MD 1 Quiz 4 28 22

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MD 1

April 28, 2022

Direction: Choose the letter that corresponds the correct answer. Show your solutios.

Situational prob 1.
The material is a spring wire has a shear modulus of 1.2 x 107 lbf/in2. The maximum allowable
stress under design conditions is 50,000 lbf/in2. The spring index is 7. Assume the maximum
stress is experienced when a 700 lbm objects falls from a height of 46 in above the tip of the
spring, impacts squarely on the spring, and deflects the spring 10 in. Determie:
1. The minimum wire diameter is most nearly
A. 0.58 in B. 0.88 in C. 1.4 in D. 1.8 in
2. The mean coil diameter is most nearly
A. 8.6 in B. 10 in C. 13 in D. 16 in
3. The number of active coils is most nearly
A. 8 B. 11 C. 12 D. 14

Situational prob 2.
Two concentric springs are constructed with squared and ground ends from oil-hardened steel.
The ultimate strength for the steel is 204,000 lbf/in2. The steel’s yield strength is to be estimated as
75% of the ultimate strength. The shear modulus for the steel is 11.5 x 106 lbf/in2. The springs
support a static force of 150 lbf. The spring dimensions and
properties are as follows:
Inner spring
Wire diameter: 0.177 in Mean coil diameter: 1.5 in
Free length: 4.5 in Total number of coils: 12.75
Outer spring
Wire diameter: 0.2253 in Mean coil diameter: 2.0 in
Free length: 3.75 in Total number of coils: 10.25
1. The deflection of the inner spring is most nearly
A. 2.0 in B. 2.4 in C. 2.9 in D. 3.1 in
2.The maximum force exerted by the inner spring is most nearly
A. 57 lbf B. 67 lbf C. 79 lbf D. 86 lbf
3. The maximum shear stress in the inner spring is most nearly
A. 47 kips/in2 B. 52 kips/in2 C. 57 kips/in2 D. 64 kips/in2
4. The factor of safety in shear for the inner spring is most nearly
A. 1.2 B. 1.5 C. 1.8 D. 2.2

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