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Date: April 29, 2022

To: Whom it may concern and to all unknown people and companies as well as to:

Re.: Sale of my (Currency ) (______ )

Transaction Code: ___________________

Dear Sir,

Notification of my Official “Global Cease and Desist” to all Parties and all the
unknown people and companies that are working on my file, on the sales of my
______ Quad Zimbabwe Dollars as further described in general above.

As of today the Buyer and his mandates, ALL unauthorized parties working with
above (Currency ) funds are hereby instructed to immediately cease and desist
any and all further efforts to place or use in any manner, the above described
(Currency ) Funds in any connection with a Purchase, sell or Investment
transaction, or any other transactions which any other associated party(ies), or any
associates (Internationally) may have considered or have proposed.

All copies and originals of all our papers, documents, statements, and other pertinent
information, submitted to any individuals or companies with the intention of entering
in to a Private Investment Program are hereby declared Null and Void for the

1. The inability to place this/these transaction/Bond/s into a successful sale as per

discussions and the deadlines discussed in our conversations.
2. A general lack of communication on all aspects of this transaction, and our lack
of confidence in proceeding forward with any of the people, known or unknown to

This cancellation is effective immediately as of the date of this letter. Accordingly, all
parties hereby instructed to Cease and Desist from any further action with the
intention to cause sale of Private Placement on our Instruments or any other
document in support of our application. Demand is further made that all Parties other
than the above referenced, Corporate Directors and/or Signatories must immediately
destroy any and all copies of any documents that have been provided in connection
with the above described (Currency ) Funds.

All parties further served notice that in the event we become aware that any of you
and any of your associates, group or entity, have, after the issuance of this
“international Cease and Desist Instruction” attempted to continue in the subject
matter, then we reserve the right to seek and obtain, in addition to any legal remedy
or claim for damages, injunctive relief to restrain the unauthorized distribution of our
confidential documents, as unlicensed distribution of our confidential documents, as
unlicensed negotiation of the investment envisaged in this instruction.

Finally, demand is made that this “Global Cease and Desist” is to be forwarded to
any persons or entity (ies) to whom any documents or other pertinent information
regarding this account may have been obtained: That any such person comply with
this order, the demands, and directions contained herein, and that each and every
one of them forward this “Cease and Desist” to any persons or entity (ies), to whom
they may have given or received any information regarding this account. Appropriate
action will be taken in the event of failure to comply with this demand to “International
Cease and Desist.”

A facsimile, email, scanned copy of this document with scanned signature shall have
the same force and effect as the original.

Herein confirmed and executed on this April 29, 2022

(Signature in WET BLUE INK )

Signature ____________________________
Name: ______________
Passport: ____(______)
Date of Issue: ______________
Date of Expiry: _____________

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