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Primarily we are dealing with compressive end loads from restrained thermal
expansion. Not only must the piping system be designed to withstand the compressive
axial stresses developed, it must also be designed to withstand classic column
buckling brought on by these axial forces.

The compressive end forces depend on the change in temperature of the pipe wall, or
"Delta T," the cross sectional end area of the pipe's reinforcing cage, and the
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of the piping material. As an example, take a 4"
piping system with a Delta T of 70 degrees F. ( the maximum operating temperature
minus the installation temperature), The design temperature is 150 degrees F and the
installation temperature is 80 degrees F.

The reinforced cage cross sectional area is used since this is where the forces are
actually generated. The inner and outer liners, being only reinforced with Nexus Veil,
are relatively flexible when compared to the cage, and do not contribute to the
expansion forces. Also, the liners do not offer much resistance to these thermal forces
because of their flexibility, and therefore are not used in the stress calculations.

The forces generated by restrained end loading are determined by the formula Area X
Compressive Modulus or 'E' value X Alpha (Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) X Delta
T. For the 4" pipe the area is 1.74 sq in.; the Compressive 'E' value is 2.8 E6 Psi; the
Coeff. of Thermal Exp (Alpha) is 9.5 E-6 in/in/F; and the Delta T is 70 degrees F. This
calculates to 3,240 lbs force for the compressive end load. Dividing this by the cross
section area total, or 1.74 sq in, gives the compressive load of 1,862 Psi.




While we do not report an ultimate compressive strength in our catalog, the value is 22,720
Psi. When compared to the load of 1,862 Psi imposed by the Restrained End Loading, the
overall safety factor is a little over 12 to 1, (12.2 actual). The typical service factor in FRP
materials is 5 to 1 giving us an allowable compressive stress of 4,544 psi. This is still
considerably over the 1,862 psi compressive load the system is subjected to by a
factor of almost 2.5!

You can see from the above calculations that the Restrained End Loading Method of
piping design is within the stress capabilities of the materials, and that we are operating
well within allowable design values. However, these calculations are based on specific
assumptions for anchoring, guiding and supporting.

By restraining the thermal expansion the pipe is under column loading and as such, is
subject to classic column buckling. Since the pipe is modeled as a series of thin
columns between each set of anchors, the maximum free length per load can be easily
determined and used to design the guide spacing. The guides limit the lateral
movement of the "column" to stay well within the "stable equilibrium" position. If the
"column" is allowed to move further than this, buckling can occur. At this point, the
buckling can be elastic or nonpermanent, or inelastic and permanent. It is obviously
desired to keep the pipe within the stable equilibrium position.

With the required Anchors, guides and supports installed per the design, the Arestrained
end loading@ method of piping design is the simplest and most cost effective design for
fiberglass piping systems.

Dick Dobson
Chief of Engineering

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