Biotechnologies Socratic Seminar

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Biotechnologies Socratic Seminar

In class tomorrow, we will be having a discussion about cloning and GMOs. You will choose one of these two issues and complete a
written assignment in order to prepare for the discussion. Your written prep should answer the question: Is the use of
GMOs/cloning ethical? To what extent should scientists be able to pursue experiments using this technology?

Use specific evidence from the articles you received in class and additional information you find on the internet. Please use
quotation marks when using words that are not your own.

For example: In the article "Cloning Fact Sheet," natural clones are discussed. Clones, "also known as identical twins, occur in
humans and other mammals." This suggests that clones are not unnatural since they can occur without human interference.

The written prep should be in paragraph form and proofread (I would suggest two paragraphs of prep). Your thoughts on the issue
should be clearly conveyed and supported by your evidence.

Some topics you might address:

1. How has your technology been used so far?

2. There are different applications/uses for your technology. Are some more ethical than others?
3. How might others feel about cloning/GMOs? Why might their views also be valid?
4. Are there any proven negative impacts of your technology? (ex: Do GMOs cause health issues?)
5. What are some potential benefits of your technology?

You will also be graded on how well you contribute to the group discussion in class tomorrow. Please consider how this written prep
can be used to support your points in discussion.

As an audience member, you must take notes on the discussion you’re observing. At the end of the discussion, you must be able to
ask a quality question to the group. This will be part of your participation grade.

Socratic Seminar Rubric

Category Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaching/Below Expectations
Preparation Student has done additional research Student has used the materials provided Student uses minimal or no evidence
(15 pts) outside of the required in order to in class in order to provide an answer to from the materials provided in class.
develop thoughtful, detailed responses the prompt. Student responses are Student response does not provide a
to the prompt(s). Student responses are written in paragraph form, using complete response to the prompt. The
written in paragraph form, using complete sentences, but some errors are response is not in paragraph form or is
complete sentences, and have been present. Evidence from class is used in very brief. It has not been carefully
carefully proofread. Evidence from class most cases to support responses. proofread and/or written using complete
readings/text is used to support sentences. The response does not feel
persuasive responses. Additional (11-12 pts) supported and may be purely based on
examples/anecdotes or connections with opinions of the student.
other texts are made.
(13-15 pts) (0-10 pts)

Participation Student participates meaningfully in Student participates in discussion more Student does not participate in the
(5 pts) discussion and acts as a leader. They than once. Most responses are discussion and/or their contributions are
work to engage other students in thoughtful and directly related to the not meaningful. Their contributions may
conversation and listen to what others topic at hand or a comment another be off topic and/or not in response to
have to say. Their responses are well- student made. Most responses are something another student says. The
supported by evidence and their supported by evidence and their student struggles to listen to others
preparation informs their comments. preparation is occasionally used as a and/or dominates the discussion and/or
Student’s notes and question(s) indicate resource. Student’s notes and is rude to others. They rarely/do not
active engagement even while not in the question(s) indicate that they were refer to their written preparation and
inner circle. listening even while not part of the circle most/all comments are unsupported by
evidence. Student’s notes/questions are
(5 pts) (3-4 pts) brief and/or missing.
(0-2 pts)

Comments: _____ / 20 pts

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