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Chapter XXXII : Noises and gestures

To slip=a aluneca (in noroi) ; slippery=alunecos

To slide-slid-slid=a aluneca pe gheata to go sledding= a se da cu sania

To fall down =a cadea( fall off= a cadea de pe) to fall out= a se certa

To hold tight=a se tine strans/ bine de

To grab/grasp/clutch/snatch/seize=a apuca, a insfaca, a pune mana pe

To take out=to pull out=a scoate≠to put into( a baga in)= to stuff into= to squeeze into( a
inghesui in)

To get hold of=a se prinde/a se apuca de, a ajunge din urma pe=to catch up smb

To throw=a arunca≠to hurl= a arunca cu putere;

fling-flung-flung(he flung the door open)= a deschide usa cu putere≠to slam the door=a tranti

To knock at the door=a bate la usa

to tap= a bate usor pe umar

leaves/paper-rustle=a fosni, a rugini( despre fier)

wind/wolves-howl= a urla/ a suiera, a vajai(vantul)

to whistle= a fluiera, a suiera

chains-rattle= a zornai

stars-twinkle= a licari

lions/crowd/fire--roar= a urla, zbiera, a trosni

thunder/ lorries/stomach--rumble= a hurui, a hodorogi, a chiorai(stomacul), tunetul a bubuit

waves/rock music/heart-pound= a bate ritmic

sirens/cats-wail=a miorlai, sirenele vuiesc

staircase/floorboards/door--creak= a scartai

flames- crackle=a trosni, a pocni

guns/explosion-bang=a bubui
doors-slam=a tranti usa

owls/cars-hoot=a claxona, a tipa (bufnita)

cobbled=cu bolovani bumpy=(d. drumuri)=cu denivelari, =rugged, potholes=gropi pe strada

winding=intortocheate/sinuoase pebbly=cu pietris/cu prundis

candles-flicker= a palpai

lightening(fulgerul)-flash=a ilumina puternic/ a strafulgera

the cricket-hum=a zumzai ( a gentle hum of cricket =un zumzet placut de greieri)

the annoying buzz of bees = bazaitul enervant al albinelor

the beautiful fragrance of colourful flowers=aroma florilor

the vanilla flavour=aroma de vanilie(pt alimente)

a soft ,cool breeze brushed my skin=mi-a mangaiat pielea

foul-smelling exhaust fumes=fumul de esapament urat mirositor

crumble=a se sfaramita

crumple=a se sifona

to smooth out=a netezi(drumul,problemele),a calca rufele¿to crease=a se mototoli, a se


to dump somebody=a-i da papucii, a-l lasa pe cineva

to chase=a urmari pe cineva, a fugari /a alerga dupa

to start the hot pursuit=a porni urmarirea ca in filme

to dispose of=a scapa de (probe/dovezi)

Maitland staggered across the road, hardly aware of the hooting cars and the foul-smelling
exhaust fumes.=M. a traversat strada clatinandu-se, inconstient fiind de masinile care claxonau
si de mirosul urat care venea de la fumul de esapament.

the cut on his arm was burning , his head was throbbing with pain, and the salty taste of blood
filled his mouth=taietura de la mana il durea rau ,capul ii tremura/palpita de durere si gustul sarat
de sange ii umplea gura.
A police car screeched around the corner, siren wailing and lights flashing, and Maitland dashed
into/rushed into a dark doorway( o masina a politiei a virat scrasnind de dupa colt cu sirenele
vuind si farurile aprinse puternic si M a zbughit-o/ a disparut intrand pe un culoar intunecat).

2) It was hot, lazy afternoon and, from where I sat on the shady verandah, I could see the purple
mountains in the distance. The fragrant flowers around me blazed( a straluci puternic) with
colour as, sipping(a sorbi) my sharply sweet lemonade I listened to the gentle hum of crickets
and twittering of birds . A soft, cool breeze brushed my skin while I enjoyed the smell of the rich
earth. Suddenly , a familiar, annoying buzz sounded in my ear.

