the:

a) Parish Paths Warden – Received and read out.
b) Pond Wardens (Nick Harper) – The Pond Warden’s report was read out and
structures for the island were discussed along with possible species of trees. An
update would be requested from Nick following his meeting with Russell Faraday.

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ACTION: Cllr Walker to look into appropriate trees, Nick Harper to update
the PC following his meeting.
c) Playing Field Warden & Village Hall – The Clerk had contacted the Village Hall
Committee to ask about the installation of a projector on the wall or ceiling. The
prices were around £1000 and the Clerk suggested trialing a smaller mobile projector
at the next meeting.
d) Local Police – Report received and circulated.

35/22 Highways Matters

a) Road Safety Matters– Cllr Barkley updated the Council on the latest activity.
Hanley Castle High School parking was a continuing issue; there had been another
accident outside the school but neither this nor the previous one had been reported
to the Police. The school were using the white posts provided. It was agreed that Cllr
Barkley would write to the Headteacher to offer the Parish Council’s support in
looking at what could be done to prevent further accidents. It was noted that the
40mph sign outside the school had slipped down its post and the Clerk was asked to
mention it to the Lengthsman.
Installation of VAS machines was discussed and it was agreed that the best option
would be to look at the existing locations to check they were suitable for solar
powered signs and that extension poles would be able to be secured.
It was reported that there was a blocked drain at the end of Bowling Green - the
Clerk to report it via the Hub.
ACTION: Cllr Barkley to arrange purchase of policeman. Cllr Beadon to get
quotations for VAS machines and to look at the existing sites used and their
feasibility for Solar powered signs. Cllr Barkley to contact Lindsay Cooke.
The Clerk to contact the Lengthsman and the Hub to report the sign and
blocked drain.

36/22 Carbon Neutral Working Group

a) Update – Compositing Workshop on 2nd April 2-4.30pm; all streets with green
infrastructure would be invited. Verges were being worked on and roped off
with the intention to plug plant them to put colour into them. The High School
was keen to work with the Habitats group, especially providing hedgerow for
the Glebe. The Community Orchard were being taught how to lay a hedge.
HEAT was quiet at the moment.
b) Litter Pick – date set for 26th March, starting at 10am. Cllr Adeney was no
longer able to attend but Cllr Sparkes would hopefully be well enough to take
over the lead in Hanley Swan.
c) Electric Bike – Cllr Adeney showed the bike that had been loaned to them and
the loan agreement was circulated and amendments agreed. The Clerk was
asked to contact the insurers to check on cover as it was not owned by the
Council. Crowd funding to purchase a ladies bike was considered, Cllr Adeney
to investigate further.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact the Insurance Company and Cllr Adeney to
investigate crowd funding.

37/22 Correspondence
a) National Flood Forum – email circulated
b) Street lighting & Bunting – email circulated
c) Gocompare guide – Link put on the Hanley’s website
d) Countryside Noticeboard – Gigi has taken over the reins
e) Pay Award Agreement – 1.75% increase agreed

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f) As-One Worcestershire Campaign – Email/information circulated
g) Diocese Email – An email had been received regarding the registering of the
village hall and had been forwarded to the Village Hall Committee. The Clerk
was asked to write to them and advise that it was thought that the Village
Hall Committee had bought the land on which the hall stood and therefore
there was no need to register it.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact the Village Hall Committee.

38/22 Topics raised by Councillors, Committees, Clerk & Parishioners

a) Local Boundary Review – The proposed boundaries were discussed and
concern was raised about the impact of having two councillors from Powick
which was less rural and more Worcester-centric.
b) Jubilee planting and celebration - The Beacon would be on the Thursday and it
would be up to residents to organise individual street parties. The Parish
Council discussed funding of parties and whether applications for funding
would be considered. There was also a discussion on a Parish event and it was
agreed that it would be nice to have an open air service in some form. Cllr
Adeney to put something in the Parish Link and to ask the Primary School
about mugs for children. It was also agreed to ring fence some funds to go
towards donations for street parties and possibly use Eventbrite to co ordinate
c) The Queen’s Green Canopy – The planting of trees was talked about and it was
determined that it would be lovely to have a section of land planted.
ACTION: Cllr Adeney to draft a letter to send to Nick Lechmere.
d) Ukraine response – Cllr Adeney had drafted a statement which she read out
regarding the Parish Council’s disgust at the invasion of Ukraine. It was agreed
in principle and she would make suggested amendments and circulate for
e) ‘A World That Works For Everyone’ - Cllr Rogers proposed that the Parish
Council should publicly commit to A world that Works for Everyone. The
proposal was not discussed.
f) Spring Show Tickets – Cllr Smith confirmed that she had contacted the Three
Counties regarding tickets.

39/22 Items for the Next Agenda

a) The date of the next meeting was moved to the 28th April so that the Clerk
could attend.
b) The Clerk to bring cake!

40/22 Date of next meeting: The date of the next meeting was set for 28th April

Signed ……………………………… Date: 28th April 2022


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Appendix 1: Schedule of Payments & Receipts 17th March 2022.

Payments to be Approved at March Meeting

Peter Sauntson   February Lengthsman Duties 944.00

Rebecca Abunassar   March Clerk Duties 460.40
Sue Adeney   Electric Bike accessories 100.99
Nick Harper   Pond Equipment 97.47

Signed ……………………………… Date: 28th April 2022


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