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Week 1

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

Written by: MARLYN M. ABEŃO

Ayala National High School


QUARTER 1 WEEK 1 DAY ______________________________
GRADE/LEVEL Grade 8 dd/mm/yyyy

TOPIC Review of Related Literature

1. Identify the guidelines in writing review of related literature.
LEARNING 2. Explain the purpose of related literature.
COMPETENCY 3. Distinguish the difference among paraphrasing, quoting and

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write all your answers for the SAQ,
Let’s Practice Activities and Try Items on a separate sheet/s of paper.

What is Review of Related Literature?

- Books and writings

Review of Related Literature (RRL) or Literature Review is a published on a
particular subject.
detailed, comprehensive and systematic review or summary of
existing literature related to the topic of a research paper or thesis.
It talks about knowledge and findings from existing literature
relevant to your research problem.

The literature review gives a “panoramic view” for the reader, giving him or her a wider view
and full understanding of the developments in the field. This view tells the reader that the
author has indeed understood all (or majority of) previous, significant works in the field into his
or her research.

The literature review enumerates, describes, summarizes, objectively

evaluates and clarifies the previous research. It gives a theoretical basis
for the research and helps you (the author) determine the nature of your
research. It acknowledges the work of previous researchers and
assures the reader that your work has been well-conceived.

In doing so, researchers must ensure that the information is credible, up-to-date, and accurate.
So, what are the sources of Literature Review? You can obtain them from a scholarly
publication like articles and journals, books, magazines, newspapers and other sources
like the internet.

SAQ-1. What is the advantage of having varied sources of information in writing your
Review of Related Literature?

Written by: MARLYN M. ABEŃO

Ayala National High School

Purposes of Review of Related Literature

Writing the literature review shows your reader how your work relates to existing
research and what new insights it will contribute. It also demonstrates the author’s knowledge
about a particular field of study, including vocabulary, theories, key variables, phenomena, and
its methods. Among other purposes of RRL are as follows:

To familiarize yourself with the current state of knowledge on your topic

- RRL conveys to the reader what knowledge and ideas have been established on a
topic, and what their strengths and weaknesses are. It will tell the reader the updates
and breakthroughs related to your topic.

To ensure that you’re not just repeating what others have already done

- To make sure that there will be no duplication and you are not just copying or repeating
other’s work, RRL must describe the innovations or modifications you incorporated into
your study.

To identify gaps in knowledge and unresolved problems that your research can

- RRL helps identify if there are gaps in the previous related research studies. It can
answer the questions - what is missing from the literature? Are there weaknesses that
need to be addressed? This will then help you describe how your research will
contribute to existing knowledge.

To develop your theoretical framework and methodology

- RRL helps to develop the author an idea on the appropriate theoretical framework,
designs, methodologies and procedures to be used in his/her study.

To provide an overview of the key findings and debates on the topic

- The RRL provides an understanding and overview of the abstract of the study. It also
shows the relationship between the various contributions and resolves contradictions
and determines gaps or unanswered questions.

SAQ-2. Why should a researcher need to include previous relevant studies and findings
related to his/her research?

Written by: MARLYN M. ABEŃO

Ayala National High School

Guidelines in writing the Review of Related Literature

The following are some guidelines to follow to keep you on track when writing your

5 Write your literature review.

4 Outline the structure.

3 Identify themes, debates and gaps.

2 Evaluate and select sources.

1 Search for relevant literature.

Search for relevant literature.

You may start by creating a list of keywords related to your research problems and
questions. Include each of the key concepts and variables related to your study and list any
synonyms and related terms.

Evaluate and select sources.

Use the keywords you listed to begin your searching for sources. Evaluate which
sources are most relevant to your questions/topic. Make sure the sources you use
are credible and relevant (One of the most useful databases to search for journals and
articles is Google Scholar). As you read, you should also begin the writing process. You may
prepare a Journal notebook where you will write all the important concepts. It is necessary to
keep track of your sources with citations to avoid plagiarism (taking someone else’s ideas and
knowledge as your own) which will be discussed on the succeeding CapSLET.

Identify themes, debates and gaps.

Read the abstract to find out whether an article is relevant to your question. You need to
understand the connections and relationships between the sources you’ve read. Based on
your readings and notes, you can look for
 Themes: what questions or concepts recur across the literature?
 Debates, conflicts and contradictions: where do sources disagree?
 Gaps: what is missing from the literature? Are there weaknesses that need to be
This step will help you work out the structure of your literature review and show how
your research will contribute to existing knowledge.

