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ASSIGNMENT: Topic Summary Paper

 You will write a brief and informative critique about a course topic that is of interest to you.
 Cite at least three sources of information throughout your paper.
 Use the Topic Paper Organizer tool to collect and prepare notes for your final draft.

 5 pages, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, font size 12, 1-inch margins
 Headings: Type these Headings in BOLD in your paper:
1. Introduction [provide context to introduce your topic]
2. Topic Definition
3. Topic Description
4. [Topic]: Strengths/Benefits
5. [Topic]: Limitations/Constraints
6. Application: [apply an example from news or workplace to illustrate the topic in use]
7. References: List all sources that you cited in your paper (APA style)

The paper accounts for 20% of your grade:
 Content: the degree to which you have conveyed understanding of the topic; the degree to which
the Introduction, Definition, Description, Strengths, and Limitations sections in your paper include accurate
information from the source material; the degree to which the Application section provides a clear and
relevant example of the topic; the degree to which your presentation conveys understanding of the topic.
 Format: the degree to which your paper follows formatting guidelines, is written for an academic audience,
is free of grammatical errors and is submitted no later than the due date.
 Timely Submission: the paper was submitted no later than the due date.

Instructor: Dr. Kim Williams

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