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Simple Present

1. Write the he/she/it form of these verbs.

1. live ____________ 11. finish ____________ 21. comment ___________
2. occur ____________ 12. use ____________ 22. experiment __________
3. erupt ____________ 13. hurry ____________ 23. take __________
4. drink ____________ 14. supply ____________ 24. prevent __________
5. play ____________ 15. increase ____________ 25. rain __________
6. recycle ____________ 16. push ____________ 26. damage __________
7. teach ____________ 17. influence ___________ 27. destroy __________
8. carry ____________ 18. label ____________ 28. pollute __________
9. fly ____________ 19. describe ____________ 29. discuss __________
10. study ____________ 20. watch ____________ 30. focus __________

2. Write the negative form of these verbs.

1. he talks _________________________ 11. you give _______________________
2. I come ________________________ 12. it grows ________________________
3. they help ________________________ 13. they see ________________________
4. she keeps _______________________ 14. it reaches _______________________
5. Rose tries _______________________ 15. I walk ________________________
6. I write ______________________ 16. we check _______________________
7. they record ______________________ 17. he cuts down ____________________
8. Nick puts on _____________________ 18. you try _______________________
9. Adam wants _____________________ 19. I understand _____________________
10. it means _______________________ 20. they meet ______________________

3. Write the interrogative form of these sentences (Yes/No questions).

1. Peter and John travel a lot for their work.
2. Mary uses the computer every day.
3. They work long hours.
4. They water the plants.
5. The farmer feeds the turkeys and ducks every day.
6. We study Spanish.
7. They prune their peach trees every year.
8. He watches the weather forecast in the evening.
9. It rains a lot in winter in my hometown.
10. It is always foggy near the river.
11. Temperatures usually drop in January.
12. It snows in the mountain near my town.

4. Write these sentences in the negative form:

1. The wind blows every night. 8. Dave works in London.
2. The secretary sends the documents by email. 9. He studies Mathematics.
3. We use this printer. 10. The explanations about the Present Simple are on
4. Our children play in the garden. page 99.
5. They speak Russian. 11. This course provides a basic introduction to English
6. We often download music from the Internet. grammar.
7. Andrew is an emergency manager. 12. We shut down the computer every evening.

5. Ask the appropriate questions. Pay attention to the underlined words.
1. Those boots are old and dirty.
2. The post office is near the station.
3. They keep the ink cartridges in a desk drawer.
4. The computer shop opens at 9.00 a.m.
5. They want to eat a sandwich because they are very hungry.
6. George spends about fifteen minutes checking his emails every evening.
7. They milk the ewes twice a day.
8. No, they don’t. (They do not drive ambulances).
9. Yes, they do. Tony and Daniel wash the fire engines every week.
10. Yes, it does. (This article focuses on forest fires.)
11. No, he doesn’t. (Adam does not delete files every week.)
12. Yes, they do. (They teach Biology and Chemistry.)
13. Alan checks his emails in the morning.
14. These young engineers work in London.
15. They have two combine-harvesters.

6. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of these verbs. The first one is done for you.
How often do you…? John Anna and Mary you
1. go to the cinema? sometimes never ?
2. read articles about natural disasters? never usually ?
3. drink coffee in the evening? always seldom ?
4. buy books about livestock? occasionally never ?
5. browse the web? rarely sometimes ?
6. download pictures from the Internet? usually occasionally ?

1. John sometimes goes to the cinema.

Anna and Mary ______________________________________________________
I ___________________________________________________________________
2. John ____________________________________________________________
Anna and Mary ______________________________________________________
I __________________________________________________________________
3. John ____________________________________________________________
Anna and Mary ______________________________________________________
I __________________________________________________________________
4. John ____________________________________________________________
Anna and Mary ______________________________________________________
I __________________________________________________________________
5. John ____________________________________________________________
Anna and Mary ______________________________________________________
I __________________________________________________________________
6. John ____________________________________________________________
Anna and Mary ______________________________________________________
I __________________________________________________________________

7. Complete the sentences. Add –s or –es.

1. She play___ golf at the weekend. 8. Sally go___ to the mountains three or four times a
2. He drink___ three litres of water every day! year.
3. She drive___ a Korean car. 9. He wash___ his car every Saturday.
4. He finish___ work at about 5 o’clock. 10. She walk___ to school if she miss___ the bus.
5. It get___ very cold here in winter. 11. My brother live___ in Canada.
6. My cat like___ to sleep in front of the fire. 12. When she make___ a mistake, she smile___.
7. The shop open___ at 9 am and close___ at 6 pm. When I make a mistake, she get___ angry!

