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R 09 Mar-15 Mar 2019 Comment 3

Valour of Pakistani spirit

Brigadier S Shujah H Khurazmi (Retd)
reflects on the loftiness of Pakistani

akistani act of returning cap-
tured Indian pilot is certainly not
the result of any foreign pressure
but reflects the valour of Islamic
principles of armed engagement. The first
full-scale conflagration between Islam and
Christendom occurred during the celebrated
Crusades spanning over a considerable length
of time and involving disparate peoples from
multiple lands. The armed struggle gave rise
to many legends that still form part of the
historical legacy of the Muslim and Christian
worlds. If the Christians revered Richard the
Lion Heart, the Muslim world was all praise
for the exploits of Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi
popularly known as ‘Saladin’ in the western
Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi was an ethnic
Kurd and has risen to the heights of royal au-
thority by the dint of his abilities of head and
heart. He was the proverbial bastion that the
Christian forces failed to conquer though they
tried desperately. He kept the Muslim world
together during the turbulent times and suc-
Sending back with no fear
ceeded in conquering the holy city of Jerusa-
lem and incorporating it in the Islamic world government and shot down the Indian plane. provoked India as it is Indian ferocious crack-
where it remained for centuries. The pilot was captured and brought to safety down against hapless civilians in occupied Viewed in this
The legend goes that during the campaign, following high Pakistani spirit of treating war Kashmir that has alienated unarmed Kash- backdrop the
Richard the Lion Heart fell ill and Sultan sent prisoners with kindness. He was given med- miris who are waging a struggle against In-
his trusted mendicant to treat him. The ap- ical treatment and the exceptionally honour- dian tyranny and had taken the extreme step criticism taking
prehensions of the Christian king and his co- able treatment meted out to him made him of suicide bombing in Pulawama. It was the place about
horts as to the intention of the Sultan to send to condemn the atrocity of the Indian media chicanery of the Modi administration that Pakistan’s action to
his mendicant to harm him were laid to rest opinion that is brewing with anti-Pakistan tried to exploit an indigenous act of Kashmiri
when he conveyed the message of the Sultan enmity. resistance for gaining electoral support in the hand the humbled
that he wants Richard to get back his health Wing Commander Abhinandan was sent forthcoming Indian elections. Indian air force pilot
so that he can fight him and kill him in battle! back to India without delay as Pakistani spirit Modi regime was confident that a diver- back to India is
This is the actual spirit of valour entertained of valour was conveying to the enemy a mes- gent attack on Pakistan on the pretext of tak-
by the Islamic faith that believes in facing the sage that we are prepared to face you head- ing action against terrorist groups will gain it difficult to
odds squarely and to strive to overcome them. on and do not believe in holding your pilot to huge advantage in the election campaign. It is understand
Viewed in this backdrop the criticism tak- exchange him for a deal. It also conveyed that the opacity of the Indian political perception
ing place about Pakistan’s action to hand the we fought off your aggression with success that it still uses Pakistan-bashing as an elec-
humbled Indian air force pilot back to India is and will do again even if you come back and, toral prop whereas Pakistani electoral pro- it will correspondingly respond and without
difficult to understand. The pilot was made to this time, with full strength. cess is singularly free of this petty nuisance. delay.
cross the Pakistani border in a secret attack Pakistani spirit is unconquerable and be- Modi was under the impression that Pakistan The deftness of Pakistani military response
but the vigilance of the Pakistani air force lieves in confronting adverse situations with will show restraint in case of an aggressive ac- unnerved the Modi regime and elicited world-
frustrated the designs of communal Modi verve and determination. Pakistan has not tion despite Pakistan making it very clear that wide condemnation of Indian aggression. The
local Indian opposition reflected worry over
his selfish policy that was based on the real-
isation of the horrid fact that it had opened
doors of serious armed escalation in the re-
gion. Modi has certainly suffered a set-back,
both in terms of electoral prospects and stra-
tegic failure. The lukewarm action of Indian
military points out that Modi did not even
succeed in convincing it for taking senseless
The swift return of the Indian prisoner
merits applause as it reflects the calm and
collected attitude of Pakistan in respect of a
jittery enemy who is completely out of depth
with reality. Pakistani defence capability is
measured knowing how to respond. It is per-
fectly capable of facing Indian aggression and
the return of the Indian pilot shows that it is
imbued with the spirit of exceptional bravery.
Pakistan is not afraid of Indian designs and is
fully equipped to defend itself with full force.
Pakistani action of returning the Indian pris-
oner should be viewed in the larger aspect of
valorous intention and magnanimous spirit
and should be appreciated. TW

Brigadier S Shujah H Khurazmi (Retd) had

a distinguished career in law enforcement
Destruction of Modi aggression and now is a social activist

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