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Unit 1 : Vocab + Grammar

1.enter a train
-they entered the train with their parents yesterday.
2. get into a taxi
- they get into a taxi with their parents.
3. get on a tram.
- he get on a tram with my friend.
4.Hold a suitcas
1a. hỏi giá ( đối với danh từ số ít )
ex: How much is this pen?
-> It is 2$.
1b. ( đối với danh từ số nhiều )
ex: How much are these the pens?
-> It cost about 2.5$.
2. câu gợi ý:
ex: Shall we go out for the house.
3a. ex: No car in the city is pretty than this one.
-> This is the prettyest car in the city.
3b. ex: No woman in the village is lucky than that one.
-> That is the luckyest woman in the village.
3c. ex: No car in the city is more wonderful than this one .
-> This is the most wonderful car in the city.
4a. ex : No car in the neighborhood is as pretty as this one.
-> This is the prettyest car in the neighborhood.
4b. ex: No father in the village is as kind as that one.
-> That is the kindest father in the village.
4c. ex: No car in the world is so wonderful as this one
-> This is the most wonderful car in the world.
5a. ex: No teacher in the school is better than teacher Ngoc.
-> Teacher Ngoc is the best teacher in the school.
5b. ex: No man in the village is as good as my father.
-> My father is the best man in the village.
6a. ex: Are there one car in your house.
-> does your house have one car? = has your house got one car?
7a. ex: There was a big hotel in the neighborhood => The neighborhood had a
big hotel.
7b. ex: There are many house in the city => The city has many house.
8. ex: What is her age? => how old is she? she is 8 year old.

9. Cách dùng : like(v/pre)

ex A : She like badmintoning better than watching tv = She prefers
badmintoning to watching tv
ex B : She would like me to eat.
=> She wants me to eat.
=> She feeds like my eating.
10. Ask about hobby/ interest : sở thích
ex: what is your interest?
what is he interested in? => he is interested in playing badminton.
what does he like? => he likes playing badminton.
11. Ask about appearance : Miêu tả
ex : What does he look like?
=> he is very good-hearted.
=> he looks very good-hearted
- Ask about manners: phẩm chất/ tính cách/ thời tiết
ex : what are the chidren like? => they are very sad.

-Play : ex : they play the soccer well => He plays the soccer well.too.
-Do : ex : we do our homework at home => he does our homework at home.too
-Have : ex : you have book english => he has book english.too
-study : ex : she study history very well => you studies history very well.too

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