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Argumentative Essay: The Willingness of the Community to Participate in Nationwide


Due to the emergence of the COVID-19 virus, and the drastic number of cases recorded

every single day, the government, inline with the Department of Health and the Local Barangay

Units has been working day and night to encourage the people to get vaccinated, as they are

aiming for herd immunity. As a student taking up medical related course, I often have heated

arguments with some of my family members due to their continuous resistance towards

vaccination, which increases their risk of contracting the virus, and spreading it to the most

vulnerable ones in our family. The scenarios usually start with one of my relative stating that the

COVID-19 vaccines are useless, and thus it will only cause them to harbor the virus, as a student

who is well-aware of the benefits of the vaccine to the community, I think it is my responsibility

to educate my family regarding the benefits of the vaccine as backed-up by science and research,

and thus some people do not like being corrected which will then result to heated arguments and

misunderstanding. I started to disagree with my relative in this situation by stating right away

that COVID-19 vaccines are made to save people lives, and thus it is stupid and/or unlikely to

think that it is useless, in which she responded that I do not know everything, and thus I should

not feel entitled only because I am a student.

As a university student taking up communication subjects, I am now well aware of the

mistakes I have done in that loop of communication, as stated above. Every conversation must

start with kind and respectful words, as to establish good connection with the person you are
talking, on that certain situation. Good communication must start with a good introduction of the

topic being discussed, and thus when a person is disagreeing a someone’s opinion or point of

view, there is no other way to say it, only respectfully. On that situation, I should have started by

giving regard to my relative, as to make her feel that I acknowledge her opinions and ideas

regarding this matter, and then slowly, I can open up the topic regarding the benefits of vaccine

to the community, and thus the percentage of vaccinated people around our community if data is

available. In that way, the conversation will have a clear motive, and it is leaning towards being

informative, rather than pessimistic. If the conversation went out that want way, I am quite sure

that by now, I must have convinced my relative to get vaccinated.

As to analyze the responses, I will utilize the old saying that says “Nasa huli ang

pagsisisi” because obviously, the way I handled that situation is not commendable, and it is to

conclude that the scenario I have just made as another way of handling the situation is a much

better response for the issue, because according to Kaufmann (n.d) effective communication

must always begin listening. Listening is vital as so to ensure that you were able to understand all

important points, that you can later support or go against. Overall attitude during the

conversation is also important, keeping yourself open, and relaxed throughout the conversation

will encourage a more intellectually lined conversation, rather than a conversation driven by

extreme emotions. With that being said, I can therefore conclude that the second scenario is a

much better response for the conversation, because the first one that is stated do not reflect

effective communication, and thus it does not reach a meaningful ending, considering the

communication process, it also received negative feedback. For teenagers on my age,

communication is a much greater subject that we should always be careful to perform, and I can

advice 6C’s, an effective communication always comes after reaching upon these factors as
namely: Clearness, Conciseness, Concreteness, Correctness, Coherent, and a Courteous attitude

from the communicator.


Kaufmann, M. Communicate effectively. Retrieved from:


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