8. Add –s or –es. Then match the sentences.

___ 1. Tim’s a fisherman. a) She type___ emails all day.
___ 2. Paula’s a teacher. b) He look___ after 123 cows!
___ 3. Jackie’s an artist. c) She work___ in a hospital.
___ 4. Kelly’s a secretary. d) He go___ to sea.
___ 5. My uncle is a farmer. e) She teach___ at my school.
___ 6. Karen’s a doctor. f) She paint___ in a studio.
___ 7. Antonio’s a chef. g) He work___ in a garage.
___ 8. Jack’s a mechanic. h) He cook___ food in a restaurant.
9. Fill in the gaps.
Mr Thompson works in an office in Glasgow. Here he talks about what he does every day. Fill in the gaps with the
verbs from the box. The first has been done for you.

arrive be brush dream drink eat feed have

leave live look make put read shine sleep
talk telephone watch write

My day
At 7.21 my alarm clock rings and I wake up. I hate my alarm clock! It makes too much noise. I get up at 7.30 and
(1) make my bed. Then I (2)___________ a shower and brush my teeth. I get dressed and have breakfast. I
always (3)___________ three eggs and five pieces of toast. I (4)___________ two cups of tea and then I
(5)___________ my teeth again. I (6)___________ some milk in a bowl for my dog, and at 8.30 am I
(7)___________ the house and catch the bus to work. I (8)___________ at the office at about 9 am and drink a
cup of tea. I eat some biscuits and (9)___________ out of the window. Then I have a rest.

At lunch time I eat a sandwich and (10)___________ the newspaper. At around 3.30 I take off my shoes and
(11)___________ for twenty minutes, sometimes twenty-five minutes, sometimes half an hour. I (12)___________
two or three emails and (13)___________ my sister who (14)___________ in Australia. We (15)___________ for
fifteen minutes. She always tells me about the weather. There (16)___________ three kinds of weather in Australia
– hot, very hot and boiling hot!

I leave office at about 4.30. When I get home I (17)___________ the dog and (18)___________ TV. At 11 pm I
go to bed. The moon (19)___________ in the sky and I sleep. I (20)___________ about holidays. Then at 7.21 my
alarm rings.

10. Make negative sentences.

Example: Please speak slowly. I / not / understand English very well.
Please speak slowly. I do not understand English very well.

1. Can you tell me the time please? I /not / have a watch

2. I cannot drive you to the party. I / not / have a car
3. Why are you eating pizza? You / not / like cheese
4. I’m tired. I / not / want to go out tonight
5. That’s a difficult question. I / not / know the answer
6. It’s a very small house. We / not / have a garden
7. I cannot marry you. I / not / love you
8. I cannot buy you a present. I / not / have enough money
9. I’m a doorman. I / not / like the rain
10. I’m a snowman. I / not / like the sun
Dainty, P. 1998. Penguin grammar workbook 1 Beginners. London: Penguin Books: 14-15 (adapted).

11. Ask questions in the present simple.

1. you / like eggs 7. you / have any money
2. you /watch TV a lot 8. this train / go to Tokyo
3. he / come to work by bus 9. you / live near the sea
4. you / take sugar in your tea 10. you / know her telephone number
5. she / want a dog 11. you / own a car
6. you / have any brothers or sisters 12. she / know the answer

12. Ask questions in the present simple. Give short answers.

1. you / like my dress No, I ___________. 7. you / make your own bread No, I ___________.
2. you / like Indian food Yes, I ___________. 8. your sister / like her job Yes, she ___________.
3. you / eat a lot of fruit No, I ___________. 9. we / have stamps No, we ___________.
4. Sally / play tennis No, she ___________. 10. you / love me No, I ___________.
5. you / want to hear a joke? No, I ___________. 11. you / want a cup of tea No, I ___________.
6. you / have a computer at home? Yes, I __________. 12. they / like chocolate? Yes, they ___________.

