Eyeglasses Are Damaging Your Eyes.: Debunking A $100bn Industry

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Eyeglasses are damaging your Eyes.

Debunking a $100bn industry


“You must wear these glasses at all times because if you don’t, your eyes will get worse.”

This is the greatest lie propagated by the Eyewear industry.

Here is the most common Chronology that the majority experiences with Vision:
A child with perfect eyes suddenly experiences blurry-fuzzy vision. He tells his parents about the
problem and they take him to a nearby optometrist that evening.

The doctor prescribes him glasses and says

“You must wear these glasses at all times because if you don’t, your eyes will get worse.”

6 months later the child returns to the doctor complaining about blurry vision, and the doctor
prescribes him stronger glasses and the cycle continues.


Now, how does the Doctor justify this worsening of vision?

“It’s due to growth of eyeball”
“It’s because the child watches a lot of TV”
“It’s because he isn’t getting sufficient nutrition”
Blah blah blah

They never address the elephant in the room: Glasses itself.

These factors will sound convincing if you’re not aware of how glasses work. Growth, habits and
diet have a very small impact on vision when compared to something like wearing glasses all-day
long. Today we will see why.


The mechanism of the eye is fairly simple. Light from the source enters Cornea and interacts with
the lens, which bends the incoming light so that it focus exactly on the rear of our eye (Focus Point
on Retina)

Now, light coming from sources at different distances, needs to be focussed with different power.

Example, light coming from a far object needs a little bending, while light from objects that are
near, will require more bending power.

But we don’t have multiple lenses of different converging powers you may ask.
This is what ciliary muscles are for. They change the shape of the lens depending on the object's
distance, by relaxing, or contracting itself.

Now we understand how eyes form clear pictures of objects.


Myopia is a condition where the ciliary muscles get stiff in a contracted state. This makes the
converging power of the lens more than what is required.

This higher converging power results in the image to form INFRONT of the retina, and not ON
it. This results in blurry vision of distant objects.

This is what the Doctors mis-diagnose you with.

A child experiencing blurry vision for the first time is NOT actual Myopia.
Then what is it?

This is Pseudomyopia

Pseudomyopia is temporary stiffening of Ciliary Muscles due to eyestrain that leads to fuzzy vision.

Example if you’ve been viewing TV or any screen while sitting too close to it for prolonged time,
after a few hours you'll experience blurry vision.

This is because- While viewing a close object, your ciliary muscles contract to make the lens thick
and increase converging power.
When one continues to be in such a state, Ciliary Muscles adapt to it and end up stiffening
themselves temporarily.

The solution to Pseudomyopia is fairly simple, use your distant vision.

Go for Walks, try reading license plates, small road signs, etc. Do this for a few days-weeks and your
vision will be perfectly restored.

This is the info that an Optometrist is supposed to give when a child first comes to get a
check up.

What do they do instead? They prescribe glasses that end up giving them actual Axial Myopia.

Let’s first quickly look at how glasses work.

Since the Lens of eye is thick with more converging power, viewing distant objects gives a blurry
image, but objects that are closer will seem perfect.

Let’s say you can see clearly upto Xcm. Objects farther than X seem blurry. The glasses that fix
myopia consist of a concave lens.

This external lens creates a virtual image of the object under Xcm from the eyes.

Optically speaking, glasses work by making distant objects appear closer, and objects close up
appear even closer.

The problem with using Vision correcting glasses to treat pseudomyopia is that it worsens the
original problem. Remember when the child had blurry vision when he looked at something close
for a long time? Now glasses are bringing the objects EVEN CLOSER.

With glasses, eyes are in a constant state of viewing objects closer than they are.
This results in increased eye strain. Theirlens now needs to contract even harder to accommodate
new close objects, and gets settled in a new thicker position.

Then after six months, the patient visits the Doctor due to blurry vision and the doctor prescribes
him even stronger glasses that will bring the virtual image even closer to eyes, and the cycle goes on.

After 2-3 such cycles, the patient develops actual Myopia.

The other major change that happens in the eye under Myopia, apart from thickening of lens, is the
fact that the eyeball physically elongates.

From what we’ve discussed so far, we now know that the vision correcting glasses are over
prescribed for objects that are near to you (those objects that can be viewed clearly even without

This excessive correction focuses the image behind the retina which ends up ELONGATING the
Eyeball to focus correctly.
You can imagine what kind of damage such glasses do to your eyes in the long run. This is how this
Hundred Billion Dollar Industry is built on mis-diagnosis of temporary adjustment as a permanent

Have you met people who claim they have prescribed glasses but never wear them? They don’t seem
to have any problem with their visions now, do they?

I’ve talked to a few people I know who have had their vision stabilized once they stopped using
prescription glasses and have claimed that while they were using glasses, their vision steadily

The treatment to this prolonged deterioration is not instantaneous. One might suggest LASIK
surgery. I’d suggest them to go through this before deciding

A natural treatment for Myopia does exist, but it’s not something that will take a few days or
months. It will take years depending on the level of damage.

The reversal of this condition is similar to how it escalated, just the opposite.

Visit: https://endmyopia.org/ for details on treatment of myopia (I’m not linked to them in any


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