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Under the Guidance of : Prof .S.V. Hanji

Presented By: Anjana P Kulkarni
Sudheshna Kulkarni
Pralhad A Deshpande(2BA18EC062)
Pavan M Malashetti
Shridhar Kumbar
Shivani S Keshannavar

Semester: 4th Sem

Date: 3-02-2020
Total No of Hours: 40 hours
Activity No: 02

Signature of Faculty Advisor Signature of AICTE Co-Ordinator Signature of HOD

Topics of the activity:
1. Objectives
2. Introduction
3. Need of plantation
4. Performance monitoring
5. Effects of plantation
6. Report
7. Conclusion
8. Photo Documentary


• The main objective of this programme is to upgrade and promote, protection, preservation and
monitoring of environment in the university campus by following activities.

• To maintain to conduit atmosphere inside the campus

• To make a successful implementation

2. Introduction:

Tree plantation means planting trees and plants. The purpose of tree plantation is to save the
endangered environment and to beautify our life. Trees are valuable gifts of nature. They are
known as the best friends of human beings. They benefit us in various ways. As we know that trees
are the foremost source for producing oxygen in the environment, they help to reduce the level of
CO2. As the whole world is facing the problem of global warming and another environmental-
related issue so as to recover from such a problem planting the trees is become inevitable one of
the most important aspects today. The idea behind the tree plantation activity was to propagate
the message that planting the trees helps to maintain clear eco-friendly environment reduces
pollution and improves the green ambience.

Universally, trees have been known as an important part of urban landscapes for millennia since
they offer adequate benefits to humanity. The idea of urban forestry is insufficiently understood
and often disregarded in Nepal even though the planting of trees has been an essential and
significant share of their human settlements. One study investigated urban peoples’ awareness
towards urban forests and the observed benefits related to the consumption and presence of urban
forests in Lalitpur, Nepal. The results inferred that most respondents held affirmative attitudes to
urban forests and were mindful of the benefits delivered. There was still greenery weakening in the
city despite the participation of different agents from government and non-governmental
organizations in urban forests promotions. Because of the city’s suffering from water, air, and soil
pollution, the damage and degradation of urban forests unfavorably affected the ecosystems. The
local government has endorsed urban greenery in recent years; though, there are no
supplementary legislations or regulations leading to urban forestry (Gurung et al., 2012).

According to Pawar and Rothkar (2015), forests are vital for human life because they offer a varied
range of resources such as absorbing carbon or acting as carbon sink, generating oxygen which is
important for life’s existence on earth so they are also known as earth lung, aiding to regulate
hydrological cycle, world’s climatic condition, water purification, providing habitat to wildlife,
decreasing global warming, absorbing poisonous gases and noise, reducing pollution, preserving
soil, and mitigating natural threats like floods and landslides. However, currently forest cover is
quickly diminishing due to various causes such as development of agriculture, urbanization, road
construction, industrial plants and factories that constitute the major and severe danger to the
forestry that lead to serious destruction of the environment.

Furthermore, Sivarajah et al. (2018) confirmed that human exposure to green surroundings and
vegetation is broadly known to benefit both physical and mental health conditions. But there was
no investigation yet on the particular effects of tree cover, diversity, and species structure on the
academic performance of students. There was a suggestion about the importance of urban forestry
investments in those schools where effects of tree cover and species composition were most
marked that showed the maximum level of external encounters.

Based on the article about the benefits of trees for livable and sustainable communities authored
by Skoff and Cavender (2019), we are living in a period swayed by humans to the fact that the
Earth’s systems are now reformed. Also, the world’s major population lives in cities. The United
Nations General Assembly formed the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG)
to progress the value of life for people and to come across their needs in a shifting world. The
greatest encounters of our era were bounded in these comprehensive goals. Planting and
protecting trees particularly in cities where the bulk of people live are effective approaches to
contribute in accomplishing these goals. They directed a critical review of the benefits of trees that
stimulate health and social well‐being by eliminating air pollution, decreasing stress, boosting
physical activity, and supporting social ties and community. Trees can decrease urban
temperatures while cities are getting warmer while they provide the animals with home and food.
Lastly for being a treasured green structure, forests manage stormwater while having a high return
on investment when it comes to money expended.

3. Need of plantation

We need to respect Mother Nature and value the great advantages that trees bless us with every
day. A tree, in its entirety has the ability to contribute each of its parts to sustain life. From its
leaves to the roots and its bark, every part of a tree has something to offer and has profound
Here are some of the needs of plantation:

1. Ecological and Environmental Significance:

Trees greatly contribute to their environment by providing oxygen, supporting wildlife,

improving air quality, conserving water, preserving soil, and climate amelioration. By only
performing its primary function of photosynthesis, it contributes more than it takes. Trees
take in the carbon dioxide in the air and produce oxygen for living, breathing organisms
around it.

2. Social and Community Value:

Trees play an essential part of every community and one must make huge efforts to
maintain it that way. You might have observed that your streets, parks, playgrounds, and
backyards are lined up with trees due to their medicinal and life-giving properties. Human
settlements are incomplete without trees as they create a peaceful and calming

3. Personal and Spiritual Value:

Trees play a very personal and important part of our lives. There are many reasons why we
love trees and planting trees but the most important reason is that trees provide us with two
of life’s most essentials, food, and oxygen. Trees are both ravishing and majestic to look at.
Different species of trees have varied appearances with respect to their shapes, forms,
textures, and vibrant enchanting colors.

4. Practical and Commercial Value:

Trees have always been the reason for the subsistence of life on earth. Throughout our
existence, trees have given us more than just life but also the means to sustain it. Another
reason why every day should be tree plantation day is that they have practical and
commercial uses too. Wood procured from the trees were among the first fuel discovered
by humans and is still widely used by many people for cooking and heating. It is an ancient
practice that still holds ground.

5. Property Value and Economic Value:

Trees, individually have a great value and contribute to savings as well but a collection of
trees that is well- maintained can make a real economic impact. The most direct way in
which trees help economically is through cutting energy costs. A house that is well shaded
by trees will have low cooling costs than any other house.
4. Performance monitoring:

5. Effects of Plantation:

There are numerous effects that the project brings to the community:

• Builds community spirit and unity

• Educates communities about the benefits of trees and nature
• Brings economic benefits to an area by reducing green-space maintenance costs and by raising
house prices on aesthetic grounds
• Positive impact on mental health and wellbeing, reducing stress and encouraging outdoor
• Removes and stores Carbon from the air
• Reduces flood risk
• Creates wildlife habitat
• Improved aesthetics
• Provides shade
• Reduces green space maintenance costs
• Provides oxygen
• Cleans the air, absorbs odours and pollutants

6. Report:

Initially me and my friends selected a place where very few number of

trees/plants were there. We bought some plants , then we planted them in some
required manner. Afterwards we watered them and gave a some suggestions to
the people around us. In this way we created awareness about plants to the
7. Conclusion:

Tree plantation is one of the activities which was successfully

completed by us. Initially we started this work and we created some awareness
among people about how to make our planet Green. We opted for
One people -One plant idea.

8. Photo Documentary:

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