Group 4 Faci - Script

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----------------------------------Lewish Script Starts Here------------------------------------------------


For the introduction.
Good morning, Everyone! Before we begin, Let’s have a short fun time to refresh our minds.
The game is called “Describe your Neighbor”. Is this game familiar to any of you? So here’s
what we’re gonna do. We just need 3 participants. We’re gonna pick our neighbor which is on
the right side of our screen, and we describe them. See? Just as easy as that. Then after the short
description of your neighbor, you have to reveal their name. And they will describe their
neighbor too.

Since we are finished with the introductions of the Team. Let’s proceed to another game which is
called WORDWALL. In this game, you will find words that will give you a hint to the Topic that
we’re going to tackle today.

So, our topic for today’s video is INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGy, before we proceed, to finding
what this means, first we must know the objectives.
*reads the objectives*
So after the discussion, you are expected to achieved the stated objectives presented on the
screen. So klaro raba?
*proceed to the main topic*
So instructional Strategy. Do you have any idea, what Instructional strategy means? *reads the
Explanation: These are somehow the methods used by teachers to effeciently help students to
become more independent. So that the students in the future can self-sustained , or like self-


-by Making Activities Fun. How teachers can motivate students? One way to encourage students
and teach them responsibility is to get them involved in the classroom
-We have to make the participation fun, for instance Make participating fun by giving each
student a job to do. In that way, we can get the students interest.
Give students time to reflect. Especially if the info, they think they have is credible and factual
- Group discussions naturally help students retain information, because when students see their
fellow classmates, that visual will spark memories of what those students had to say about the
lesson in question or give them materials to use so that they will use it to read if they have time.
- Is there a need to assess the students learning? Why do you think so? ntegrates grading,
learning, and motivation for your students. Well-designed assessment methods provide valuable
information about student learning. They tell us what students learned, how well they learned it,
and where they struggled. In that way we can help them retain the informations that we give to

Reads quote and explains. – That why as intructors we need to make sure what type of
instructional strategy w’re going to use, in order to meet the students needs. and that will be
discussed after this, so is there any questions?.

----------------------------------Lucina Chiong's Script Starts Here----------------------------------

 Thank you, Teacher Lewish. Good day, ladies and gents. I hope you are still breathing
just fine. Okay pa ba ang tanan? Okay pa ba mo? Before we start, can you please type
any emojis that can relate to what you are feeling right now in our chat box? Thank you
for your participation. I know that we may have different feelings, but I hope that we are
all still energized and motivated to learn.
 Since Teacher Lewish has discussed the different instructional strategies, we will now
talk about the selected active learning and student-centered strategies. So, unsa manang
mga selected active learning and student-centered strategies?
 But before that, let's define first what is active learning? Ato sang ila-ilahon kung unsa
ning active learning.

DEFINITION (Active Learning):

 Active learning is a student-centered approach in which ang instructor kay mo gamit og
mga instructional strategies that engage students as active participants throughout the
learning process. Within this approach, students should be able to fully participate in their

EXPLANATION (Active Learning):

 Furthermore, ang kaning active learning, it is when ang responsibility for learning kay
naa nas mga students.
 So unsa may buhaton sa mga students in active learning? Ang buhaton sa mga students
kay mag solve og problems, answer questions, formulate questions of their own, discuss,
explain, debate, and mag brainstorm og ideas with their classmates during class.
 Then unsa man say buhaton sa teacher? In active learning, the role of the instructor in the
classroom is moving away from being a transmitter of facts (a teacher-centered/content-
oriented approach) toward being a facilitator of learning. They are also the providers of
timely, targeted feedback, and tig synthesize sa mga ideas sa mga students and mo gamit
og assessment data to create new learning experiences. This kind of approach is called
the student-centered/learning-oriented approach.

So unsa may gamiton na strategies sa mga teachers in active learning? This is called the selected
active learning and student-centered strategies.

 These refer to a broad range of teaching strategies in which ang students serve as active
participants in their learning during class time with their instructor. Typically, these
strategies involve some number of students working together during class, but dili lang ni
mo limit sa collaborations or grouping activities, it may also involve individual work
and/or magmake ba ron og mga reflections ang mga students.

