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Graph From Part I:

A. The population proportion is the proportion of people who reported

having ‘health, lifestyle coaching,’ as a program o ered by their

B. Check the Three conditions for computing a 95% con dence

interval for p
1. Random Sample/Randomized Experiment

This condition my have been met, however, I do not have enough

information about it as I do not know how they selected the sample.

2. Independent Observations (n ≤ 0.05N).

We do not have a sample size listed on the graph, therefore I will use a
sample size of n= 100. So we need a population of at least 100/0.05 =
2000. It is a reasonable assumption that the population is much larger.

3. n p̂ ≥10;n p (1-p̂ ) ≥ 10

For n=100 and p̂ = 0.48, 100(0.48)= 48 ≥10 ; 100(1-0.48)= 52 ≥ 10

So we meet this validity requirement, as long as this sample is random or decently represented, yes, the con dence interval
will be valid.

C. Compute and interpret the con dence interval. Show your work by including a screenshot of Geogebra with the inputs
and results. Then state the con dence interval.

The number of successes must be 100(0.48) = 48

The 95% con dence interval is (0.382, 0.578). we are 95% con dent that the interval from 0.382 captures the true population
proportion of those who reported having ‘health, lifestyle coaching’ available at their workplace.

D. Carry out a hypothesis test for the hypotheses H0 : p = 0.5 vs. Ha : p ≠ 0.5, Using the Normal curve to nd the p-
value and a signi cance level of α = 0.05. be sure to include each step, in order. The steps are:

1. State the hypotheses

H0 : p = 0.5

Ha : p ≠ 0.5

2. Check the Validty conditions for a 1-Sample Z test

i. Random Sample/Randomized Experiment

This condition may be met, but I need more information about it, as i do not know how the samples were selected.

I. Independent observations (n ≤ 0.05N)

We have a sample of size n= 100, so we need a population of at least 100/0.05 = 2000. It is a reasonable assumption that the
population is much larger.

iii. np0 ≥10 ; n(1-p0 ) ≥ 10

The null hypothesis is H0 : p = 0.5, so p0 = 0.5. For n=100. 100(0.5) = 50 ≥20; 100(1-0.5) = 50 ≥ 10. So we meet this validation

3. Find the test statistic and p-value

The standardized test statistic is Z=-0.4, with a p value of 0.6892.

4. State the correct decision about the null hypothesis

Since the p-value is greater than 0.5, we reject the null hypothesis that the population
proportion is equal to 0.5.

5. write the conclusion in context

There is su cient evidence to conclude that the proportion of people who reported having a
‘health, lifestyle coaching’ at their workplace is di erent from 0.5. As long as the sample is
random or decently representative, the hypothesis test results will be valid.

Compare your results to the ones you obtained using simulation in Part I

Here are my hypothesis test results from the simulation:

Both of the versions have yielded similar p-values close to 0.74. We meet most of the validity
conditions for carrying-out a theory-based test, so this is not very surprising. We do not
necessarily have a random sample, we should use the simulation approach.

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