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Analytical Essay

Discuss the general condition of the Philippines during Spanish period?

Philippines before was composed of localized settlements. Spaniards came to the

Philippines because of the 3G’S (God, Gold, and Glory) when we say gold it has something to do
with economic interest most specially spices like cinnamon and because of this it catches the
attention of the Spaniards government to continue their expedition in Philippines. Right after
the expedition of Magellan and Delcano further expedition were sent to the Philippines like
Villalobos and etc. and the last expedition was during Miguel Lopez de Legazpi (1565), the next
one is Glory, Pope Alexander divide the world, Spain at that time was located to the west this
explain why most of the territory of Spain is in the Spanish America and only the Philippines are
located in Asia. Furthermore this was considered by the Spain as a stepping stone to spread the
dominion or the so called sphere of influence. And lastly the God, this is the biggest motive of
Spaniards why they came to the Philippines to spread Catholicism and if they eventually
colonize the Philippines and able to uphold the Catholicism then it would reach to other
countries in Asia especially in China because China is a big market to European people. When
we look at why they really colonize the Philippines it’s because of religious, church at that time
is the center of the society they can influene people and even those in political position, and
decision. Even in Philippine education very religious centered, no proper curriculum, because
this are govern by the church. Rizal at that time then went to Europe because of the system and
discrimination. In the Philippines, at that time the most powerful is the Kingdom of Maynila
which is prosperous and center of trading that’s why Legazpi went to Maynila and the battle of
Maynila happened and since the weapons of Raha lakandula is inferior they were defeated.
Afterwards the establishment of political governance was started. At that time the status of
the Philippines is a crown colony and the treatment to the Filipinos at that time is not a citizen
but merely as a subjects, to provide resources to them that’s why Filipinos at that time were
abused, oppressed. One of the advocacy of the Spanish is the Propaganda movement wherein
to make Filipino people to become a Spanish citizen and if we look at the events that happened
at that time the only problem in the Philippines is race, we are alienated because we are so
called indio.
Explain the political, economic, and socio-cultural changes and developments in the 19th
century Philippines?

If we look at the establishment of political in the Philippines, at the top of the hierarchy is
the king of Spain, he has the executive power. At that time legislative and judicial were
controlled by the king of Spain. Because of revolution it happened the constitutional monarchy.
Next of the King of Spain were the council of Indies, they controlled the legislative and judicial
and they make policies in Spain and all the territory of Spain. Philippines was administered by
the Mexico because Mexico at that time are already independent. The Philippines was under by
the Mexico because there is sharing a culture some of the example are avocado, mais, black
Nazarene and etc. Mexico and Philippines were attached before, and majority of the governor
general that are assigned in the Philippines were actually Mexican. Manila Acapulco Galleon
Trade that was the only trading activity that we had. The reason also why the Philippines was
under in Mexico because of proximity. At 1821 this was the time were Philippines was govern
by the Spain because Mexico was already independent. At 1898 we’re already independent
together with Cuba and Puerto Rico. The smallest political unit at that time is barangay.
Political positions are acquired through appointments, the priest can recommends anyone
in political position because they are powerful. Also political position can be sold because of
income even though they are inadequate. Freemen at that time were indos, noble class became
principalia. During Spanish period there is an evident of union of Spain and church. In addition
the type of government that the Philippines is frailocracy there is always the presence of priest.
How did Philippine Nationalism develop?
Spanish at that time stated to entertain the idea of world trade it gives opportunity to
middle class, it happened that they’re the one who provides resources to the foreign countries
like rice mais etc and they were given the chance to improve their social status. They were able
to send their children to any institutional institution not just in Philippines but also in Spain. It
was brought to its advent by three major factors these are economy, education and
secularization of parishes. These factors contributed to the birth of the Filipino Nationalism.
Through a reform or propaganda movement, conducted both in Spain and in the Philippines,
for the purpose of “propagandizing” Philippine conditions in the hopes that desired changes in
the social, political and economic life of the Filipinos would come about through peaceful

Arleen Colacion
GEC109 A7-3

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