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Pangantihan, Lenard J.


Research about the following and answer the questions.

1. What is the importance of the Season of Lent?
Lent is meant to be a season of repentance. These 40 days were designated for praising and
worshiping the Lord. The significance of Lent is that it is a season of reflection and preparation
before the Easter celebrations. Through prayer, penance, sin repentance, almsgiving, and self-
denial. We can prepare for the celebration of Easter Sunday.
2. What are the usual practices or pillars of Lent which you usually practice?
The usual practice in lent is prayer, Abstinence, Fasting, and Almsgiving. Prayer is loving
communication to God during lent we are praying and repenting to our sins we ask forgiveness
for our sins. Abstinence To abstain means to refrain from doing something; for Lent, we refrain
from eating meat. All Catholics fourteen (14) years of age and older are required to abstain
from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all Lent Fridays. Fasting refraining from food or
drink, or both, for health, ceremonial, religious, or ethical reasons. Fasting might be total or
partial, long, or short in duration, or intermittent. Fasting is to be observed by all Catholics who
are age 18 to 59 on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. And lastly Almsgiving means Do good
things for others, giving money or helping others is an example of this. Consider your time, skill,
and wealth. What are you able to do to assist others? In Lent, we usually do prayer and attend
mass because this is the easiest way. We didn’t do abstinence because me and my sister are
meat lovers and not fan of veggies. We also didn't do fasting because I love eating. But
almsgiving in terms of finances, we didn’t have that, but time to serve the lord is one of our
3. Research about the 7 Corporal works of mercy as well as the 7 Spiritual works of mercy, do
you think you will be able to live a holy life by following it? why?
7 Corporal works of mercy

 Feed the hungry

 Give drink to the thirsty
 Clothe the naked
 Shelter the homeless
 Visit the sick
 Visit the imprisoned
 Bury the dead
7 Spiritual works of mercy

 To instruct the ignorant

 To counsel the doubtful
 To admonish the sinner
 To bear wrongs patiently
 To forgive offenses willingly
 To comfort the afflicted
 To pray for the living and the dead
I think by following these corporal and spiritual works of mercy, it led me into the holy life
because this act is an example of our lord Jesus to us. Our lord Jesus is the first one who
demonstrates these acts. He feeds 5000 people, gives drinks to the thirsty, visits the sick and
heals them, forgives offenses willingly and others. For us to live a holy life, we need to follow
Jesus' example by doing these works of mercy.

My References

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