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Sewage DUmp - Parashie S.

Human Exrecretion Process

There are several parts of he human body that are involved in
this process. Starting off with the kidneys. Each kidney is made
up of 3 different sections: the rena cortex, the renal medulla and
the renal pelvis. The blood arrives through the renal artery and
then splits into several arterioles which are then transferred to
the Bowman's Capsules of nephrons (this is where the wastes are
taken out of the blood by pressure filtration). Peritubular
capillaries also surround the nephron so substances can be taken
in and out of the blood. Furthermore, renal pelvis takes urine
away from the kidney through the ureter.Both of the ureters lead
the urine into the body's only urinary bladder, which expands
and sends nerve impulses when full. After this, the urine is then
removed through the uthera.

Combined Sewage Systems

One of the most common methods that are used to
dispose human excretion is through the sewage
system. This system works by collecting all the
wastes produced by households and factories and
sending the same out through different sewers
which are then combined to one sewer. This
combined sewer then leads to the water treatment
plant, although, on the way to the plant, because of
the extreme pressure while flowing, many of the
wall structures then allow a lot of the uncleaned
sewer to leak into the ocean, which is shown in the
diagram on the right. Furthermore, the rest of the
sewage water that has not overflown is sent to the
waste water treatment facility where the water is
treated and disposed into the ocean.

Pros and Cons of the Combined Sewage System in Terms Of Sanitation

Pros Cons
This system's pro is that it does not dirty the natural storm The main con of this system is that it is highly likely
water, thus, as compared to other systems, during the that the dirty water overflows into the sea/ocean,
monsoon, not as many diseases are spread. The water that thus causing water pollution. If human's are exposed
is supplied through the municipal corporation is often to this water (for example fishermen), then this can
muddy and filled with germs due to flooding and mixing of result in dangerous health problems, which include
drinking, sewage water and storm water which can then hormonal issues, reproductive issues, and damage to
cause diseases like Typhoid, Cholera, Dysentery, etc. our nervous systems and kidneys.

Economic Analysis
This solution is extremely economical because firstly, the load of the sewage is very high, thus it is
not very high in maintenance, and even the general protocols of maintenance is not very
expensive. Additionally, there are no additional costs that are required to clean storm water in this
case because it is highly unlikely that the storm water gets combined with the water in the sewage.
All of these are the advantages of this system, although, there are a few economical disadvantages
such as a lot of people need to be hired to clean it as it is very difficult to go in due to the small size
thus adding on to the costs. Then, another downside is that when pumping is required (when it is
clogged), it costs a lot more as compared to any other sewage system to dig deep down because
this is below all the drains. Therefore, even though this solution is extremely economical, there are
still a few downsides that should be considered.

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