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According to Bob Riley, “Drugs are the enemies of ambition and hope-and when we fight
against drugs, we are fighting for the future.”

Drugs affect people in many different ways. The use of drugs is very helpful, especially in
the medical aspect. However, if not used in a proper way, it might put us in a situation we can
never imagine. The abuse of drugs is one of the major issues in our society since then. There are
countless incidents reported in media platforms of people who became addicted to illegal drugs-
marijuana, cocaine, and ecstasy to name a few. In the Philippines, most of the people who became
drug addicts are young people. The reasons why they might into drugs and became drug dependent
are enjoyment or pleasure, environment, and curiosity. Addiction to drugs is a serious concern and
its treatment is a very difficult task to do. Take note, it is very hard to escape once you entered that

Notwithstanding that fact, there are still ways to avoid drugs. Prevention is the best way to
keep people from becoming addicted to drugs. How? First, we must learn to deal with life’s
pressures. The inability to deal with the problems in life brings people closer to drugs and other
unhealthy habits. Second, do not give in to peer pressures. One of the reasons why people became
drug addicts is because they want to join the trend and want to look cool in the image of others.
Third, is to develop close family ties. It has been shown in some research that the more you develop
close and tight family relationships, you will less likely become a drug addict. Fourth, develop
healthy habits. Be healthy and active by eating nutritious food and exercising regularly. Fifth,
engaged yourself in some recreational activities. Do some hiking, biking, or participating in
community works to divert your attention and enjoy yourself. Lastly and most importantly, learn
how to say “no” to drugs.

Up until now, there are many drug addicts not just in the Philippines but in the whole world.
People are easily tempted. Even though we already know its negatives, we still go on. All things
are harmful when used excessively not just drugs. But, it is important to know that our decisions
in the present affect our future and the next generation so, just say no to illegal drugs.

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