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GDP (million current US$, 2020) 14 722 840 Rank in world trade, 2020 Exports Imports
GDP per capita (US$, 2018-2020) 10 216 Merchandise 1 2
Current account balance (% GDP, 2020) 2.0 excluding intra-EU trade 1 2
Trade per capita (US$, 2017-2019) 1 797 Commercial services 4 2
Trade (% GDP, 2017-2019) 18.6 excluding intra-EU trade 4 3

Value Annual percentage change
Million US$ 2020 2010-2020 2019 2020
Merchandise exports, f.o.b. 2 590 221 5 1 4
Merchandise imports, c.i.f. 2 057 217 4 -3 -1
2020 2020
Share in world total exports (%) 14.70 Share in world total imports (%) 11.54
Breakdown in economy's total exports Breakdown in economy's total imports
By main commodity group, % (2019) By main commodity group, % (2019)

Agricultural products: 3.3 Fuels and mining products: 3.1 Agricultural products: 9.6 Fuels and mining products: 27.9
Manufactures: 92.9 Other: 0.7 Manufactures: 59.7 Other: 2.8

By main destination, % (2020) By main origin, % (2020)

United States of America: 17.5 European Union: 15.1 European Union: 12.6 Chinese Taipei: 9.8
Hong Kong, China: 10.5 Japan: 5.5 Japan: 8.5 Korea, Republic of: 8.4
Viet Nam: 4.4 Other: 47 United States of America: 6.6 Other: 54.1

Agricultural Products
Value Value
Top exported products (Million US$) 2020 . Top imported products (Million US$) 2020
HS0703 Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks 2 621 HS1201 Soya beans, whether or not broken 39 528
HS2008 Plants' parts otherwise preserved 2 522 HS0203 Swine meat, fresh, chilled, frozen 11 881
HS2106 Other food preparations 2 327 HS0202 Meat of bovine animals, frozen 9 771
HS0712 Dried vegetables, whole, cut 2 137 HS1901 Malt extract 5 898
HS0808 Apples, pears and quinces, fresh 2 117 HS1511 Palm oil and its fractions 4 123
Share in economy's trade in agricultural products
Exports Imports
0% 5% 0% 10% 20% 30% Value Annual percentage change
Million US$ 2020 2010-2020 2019 2020
HS0703 HS1201 Exports 57 536 5 2 -2
HS2008 HS0203 Imports 157 456 9 8 18
HS2106 HS0202
HS0712 HS1901
HS0808 HS1511

Non-Agricultural Products
Value Value
Top exported products (Million US$) 2020 Top imported products (Million US$) 2020
HS8471 Automatic data-processing machines 187 422 HS8542 Electronic integrated circuits 351 173
HS8525 Radio-telephony transmission tools 187 248 HS2709 Petroleum oils, crude 176 321
HS8542 Electronic integrated circuits 118 247 HS2601 Iron ores and concentrates 118 944
HS6307 Other made-up articles 55 226 HS8703 Motor cars for transport of persons 44 923
HS8517 Line telephony electrical apparatus 46 805 HS2711 Petroleum gases 42 078
Share in economy's trade in non-agricultural products
Exports Imports
0% 5% 10% 0% 10% 20% Value Annual percentage change
Million US$ 2020 2010-2020 2019 2020
HS8471 HS8542 Exports 2 508 069 5 0 3
HS8525 HS2709 Imports 1 887 228 4 -3 -2
HS8542 HS2601
HS6307 HS8703
HS8517 HS2711
Value Annual percentage change
Million US$ 2020 2010-2020 2019 2020
Commercial services exports a 278 084 na 4 -1
Commercial services imports a 377 528 na -5 -24
2020 2020
Share in world total exports (%) 5.66 Share in world total imports (%) 8.21
Breakdown in economy's total exports Breakdown in economy's total imports
By main services item, % (2020) By main services item, % (2020)

Transport: 20.7 Travel: 6.1 Transport: 25.1 Travel: 34.8

Other commercial services: 64.1 Goods-related services: 9 Other commercial services: 39.1 Goods-related services: 1

By main destination, % (2016) By main origin, % (2016)

Hong Kong, China: 28.8 European Union (28): 17 Hong Kong, China: 19.6 United States of America: 19.3
United States of America: 15 Japan: 5.5 European Union (28): 16.9 Japan: 6.6
Singapore: 5.5 Other: 28.2 Canada: 5.8 Other: 31.8

Value Annual percentage change

FATS sales 2018 2010-2018 2017 2018
Inward (million US$) 970 913 na 39 14
Outward (million US$) 948 331 na 84 34

China World Value Annual percentage change
200 Million US$ 2020 2010-2020 2019 2020
Exports 57 623 5 9 25
100 Imports 94 680 4 -3 -10

Exports Value Share (%) Imports Value Share (%)

0 By sea (2019) 28 578 62.2 By sea (2019) 66 694 63.7
2010 2013 2016 2020
By air (2019) 14 083 30.6 By air (2019) 30 468 29.1
Transport exports (Index 2010=100) By other na na By other na na

China World
200 Value Annual percentage change
Million US$ 2020 2010-2020 2019 2020
Exports a 17 067 na -13 -50
Imports a 131 228 na -9 -48

2010 2013 2016 2020
Travel exports (Index 2014=100)

Other Commercial Services and Goods-related Services

Exports of OCS by main item (2020) Million US$ Value Annual percentage change
2020 2010-2020 2019 2020
11.2 Other business Other commercial services
services Exports 178 306 9 8 4
ICTs Imports 147 761 7 4 7
13.4 42.3
Construction 2020 2010-2020 2019 2020
33.1 Goods-related services
Exports 25 089 0 2 -16
Imports 3 859 47 42 -3

Patent applications, 2019 Trademark applications, 2014 Industrial design applications, 2019
Residents Non-residents Total Residents Non-residents Total Residents Non-residents Total
1 243 568 157 093 1 400 661 1 997 058 107 356 2 104 414 691 771 19 846 711 617

a Break in series: 2014.

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