INTRODUCTION (Interactive Lectures):

 So, unsa may mga examples of selected active learning and student-centered strategies?
 The first one is the Interactive Lectures.
 Basically, Teacher Lewish has discussed lectures as one of the instructional strategies,
but now we will talk about interactive lectures.
 So what do you think is the difference between lectures and interactive lectures, aside
from their names? Any volunteers? Okay wala, let me call the beautiful and
pinakaenergetic namo na ex-mayor, Alvie to answer the question, please.

DEFINITION PPT (Interactive Lectures):

 Thank you so much for that Alvie. That's right!
 Interactive lecture is different from the formal lecture.
 It is an easy way for instructors to intellectually engage and involve students as active
participants in a lecture-based class of any size.
 It is usually not longer than 20-25 minutes.

EXPLANATION (Interactive Lectures):

 To make the lecture interactive, you must make sure that all students can participate
actively in the class discussion.
 Additionally, interactive lectures include segments of lecture combined with
segments/activity where students can interact or participate actively in the class

EXAMPLE (Interactive Lectures):

 So, an example of an interactive lecture is when a grade 8 mathematics teacher combines
her lecture with interactive activities. Like for instance, after niya nagdiscuss sa
pagevaluate of algebraic expression. She will then give a mathematical problem about
evaluating algebraic expressions with several possible approaches to solving it. First, she
let the students suggest different approaches on solving the problem. Then, she let all the
students vote on which approach they would pursue. Then, katong approach/way nga
nakakuha og majority votes maoy sundon sa mga students sa pagsolve sa problem. Then,
the teacher will call on one student to solve the first step, and the rest of the class will
evaluate if the solution is correct or not. If correct, then the teacher will call another
student to solve the second step, and then the rest of the class will evaluate if the solution
is correct or not. Until they get the correct answer.
EXPLANATION (Interactive Lectures):
 Through this, all of the students can participate and be able to collaborate with their
classmates on solving the problem.


 In delivering interactive lecture, here are the important factors that you need to consider
to have an effective and interactive lecture:
 First, interactive lecture is a two way communication. Dili ra ang teacher ang pirmi
magtabi, ang pirmi mag discuss but the students are also given the opportunity, the
responsibility to talk, share their ideas, while the teacher give feedbacks, additional
information or give some corrections if needed.
 Second, it will use visuals. Its purpose is to assist learners in grasping concepts easily by
drawing their attention, stimulating imagination and affecting their cognitive capabilities.
Like they can easily memorize the information through visual aids.
 Third, eye contact. Eye contact is one of the powerful tool to convey message. Also, it
will help the teacher to keep the attention of the students. Additionally, it is to show that
you as a teacher are listening or paying attention to their ideas.
 Fourth, use of examples. Using of examples is very important as it provide concrete
applications to knowledge and skills learned by the students in the lecture. It is also a way
that teachers are encouraging students to learn and absorb information in a way that is
meaningful and relevant to them. Para dali sila maka relate og makasabot sa concept,
maong mo gamit jud og examples ang teacher.
 Fifth, use of participant's experiences. So it is important to let students share their
experiences that will relate to the topic being discussed so they will be encourage to
participate, they can relate and understand easily the information or sa topic being
 Sixth, use of slow pace. So dili man jud malikayan nga sa usa ka klase, naay mga slow
learners and honestly, usa na jud ko ato. So sa interactive lecture it use of slow pace
learning to cater those slow learners who need more time, more repetition and more
resources from teachers to be able to understand the discussion effectively. Para
makacatch up ang sila og para dili sila mabehind.
 Lastly, summarization. It will help the learners to easily understand and remember the
important key points in the discussion. Sa kadaghang mga nahisgutan or nadiscuss na
mga information, maglisod nag absorb ang mg students. Maong importante jud na at the
end of the discussion mag summarize jud ka sa mga important details that the students
can easily absorb and remember.

Good morning everyone, I am Lucina Mae B Chiong, your teacher for today. Last meeting,
Teacher Lewish has discussed some instructional strategies that uses teacher-centered approach.
Can anyone in the class recall at least one instructional strategy na nadiscuss last meeting and tell
a short description about it. Anyone? Miss Maegie, that’s right noh. How about the others? You
can chat your answers on our chat box, on what instructional strategy inyo nahinumduman. Okay
moving forward, I also discussed about interactive lecture as one of the selected active learning
and student centered strategies. Now, let’s have a short recap on what is interactive lecture?
Anyone? Okay, let me call the one of the beautiful woman in BSEd-Math 2A, Miss Mebelle,
what do you think is interactive lecture?…Thank you miss Mebelle, That’s right! In addition to
that noh, interactive lectures include segments of lecture combined with segments/activities
where students can interact or participate actively in the class discussion.