13. Make questions in the present simple.
1. a) The earth moves round the sun. 11. a) That shop sells bread.
b) Does the earth move round the sun? b) _________________________________

2. a) I love you. 12. a) That film tells the true story of the war.
b) _________________________________ b) _________________________________

3. a) This train stops at Venice. 13. a) Your car goes fast.

b) _________________________________ b) _________________________________

4. a) You play golf on holiday. 14. a) He enjoys the work at that company.
b) _________________________________ b) _________________________________

5. a) She always does the exercises. 15. a) She’s got very nice friends.
b) _________________________________ b) _________________________________

6. a) They like the colour of that house. 16. a) It makes you angry.
b) _________________________________ b) _________________________________

7. a) She always arrives late. 17. a) You live in Rome.

b) _________________________________ b) _________________________________

8. a) You feel ill today. 18. a) She listens to ‘pop’ music.

b) _________________________________ b) _________________________________

9. a) They read interesting books on that course. 19. a) They want to go to the moon.
b) _________________________________ b) _________________________________

10. a) Those chairs cost £300. 20. a) The sun rises in the East.
b) _________________________________ b) _________________________________
Dainty, P. 1998. Penguin grammar workbook 1 Beginners. London: Penguin Books: 16-17 (adapted).

14. Complete the text about Katya’s daily routine with the verbs from the box.
cook drink get up x2 go x2 have leave listen to live paint play

Katya’s day
Katya is 25. She is an artist. She (1) __________ in a small house. She usually (2) __________ at ten o’clock in
the morning. She never (3) __________ early. She (4) __________ coffee and toast for breakfast and then she
(5)__________ for a walk with her dog.

She (6) __________ home at eleven o’clock and she (7) __________ in her studio until seven o’clock in the evening.
Then she (8) __________ dinner and (9) __________ a glass of wine. After dinner, she sometimes (10) __________
music and she sometimes (11) __________ the piano. She usually (12) __________ to bed very late, at one or two
o’clock in the morning.
Soars L and J. Soars. 2002. New Headway Beginner student’s books. Oxford: OUP: 44.

15. Complete the questions in the present simple. Give short answers.
1. ______ you like ice-cream? Yes, I ___________. 5. ______ she go to bed early? No, she _________.
2. ______ she work in London? Yes, she ________. 6. ______ they have a dog? Yes, they ___________.
3. Where ______ he work? In a bank. 7. ______ he speak German? No, he ___________.
4. ______ you go to work by bus? No, I ___________. 8. ______ they live in the United States?
No, they ___________.
Soars L and J. Soars. 2002. New Headway Beginner student’s books. Oxford: OUP: 45.

16. Match the questions and answers.

1. How do you come to school? (a) They start at nine o’clock.
2. What do you have for breakfast? (b) In an office in the town centre.
3. Who is your favourite pop group? (c) Three.
4. Where does your father work? (d) Not a lot. About two pounds.
5. Why do you want to learn English? (e) I don’t have a favourite. I like a lot.
6. How much money do you have in your bag? (f) By bus.
7. When do lessons start at your school? (g) Because it’s an international language.
8. How many languages does your teacher speak? (h) Toast and coffee.
Soars L and J. Soars. 2002. New Headway Beginner student’s books. Oxford: OUP: 51.

