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Worksheet 6

Project Implementation Plan

Name: Ralph B. Barsanalina Date: 3/29/22 Rating: _______

Course & Section: BSN-1 SDC-NSTP 2 Instructor: Sir Donato Iligan

Directions: Present an illustration that will depict the step – by – step process
of project implementation.

A Project Proposal For the NSTP-2 Student Ralph B. Barsanalina entitled
"Teacher's Pet"

Community Background Community background:

Barangay 10, Impalambong, Malaybalay CIty

Basic livelihood: Unemployed

Religion: Roman Catholic

Establishments: Barangay Halls, stores

Description: This proposal’s objective is to start a lecture during the process

of fumigation in each part of a given community. It is obvious that fumigation
operation alone cannot permanently eliminate the population of any infestation, but
with the cooperation from residents themselves, pest control would utter mostly be
attained, and it is achieved through a brief discussion and lecture of discipline.The
community as we imagine it is really under the threat of different diseases carried
by mosquitoes like malaria and dengue. This fumigation machines would go in the
small passages in the Barangay especially those areas near the canals because they
are more prone to mosquitoes. Maybe some people would think that this wasn’t
crucial but according to DOH (department of health) 42,207 dengue cases, 193
deaths from January to 1st week of June in the Philippines. This operation is done
with the assistance and guidance from local pest control services accessible anytime
and anyplace with the use of their ads. Target Beneficiaries: localities living near
polluted or infested areas, Barangay facilities and sectors Time Frame: 1st Saturday
Morning (8-10am): Lecture (What diseases they can get from pests manifestation)
2nd Saturday Morning (8-am): Fumigation Process 3rd Saturday Morning (8-am):
Lecture (How to maintain the cleanliness and how to prevent pest manifestation)
4th Saturday Morning (8-am): after a week, the team will come back to the area
and see if the citizens learned how to do the pest control that the group taught
them. Materials and Means: fumigation operators and machine, specifically 20-30
chairs, one white/black board

Project Duration:

1st Sunday Morning (8:am-12:00pm) Lecture

2nd Sunday Morning (8:am-12:00pm) How to do the pest control

Objectives and goal:

• To control pest population in the community • Inform the citizens to be

more careful about the waters that they stored and what it can cause and Provide
every member of the community a concern for the environment • To help prevent
diseases from disease-carrying mosquitoes • Make the people who live there feel
safer and comfortable with their environment • To stop the rampant increase of
dengue cases in the country as well as the increase of malaria cases.

• To provide the locals with knowledge about infections insects and pests and
measures on lessening chances of getting infected • Enhance the awareness of
people about the wickedness of diseases carried by mosquitoes

• To save other people from possible deadly disease. We would be thankful if

this would ever be implemented and we will going to have the satisfaction, a breath
of fresh air knowing that by just coming up with this kind of project proposal, we
are able to save future victims of mosquitoes. We can imagine the people being
thankful of the project because we know that it would really be helpful and they
would appreciate it.

Target Benificiaries:

Localities near polluted or infested area

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