 Now, lets go to the strengths of interactive lecture. What do you think are the strengths of
interactive lecture? Anyone? Mayor Kent? Do you have any idea on the advantages of
interactive lecture? All of your answers are correct.
 The lecture can be easily revised and updated.
 So, if you found that your activities and your lecture are ineffective like you observed
that the results of the performance of your students are low, then you have the chance to
change it and improve it.
 The lecture is a convenient method for instructing large groups.
 Lastly, the lecture is often useful to supplement material from other.


 Kung naay advantages naa pud nay disadvantages. And, we have here the limitations of
interactive lecture. What do you think are the limitations of interactive lecture? Anyone?
Miss Lachsme? All of your answers are correct.
 Time of preparation and speech skill necessary for effective lecture, provide the focus for
this course.
 So, need jud og time in preparing the needed materials for the lecture and activities and
you should have a good communication skills to make this instructional strategy to be
 Instructor need to learn and use effective writing and speaking skills
 Also, the teacher should be willing to learn and improve its writing and speaking skills.

EXAMPLE PICTURE (Interactive Lectures):

 Here is the illustration of interactive lecture where the teacher give some questions while
the students think and share ideas about the question.


 Let's now proceed to the next strategy which is the role play.
 So, kinsa namay naka experience dinhi og role play pag katong face-to-face pa? What
ideas or feelings you have when hear about role play? Anyone? Kita tanan noh naka
experience na ani, na experience na nato na mahimong actor and actresses, props men,
script writers, or director. I know familiar na jud ang tanan unsa ning role play.


 Role play is a learning structure that allows students to immediately apply content as they
are put in the role of a decision maker who must make a decision.
 This technique is an excellent tool for engaging students and allowing them to interact
with their peers as they try to complete the task assigned to them in their specific role.
 Also, students are more engaged as they try to respond to the material from the
perspective of their character.
 In short, role play let the students to act out a realistic situation in order to meet learning

EXAMPLE (Role Play):

 One example of role play is when a Grade 8 Mathematics teacher has finish discussing all
the topics in Geometry like polygons, quadrilaterals and their properties. She then
grouped her students into five groups and ask every group to create their own script,
research applicable scenarios on how they can significantly apply the importance of
geometry in real life scenarios and give the students two days to prepare and practice
their roles and familiarize the flow in the script with their group mates.
 In that way, naa pay time ang students to prepare and para magsabot on how they can
accomplish the task.


We have here the strengths/advantages of role play: What do you think are the strengths of role
play? Anyone? All of your answers are correct.
 It allows students to use their knowledge and skills in practice.
 Role-play allows students to act out hypothetical situations in a safe environment and
eventually become good at this skills. Also, role play helps students like katong mga
hilumon to have enough confidence and hone their skills in acting Kay naa biyay uban na
hilumon kaayo sa klase, dili kaayo mo participate sa class discussion but naa diay hidden
talent sa actingan. May kaayo mo deliver sa lines, may Kay mo express sa emotions sa
iyang character pero mauwaw ra ipakita.
 Second, It breaks the ice both between you and students and amongst the students
 Role-play allows students to work together as a team on a task that does not imply being
serious. It, therefore, helps them get know each other better and gives the opportunity for
informal interaction where they can have some laughs and jokes, mag chika chika
 Third, You’ll learn something about your students.
 It's fascinating watching students adopting their roles, developing strategies, negotiating,
and eventually, imo na silang ma ila-ila, ilang capabilities, ilang skills, attitude through
this type of instructional strategy.
 Lastly, It’s just fun!
 Doing a role play is indeed a fun experienced. You become get immersed in the action
and I personally always have a particularly good feeling after doing role-play. Like dili
man jud na maiwasan no na makulbaan, but at the end of the activity, you will find
yourself laughing with your classmates, throwing harmless jokes, and sharing insights
about the activity.


