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Name: Raven Micah Ella P. Quizana
Section: BSEDMT 1-1
Teacher: Mrs. Irma Estella a Marie Esteban
Synthetic Geometry
Synthetic geometry was first cultivated by
Monge, Carnot, and Poncelet in France; it then
bore rich fruits at the hands of M ̈obius and
Steiner in Germany and Switzerland and was
finally developed to still higher perfection by
Chasles in France, von Staudt in Germany, and
Cremona in Italy.
Jakob Steiner (1796–1863)
“The greatest geometrician since the time of Euclid,” was
born in Utzendorf in the Canton of Bern.He was a Swiss
mathematician who specialized in geometry.
Considered one of the greatest pure geometers who ever
lived, he introduced the concept of geometric forms,
perfected the theory of duality in geometry, and
contributed much to the development of modern projective
He has been considered the greatest pure geometer since
Apollonius of Perga.
In his hands synthetic geometry made prodigious progress.
New discoveries followed each other so rapidly that he
often did not take time to record their demonstrations.

In his Systematische Entwickelung der Abhängigkeit

geometrischer Gestalten von einander he laid the foundation of
modern synthetic geometry. In projective geometry, even
parallel lines have a point in common: a point at infinity. Thus
two points determine a line and two lines determine a point. The
symmetry of point and line is expressed as projective duality.
Starting with perspectivities, the transformations of projective
geometry are formed by composition, producing projectivity.
Steiner identified sets preserved by projectivity such as a
projective range and pencils. He is particularly remembered for
his approach to a conic section by way of projectivity called the
Steiner conic.

In his Systematische Entwickelungen, for the first time, is the

principle of duality introduced at the outset. This book and von
Staudt’s lay the foundation on which synthetic geometry in its
present form rests. Not only did he fairly complete the theory
of curves and surfaces of the second degree, but he made great
advances in the theory of those of higher degrees. In his hands
synthetic geometry made prodigious progress.
Analytic Geometry
Modern synthetic and modern analytical
geometry have much in common, and maybe
grouped together under the common name
“projective geometry.”
The continual direct viewing of figures as
existing in space adds exceptional charm to the
study of the former, but the latter has the
advantage in this, that a well-established
routine in a certain degree may outrun thought
itself, and thereby aid original research.

Rudolf Friedrich Alfred Clebsch (1833–1872)

was born at K ̈onigsberg in Prussia, studied at the

university of that place under Hesse, Richelot, F.
Neumann. From 1858 to 1863 he held the chair of
theoretical mechanics at the Polytechnicum in Carlsruhe.
The study of Salmon’s works led him intoalgebra and
geometry. In 1863 he accepted a position at the
University of Giessen, where he worked in conjunction
with Paul Gordan (now of Erlangen).
A German mathematician who completed Poisson’s
earlier studies. A German experimental physicist, August
Kundt, developed a number of important techniques for
investigating properties of sound waves.

He worked successively at the following subjects: Mathematical

physics, the calculus of variations and partial differential equations of
the first order, the general theory of curves and surfaces, Abelian
functions and their use in geometry, the theory of invariants, and “Fl

At the beginning of his career, Clebsch had shown how elliptic

functions could be advantageously applied to Malfatti’s problem. The
idea involved therein, viz. the use of higher transcendentals in the
study of geometry, led him to his greatest discoveries. Not only did he
apply Abelian functions to geometry, but conversely, he drew
geometry into the service of Abelian functions.

Clebsch made liberal use of determinants. His study of curves and

surfaces began with the determination of the points of contact of lines
which meet a surface in four consecutive points. Salmon had proved
that these points lie on the intersection of the surface with a derived
surface of the degree 11n − 24, but his solution was given in
inconvenient form. Clebsch’s investigation thereon is a most beautiful
piece of analysis.

The progress of algebra in recent

times may be considered under three
principal heads: the study of
fundamental laws and the birth of
new algebras, the growth of the
theory of equations, and the
development of what is called
modern higher algebra.

William Rowan Hamilton (1805–1865)

was born to Scotch parents in Dublin. His early education,

carried on at home, was mainly in languages.
Irish mathematician who contributed to the development
of optics, dynamics, and algebra in particular, discovering
the algebra of quaternions. His work proved significant
for the development of quantum mechanics.
He wrote also on the solution of equations of the fifth
degree, the hodograph, fluctuating functions, the
numerical solution of differential equations.
In 1835 he published in the Transactions of the Royal Irish
Academy his Theory of Algebraic Couples.

The algebra of Quaternions is a structure first studied by

the Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton which
extends the two-dimensional complex numbers to four
dimensions. Multiplication is non-commutative in
quaternions, a feature that enables its representation of
three-dimensional rotation.

Mathematical analysis formally

developed in the 17th century
during the Scientific Revolution, but
many of its ideas can be traced
back to earlier mathematicians.
Early results in analysis were
implicitly present in the early days
of ancient Greek mathematics.

Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789–1857)

was born in Paris, and received his early education from his
father. Lagrange and Laplace, with whom the father came
in frequent contact, foretold the future greatness of the
young boy.

French mathematician who pioneered in analysis and the

theory of substitution groups (groups whose elements are
ordered sequences of a set of things).

He was one of the greatest of modern mathematicians.


Cauchy did important work in analysis, algebra, and number

theory. One of his important contributions was the "theory of
substitutions" (permutation group theory). Cauchy's research also
included convergence of infinite series, differential equations,
determinants, and probability. He invented the calculus of residues.

His researches extended over the field of series, imaginaries, theory

of numbers, differential equations, theory of substitutions, theory
of functions, determinants, mathematical astronomy, light,
elasticity, etc.,—covering pretty much the whole realm of
mathematics, pure and applied.
Theory of Functions
We begin our sketch of the vast
progress in the theory of
functions by considering the
special class called elliptic
functions. These were richly
developed by Abel and Jacobi.

Niels Henrick Abel (1802–1829)

was born at Findo ̈e in Norway, and

was prepared for the university at the
cathedral school in Christiania. He
exhibited no interest in mathematics
until 1818, when B. Holmboe became a lecturer there and aroused Abel’s
interest by assigning original problems to the class.

Niels Henrik Abel was one of the most prominent mathematicians of

the world in the first half of the 19th century. He is probably the most
well-known Norwegian mathematician ever.

As a 16-year-old, Abel gave a rigorous proof of the binomial

theorem valid for all numbers, extending Euler's result which had
held only for rationals. Abel wrote a fundamental work on the
theory of elliptic integrals, containing the foundations of the
theory of elliptic functions.

Abel’s greatest work was in the theory of elliptic and transcendental

functions…The study of elliptic functions inaugurated by Abel was
to occupy many of the best mathematicians for the remainder of the
19th century. He also made very important contributions to the
theory of infinite series.”
Theory of Numbers

“Mathematics, the queen of the sciences,

and arithmetic, the queen of
mathematics.” Such was the dictum of
Gauss, who was destined to revolutionize
the theory of numbers.
Carl Friedrich Gauss(1777–1855)

the son of a bricklayer was born at Brunswick.

Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) has been called the "Prince
of Mathematicians" for his many contributions to pure and
applied mathematics.
Gauss was the only child of poor parents. He was rare among
mathematicians in that he was a calculating prodigy, and he
retained the ability to do elaborate calculations in his head
most of his life.
German mathematician, generally regarded as one of the
greatest mathematicians of all time for his contributions to
number theory, geometry, probability theory, geodesy,
planetary astronomy, the theory of functions, and potential
theory (including electromagnetism).

One of Gauss's most important contributions to number theory

involved the invention of the idea of congruence (or agreement) in
numbers and the use of what he called "modulos" or small measures or
sets of numbers. In effect, his theory of congruence allows people to
break up the infinite series of whole numbers into smaller, more
manageable chunks of numbers and perform computations upon
Gauss said that if one number is subtracted from another (a - b), and
the remainder of the subtraction can be divided by another number,
m, then a and b are congruent to each other by the number m.
Gauss's formula is as follows: a is congruent to b modulo c.
Applied Mathematics

Applied mathematics is the application of

mathematical methods by different fields
such as physics, engineering, medicine,
biology, finance, business, computer science,
and industry. Thus, applied mathematics is a
combination of mathematical science and
specialized knowledge.
George Biddel Airy (1801–1892)

royal astronomer at Greenwich, published in 1826 his

Mathematical Tracts on the Lunar and Planetary Theories. These
researches have since been greatly extended by him.

His many achievements include work on planetary orbits,

measuring the mean density of the Earth, a method of solution of
two-dimensional problems in solid mechanics, and, in his role as
Astronomer Royal, establishing Greenwich as the location of the
prime meridian.

One of the most remarkable of Airy's researches was his

determination of the mean density of the Earth. In 1826, the idea
occurred to him of attacking this problem by means of pendulum
experiments at the top and bottom of a deep mine.

His first attempt, made in the same year, at the Dolcoath mine in Cornwall,
failed in consequence of an accident to one of the pendulums. A second
attempt in 1828 was defeated by a flooding of the mine, and many years
elapsed before another opportunity presented itself. The experiments
eventually took place at the Harton pit near South Shields in northern
England in 1854. Their immediate result was to show that gravity at the
bottom of the mine exceeded that at the top by 1/19286 of its amount, the
depth being 383 m (1,256 ft). From this, he was led to the final value of
Earth's specific density of 6.566. This value, although considerably in excess
of that previously found by different methods, was held by Airy, from the
care and completeness with which the observations were carried out and
discussed, to be "entitled to compete with the others on, at least, equal
terms."The currently accepted value for Earth's density is 5.5153 g/cm3.
En d of th e
resen ta tio n!

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