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Teacher Candidate(s): Emily, Alex, Levi and Amanda School: SUNY

Date: 10/4/21

Grade: 8th
Unit/Activity: Wheelchair Tennis

Central Focus (entire lesson segment): During a modified game, students will be able to # in class: 11
perform a forehand and backhand strike using the correct technique, explain how using
different amount of force can improve their game, encourage their peers without
prompts from the teacher, and identity what health-related fitness groups correlate with
wheelchair tennis.

Lesson Focus: Striking and getting used to maneuvering on the tennis court in
a wheelchair
National Outcomes (Code + Text):
S1.M14.8: Demonstrates the mature form of forehand and backhand strokes
S2.M7.8: Creates open space with either a long or short handled implement
Lesson Plan by varying force or direction or by moving opponent side to side and/or
1 of 7 NYS/National
S4.M3.8: Provides encouragement and feedback to peers without prompting
from the teacher.
S3.M1.8: Identifies the 5 components of health-related fitness and explains
the connections between fitness and overall physical and mental health.
NYS Outcomes (Code + Text):
1.1.8. Demonstrates mature forms of specialized skills in a variety of games
and sports.
2.2.8. Applies maturing forms of strategies, tactics, and communication
independently in small-sided game play and other physical activities.
3.2.8. Evaluates the application of personal habits and strategies related to
health- enhancing behaviors.
4.2.8. Demonstrates citizenship by respecting diversity and including others
in physical activity settings.

Assessment Tool Length of class: 50 mins
Situation / Task / Criteria

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to Teaching Styles:

Psychomotor strike the ball with their forehand and
Domain 1/1 Checklist Practice
backhand using the correct technique 3 out of 5

Throughout the lesson, students will be able to

4/4 demonstrate sportsmanship by encouraging Rubric
their peers without prompts from the teacher..

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

explain why using different amounts of force
can be beneficial when striking the ball

Cognitive Force
Domain Muscular strength Exit slip
List of Muscular endurance
Academic Agility
Language Used Speed
Body Composition
Cardiovascular endurance

Fitness By the end of the lesson, students will be able to Equipment:

Objective identify what components of health-related 11 Wheelchairs, 25tennis
3/3 Exit slip balls, 11 tennis rackets
Health/Skill fitness correlate to wheelchair tennis
PM/Cogn correctly.
Common Core CC Standard

When sitting in the wheelchair, make sure you References(e.g. Book, course packet, pg #, complete web
address URL):National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes
don’t lean too far back or move backwards too
for k-12 Physical education
fast or else you can fall backwards and possibly
Safety Statement
get hurt. BCWSA%20Wheelchair%20Tennis%20First%20Introduction

National Standards – The physically literate individual:

1. Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and
New York State Standards (2020) – Click the link to find the outcomes under each standard movement patterns.
2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics
Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. related to movement
Standard 2: Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance. and performance.
Standard 3: Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and 3. Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a
fitness. health-enhancing
Standard 4: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 5: Recognizes the value of physical activity for overall wellness, enjoyment, challenge, and/or self-expression. 4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects
Standard 6: Recognizes career opportunities and manages personal and community resources related to physical activity and self and others.
fitness to achieve and maintain overall wellness. 5. Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment,
challenge, self-
expression, and/or social interaction.

Organization Assessments, Reminders
Lesson Time
Description CFU, Academic
Components (mins)
Language, Alignment to

Groups of
Grab a raquette, ball and get in groups of four. We will warm Remind students
3 four, two
Instant Activity up by hitting the ball back and forth over the net with our of safety
Min. per side of
partners. statement
the court

Okay everyone, please hold on to the tennis balls and gather

30s Transition
around us at this court.