 On the contrary, we have here the limitations of role play: What do you think are the
limitations of role play? Anyone? All of your answers are correct.
 It may not go according to a plan.
 The main problem with any role-play or simulation is that you have to willingly accept
the fact that there will be an element of unpredictability and chaos in it. It depends on
what exactly you are doing and what your conditions are. Since students can get carried
away from their emotion with their character that they potray like masagpa nilag tinuod
Ang ilang co-actor, then Ang usa Kay mo baws. So problem may happen in middle of the
and as the facilitator, you'll have to take urgent measures to bring the order back in the
 What works for one group may not work for another.
 If you teach several groups you will have to consider the difference in dynamics. What
works well in a group of chatty students, may completely fail in a quiet one. What may
excite one student may terrify another. So again – do think carefully about your
alternatives if something goes wrong, because most likely it will.
 Students may feel discomfort and embarrassment
 Honestly, I once considered role play as a punishment. Everytime naa mi role play sa
school, I always felt nervous and worried. Daghan kay kong mga fears basta mag role
play kay basin makalimot kos ako lines, basin kos akong mga classmates,
mauwawan ko ni crush kay basin bati ako pag-act sa ako character. And I know dili ra
ako ang naka feel ani, naay daghan nga mga students na dili ganahan mo participate,
ganahan nalang mahimog props mens kaysa ma actor og actress. Dili man jud na
malikayan noh na makafeel tag uncertanties and fears but we should fight those negative
feelings by focusing on the benefits of role play in improving your skills, boosting your
confidence, and gaining wonderful memories with your classmates.

EXAMPLES (Role Play):

 There are different types of role play:
 First is structured or rehearsed role play.
 Structured role-plays refer to role-play activities that allow the students to follow a script
and to practice on how to deliver or act their roles and familiarize the flow of the story
before performing them.
 This approach is useful when the focus is less on skill learning, and more on examining
emotional reactions of the studnets or "how they feel about the topic or role they play.
 Second, unstructured role play.
 Unstructured role play is where learners engage in open-ended play that has no specific
learning objective. Unlike structured role play nga naay script nga dapat sundon,
unstructured play is not instructor-led, so parents, teachers, and other adults do not give
 Unstructured role play is often informally referred to as simply "letting kids be kids" or
"just play." At times, you may also hear it called "free play" or self-play."
 Like katong bata pata, hilig kay ta mag role play, hilig kayta maghimo og mga scenario
like ikaw silbi ang mama then imo crush ang papa then ni adto ba mog mall with your
kids. Kuhaon dayun toh nnyo girls ang lipstick sa inyo mama para red lips kunuhay ig
adto sa mall, niya ang mall kay naa ra diay atbang sa balay then sul.uton ang heels sa
inyo ate para taas kunuhay then kugos kugoson ang manika pa as if na mao toh inyo
anak. so mao na ang unstructured role play like gihatagan nimo og freedom ang mga bata
to create their own situation or scenario and let them act it on their own.

DEFINITION PPT (Student Projects and Demonstrations):

 Now, lets proceed to Student Projects and Demonstrations.
 This strategy uses technique or equipment to make a ‘demonstration.’ It should be
planned ahead of time in order to make a better explanation of the technical or training
steps to students and help them repeat the activity.

EXPLANATION (Student Projects and Demonstrations):

 If e compare nimo ang lecture and Student Projects and Demonstrations. Lectures, like
the teacher will give factual explanation about topic, igo ra tabi walay actions nga
gipakita. while student Projects and Demonstrations it is when the teacher will do a step
by step demonstration on how to do a certain topic like graphing functions using a
graphing a paper. In that way, it will raise the students interest and reinforce memory
retention because they provide connections between facts and real- world applications of
those facts.

EXAMPLES (Student Projects and Demonstrations):

 Another example noh is like ang teacher is nagdiscuss about measurement and then,
iyang gipakita Ang different measuring tools like ruler, protractor, measuring tape and
then iyang gipakita unsaon paggamit every tools. After that, iyang gihatagan og task ang
mga students to measure a table. Then Ang students will have the freedom to choose
what appropriate measuring tool to use in measuring a table and then they will compare
their answers to their classmate that used the same measuring tools that they had used.

 In that way, the students will have the opportunity to interact with their classmates and
learn how to measure using any measuring tools.