Simple Present
1. Write the he/she/it form of these verbs.
1. lives 11. finishes 21. comments
2. occurs 12. uses 22. experiments
3. erupts 13. hurries 23. takes
4. drinks 14. supplies 24. prevents
5. plays 15. increases 25. rains
6. recycles 16. pushes 26. damages
7. teaches 17. influences 27. destroys
8. carries 18. labels 28. pollutes
9. flies 19. describes 29. discusses
10. studies 20. watches 30. focuses

2. Write the negative form of these verbs.

1. he talks he does not (= doesn’t) talk 11. you give you do not (= don’t) give
2. I come I do not (= don’t) come 12. it grows it does not (= doesn’t) grow
3. they help they do not (= don’t) help 13. they see they do not (= don’t) see
4. she keeps she does not (= doesn’t) keep 14. it reaches it does not (= doesn’t) reach
5. Rose tries Rose does not (= doesn’t) try 15. I walk I do not (= don’t) walk
6. I write I do not (= don’t) write 16. we check we do not (= don’t) check
7. they record they do not (= don’t) record 17. he cuts down he does not (= doesn’t) cut down
8. Nick puts on Nick does not (= doesn’t) put on 18. you try you do not (= don’t) try
9. Adam wants Adam does not (= doesn’t) want 19. I understand I do not (= don’t) understand
10. it means it does not (= doesn’t) mean 20. they meet they do not (= don’t) meet

3. Write the interrogative form of these sentences (Yes/No questions).

1. Peter and John travel a lot for their work.
Do Peter and John travel a lot for their work?
2. Mary uses the computer every day.
Does Mary use her computer every day?
3. They work long hours.
Do they water the plants?
4. They water the plants.
Does the farmer feed the turkeys and ducks every day?
5. The farmer feeds the turkeys and ducks every day.
Do you study Spanish?
6. We study Spanish.
Do they prune their peach trees every year?
7. They prune their peach trees every year.
Does he watch the weather forecast in the evening?
8. He watches the weather forecast in the evening.
Does it rain a lot in winter in your hometown?
9. It rains a lot in winter in my hometown.
Is it always foggy near the river?
10. It is always foggy near the river.
Do temperatures usually drop in January?
11. Temperatures usually drop in January.
Does it snow in the mountain near your town?
12. It snows in the mountain near my town.

4. Write these sentences in the negative form:

1. The wind does not blow every night.
2. The secretary does not send the documents by email.
3. We do not use this printer.
4. Our children do not play in the garden.
5. They do not speak Russian.
6. We do not often download music from the Internet.

7. Andrew is not an emergency manager.
8. Dave does not work in London.
9. He does not study Mathematics.
10. The explanations about the Present Simple are not on page 99.
11. This course does not provide a basic introduction to English grammar.
12. We do not shut down the computer every evening.

5. Ask the appropriate questions. Pay attention to the underlined words.

1. How are those boots?
2. Where is the post office?
3. Where do they keep the ink cartridges?
4. What time does the computer shop open?
5. Why do they want to eat a sandwich?
6. How long does George spend checking his emails every evening?
7. How often do they milk the ewes?
8. Do they drive ambulances?
9. Do Tony and Daniel wash the fire engines every week?
10. Does this article focus on forest fires?
11. Does Adam delete files every week?
12. Do they teach Biology and Chemistry?
13. When does Alan check his emails?
14. Where do these young engineers work?
15. How many combine-harvesters do they have?

6. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of these verbs. The first one is done for you.
1. John sometimes goes to the cinema.
Anna and Mary sometimes go to the cinema.
I hardly ever go to the cinema.
2. John never reads articles about natural disasters.
Anna and Mary usually read articles about natural disasters.
I never read articles about natural disasters.
3. John always drinks coffee in the evening.
Anna and Mary seldom drink coffee in the evening.
I sometimes drink coffee in the evening.
4. John occasionally buys books about livestock.
Anna and Mary never buy books about livestock.
I hardly ever buy books about livestock.
5. John rarely browse the web.
Anna and Mary sometimes browse the web.
I always browse the web.
6. John usually download pictures from the Internet.
Anna and Mary occasionally download pictures from the Internet.
I sometimes download pictures from the Internet.

