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1. Climate negotiator Mr. Yeb Sano tells about the collosal devastation from Typhoon
Haiyan and addressed a call of urgent action to prevent a repeat of the massive typhoon
as he plead for help during the UN summit in Warsaw.
2. Mr. Yeb as a representative to speak on behalf Republic of the Philippines did a great
speech to communicate and initiate empathy to the UN Conference about the disastrous
tragedy dealt by the typhoon Haiyan.
3. The speech of Mr. Yeb is surrounded by representatives, delegates, leaders and
powerful individuals who have the influence and minds in organizing and solving the
different dilemmas occuring in the world.
4. Mr. Sano spoke excellent in his addressed to the UN about the collosal devastation of
the typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. He used words that created a room of emotion
and full sympathies as he tell the story and give a powerful message about the unending
resiliency and helpless suffering of the people in his ccountry.
5. It is the sincere solidarity with his countrymen of Mr. Sano that moved him to create an
outstanding speech to deliver such a whole hearted message when he starts to tell more
about his personal note and agonizing the status of his family and neighbors.
6. The formality used by Mr. Yano created a serious hall to work on the urgent matters and
pursue the very purpose of the convention, ensuring the big finances and pathways of
billion dollars fund for the humanity rise from the mentioned madness. As he greet in his
introduction the leaders of the climate negotiators, he spoke with respect of every people
watching him.
7. As I read Mr. Sano's speech, he carefully tells us about how scary and monstrous the
storm was, as he give the vision to picture the helpless people Philippines that endlessly
experiencing extreme climate events who have taken thousands of lives because of this
Catastrophic storm. The tone of his speech pinch my heart that I had to read it slowly
and carefully become clearer on what was the reality has done.
8. Mr. Sano really did a wise and careful message about the Climate problem where he
used words to describe the whole situation at formality and suggestions of solutions to
help, prevent and stop the madness of nature which he is seriously taking into a real
enemy and biggest problem. He mentioned and states his kind of pledge as he is in loss
of words to describe about losses and damages they have suffered, so he begs for
urgent help which he even took a fasting to express his solidarity without leaving a
disrespect attitude towards the hospitality of the event's host.

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