DEFINITION PPT STRENGTHS (Student Projects and Demonstrations):

 Here are the strengths of student projects and demonstrations. What do you think are the
strengths of students projects and demonstrations? Anyone? All of your answers are
 this strategy improves the understanding of complex skills and principles.
 Students can pay their attention and follow along with the learning process.
 Knowledge becomes permanent because this method requires different human senses.
 Students are motivated to study and gain necessary skills.
 No time is wasted.

DEFINITION PPT LIMITATIONS (Student Projects and Demonstrations):

 Here are the limitations of student projects and demonstrations. What do you think are
the limitations of students projects and demonstrations? Anyone? All of your answers are
 Students are not allowed to ask questions or start discussions during the demonstration.
 They are only asked to observe then they can only ask question at the end of the
 Only technical and training skills can be taught this way.
 Universities and colleges often lack the equipment necessary for making the
‘demonstrative’ models.
 This method requires a significant effort from the teacher.
 The method is limited to particular teaching situations only.
So before we proceed to another strategy, do you have any clarification, additional informations,
or questions ? Silence means none.
 Let's now proceed to the another strategy which is the group work.
 I know you are all familiar with this strategy since most of our teachers uses this strategy
since most of the time when they will give a task usually by group jud ang mahitabo, labi
nag lisod² ang task na gihatag ni teacher. So unsa manag group work?


 An instructional strategy in which a small group of learners work together in a series of
activities in order to achieve a shared learning objective.


 Working in small groups provides learners with opportunities to articulate ideas and
understandings, discover assumptions and misconceptions, and negotiate with other
student to accomplish the task.

EXAMPLE (Group Work):

 An example of group work is when a grade 8 mathematics teacher groups her students
into 5 groups and then gives five algebraic expressions and asks every group to simplify
each algebraic expression that is given. The fastest team who will get all the correct
answers will get an additional point.


 Here are the strengths of group work . What do you think are the strengths of group
work? Anyone? All of your answers are correct.
 Students develop a new perspective.
 Students will learn better by discussing, questioning each other’s opinions and reasoning
as this allows them to develop different perspectives of how they can complete the task.
 Leads to greater personal satisfaction.
 Working in a group can be tough. So, when students are able to overcome all the conflict,
stress, and long hours that come with group assignments, the end result of getting a good
grade can be extremely satisfying and motivating.
 Results in better team working skills.
 Teamwork is a staple part of academic life. It allows students to collaborate with others
and explore complex tasks that they otherwise wouldn’t have done if they had been
 This provides students with an opportunity to improve their communication skills and
provides a larger capacity for brainstorming different ideas.
 Enhances overall learning.
 Students learn how to overcome conflict.
 In a way that, they will improve their communication skills, they will learn to
 Also, group work also allows students to develop a better understanding of themselves
and how their peers view them.
 And lastly, here is the limitations of group work. What do you think are the limitations of
group work? Anyone? All of your answers are correct.
 Can cause conflict between group members.
 When working with others, it’s natural that disagreement will arise due to differences in
opinions. Some students find it difficult to accept criticism from their peers and struggle
to get on board with ideas that aren’t their own.
 Moreover, students who are quiet often have difficulty expressing their ideas in a group
and may feel uncomfortable working with people they don’t normally speak to. As a
result, they may be seen as lazy, creating conflict.
 Unequal participation from students.
 In group work, you’ll often observe a large discrepancy in participation between the
different group members. With a lot of group projects, it’s common to find 1-2 students
taking the bulk of the workload, whilst other members essentially freeload which will
also the reasons of conflict and misunderstanding.
 Students may avoid the task.
 When working in a group, it’s quite common for students to go off-topic instead magtabi
on how to solve geometric word problems. Some students may use that time to gossip, do
other tasks, or mag joke². Ang resulta ana is ma less productive na nuon ang groupo. As a
facilitator, dapat maglakaw-lakaw ka, mag observe, maminaw sa every group if related
bas task ilang gi discuss, if naa na bay progress or wala.
 Can be extremely time consuming.
 Individual needs are dominated by the needs of the group.

 That's the end of my discussion, allow me to call Teacher Wilmar to continue the
discussion about the examples of selected active learning and student-centered strategies.