7. Complete the sentences. Add –s or –es.

1. She plays golf at the weekend.
2. He drinks three litres of water every day!
3. She drives a Korean car.
4. He finishes work at about 5 o’clock.
5. It gets very cold here in winter.
6. My cat likes to sleep in front of the fire.
7. The shop opens at 9 am and closes at 6 pm.
8. Sally goes to the mountains three or four times a year.
9. He washes his car every Saturday.
10. She walks to school if she misses the bus.
11. My brother lives in Canada.
12. When she makes a mistake, she smiles. When I make a mistake, she gets angry!

8. Add –s or –es. Then match the sentences.
(d) 1. Tim’s a fisherman. He goes to sea.
(e) 2. Paula’s a teacher. She teaches at my school.
(f) 3. Jackie’s an artist. She paints in a studio.
(a) 4. Kelly’s a secretary. She types emails all day.
(b) 5. My uncle is a farmer. He looks after 123 cows!
(c) 6. Karen’s a doctor. She works in a hospital.
(h) 7. Antonio’s a chef. He cooks food in a restaurant.
(g) 8. Jack’s a mechanic. He works in a garage.

9. Fill in the gaps.

Mr Thompson works in an office in Glasgow. Here he talks about what he does every day. Fill in the gaps with the
verbs from the box. The first has been done for you.

arrive be brush dream drink eat feed have

leave live look make put read shine sleep
talk telephone watch write

My day
At 7.21 my alarm clock rings and I wake up. I hate my alarm clock! It makes too much noise. I get up at 7.30 and
(1) make my bed. Then I (2) have a shower and brush my teeth. I get dressed and have breakfast. I always (3)
eat three eggs and five pieces of toast. I (4) drink two cups of tea and then I (5) brush my teeth again. I (6)
put some milk in a bowl for my dog, and at 8.30 am I (7) leave the house and catch the bus to work. I (8) arrive
at the office at about 9 am and drink a cup of tea. I eat some biscuits and (9) look out of the window. Then I have
a rest.

At lunch time I eat a sandwich and (10) read the newspaper. At around 3.30 I take off my shoes and (11) sleep
for twenty minutes, sometimes twenty-five minutes, sometimes half an hour. I (12) write two or three emails and
(13) telephone my sister who (14) lives in Australia. We (15) talk for fifteen minutes. She always tells me about
the weather. There (16) are three kinds of weather in Australia – hot, very hot and boiling hot!

I leave office at about 4.30. When I get home I (17) feed the dog and (18) watch TV. At 11 pm I go to bed. The
moon (19) shines in the sky and I sleep. I (20) dream about holidays. Then at 7.21 my alarm rings.

2. have 6. put 10. read 14. lives 18. watch

3. eat 7. leave 11. sleep 15. talk 19. shines
4. drink 8. arrive 12. write 16. are 20 dream
5. brush 9. look 13. telephone 17. feed

10. Make negative sentences.

Example: Please speak slowly. I / not / understand English very well.
Please speak slowly. I do not understand English very well.

1. Can you tell me the time please? I don’t have a watch.

2. I cannot drive you to the party I don’t have a car.
3. Why are you eating pizza? You don’t like cheese.
4. I’m tired. I don’t want to go out tonight.
5. That’s a difficult question. I don’t know the answer.
6. It’s a very small house. We don’t have a garden.
7. I cannot marry you. I don’t love you.
8. I cannot buy you a present. I don’t have any money.
9. I’m a doorman. I don’t like the rain.
10. I’m a snowman. I don’t like the sun.
Dainty, P. 1998. Penguin grammar workbook 1 Beginners. London: Penguin Books: 14-15 (adapted).

11. Ask questions in the present simple.
1. Do you like eggs? 7. Do you have any money?
2. Do you watch TV a lot? 8. Does this train go to Tokyo?
3. Does he come to work by bus? 9. Do you live near the sea?
4. Do you take sugar in your tea? 10. Do you know her telephone number?
5. Does she want a dog? 11. Do you own a car?
6. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 12. Does she know the answer?

