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Introduction: roadmap

Ø  What is the Internet?

Ø  Network edge
•  end systems, access networks
Ø  Network core
1.3 [K&R]
•  circuit switching, packet switching
•  network structure
Ø  Delay, loss, throughput in networks
Ø  Layering and encapsulation

Network Core 1
Network core: circuit switching
End-end resources allocated
to, reserved for “call”
between source & dest:
Ø  In diagram, each link has four
•  call gets 2nd circuit in top link
and 1st circuit in right link.
Ø  Dedicated resources: no sharing
•  circuit-like (guaranteed)
Ø  Circuit segment idle if not used
by call (no sharing)
Ø  Commonly used in traditional
telephone networks (busy tone)
Network Core 2
Circuit switching: FDM versus TDM
4 users




Network Core 3
Why circuit switching is not feasible?
Ø  Inefficient
•  Computer communications tends to be very bursty. For
example viewing a sequence of web pages
•  Dedicated circuit cannot be used or shared in periods of

Ø  Fixed data rate

•  Computers communicate at very diverse rates. For
example viewing a video vs using telnet or web browsing
•  Fixed data rate is not useful

Ø  Connection state maintenance

•  Requires per communication state to be maintained that
is a considerable overhead

Network Core 4
The network core
Ø  Mesh of interconnected
Ø  Packet-switching: hosts
break application-layer
messages into packets
•  forward packets from one
router to the next, across
links on path from source
to destination
•  each packet transmitted at
full link capacity
•  no maintenance of per
flow state at the routers

Network Core 5
Packet-switching: store-and-forward

L  bits  
per  packet  

3   2   1  
source   des+na+on  
R  bps   R  bps  

Ø  Takes L/R seconds to transmit (push out) L-bit packet

into link at R bps
Ø  Store and forward: entire packet must arrive at
router before it can be transmitted on next link
Ø  End-end delay = 2L/R (assuming
more on delay shortly …
zero propagation delay)

Network Core 6
Packet Switching: queueing delay, loss

R = 100 Mb/s C
R = 1.5 Mb/s
queue of packets E
waiting for output link

Queuing and loss:

Ø  If arrival rate (in bits) to link exceeds transmission rate of
link for a period of time:
•  packets will queue, wait to be transmitted on link
•  packets can be dropped (lost) if memory (buffer) fills up

Network Core 7
Statistical Multiplexing Gain
Packet switching allows more users to use network!

Ø  1 Mb/s link
Ø  each user: N

•  100 kb/s when “active”
•  active 10% of time 1 Mbps link

Ø  Circuit switching:

•  Can only accommodate 10
Q: How did we get value 0.0004?
Ø  Packet switching: Q: What happens if > 35 users ?
•  with 35 users, probability >
10 active at same time is
less than 0.0004
Network Core 8
Statistical Multiplexing Gain (SMG)
Binomial Distribution

SMG: 35/10=3.5 SMG: 70/10=7

Network Core 9
Packet switching versus circuit switching
Is packet switching a “slam dunk winner?”
Ø  Great for bursty data
•  resource sharing
•  simpler, no call setup
Ø  Excessive congestion possible: packet delay and loss
•  protocols needed for reliable data transfer, congestion
Ø  Q: How to provide circuit-like behavior?
•  bandwidth or delay guarantees
•  QoS provisioning still an unsolved problem

Network Core 10

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