QUOTE AND EXPLANATION (A quote related to instructional strategy)
 To end the discussion about the selected active learning and student-centered strategies,
here is a noteworthy quote from Bertrand Russell: He stated that "more important than
the curriculum is the question of the methods of teaching and the spirit in which the
teaching is given."
 Is anyone in the class, can explain what this quote is trying to imply? Anyone? That’s
right noh!
 It means teachers should pay more attention to the way they teach students in class. They
should be more prudent in choosing the appropriate instructional strategies that will cater
to the learning needs of every student. Also, the way you teach, your spirit in teaching,
really matters.
 Kay kung mag luya ka or kung gipakita nimo na naglagot ka while nagdiscuss, do you
think the students will effectively learn in your discussion? Of course, kung naglagot ang
mathematics teacher nagdiscuss about polynomials sa grade 8 students, unya naglibog
ang students, instead na mangutana, ikeep nalang ang confusions og questions until siyag gana maminaw kay wala naman siyay nasabtan. Therefore, your
appropriate teaching approach and your spirit of teaching are really needed to create not
only a good but an effective teaching and learning process in the class.

Q AND A TIME (interaction with students) the reporters ask a question to the students,
then the students ask questions to the reporters:
 Moving forward, magmove on nata ha, let's have another Q and A. Now, you have the
opportunity to ask questions if you have any clarifications, confusions, and suggestions.
Ayaw mog kaulaw. Feel free to ask question, you can type it in our chat box or you can
use your mic. So, for the meantime kay wala pa may ni raise og question so to help you
analyze here is my question instead.
 Which do you prefer, teacher-centered learning or student-centered learning? You can
chat your answer in the chat box guys. Wow, majority of the class noh kay ni answer og
student-centered learning.
 The second question is, how do you describe a student-centered classroom? Now, I will
call on one student to answer this question, but the rest of you are encouraged to answer.
You can type it in our chat box. Can we have usa sa mga abtik og gwapa sa BSED-Math
2A, Miss Caritan, to answer this question?
 Thank you, Miss Caritan, for your meaningful answers. That's right, noh. In addition to
that, in a student-centered learning environment, the interests of the students take center
stage and the teacher gives students choice and voice, finding ways to provide learning
experiences that focus on what students value. In a student-centered classroom, the
students speak, the teacher listens, insert and facilitates conversation when needed. In the
student-centered classroom, the teacher acts not only as an educator, but as both a
facilitator and an activator.

 That's the end of my discussion, I hope you learn something from me noh, allow me to
call Teacher Josel to discuss on what are the things to consider before choosing an
instructional strategy.

 Thank you, Teacher Lewish. Does anyone in the class rememeber at least one example of
the selected active learning and student-centered strategies? So, here are some of the
examples of selected active learning and student-centered strategies.
• Interactive lectures which is different from the lectures
• Role plays, one of the strategies that we are most familiar with
• Student projects and demonstrations
• Group work
• Case studies
• Project-based learning
• Whole class and small group discussions
• Brainstorming
 So thats it for the selected active learning and student-centered strategies. All of these
strategies Kay dili Ang teacher Ang mo provide sa learnings sa students but the students
themselves can contribute and are responsible sa ilang own learnings. So, Teacher Josel
will help you recall the things to choose appropriate instructional strategies

----------------------------------Wilmar Degamo's Script Starts Here----------------------------------

Okay pa ba ang tanan?
(Wait for the response)
Okay let us continue.
By the way, I am Wilmar H. Degamo, your next reporter. The remaining instructional strategies
that I would be tackling are case studies, project-based learning, whole class, and small group
discussions, and lastly brainstorming.

● Let's start first with case studies. Does anyone here know what is a case study? Have you
tried making a case study? (Wait for the response)

● It is an instructional method (not a theory) that refers to assigned scenarios based on
situations in which students observe, analyze, record, implement, conclude, summarize,
or recommend.

● This means that case studies are created and used as a tool for analysis and discussion. It
is also utilized as a teaching tool to show the application of concepts to real situations.

● There is no doubt that case studies are a valuable and important form of research for all
of the industries and fields that use them. However, along with all its advantages, it also
has some disadvantages.

● Intensive Study
-Case study method is responsible for the intensive study of a unit. It is the investigation
and exploration of an event thoroughly and deeply. You get a very detailed and in-depth
study of a person or event.

● Developing New Research

-Case studies are one of the best ways to stimulate new research. A case study can be
completed, and if the findings are valuable, they can lead to new and advanced research
in the field. There has been a great deal of research done that wouldn't have been possible
without case studies.