I could hear:
The wind howling someone knocking on the door

A tap dripping thunder rumbling

The rain falling a baby weeping

A dog barking a car breaks screeching

A siren wailing the floorboard creaking

The fire crakling the chains rattling

The stomach rumbling the leaves rustling
The birds twittering and chirping the heart/music pounding
The footsteps running the lightening flashing
The door creaking the lorry rumbling
The crickets humming the bees buzzing
To fight=a se bate

to beat smb up=a bate pe cineva mar

to argue= a se certa= to quarrel= to fall out≠to make up with=a se impaca≠to break up = a se

desparti≠to get on (well) with smb=a se intelege bine cu cineva

To hit his leg=a se lovi la picior to seize/grab/grasp/clutch/snatch= a insfaca, a apuca, a

pune mana pe, a smulge
to hurt/to wound himself=a se rani, a se lovi

to drop= a scapa din mana

to smash down= a da de pamant, a face tandari

to smash=a distruge, a face tandari≠shatter=a risipi/distruge sperantele, visele(illusions/hopes)

the blast shattered the window=smashed. The war shattered the country’s economy.

knock down/off=a dobori.( ceva de pe masa)

to rip his hair off=a-si smulge parul, hainele (de nervi/suparare), (fig.) a jecmani pe cineva

to blow the table with his fist=a lovi cu pumnul in masa

to rip the sofa to shreads=a rupe bucati, a face ferfelita(canapeaua)

to lose one’s temper=a se enerva to slander=a defaima/a denigra, to swear=a injura

to gossip=a barfi to browbeat= a intimida to threaten= a ameninta

to warn= a avertiza to blackmail=a santaja to bribe=a mitui

to take bribery=a lua mita to run off/away=a fugi to tip off=a informa despre /a da un sfat

a dazzling light=o lumina orbitoare

a deafening noise=un zgomot asurzitor

a smothering smoke=un fum inabusitor/sufocant

a heartbreaking story=o poveste fff emotionanta.

to quell=to quench=to put down=smother=a innabusi, a suprima/ a oprima

to choke his tears up=a-si stapani/innabusi lacrimile

to head for/to/back=a se indrepta spre/inapoi

to hand in=a inmana to hand over=a preda to hand out=a imparti fiecaruia

hand-outs=casti fold up=a impaturi to grope in the dark=a bajbai pe intuneric

1) to walk/run= a merge/a fugi

to stroll=a se plimba de placer
to wander=a hoinari, a rataci fara rost, fara niciun scop
to rush to= a se grabi spre/catre=to hurry to=to dash to
he clattered(a zornai, azdrangani, a hurui, atrancani) down the stairs=el a coborat scarile
zdranganind(din sticle,pahare)
to stagger=a merge clatinandu-se, balabanindu-se
to limp=a schiopata
to hop= a sari intr-un picior
to tiptoe= a merge tiptil, pe varfuri
to crawl=a se tari, a merge de-a busilea
to creep=a se tari
to kneel(knelt-knelt) to=a ingenunchea in fata cuiva
to burst into=a da buzna in=to rush into=to dash into
to march=a marsalui
to sprint=a o lua la fuga
to dart at=to dash at=a se repezi la
to pause=a ezita, a sovai asupra, a se opri asupra
to stride=a merge cu pasi mari
to slither=a se tari ca sarpele, a aluneca
to spring in his aid=a sari in ajutorul cuiva
to bow=a se inchina
to lean over/against=a se rezema de perete
lean out of the window=a se apleca pe fereastra afara
bend down=a indoi ceva

