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Automatic Center Punch The automatic center punch is a device Definition
used to make a pinpoint indentation in
a hard material such as metal or
plastic without the use of a hammer.
Justice Justice is a broad concept which Clarification
encompasses a wide set of ideas, most
of which also branch out into smaller
notions. For instance, it can refer to
the sentencing of a criminal based on
due process. When an individual gets
what he deserves, even outside the
hands of the law, it is also considered
justice in some context. This may come
in the form of vigilante justice, in
which a person dissatisfied with the
system doles out punishing to wrong-
The Road Not Taken The speaker in the poem “The Road Explication
Not Taken” uses the word “sigh” to
signify possible future regret for the
decision that he made when faced with
two paths. While the poem focuses on
two physical paths – roads diverging in
a yellow wood,” the speaker is
alluding to metaphorical paths – two
possible choices that will alter the
course of his life.
Cave Paintings From the moment in 1879 that cave Clarification
paintings were discovered at Altamira,
scholars have wondered why the
hunterartists of the Old Stone Age
decided to cover the walls of dark
caverns with animal images. Various
answers have been given, including
that they were mere decoration,
English for Academic and Professional
Purposes | 20 but this theory cannot
explain the narrow range of subjects of
the inaccessibility of many of the
paintings. In fact, the remoteness and
difficulty of access of many of the cave
paintings and the fact they appear to
have been used for centuries are
precisely what have led many scholars
to suggest that the prehistoric hunters
attributed magical properties to the
images they painted.
Boondocks Boondocks (1944), a remote rural Definitions
area, back country, an isolated or wild
region filled with dense brush, comes
from Tagalog bundok, “mountain.” An
“s” was added, since English has the
tendency to affix the letter to locations,
as in the sticks (a synonym for the
boondocks), the damps, and the woods.
While the word means “mountain” to
the people of the Philippines, American
soldiers extended the meaning to any
kind of rough country or out-of-the-
way locale.

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