● Contradicting Established Ideas or Theories

-Oftentimes there are theories that may be questioned with case studies.
● Giving New Insight
-Case studies have the ability to give insight into phenomena that cannot be learned in
any other way.

● Inability to Replicate
● Hawthorne Effect
-The effect in which people change their behavior when they are aware they are being

● Researcher Bias
-When conducting a case study, it is very possible for the author to form a bias. This bias
can be for the subject; the form of data collection, or the way the data is interpreted. This
is very common, since it is normal for humans to be subjective.

● No Classification
-Any classification is not possible due to studying a small unit. This generalization of
results is limited, since the study is only focusing on one small group. However, this isn't
always a problem, especially if generalization is not one of the study's goals.

● Time Intensive
-Case studies can be very time-consuming. The data collection process can be very
intensive and long, and this is something new researchers are not familiar with. It takes a
long period of time to develop a case study, and develop a detailed analysis.

● Possibility of Errors
● Ethical Issues

● The next instructional strategy is project-based learning. What does project-based
learning imply?

● It is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an
extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and
complex question, problem, or challenge.

● This implies that project-based learning is an instructional approach designed to give
students the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through engaging projects set
around challenges and problems they may face in the real world.

● The same as other instructional strategies, project-based learning has these strengths.
However, along with all its strengths, it also has some limitations.

● Development of Long-term knowledge
● It creates a fun learning
● It promotes students’ creativity

● Aside from it, it also promotes such important skills as group work, autonomous learning,
self-assessment skills, time planning, project work, and oral or written expression skills.
It improves student motivation, which translates into better academic performance and
greater persistence in the study.

● It requires a lot of time
● Student or Teacher unpreparedness
● The amount of equipment to be provided

● It requires much time that must be provided to solve complex problems. So, it will lead to
a lack of time available for the material/content and the organization and administration
of project-based learning can be time-consuming.


● The next instructional strategy to be discussed is whole class and small group
discussions. This overview would lead to a better understanding of what is the difference
between the whole class and small group discussions.

● WHOLE CLASS DISCUSSION- The teacher teaches a topic to the whole class or
students have a discussion as a whole group.

● This signifies that a whole class discussion is a discussion which involves the
participation of all members of the class. It is commonly used at the beginning and
ending of lessons to orient students to a topic or gather the opinions of students after the
completion of individual or small-group tasks.

● The same as other instructional strategies, the whole class discussion has these strengths.
However, along with all its strengths, it also has some limitations.

● Enhanced Teacher Control
● Students have a tendency to stay focused on the lesson
● It can appeal to auditory learners

● A whole group discussion is comfortable for many teachers because it is a modified form
of the lecture. Students have a tendency to stay focused on the lesson because they might
be called on to answer questions. Students may feel more comfortable asking questions
during whole group discussions.

● Teacher has too much control
● Students Are Often Intimidated To Speak Up
● Students with poor note-taking skills will struggle

● It can be difficult to get some groups to engage in a lively discussion. Students who are
uncomfortable around one another, shy, scared of saying the wrong thing, or intimidated
by large groups will often sit in silence. This is more often the case toward the beginning
of a lesson.

● SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION- The students work with each other or the teacher in
smaller groups.

● This infers that small-group discussions provide students the opportunity to share ideas or
opinions without having to address the entire class.
● The same as other instructional strategies, a small group discussion has these strengths.
However, along with all its strengths, it also has some limitations.

● Less intimidating learning environment
● All participants in the group can participate
● Enhance Social Skills
● More creativity

● It involves more talk and less action
● Unequal participation
● Intrinsic Conflict

● The last instructional strategy to be tackled is brainstorming. What does it mean to

● It is a large or small group activity that encourages students to focus on a topic and
contribute to the free flow of ideas.

● This indicates that brainstorming is a cooperative approach in which a number of people
collectively agree upon a solution after all of their ideas are brought forth and discussed.

● The same as other instructional strategies, brainstorming has these strengths. However,
along with all its strengths, it also has some limitations.

● It helps you come up with great ideas
● It fosters camaraderie
● It fosters creativity

● It promotes fights and arguments
● It can take too much time
● Overlapping ideas

----------------------------------Josel’s Script Starts Here------------------------------------------------

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