2) to say=a spune
to mutter=a bombani/a bodogani nemultumit
to murmur=a murmura
to whisper= a sopti ceva
to sigh=a ofta
to moan=to groan= a geme de durere
to hiss= a sasai
to wonder=a se minuna/a se intreba
exclaim=a exclama
to claim=a pretinde ca
stammer=a se balbai
scream=a tipa
to yell=a zbiera=to roar=a urla,a zbiera, a scoate un urlet
to shout=a tipa
to bellow=a tipa tare la cineva( din departare)
to shriek=a tipa strident
wail=a se vaieta=to complain about
snap=a rabufni
to tease=a tachina, a lua la misto
to utter=a rosti to bear out=a confirma
3) to look= a se uita, a privi
to peep=a se uita cu coada ochiului,repede=to have a glance at=a arunca o privire spre/la
to peer=a se uita lung cercetand/cu ochii mijiti
to stare=a se holba la/a se uita tinta/fix la cineva
to gaze at each other=a privi indelung
to give a furtive glance over his shoulder= a se uita furis peste umar
to glare at smb=to scowl at smb=a se uita urat la cineva
to spot=to notice=a observa to glance=to have a glimpse=a se uita brusc/scurt
to have a glance/glimpse at=a se uita rapid peste, a arunca rapid o privire spre
to frown at=a se incrunta la cineva
to look up at smb=a privi cu admiratie/a admira pe cineva
to look down on smb=a dispretui/a privi cu dispret pe cineva
to wink at=a-i face cuiva cu ochiul
4) to smile/laugh=a zambi, a rade
to giggle=a se hlizi, a rade tare, cu pofta, a necheza
to chuckle=a rade pe infundate,inabusit, a chicoti.
To grin=a rade malitios/rautacios/ a rade fortat
To grimace=a se stramba la
To smirk=a rade atotcunoscator
To sneer down= a lua la misto, a-si bate joc de, a rade sfidator
To snarl at= gnarl at=to growl at=grunt=a marai la cineva(despre caine), a-si arata coltii
5) to hold tight
To grab=to snatch=to gripe at=to seize=grasp=a insfaca, a apuca, a pune mana(in graba
pe ceva) to seize=a confisca ceva ilegal
To gasp=a gafii, a respire greu.
To track somebody down=a-l depista, a da de cineva, a–l gasi.
snap at the opportunity=a prinde o ocazie≠to pass up an opportunity=a rata o
sansa the golden opportunity=sansa vietii tale
To cling at==to grasp at =to clutch at=a se agata de, a se apuca de, a se prinde de
To fight with= a se lupta cu
To struggle to get free=a se zbate pt a se elibera
To get trapped under debris=a ramane captive sub daramaturi
A deer darted out of the forest in front of our car and trotted across the street.=o caprioara
a tasnit din padure in fata masinii noastre si a luat-o la gallop.
The car was so much damaged that it had to be towed away=Masina aera atat de avariata
incat a trebuit sa fie remorcata.
To grope for/grabble for smth in the darkness=a bajbai prin intuneric dupa ceva
To grind=a scrasni din dinti, a indura, a suporta si a rabda fortat/silit
Blushing her cheeks=inrosindu-se la fata(de rusine, indragostitii)
His eyes bulging=cu ochii cat cepele
Tapping his foot=batand din picior(nervos)
With his hands on hips=cu mainile in solduri
Ripping his hair=zmulgandu-si parul
Red with anger=rosu de nervi
Tickle=a gadila
Itch=a-l manca (mana)
Scratch=a se scarpina, a se zgaraia,a se juli.