I- Hello everyone, welcome to Wheelchair Tennis

SI- When you hear us yell stop or freeze, stop what you’re doing and CFU: why is it
look at us for further instructions important to not
H- First wheelchair Tennis tournament was played in 1977. As time
lean too far
goes on, wheelchair tennis is becoming more and more popular. We
are actually thinking about starting a wheelchair tennis club here at
Introduction, TTTT Cortland
Signal for 3 CFU: what is our
P: students will be able to strike the ball with their forehand and
Hook, Min. XXXXXXX backhand using the correct technique 3 out of 5 times. signal for
Expectations XXXX C: students will be able to explain why using different amounts of attention?
force can improve their game correctly.
A: students will be able to demonstrate sportsmanship by encouraging their CFU: what is our
peers without prompts from the teacher.
F: students will be able to identify what components of health-related
fitness correlate to wheelchair tennis correctly. goal?
S- In order to be safe, don’t lean too far back or roll backwards too
fast or else you could fall and get hurt

Utilize a
Our Fitness activity will be working on our Speed and Agility.
30s Transition countdown to limit
With your groups of four get on half a court. transition time
teaches court lines
as well as focusing
on speed and
turns (Skill Related
XXX “Know your Lines” - Teacher calls out lines and participants
4 Fit. obj.
Fitness Activity must roll to the called line. ie.“doubles sideline” or “baseline”
Min. Introduce the
Service line or “midline”
A.L: speed,
endurance, agility

30s Transition Stop what you’re doing and come circle up in front of us
Teaching Progressions – Show some of the major tasks/activities listed on your Activity Progression Worksheet.

Learning Tasks Cues (Refinements) Variations / Modification –

– Simple words to Add variations to the learning tasks to
improve performance make it easier and harder according
a. For each learning task, please describe Adaptations,
and understanding. to needs and abilities of the students
demonstrations and/or questions that will Assessments, Reminders
E.g. Eyes at target (lower and higher skilled students).
facilitate student learning and CFU, Academic
engagement. Language, Alignment to
b. Describe the learning task. E.g. Hit the objectives
ball over the net to your partner 10 times.

a. “Figure 8’s” CFU: what turns

Teacher will demonstrate the figure 8 pattern that students will be moving will we be
in. This drill will help students get comfortable with moving around the
court in order to hit the ball. They will learn the inside turn as well as the
outside turn. Introduce students on how to properly hold the racket
CFU: what hand
do you use to turn
Task #1 CFU: why is it
Min. important to push
both wheels at the
Body of Lesson same time?
(Lesson Focus)
CFU: why do you
think the figure 8
pattern is

b. There will be 2 students at 1. Hand on top of Easier – students can slow their Remind students
the end of each tennis court. the wheel pace down and really get the of safety statement
XX Students will move in a figure 2. Side to target pattern down before trying to do
8 pattern working on the inside 3. Backswing it fast. If using a ball is too hard,
CFU: what turns
turn, they will hit an imaginary 4. Follow through students can keep practicing by
5min Net ball just to get comfortable hitting an imaginary ball.
are we working on
with the turn and motion. We first?
will then switch directions of Harder - students can try to
the figure 8 and students will speed up their pace to make this CFU: name one
work on the outside turn. drill more challenging. cue to remember

“Alright, freeze! Good job everyone circle up so we can begin

30s. Transition
our next task”
a. Figure 8 part 2 CFU: what are the
Teacher will demonstrate the figure 8 pattern once again but this time cues for the figure
2min Task #2 instead of pretending to hit the tennis ball, we will hit the ball over the
8 pattern?
Demo it slow while explaining the cues then demo in full speed CFU: when moving
in your wheelchair,
where should the
racket be?

CFU: can
demonstrate how
to properly swing
the racket

b. With a partner, students are 1. Hand on top of Remind students of

going to perform the figure 8 the wheel safety statement
pattern and hit the ball over the 2. Side to target
net. One person will be on one 3. Backswing Assess aff. Obj:
side of the net as the tosser, 4. Follow through students
and the other person will demonstrating
X Easier – Use a foam ball
perform the figure 8 pattern sportsmanship by
Net and hit the ball over the net encouraging their
min. back to their partner. Each
Harder - Try hitting the ball
peers. Ex; high fives,
X with your backhand
student will perform this using positive feedback
the inside turn, then the outside
turn, then switch roles with CFU: what do you do
their partners. after you perform
both the inside and
outside turn?