12. Ask questions in the present simple. Give short answers.

1. Do you like my dress? No, I don’t.
2. Do you like Indian food? Yes, I do. 7. Do you make your own bread? No, I don’t.
3. Do you eat a lot of fruit? No, I don’t. 8. Does your sister like her job? Yes, she does.
4. Does Sally play tennis? No, she doesn’t. 9. Do we have stamps? No, we don’t.
5. Do you want to hear a joke? No, I don’t. 10. Do you love me? No, I don’t.
6. Do you have a computer at home? Yes, I do. 11. Do you want a cup of tea? No, I don’t.
12. Do they like chocolate? Yes, they do.

13. Make questions in the present simple.

1. a) The earth moves round the sun. 11. a) That shop sells bread.
b) Does the earth move round the sun? b) Does that shop sell bread?

2. a) I love you. 12. a) That film tells the true story of the war.
b) Do I love you? b) Does that film tell the true story of the war?

3. a) This train stops at Venice. 13. a) Your car goes fast.

b) Does this train stop at Venice? b) Does your car go fast?

4. a) You play golf on holiday. 14. a) He enjoys the work at that company.
b) Do you play golf on holiday? b) Does he enjoy the work at that company?

5. a) She always does the exercises. 15. a) She’s got very nice friends.
b) Does she always do the exercises? b) Has she got very nice friends?

6. a) They like the colour of that house. 16. a) It makes you angry.
b) Do they like the colour of that house? b) Does it make you angry?

7. a) She always arrives late. 17. a) You live in Rome.

b) Does she always arrive late? b) Do you live in Rome?

8. a) You feel ill today. 18. a) She listens to ‘pop’ music.

b) Do you feel ill today? b) Does she listen to ‘pop’ music?

9. a) They read interesting books on that course. 19. a) They want to go to the moon.
b) Do they read interesting books on that b) Do they want to go to the moon?
20. a) The sun rises in the East.
10. a) Those chairs cost £300. b) Does the sun rise in the East?
b) Do those chairs cost £300?
Dainty, P. 1998. Penguin grammar workbook 1 Beginners. London: Penguin Books: 16-17 (adapted).

14. Complete the text about Katya’s daily routine with the verbs from the box.
cook drink get up x2 go x2 have leave listen to live paint play

Katya’s day
Katya is 25. She is an artist. She (1) lives in a small house. She usually (2) gets up at ten o’clock in the morning.
She never (3) gets up early. She (4) has coffee and toast for breakfast and then she (5) goes for a walk with her

She (6) leaves home at eleven o’clock and she (7) paints in her studio until seven o’clock in the evening. Then
she (8) cooks dinner and (9) drinks a glass of wine. After dinner, she sometimes (10) listens to music and she
sometimes (11) plays the piano. She usually (12) goes to bed very late, at one or two o’clock in the morning.
Soars L and J. Soars. 2002. New Headway Beginner student’s books. Oxford: OUP: 44.

15. Complete the questions in the present simple. Give short answers.
1. Do you like ice-cream? Yes, I do. 5. Does she go to bed early? No, she doesn’t.
2. Does she work in London? Yes, she does. 6. Do they have a dog? Yes, they do.
3. Where does he work? In a bank. 7. Does he speak German? No, he doesn’t.
4. Do you go to work by bus? No, I don’t. 8. Do they live in the United States?
No, they don’t.
Soars L and J. Soars. 2002. New Headway Beginner student’s books. Oxford: OUP: 45.

16. Match the questions and answers.

1. How do you come to school? (f) By bus.
2. What do you have for breakfast? (h) Toast and coffee.
3. Who is your favourite pop group? (e) I don’t have a favourite. I like a lot.
4. Where does your father work? (b) In an office in the town centre.
5. Why do you want to learn English? (g) Because it’s an international language.
6. How much money do you have in your bag? (d) Not a lot. About two pounds.
7. When do lessons start at your school? (a) They start at nine o’clock.
8. How many languages does your teacher speak? (c) Three.

Soars L and J. Soars. 2002. New Headway Beginner student’s books. Oxford: OUP: 51.

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