To shake hands with=a da mana cu

To shake his head=a da din cap(nu)
To shrug his shoulders= a ridica din umeri.
To drum his fingers=a-si pocni degetele
To nod his head=a da din cap(da)
to drag/shuffle his feet =a-si tari picioarele
to caress his head=a-l mangaia pe cap
to wink at smb=a-i face cu ochiul cuiva
to blink his eyes=a clipi din ochi
in a blink of eye=cat ai clipi din ochi
to clap his hands=a aplauda, a bate din palme
to shrug his shoulders=a ridica din umeri
to shuffle his feet=a-si tari picioarele
to raise his eyebrows=a ridica din sprancene
to drum his fingers=a –si pocni degetele
to bite his lips=a-si musca buzele
to bite his nails=a-si roade unghiile
to wrinkle his nose=a stramba din nas
to lick his lips=a-si linge buzele
to bend down= a apleca, a inclina ceva, a indoi ceva(obiecte)
to bump his head=a se lovi la cap to huddle=a inghesui pe cineva in
to lean over/out=a se apleca(persoane) to bustle=a se imbulzi in
to squat/to crouch=a se ghemui(pe vine)
to squash=a inghesui pe cineva in
to roll up/to coil up=a se ghemui
to huddle=a se inghesui=jostle
to grovel=a se tari in 4 labe, a se umili/injosi------grovelling=josnic, umilitor
to ingratiate oneself with smb=a se baga pe sub pielea cuiva=to fown at=a se lingusi
to hassle=a se ciondani, a se ciorovai
to gossip=a barfi
to slander= to defame=a defaima, a ponegri≠libel=a ponegri/defaima in scris
to hustle smb/push=a imbranci,a da branci, a inghionti, a imboldi pe cineva
to nudge each other=a se inghointi, a-si da coate unul altuia
to point at=a arata cu degetul spre
to muster up one’s strength=a-si aduna/a-si strange toate puterile
dazzling pile of toys=la gramada stralucitoare de jucarii
to nible at=to pick at=a ciuguli din
to gnaw at=a roade din(unghii); a chinui, a framanta
to rankle=(fig)a roade/a framanta/ a supara(o problema)
to gnarled(arms/legs/fingers)=noduroase,butucanoase,cioturoase
to disregard=a nu lua in seama, a nu tine seama de, a neglija (sfatul) cuiva, a nu tine cont
de (sfatul cuiva)=defy=a sfida
to hasten=to hurry = a zori,a grabi, a indemna.
to nestle himself= a se cuibari
to wrap himself in=a se inveli in, a se infasura cu=to wrap up=a inveli/a infasura in
To throw up= a vomita
To snore=a sforai
To belch=a ragai
To sneeze=a stranuta
To cough=a tusi
To hick up=a sughita
To yawn=a casca
To comb=a se pieptana
To scratch=a se scarpina/ a se zgaraia, a se juli
To throw=a arunca≠to hurl=a arunca cu putere.
Steepy=rapos, abrupt
With potholes==cu gropi( despre drumuri)=bumpy=rugged≠smooth=neted, fara gropi,
Shaky=care te zdruncina
Sloping=in panta a steep slope=o panta abrupta
Ring road=sosea de centura
Highway=motorway=autostrada to burst into tears=a izbucni in plans
Country lane=country road=strada de tara to burst out laughing=a izbucni in ras
roundabout=sens giratoriu
Traffic lights=semafor traffic warden=politist rutier
To be held up in the traffic jam=a fi retinut in ambuteiaj
Ragged=zdrenturos, jerpelit, sarac lipit pamantului
rugged=cu denivelari(despre drumuri),rapos,abrupt
1)Fill in the blanks with: injured, crashed(a se izbi), speeding, swerved,(a
vira brusc) passer-by, direction, skidded(a derapa), damaged.(a avaria)
I was waiting for the 7 o’clock bus to go to work on Tuesday morning when I saw a black
Sierra coming………………down the roads. Just as I approached the roundabout, the
driver seemed to lose control. The car spun around and ……….into a red Ford Fiesta
which was coming in the opposite …………… The car behind the Fiesta ……in order to
avoid ………….with the two cars but ………..on the oily surface and crashed into a sign.
I ran to help the drivers to get out of their cars while a…………called for an ambulance.
When we managed to get the driver out of the black Sierra , he smelt of alcohol, so he
must have been driving while drunk. The ambulance arrived and took the three………….
drivers to hospital . All three cars were badly………………………….
2)Fill in the blanks with: brakes(frane), traffic lights, collided(=crash into
=a se ciocni), speeding, skidded, crashing
Policeman: Now sir, I’d like to ask you a few questions. What is your name?
Witness: My name is Brad Richards.
P: Where do you live Mr. Richards?
W: I live just round the corner, on Maple Street.
P: What were you doing at the time of the crash, sir?
W: I was on my way home from work.
P: What did you see ,Mr. Richards?
W: Well, I saw a red car……………down the street just as a blue car was turning the