Written by: MARLYN M. ABEŃO

Ayala National High School

Outline the structure then write your RRL

In writing, use headings arranged in logical or systematic order to indicate main points,
avoid too long introduction to your main topic. Include information that is directly related and
relevant to your topic. A maximum of half-page (double-space) must constitute one paragraph.
Do not copy all the information from your source. Give due credit to the real source of your
data. How?
 Paraphrase using your own words and style the data gathered.
 Summarize important points from your sources and relate them to your topic.
 Quote the direct statement from the author and relate them to your topic.
Below are parts of Review of Related Literature excerpt from unpublished research paper.

SAQ-3. Why is it necessary to follow the guidelines in writing Review of Related Literature?

Difference among Paraphrasing, Quoting and Summarizing

As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to cite and give due credit to the author or source
of information you will be using for your study. The use of different kinds of evidence and texts
are important skills and necessary strategies in writing. How do paraphrasing, quoting and
summarizing differ from each other?

- Is a way of presenting ideas and information in your own words and acknowledging
where they come from. By using your own words, you demonstrate your
understanding and your ability to convey this information.
- Let’s you share an author’s idea without using direct quotes.

Original Rephrase

Pouring hydrogen peroxide on a Bacteria on a wooden cutting

cutting board made of wood will board, including Salmonella, can
kill Salmonella and other bacteria. be eradicated by pouring
hydrogen peroxide on it.

Giraffes like Acacia leaves and

A giraffe can eat up to 75 pounds
hay, and they can consume 75
of Acacia leaves and hay daily.
pounds of food a day.

A stuffy nose and elevated

Symptoms of influenza include
temperature are signs you may
fever and nasal congestion.
have the flu.

Written by: MARLYN M. ABEŃO

Ayala National High School


- is when you take a phrase, sentence or passage straight from a reading and
incorporate it into your own writing. You must always provide a reference when you
quote another source directly, and punctuation marks (“”) must be used to show
where the quote begins and ends.
Example: Original Quote
Web 2.0 technologies including social Social networking sites can be
networking such as Facebook and MySpace, defined as online space where
and content-sharing sites such as Youtube, individuals “present themselves,
allow individuals to present themselves, articulate their social networks and
articulate their social networks and establish establish or maintain with others”
or maintain connections with others. (McCarthy, 2012, p. 758)
Original from McCarthy (2012, p.758)

People surveyed around the world now Benson found that “people surveyed
correctly understand that whales are around the world now correctly
intelligent, social mammals, not fish, and if understand that whales are
hunted, must receive and instant painless intelligent, social mammals, not fish,
death. and if hunted, must receive and
instant painless death.” (88)


- Is taking a lot of information and creating a condensed version that covers the main

- A short and concise representation of key ideas of source material in your own
Example: Original Summary

The amphibia, which is the animal The first animals to leave the sea
class to which frogs and toads belong, and live on dry land were the
were the first animal to crawl from the amphibian.
sea and inhabit the Earth.

Officials are keeping a close eye on Since the H7N9 virus is

H7N9 virus because it has a potential to extremely unpredictable in its
cause human pandemic. So far it doesn’t ability to pass from one person
seem to infect people easily and people to the other, officials are
who are infected do not seem to spread it watching it intensely to avoid a
to others so much. But influenza viruses human pandemic.
change quickly and unpredictably and if (Fox, NBC News, 2013)
one starts passing easily from one person
to the other, it could spread.
(Fox, NBC News, 2013)

Written by: MARLYN M. ABEŃO

Ayala National High School

To differentiate the three, take a look at this!


- Written in your words - Words and phrasing are - Brief and more
using your voice and copied directly from the condensed version of a
style. text. longer text.
- Includes key academic
- “Translate” the author’s - Include quotes around
words and phrases but
words into your own. the author’s words.
does NOT copy the author’s
- Maintain a similar tone - Ideal to use for providing
text evidence or when - Includes the main idea
as the original author.
justifying an answer. and key details

SAQ-4. Why do you need to paraphrase, quote and summarize the information taken
from the different sources?

Let’s Practice! (Write your answer on the separate sheet/s of paper.)

A. Identification. Inside the box below are the different guidelines in writing a literature
review. Identify which one is described in the statement. Write the letter of the
correct answer.

A. Search for relevant literature

B. Evaluate and select sources
C. Identify themes, debates and gaps.
D. Outline the structure.
E. Write your literature review.

1. Related variables in the study should be listed and identified first.

2. Write the information following the correct format.
3. Credible, up-to-date and relevant data and information should be considered.
4. Establish connection and relationship on the information you have written to your
research problem.
5. Arrange your information and data in logical and systematic manner.

B. Differentiate among paraphrasing, quoting and summarizing by marking check (/) to

the column that corresponds to the correct answer in the given definition.

