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The Uganda Institute Plot

of Banking and
Tel: 0414-255848 / 233628
Financial Services Fax: 0414-234259



This contract is entered into this 9 th day of July 2021 between the Uganda Institute of
Banking and Financial Services (“the Institute”) having its principal office located at
Plot 10 Buganda Road Kampala and; Mr. Steven Aine Kwesiga, (“the Trainer”) of
Telephone Number 0772 470 104


a) The Institute is desirous of hiring a resource person to train participants as

indicated in the terms of reference (“the Services”).

b) The Trainer has represented to the Institute that they are possessed with the
necessary capacity, expertise, skill, qualification and competence to provide the
Services to the satisfaction of the Institute in accordance with the terms herein,

c) The Institute has agreed to engage the Trainer to provide it with the said services
on terms herein after stipulated;

NOW THEREFORE THE PARTIES hereby agree as follows:

1. Services
To train the course on Strategic Business Planning (Open Program) for 15 hours,
starting 12th – 16th July 2021 evaluate them and provide a training report to the Acting
Head Training and Partnerships of the Institute.
2. Duration
This contract shall be valid from the training date to the date of delivery of the training
report by the Trainer to the Acting Head Training and Partnerships at the Institute.

3. Payment
The Institute shall pay the Trainer UGX 50,000 (fifty thousand) only per hour. Total
payment for fifteen (15) hours is Ugx 750,000 (Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand).
The trainer will also get a data refund of UGX 50,000 (fifty thousand) for the entire
fifteen (15) hours. Hence total compensation due to the Trainer at the end of the training
is UGX 800,000 (Eight Hundred Thousand). Payment shall be made not later than two
weeks (14 working days) from the date of completion of the assignment and submission
of training report.

The Trainer is responsible for all taxes in connection to provision of the services.

4. Performance Standards
The Trainer undertakes to perform the Services with the highest standards of
professional and ethical competence and integrity.

5. Confidentiality
The Trainer shall not, during the term of this contract disclose any proprietary or
confidential information relating to the Institute its affairs and assets or the service under
this contract or the Institute’s business or operations without prior written consent of the
Institute. This provision of the agreement shall survive the termination or expiry of this

6. Ownership of Materials
All material, graphics, software or otherwise prepared by the Trainer under this contract
shall belong to and remain the property of the Institute.

7. Assignment
The Trainer shall not assign or subcontract this contract in whole or in part without
express agreement with the Institute.

8. Independent Relationship
The Trainer hereby confirms that he is neither an employee, joint venture partner nor a
partner of the Institute with regard to his function as a Trainer and his provision of the
Services here in. The Trainer shall be solely responsible for all the acts done by him for
which he has not been authorized to do.

9. Indemnity
The Trainer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Institute from and
against any and all actions, expenses (including without limitation, claims for fraud,
misconduct or negligence and non-compliance with any laws relating to providing the
services and including without limitation non-compliance with any laws and obligations
relating to taxation, social provision and other such matters).

10. Insurance
All necessary personal insurance cover (and professional liability where appropriate) for
the Trainer will be arranged by the Trainer.

11. Punctuality
Punctuality shall be an integral input by the Trainer, and the Institute shall reserve the
option to cancel the contract where there is a failure by the Trainer to observe

12. Laws Governing the Contract

The contract shall be governed by the Laws of Uganda.

13. Termination
This contract can be terminated by either party at any time upon issue of seven days’
prior written notice.
The Institute may terminate this agreement forthwith upon fundamental breach by the
Trainer of the terms and conditions stipulated herein.

14. Dispute Resolution

Any dispute arising out of this contract which cannot be amicably resolved between the
parties to the contract shall be referred to the Courts of judicature in accordance with
the Laws of Uganda.

SIGNED AND DELIVERED for and on behalf of the Institute and the Trainer.

This Date: ………………………….

Richard Semakula

Acting Head Training and Partnerships

The Uganda Institute of Banking and Financial Services

This date: ………….................

Steven Aine Kwesiga.


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