corner. The driver of the blue car slammed on the ………………and then the
car……………..The two cars …………with a horrible ……………….noise
P: Just one more question, sir. Were the………………….on the corner red or green?
W: Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t remember.
P: Thank you ,Mr. Richards. You’ve been most helpful.
To stand out=a atrage atentia
To go in for=a fi pasionat de,a indragi,a se prezenta/inscrie la un examen, a se apuca de.
She went in for acting=tine amortis sa se faca actrita.
Bathing suit=slip/ swimming suit=costum de baie, outfit=tinuta
To poison the well=a pune sare pe rana= a pune paie pe foc=to add fuel to the fire
To drink as a lord=a bea ca un porc
To make a stink=a iesi in fata
To break the streak=a rupe blestemul
to take smb down a peg or 2=a-l pune la punct pe cineva/a-i da peste nas
to start from a scratch=a porni de la zero.
To put a spoke in smb’s wheel=a pune bête in roate
To set going=a pune pe roate
Things are going swimmingly/smoothly=a merge treaba ca pe roate
To squeeze me off=m-au dat la o parte/m-au inlaturat
To cock one’s nose=a –si lua nasul la purtare
To catch/clutch at a straw=a se agata de un pai
To be on thorns= a sta ca pe ghimpi/ca pe foc= to be like a cat on the hot bricks
To go through fire and water for smb=a trece prin foc si apa ptr cineva
To fly into rage/to ravage with fire=a se supara foc
To shed bitter tears=a plange cu foc
To unburden one’s heart=a spune tot focul cuiva
To avoid like poison/pest=a se feri ca de foc
To have a burning desire=a-si dori cu foc
To love ardently=a iubi cu foc
She was wonderfully sweet=era frumoasa foc
She is as ugly as sin=e urata foc
To eavesdrop=a trage cu urechea/a asculta la usa
To blindfold=a-l lega pe cineva la ochi
To bundle into/out/through=a-l impinge pe cineva inauntru/afara/prin
He was blindfolded and bundled through the door.
To burrow into=a scormoni, a se baga sub (ceva)=to shove onself under/into etc.
The dog was burrowing into the earth, looking for the bone.
Mr. Smith burrowed under the duvet.=s-a bagat sub plapuma.
To ransack=rummage=a scotoci (toata casa)
To rake=a scormoni=spur/stir=a atata, a aprinde,a zgandari(amintiri)≠to deter=daunt=a
intimida,a opri, a impiedica.
To grope=a bajbai(prin intuneric)=gramble
to wrap in a blanket=a inveli intr-o patura
commendably=laudable=praiseworthy=admirably, exemplary, favourably,worthily, awe-
inspiringly=uimitor, merituous(ly), worthy, venerably, gloriously.
Commendable efforts/bravery/behaviour,# adverse reaction from his friend
adverse effects=harmful=negative, destructive, damaging: adverse
publicity/criticism/weather conditions
adversely reflected=a reflecta in mod negative=disadvantageous,
inauspicious=nepotrivit, de rau augur=ill-fated, neospitalier, unfavourable,
demoralizant#heartening=incurajator=heartening=inspiriting=inviorator, incurajator,
care-ti da curaj , encouraging, incentive=stimulativ, indemn, imbold.=boost=imbold, a
to prompt=a stimula, a indemna, a imboldi, a determina#to deter=a impiedica sa=to
prevent from=to daunt=a descuraja, a intimida=browbeat, a infricosa, dispirit=a descuraja
to dismay=spaima, groaza, mahnire,buimaceala= a descuraja, a inspaimanta, a
defer-deferred=a amana, a intarzia, a suspenda=put off=delay=adjourn=a amana,
defer=assign=a ceda cuiva ceva , a delega pe altcineva: He deferred his job to no one
Defer=a ceda, a se supune=to yield to= submit to=surrender to=subject to . She
deferred to her father’s wishes.
Drag on =a taragana, a tergiversa, drag=piedica,povara=burden, obstacol, frana, franare.
The day dragged=a se scurge fff incet.
This sickly kid is going to be a social drag. He thinks studying is a drag.
Drag his feet=to shuffle his feet=a –si tari picioarele , a forta sa, a merge cu greu. I had to
drag my husband to the opera. I dragged myself up the stairs. He had to drag the truth out
of her=a scoate cu greu.
Suparare=anger, grief, annoyance, sorrow, sadness, burden,
Sorrow=intristare, mahnire, jale, durere, necaz, a se intrista, a se nelinisti, a plange dupa.
Mourn for=a plange dupa, a-l jeli=bewail
Moan=geamat, suspin, murmur, a geme, a suspina, a murmura
To groan=a geme, a ofta, a jeli,a mormai , a vaieta=to wail.
Bewail=bemoan =deplore=a tangui, a compatimi, a deplange, a boci, a jeli, a tangui
Lament over=sigh over=a deplange=to complain about =a se vaieta de, a
● squeak, ● mumble,
● creak, ● muttering,
● scratch, morm ● growl,
âi ● crunch, ăit ● grunt,
● groan, ● mumbling,
● screak ● groan