Great job everyone! Please hold on to the tennis balls and gather
30s Transition
around us at this court.

a. Rallying: CFU: what are the

The four teachers will demonstrate attempting to rally or keep the ball alive utilizing benefits of the
the forehand and backhand shots. Keeping count of how many times they can
forehand and
successfully rally the ball back and forth

CFU: why is
2min Task #3
rallying important
in tennis?

CFU: what grip do

we use when
holding the racket?

1. Hand on top of Reminder: In

Groups of four students will the wheel wheelchair tennis
attempt to rally the ball back 2. Side to target Easier – Students position the ball is allowed
and forth over the net. Groups 3. Backswing themselves in the middle of the to bounce twice on
will start with a toss instead of 4. Follow through court.
XX each side
4 a serve. Keeping track of
Net successful returns.
Min. Harder - Teach by invitation
Psych. Obj:
XX and suggest a greater challenge
by moving closer to the striking the ball
baseline. with their

Freeze great job everyone. Students will circle around the teachers
30s Transition and teachers will ask each group their score, congratulate each

a,) The teachers will introduce the next drill.

Tosser, HItter, Receiver Remind students
The four teachers will demonstrate the drill by having 1 person throw, one person hit, of the cues and
1min Task #4
and the others retrieving the balls. The hitter will be on the service line and the tosser safety statement.
and receiver will be on the opposite side of the net. Encourage students to have the ball
land within the singles sideline
Let students know
that they’ll be
assessed furing
this task

CFU: if you’re the

hitter, where
should you be

CFU: where do we
want the ball to

b.In the same groups of 3-4. 1. Hand on top Easier – stand closer to the CFU: how do you
One student will throw the of the wheel net as a hitter hold the racket?
ball, one student will hit the 2. Side to target
ball, and the other student 3. Backswing Harder - hit from the baseline CFU: how many
will retrieve the ball. 4. Follow or take steps back to make it times are you hitting
Practice 10 back hand and through more challenging the ball before
10 forehand each. Rotate switching?
Retriever after 10 for each side.
tosser Cog. Obj.: talk about
force and how it’s
7min Net

hitter AL: force

Assess psych. Obj:

students striking
using the forehand
and backhand while
using the correct

Stop what you’re doing and circle up! Great job everyone! Hold on to your balls
30s Transition
and get in a group of 3 as we’re going to move onto our next and final task

a.Mini Wheelchair Tennis Game: Queen/King of the Court

The four teachers will demonstrate how to play Queen B CFU: how many
Rules of the game: serves does the
1. 1 v 1 other players are on the side waiting for their turn server get?
2. Server gets 2 tries to serve if the ball does not go over the net or goes out
of bounds. CFU: how long do
2min Task #5
3. Play until someone wins the point. you play until?
4. The winner will stay on the court and the loser will trade places with
whoever is on the sideline. Restate cog. Obj.:
5. The next person who steps on the court gets to serve remind students of
6. The person who is on the side of the court waiting, can practice volleying force
the tennis ball on the racket

b.Students will get into groups 1. Hand on top of Remind students of

of 3 the wheel safety statement
3. One student will be on one 2. Side to target
side of the court, one student 3. Backswing CFU: why should
X will be on the opposite side of 4. Follow through
Easier – do an underhand serve
your hand always be
to start
Net x the court and the third student on the top of the
will be on the sideline. wheel?
Harder - Perform a regular
X serve over the head.
CFU: why is it
important to
demonstrate a

Freeze! Students will stop what they’re doing, pick up and hold onto
30s Transition
their equipment and circle up by the teachers
Assess. Cog. obj:
can students
explain why
varying amounts of
● Great job today everyone you all did great! force can help
Lesson TTTT ● Students will complete the exit slip them?
Hook to Next
2min XXXXXXXXX ● Can someone tell me what they thought was hard during the Assess. Fit. obj.:
Lesson XX lesson and what was something they enjoyed? students list what
● Next class we’re going to be working on the overhand serve! health-related
components are
related to
wheelchair tennis?
Pre-planning: Previous instruction in this activity (earlier grade levels)

Evaluation of Post-planning: “Assessment Informs Teaching:” future needs based on assessment results
Teacher Reflection Notes:

Instructional (Include any assessment, task cards, exit slips you used): Describe and number
Supports Exit slip for cog and aff obj

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