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Extraterrestrial life (from the Latin words: extra ("beyond", or "not of") and terrestris ("of

or belonging to Earth")) is defined as life that does not originate from Earth. Hypothetical
forms of extraterrestrial life range from simple bacteria-like organisms to sapient beings far
more advanced than humans. It is currently unknown whether any such forms of life exist or
ever existed.

The development and testing of theories about extraterrestrial life is known as exobiology or
astrobiology; the term astrobiology however also covers the study of life on Earth, viewed in
its astronomical context.

Possible basis of extraterrestrial life

Alien life, such as bacteria, has been theorized by scientists such as Carl Sagan to exist in the Solar
System and quite possibly throughout the Universe. No samples have been found.

Because Earth and other planets are made up of "stardust", i.e. relatively abundant chemical
elements formed from stars which have ended their lives as supernovae, it is very probable that
other planets may have been formed by elements of a similar composition to the Earth's. The
combination of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the chemical form of carbohydrates (e.g. sugar) can
be a source of chemical energy on which life depends, and can also provide structural elements for

Evolution and morphology

In addition to the biochemical basis of extraterrestrial life, many have also considered
evolution and morphology. Science fiction has often depicted extraterrestrial life with
humanoid and/or reptilian forms. Aliens have often been depicted as having light green or
grey skin, with a large head, as well as four limbs—i.e. fundamentally humanoid. Other
subjects, such as felines and insects, etc., have also occurred in fictional representations of

Myths about ancient astronauts (visitors) from the sky have been documented as far back as
oral tradition and written history provides. These are creational myths about a race on a tiny
planet at the edge of the universe called Earth.

Ancient civilizations all had creational forces who came from the sky, gods and goddesses
who interacted in the creation of humanity as a bipolar experiment in linear time and

Extraterestrii au coborat pe planeta noastra candva in Antichitate si sunt printre noi de

cel putin cateva mii de ani. Este doar unul dintre numeroasele mituri legate de aceste
fiinte. Culturile din intreaga lume sunt pline de mituri despre extraterestri care coboara
din cer.
Conform acestei teorii, ei ar fi crescut pe Pamant impreuna cu oamenii. Un faraon monoteist
numit Akhenaten ar fi un bun exemplu de hibrid om-extraterestru. Ramasitele acestuia au
relevat faptul ca el nu avea caracteristici similare cu ale oamenilor din regiunea sa. Acesta se
distingea prin trasaturi ciudate pe care nici populatia planetei noastre nu le are.

Structura lui faciala era una foarte alungita. La fel erau corpul, mainile si picioarele sale.
Soldurile sale erau unele specifice femeilor. S-a afirmat ca faraonul s-a nascut cu unele
malformatii congenitale. In plus, el avea convingeri religioase radicale, eretice. Astfel de
trasaturi il pun pe faraon in ipostaza de hibrid intre oameni si extraterestri.

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