March - Mirror Talk I Am Clubhouse Afternoon

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March Theme: I'm Worth It

GREETING & RULES Different colored expo
A mirror
word stickers and
affirmation stickers)
This activity will be focused on the members trying to guess the unknown object, person, place, etc., from the
clues that they are given. One facilitator would have the charades app downloaded on their phone and then
they will split the members up into 2-3 teams. After, the facilitator will select the number of teams on the
app, and how many rounds they want to play (3, 5, or 7). The first team will choose from the list of
categories and will nominate who they want to be the one to try and guess the answer fro the clues they will
give them. Each round will last for 1 minute, and at the end, whichever team guessed the most correct
answers will win!

Our theme this month is "I'm Worth It", which is centered around taking care of ourselves emotionally while
we are grieving. Sometimes when we are grieving, it is hard to find the positive, even within ourselves. How
we talk about ourselves and see ourselves is important. What are some ways you talk to yourself? Do you say
positive things? If so, what do you say? Why might it be hard to find positive things about yourself? It's
important to remember that treating and talking with ourselves compassionately helps. It allows us to
remember that we are capable and awesome, despite our grief. In this next activity, you will write your own
"I AM" statements. Some examples could include "I AM STRONG", "I AM WORTHY", "I CAN DO THIS", "I

Facilitator(s) will pass out the materials to the members.
Each child will begin to work on their "I AM" mirror by writing on the glass portion of the mirror with an
expo marker and then decorating (if they choose to) on the back and anywhere else on the mirror
After each child has finished, the facilitator would ask if anyone would like to volunteer to share what
they have. If no one chooses to volunteer, one of the facilitators could start off with what they did, and
then if none of the children wants to go next, that facilitator will choose for the person to the right or left
of them to share theirs and each child will share (if they do not pass) in the direction that was chosen.

Why do you think positive self-talk is important? How might it help?
Ask members how the activity made them feel after they completed it.
What are some ways that you can do positive self-talk when you leave today?
What are ways you will use the mirror at home?
Any takeaways you have gotten from this activity?

After the death of our persons, it can be easy for us to think negatively, especially when it comes to how we
talk and treat ourselves. Remembering the positive qualities about ourselves lets us see the amazing things we
are capable of doing every day. It's important to remember that we are actively grieving and living a positive
life at the same time. We hold a lot of power and greatness that should not be forgotten and these mirrors
allow just that! If there is remaining time go outside or stay inside and play. (Ex. red light, green light, Statues
in the Garden, Freeze tag, 4 corners).

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