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Vadnagar (Anand Pura)’s History Colonel James Todd in his Annals of Rajasthan (Vol.1, Page 233) attributes the founding of Vadnagar by Raja Kanaksen in carly Common Era (150 BC). No one is entirely sure if Kanaksen was a Great Kushan king Kanishka who also have been responsible for founding Shrimal (Bhinmal). We do not know the people who were moving in to this “Anarat” region, Either the original habitants of India were pushed out by Invader from North or they themselves were the newer tribes. I personally believe it is later. Anand Pura was once occupied by native tribes of Koli and Bhil but they were pushed out by invaders Yavanas and kamboj people who after several centuries of mixing became Nagar Brahmin, Ther a disagreement among the historians among the origin of Nagar Brahmin if they came from the area of Kashmir or through ancient Gandhara or Bactria. They stand out differently than native Indians with their lighter skin complexion and more Caucasoid features vs. Austroloid features. Kamboja being the “horse traders” moved on to present Khambhat port ultimately named after them from its original name Bhriggu-Kuchha. Yavanas were Bactrian Greeks who came along either as displaced people from Bactria or as allies with Yueh-chih Kushan. ‘The information is at best very sketchy and sometimes legendary. Yavanas are thought to be associated with Ionian Greeks but were under Vedic influence for a long time. ‘Kanaksen is thought to have lodged local native rulers during early century of common era (Kushan period), According to Todd, he was the patron of Maitraka Vijaysena whose suecessors ultimately founded Maitraka dynasty during Gupta period. Vijaysena established himself as a commander first at Vadnagar prior to moving to Gajni port in Saurashtra that was renamed Vallbhipur. It is possible then with many Saka related tribes that entered with Kushan; this Vijaysena is of mixed Kamboj-Indian origin. According to their Vahi-Vansi Bards (Genealogy historians), Vadnagar is always regarded asa home city of Nagar Brahmin of Gujarat. More on Maitraka-see my posting on my face book page. Walking through the narrow streets of Vadnagar town, one can see glimpses of a forgotten era and a culture that seem to resemble ancient cities of Mathura, Vallabhipur and Bhinmal. The ancient wall is spread over 3 km area and it was rebuilt by King Kumar Pala Solanki. The construction of the six gates Nandole, Arajanbari, Amthor, Fithodi, Amarthor and Ghaskot were also completed during Kumar Pala’s time. They now appear in depilated conditions. A visitor to the town can perhaps see for himself why the gates ‘were monuments of dignity. Not only are they architectural marvels, but also serve to remind us of Vadnagar's past. Buddhism and Jainism came simultaneot to Vadnagar perhaps as early as the beginning of Christian era, Buddhism faded away after about cighth century AD, just like its fate elsewhere in India. Jainism continued to flourish in the city. During Vallabhi period, the city hummed with industrial and commercial activities of all sorts: manufacturing of textiles, dyeing and printing of textiles, manufacture of potteries and utensils, agricultural tools, bullock-carts, stone carvings, and so on. The bazaars (market) were full of customers from near and far. Its traders were rich and happy with Pagel the business. Other antiquities of the town are Hatkeswar temple, Mahakaleshwar, Toran (Arch) and Samadhi of Tan Sen and Riri. This reminds us of past grandeur of this prosperous city. Hatkeswar Mahadev is the patron God of Nagar Brahmins. ‘The archeological excavations done by archeology department of MS University haye reyealed archeological riches beyond expectation. The discovery includes some houses, toys, and utensils made of clay dated to 100 BC while other items belonged to 300 or 400 AD. ‘The findings are preserved at the MS University. There are also copper plates inscription dating back to Maitraka and Gupta period. Archaeological Survey of India (ASD), taking note of the findings, acknowledged Vadnagar as an important heritage town. Vadnagar probably served as capital of Gujarat in its early days as part of Anarat Desh, prior to ‘emergence of Vallabhipur. Legendary Chinese traveler Hiuen-Tsang had described his visit to this ancient town in his travelogue of India. After visiting Vallabhi of Saurashtra, Hiuen Tsang went to Anand pura (Vadnagar) and his description of the city is as follows: “On leaving the country (Vallabhi), he went about 700 li (140 miles) to the North West and arrived at the kingdom of “Onan-‘to-pulo”, the circumference of the city is about 5 miles. The population is numerous and all the people live in wealth. There is no (native) prince. The country is dependent on Ma-la-‘po (Malwa), which it resembles in the products of its soit, nature of the climate, written character and laws, There are dozen covenants, counting somewhat fewer than 1000 devotees who study the doctrines of “Ching-Liang-Pu” (Hinayana Buddhism). It also talks about the presence of other religions like Jainas.” rasan L Gal Aanarta Pradesh iowueay ware eS Price € Ancient Vadnagar Present Vadnagar Ancient Toran (City Arch) ‘Vadnagar has also yielded an image of Bodhisattva dated back to 3rd-4th Century AD. This image seems to be brought from Mathura to be installed in one of the Buddhist monasteries of the town. Hiuen Tsang also recorded the presence of Buddhists Page 2 establishments. The city, also found prominence during Gujarat's famous Solanki era, Many temples and monuments were vandalized by the armies of Aladdin Khillji, and later by Mohammad Begda, Sultan of Gujarat. There is still an inscription by Shripal, the court poet of Kumar Pala, dated to 1151 AD. Many distinguished Nagar Brahmins from Vadnagar haye served as ministers and administrator of several dynasties of Gujarat during Maitrakas, Solanki, Ahmedshahi, and Nawabi rulers and later princely States of British era. Due to their high learning, they always produced many scholars and elites of India. Subodhika Tika on Kalpa Sutra states was first recited by Jaina Muni in 454-467 AD in the presence of Maitraka ruler Dhraysena in Anand Nagar. Vadnagar was also the military headquarter of Gupta and Maitraka ralers, In the past, Vadnagar had several names like Chamakpur, Snehpur and Vimal Pur. The recent archeological excavation at Vadnagar by ASI team has brought to attention several mounds in this area believed to hide archeology treasure. Mounds are believed to contain ruins of satrap era (3rd century A.D.). Mounds and the excavated site are outside of Vadnagar fort walls. So it confirms that ancient Vadnagar was far bigger than its current wall city area. Abu Feisal in his “Ain-An-Akbari” that Vadnagar had 380 temples and several lakes. . q Aanarta Pradesh (GUJARAT) MADHYA ‘ PRADESH warika Neate if Oe

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