Reproductive System I. Before You Read The Passage, Talk About These Questions

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I. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

1. Some parts of the female reproductive system are the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes,
vulva, and vagina. while some parts of the male reproductive system are the testes,
scrotum and penis

2. Beberapa hal yang digunakan untuk membantu mengontrol reproduksi

 Barrier methods. Examples include male and female condoms, as well as the
diaphragm, cervical cap and contraceptive sponge.

 Short-acting hormonal methods. Examples include birth control pills, as well as the
vaginal ring (NuvaRing), skin patch (Xulane) and contraceptive injection (Depo-
Provera). These are considered short-acting methods because you have to remember to
use them on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

 Long-acting hormonal methods. Examples include the copper IUD (ParaGard), the
hormonal IUD (Mirena, Skyla, Kyleena, others) and the contraceptive implant
(Nexplanon). These are considered long-acting methods because they last for three to 10
years after insertion — depending on the device — or until you decide to have the device

 Sterilization. This is a permanent method of birth control. Examples include tubal

ligation for women and vasectomy for men.

 Spermicide or vaginal gel. These are nonhormonal options for birth control. Spermicide
is a type of contraceptive that kills sperm or stops it from moving. Vaginal pH regulator
gel (Phexxi) stops sperm from moving, so they can't get to an egg to fertilize it. You put
these products in the vagina right before sex.

 Fertility awareness methods. These methods focus on knowing which days of the
month you are able to get pregnant (fertile), often based on basal body temperature and
cervical mucus. To avoid getting pregnant, you do not have sex on or around the days
you are fertile, or you use a barrier method of birth control.

II. True or False

1. Only males have gonads. (False)
2. The clinic gives advice about preventing both pregnancy and STDs. (True)
3. The clinic does not provide fertility treatments. (False)
III. Match The Word (1-6) With The Definitions (A-F)
A. The sexual act in which the male penis enters the female vagina
B. An illness that is passed from one person to another through sexual activity
C. The organs in the male body that produce sperm
D. The organs in the female body that produce egg cells
E. A method of birth control that prevents fertilization of the egg cell
F. The inability to have children

1. B STD 4. A Intercourse
2. C Testes 5. D Ovaries
3. F Infertility 6. E Contraceptive

IV. Choose Where The Words Best Fit The Blanks.

1. Gonad / Reproductive System
A. It is important to keep the organs of the reproductive system healthy
B. The male and female gonad produce different sex cells

2. Sexually active / Birth control

A. Every birth control person should be aware of contraceptive use.
B. There are several safe and effective methods of sexually active

3. Condom / Genetalia
A. Using a condom reduces but does not eliminate the chance of STD transmission.
B. It is important to have your genetalia examined at regular checkups.

VI. Choose The Correct Answers

1. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. Different types of STDs.
B. How to use contraceptives.
C. The results of a pregnancy test.
D. The importance of contraceptives.

2. What is true of the woman?

A. She is not sexually active.
B. She always uses contraceptives.
C. She recently contracted an STD.
D. She does not take birth control pills.

VII. Complete The Conversation

Doctor : Let’s see. First, are you sexually active?
Patient : Yes, I am.
Doctor : And do you use contraceptive?
Patient : Um, well i try to.
Doctor : Try to?
Patient : Well, i use them the most the of time.
Doctor : Ms. Ryan, it’s very important for you to use a contraceptive every time. If
you don’t, you could end up with an unwanted pregnancy. And you’re
putting yourself at risk for STDs.
Patient : I know. I guess sometimes, I just forget

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