Characteristics Paraphrasing Quoting Summarizing

1. Constructing the passage of the source into
your own words.
2. Short and concise representation of key
3. Presenting all the key information from the
original author’s work but with significant
changes in wording and structure.
4. Quotation marks are used at the start and
end of the quote.
5. To re-work the ideas and words of others and
tell them in your own words.

Written by: MARLYN M. ABEŃO

Ayala National High School

C. Paraphrase/Summarize the idea in the paragraph below.

1. Original:
Brazil’s Amazon jungle is alive with millions of plant and animal species. But the jungle
is shrinking. Loggers cut down trees for wood and paper (Better Lesson, 2011).


2. Original:
Antibiotics are one of the great marvels of modern medicine. Antibiotics are drugs that
disable or kill infectious bacteria. Most antibiotics are naturally occurring chemicals
derived from the microorganisms. Penicillin, for example, was originally isolated from
mold in 1928 and has been widely prescribed since the 1940’s. (Campbell, 2004)


 Review of Related Literaure is a detailed summary of information and existing literature
related to a research study.
 Different sources of information and data include journals, articles, books, newspapers,
magazines and internet sources.
 In writing the literature review, the sole purpose is to convey to the reader what knowledge,
ideas and findings have been established on a topic, and what their strengths and
weaknesses are.
 The following are the guidelines to follow when writing the Review of Related Literature:
 List down keywords and related terms and variables to be used in the study
 Search for credible sources
 Identify the connections and relatedness of the information to your study
 Outline or arrange the information into logical and systematic order
 It is necessary to give credit to the authors and sources of information to avoid plagiarism.
This can be done through paraphrasing, quoting and summarizing.
 Paraphrasing is when you present ideas and information in your own words.
 Quoting is when you include quotes (quotation marks “”) around the author’s words.
 Summarizing is when you include keywords and phrases but does NOT copy the
author’s sentences.

I. Multiple Choice. Directions: Read and understand the question. Write the letter of the
correct answer on a separate sheet.

1. Which of the following best describes a Review of Related Literature?

A. A series of events and facts related to the topic.
B. A detailed summary of the existing literature related to the topic.
C. A list of authors and their contributions.
D. A brief history of variables on the study conducted.

Written by: MARLYN M. ABEŃO

Ayala National High School

2. Which of the following can be found in your RRL?

I. Methods used in the study
II. Information, ideas and data
III. Related findings
IV. Historic events
A. I only B. I and II C. I, II and III D. I, II, III and IV

3. When you paraphrase, you __________.

A. are using someone's exact words
B. are documenting someone's exact words
C. are putting someone else's idea into your own words
D. are analyzing someone's idea

4. Below are the guidelines in writing the Review of Related Literature. Arrange them
I. Identify the relatedness of the sources you’ve read to your present study.
II. List down keywords and related variables.
III. Search for relevant and credible sources.
IV. Write and arrange the information you have in a systematic order.

5. When you quote, you are __________.

A. referring to someone's exact words
B. analyzing what someone else said
C. using someone's exact words
D. putting someone's words into your own words

6. How are paraphrasing and summarizing different from each other?

A. Both are reworded; however, a summary is a condensed version of the original,
while paraphrasing maintains the source's length.
B. Both are reworded; however, a paraphrase is a condensed version of the original,
while summarizing maintains the source's length.
C. A summary does not have to change the sentence structure and order of ideas while
a paraphrase does.
D. A summary does not need to be cited while a paraphrase does.

II. Direction: Supply the answer to the question below with at least three (3) sentences. Write
down your answer on the separate sheet. (9 Points)

Question: What are the purposes of Review of Related Literature? Give at least two purposes
and provide an example.

3 2 1 Score
Content Provided sufficient Provided fixed Provided only factual
information and information with information from the topic.
relevance to the topic. relevance to the topic.
Organization and Ideas are presented in Ideas are presented in Ideas are constructed with
Construction an organized manner free manner but with less than three (3)
with equal to or more equal to or more than sentences only.
than three (3) three (3) sentences.
Example/s Was able to provide Was able to provide No example provided.
relevant examples example

Written by: MARLYN M. ABEŃO

Ayala National High School

How to write a Literature Review: Purpose of a literature review.

Accessed on August 30, 2020 from

How to write a literature review. Accessed on August 23, 2020 from
Literature Review. Accessed on August 26, 2020 from

Paraphrasing. Accessed on August 27, 2020 from

What is the Purpose of Literature Review. Accessed on September

1, 2020 from
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This material is not intended for uploading nor for commercial
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Written by: MARLYN M. ABEŃO

Ayala National High School

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