A dreadful fear began to overcome the soldiers hidden in the

ditches, full of water and dirt.

1) Squeak=a chitai, a scheuna, a guita

Creak=a scartai
Screak=a scartai
Scrape=a razui,a rascheta, a zgaraia, a scartai, a harsai, a lovi lingura de castron
Scratch=a se zgaraia, a se scarpina,
Crunch=a roade, a rontai
2) Mumble=a bomboni, a indruga
Grumble=a bazai, a bomboni, a bodogani, a cracni, a protesta
Mutter=a bolborosi, a bodogani
Growl=a mormai, a marai, a harai
Grunt=a grohai, a mormai
3) Stammer=a se gangavi, a se balbai
Stutter=a se balbai, a a se gangavi
Gabble=a flecari, a palavragi=twaddle=palavre, vorbarie, aiureala=prattle= a
tranacani, a palavragi=chatter=prattle=gossip(a barfi)=prate
Babble=a ganguri
Gurgle=a susura, a murmura, a sopti (despre rau)=ripple=a clipoci, a susura, a
That child wasn’t brought up properly, actually he was dragged up.
Bring a child up=a educa un copil#to drag a child up=a lasa un copil de capul lui.
Bring up memories=drag up bad memories/events=a aduce in discutie, a aborda un
To wind down=relax=unwind=to loosen up a bit/a little=to relax: Wind down with a good
Wind down=a fi pe terminate (a party), a scadea in intensitate. The party was winding
down=was gradually drawing toward the end.
To insure his car=a-si asigura masina
to ensure oneself=to make sure=a se asigura ca
to assure smb=a-l asigura /a-l convinge ca/de
to reassure smb=a calma pe cineva, a-l reasigura
to assure = affirm, confirm, ensure, guaranty, persuade, promise, secure
to reassure = brace, comfort, encourage, hearten, inspirit, nerve, rally
to rally=to muster for a common purpose=a se aduna ptr,a-si aduna curajul/fortele sale ,
a se ridica la lupta ptr, a-l scoate din depresie, slabiciune, tristete: He rallied briefly from
his illness.(rally from =recover from), a-si reveni(preturile dupa o scadere)
to nosedive=a scadea brusc/vertiginos#heighten=a se intensifica, a creste vertiginous=to
to slash=a taia, a reduce brusc
a tough stance=o atitudine dura
upheaval=schimbare totala/radical, revolutie, rasturnare, tumult, agitatie, confuzie
upheaval=disruption, upset ,disturbance, trouble ,turbulence, disorder, disorganization,
confusion, turmoil, pandemonium bedlam furor uproar disarray chaos mayhem
cataclysm revolution violent change sudden change
turmoil=framantare, vacarm, zarva, harababura, invalmaseala, tumult
disarray=dezordine, amestec
acknowledge=a recunoaste, a confirma, a dmite, a marturisi, a accepta, a adeveri
approve of=agree with=a fi de accord cu
disapprove of=disagree with=a dezaproba, a nu fi de accord cu
to state=a declara
to surrender=to submit to=to yield to=to subject to=a se supune vointei cuiva
to wash away=a scapa de (responsabilitati)
rally against=a se manifesta impotriva , a face miiting impotriva, a se revolta
impotriva, a se opune public=stand up against: It was heartening to see so many
people at the rally=era incurajator faptul ca vezi asa multi oameni la
miting.Demonstrators were bussed in from all parts of the country to attend the protest
rally.They held a rally outside the town hall.
Students rallied against the new dress code guidelines.
To deny admittance=a –I refuza intrarea, a nega ceva# to admit=a recunoaste=to
To decline=a scadea(nr populatiei/natalitatii)
To lessen=a-I scadea importanta/valoarea/efectul. His power in the factory has
lessened recently.# to enhance=a spori, a creste, a intensifica, a mari(productia)
To nail down=a castiga un premiu, a depista cauza a ceva
To cope with=a face fata(hardships)
To deal with=a avea de a face cu, a se ocupa de
To face=a se confrunta cu
To figure out=a intelege, a-si da seama, a realize
To come up with=a veni cu o solutie
To break through=pull through=get through=a o scoate la capat cu greu(o sarcina)
Meltdown=colaps economic, cadere psihica=breakdown
The economy goes through a financial meltdown.
To customize=a personaliza

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