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Here are the 3 questions to get good at anything. In this case, clarinet!

1. Where is the problem?

2. What is the problem?
3. How do I fix the problem?

Where is the problem? (The Problem)

This is the first step, observing/analyzing to find the problem. You will need your powers of
error detection. The easiest way to get better at this is to listen to good clarinet recordings.
When practicing, listen with a critical ear and don’t let anything get by you that doesn’t “sound
good.” This, like all things, gets better with attention and repetition. After working on this for a
while you may have the perception that you are getting worse. This is normal, you aren’t worse;
you are just more aware of improvements you need to make in your playing.

What is the problem? (The Cause)

This is where you may need a teacher. Some problems are easier to identify like a wrong note
or rhythm. Others problems take more experience to identify. For example, your ring fingers
may be sliding off the tone holes just slightly when using your pinky finger keys. Some
problems you need a teacher to point out. You will get better at this with more experience.

How do I fix the problem? (The Solution)

This is the action question!! At first you will need a teacher to guide you, but after some time
you will become a problem-fixing machine! It’s all about reducing complexity. Maybe you need
to subdivide a rhythm or isolate an interval. Sometimes a few register slurs may be in order or
long tones.

So that’s it, go get good!

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