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HIOSH DIRECTIVE DIRECTIVE NO.: CPL 02-00-157 | EFFECTIVE DATE: July 14, 2014 SUBJECT: Shipyard Employment “Tool Bag” Directive CPL 02-00-157 ‘This CPL is adopted by HIOSHin its entirety. Mn | US. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ‘Occupational Safety and Health Administration DIRECTIVE NUMBER: CPL 02-00-1857 _|EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/01/2014 SUBJECT: Shipyard Ey it"Tool Bag Directive ABSTRACT Perpose: ‘To provide OSHA offices, interested industry representatives, Sate Plan programs and federal agencies with guidance concerning the application of ‘ccupatana safety and health standards in shipyard employment. Als, this insinsction provides eurent information and ensures the consistent enforcement ‘of OSHA's shipyard employment standards (29 CFR Part 1915) Scope: OSHAAwide. References: ‘See paragraph V. Cancellations: CPL 02-00-156, Shipyard Employment “Tool Bag Directive, February 6, 014 (Guperseded by this directive) State Impact: [Notice of intent and Equivalency Require, ‘Action Omices: National, Reyna, Area nd Ste Plan Offices. Originating Otic: Directorate of Enforcement Programs. Contact: Director, Office of Maritime Enforcement 200 Coastiution Avenue, NW., Room N:3610 ‘Washington, DC 20210 (202) 653-2599 By and Under the Authority of ‘David Michaels, PAD, MPH Asitant Secretary ABSTRACT-1 Executive Summary ‘This insretion provides guidance othe Occupational Safety and Heath Adminstration (CSHA) atonal, regional, and aes offices; exployers and employees, Sate Plan programs and federal agencies Concerning OSHA's policy and procedures for implementing intervention and inspection progr 0 ‘reduce or eliminate workplace hazards relatod to shipyard employment. OSHA is commited o ondoctng focused aterventiens in the shipyard indy (29 CFR Part 1915) to reduce workplace Injuries, illneses and fatalities. ‘This instruction provides information and enforcement guidance to support OSHA's inspection efforts in shipyard employment and: ‘+ Provides OSHA compliance officers and consultants, and other intersted goverment and industry artes, with information o support shipyard employment intervention effets and omisiize employee exposure o hazards, ‘+ Suppons the National Enphass Program (NEP) on Shipbresking andthe Sit-Speifc Targeting (GST) program forthe shipbuilding and ship epuiring industries “+ Provides new guidance regarding 29 CFR Part 1915, Subpart F- General Working Conon bt Shipyard Employers ‘+ Supports the redvton of occupation exposure to hazards though dct intervention ine promotion ‘of safety and health culture vough compliance sskistance, cooperative programs, nd strong leadership; and maximizes OSHA's effectiveness and efficiency by strengthening it apailies and infarc, Signfeant Changes This instruction bas been revised and updated to icine the following significant changes: ‘+ Updates references and diretives to include new documents andthe curet versions of documents previously listed ‘+ Updates guidance regarding the applicability of 29 CFR Part 1910, general industystanlards, 0 shipyard employment worksites (Appendix A) ‘+ Updates answers to commonly asked shipyard employment questions and incorporates recently issued Snterpetations and final epulatons (Appendix B). ‘Provides guidance regarding 29 CFR 1915.89 Control of hazardous energy (lockoteespls), including answers to common questions (Appendix). ‘Provides guidance regarding 29 CFR Pat 1915, Subpart F- General Working Conlon in Shipyard Empleyment, including answers to common questions (Appendix). “+ Updates and adds electronic inks to enhance web-based stil ABSTRACT-2 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS. HERR ggs2 ae 25 xv. XxvL XVIL_ Program Evaluation. el ‘Appendix A: Application of the29 CFR Part 1910 Standard When a 29 CFR Part 1915 Standard Does Not Address a Recognized Hazard in Shipyard Employment. ee AAS Appendix B: Ansnersto Common Questions Regarding Shipyard EmmployMen wenn B+ Appendix C: Fire Protection in Shipyard Employment (29 CFR Part 1915, Subpart P)wennne= C1 Appendix D: 29 CFR 1915.89 Control of hazardous energy (ckou typhi) eeomeve—o—ee DA Append E: General Working Condon in Shipyard Employment (9 CFR Part 1915, Subpart F)E- I Mt v. Purpose, This istration provides guidance othe Occupational Safty and Health ‘Adminstration (OSHA) national, regional, and ares oie, employers and employees; Sate Plan [rograms; and federal agencies concerning OSHA's policies an procedures for mplemening Intervention and inspection programs fo edaceoreiminate workplace hazards in shipyard ‘mployment ie, ship repair, shipbuilding, and shpbreakng). Fue, ths insirstion provides ‘ent information and ensues the consistent enforcement of OSHA's shipyard employment Standards 29 CFR Par 1915). ‘Scope. This instruction applies OSHA-wide. ‘Cancellation. This instruction cancels or supercedes the following ‘A. CPL 02-40-186, Shipyard Employment “Tool Bag" Directive, February 6, 2014 (Superseded by hin directive). ‘This instruction has been revised and updated to include significant changes a follows ‘+ Updates references and dietives to include new documents and the curent versions of documents previously sted. 1+ Updates guidance regarding the eppicbility of29 CFR Par 1910, neal industry standards 1 shipyard employment worksites (Appendix A) ‘+ Updates answers to commonly asked shipyard employment questions and incorprass evenly iste interpretations and final regulations (Appendix ). ‘© Provides guidance regarding 29 CFR 1915.89 Control of hacardous energy (lockouttags- play, eluding answers o common questions (Appendix D) + Provides guidance regarding 29 CFR Par 1915, Subpart F - General Working Conditions in ‘Shipyard Employment, including answers o comwon questions (Appendix). Updates and adds elecvonic links to enbance web-based wabily References. AA. Standards |, 20CFR Pas 1903, inspections, Citations ad Proposed Penalties, 2OCER Pat 1904, Recordkeeping and Repating Occupational Injuries and Messe, 22.CER Pant 1710, General Industry Standeds, 2OCER Part 1918, Shipyard Employment Standard, 29.CFR Part 1918, Gear Ceification Standuds. 22.CER Par 1926, Construction Standards, 29CFR Par 1960, Basi Program Element fr Federal Employee Occupational Safty and Health Programs and Related Matters. TER. 19847013, Occupational Safety ind Health Standards for Shipyard Employment; Final Rule, April 20,1982, 9, 67 PR. 445334454, Occupation Safety nd Heath Standard for Shipyard Employment; Feal Rule, uly 3, 2002 10. 9 ER. 55667:55708, Fre Protetion for Shipyard Employment; Fisl Rule, September 15, 200, 11, TL FR, 60843-60847, Updating National Consensus Standards in OSHA's Standard for Fire Protection i Shipyard Employment; Final ale, October 17,2006. 12. T6P.R. 245752411, General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment; Final Rule May 2, 2011 13, T6E.R_33590:33612, Standards Inprovement Project (S1P-I); Final Rule, June 8, 2011 1 14, 16.8 4426S, General Working Conon n Shipyard Employment; Comection, ily 25,2011 15, Occupational Safety and Heats Act of 1970 29 U.S.C. 4a). B, OSHA Directives 1. CPLG2-00.025, Schedling Systems for Programmed Inspections, January 4,195, 2. CPL.02.00.051, Enforcement Exemprions and Limitations Unde the Appropriations Act, ‘May 28,1938, ‘EL D2-125, Mal-Employer Citation Policy, December 10,1999. (PL 12.9135, Recordkeeping Policies ané Procedures Manual, December 30, 2004, (CPL.02-00-148, Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP), fue 18,2010. (CPL.02.00-150, OSHA Feld Operations Manual (FOM), Api 2,201 (CPI 02.00-51,29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart T Commercial Diving Operation, lone 13, 2011 8. CPL2201-028, Compliance Assistance fr the Powered Industrial Track Operators Training Standards, Noverber 30, 2000. 9. CP1.02-01-085 Maritime Cargo Gear Standards and 29 CFR 1919 Cenifcation, Sepiember 30,2013. 10, CPL 02.1.047, OSHA Authority Over Verses and Facilities on or Adjacent o US. Navigable Waters andthe Oster Continental Shelf (OCS), Fetrty 2, 2010 (CPL 02.01.049, 29 CFR Pat 1915, Subpart I, Enforcement Guidance for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Shipyard Employment, November 2010. 12, CPL.02-91-051,29 CFR Par 1915, Subpart B, Confined and Enclosed Spaces and Other ‘Dangerous Atmospheres in Shipyard Employment, May 20,201 13. CPL 02.02.063 Inspection Procedres for Oscuptional Exposure to Asbestos Final ‘Rule, 29 CFR Pars 1910-1001, 19261101, and (915.1001, November 3, 1995, 14. CPL 02.02.074, spetion Procedures forthe Chromium (V1) Standards, January 24, 2008 15, CPL 02-02-05, Nationl Emphasis Program ~ Hexavalent Chromium, Febroary 23, 2010 16, CPL 03-3407, National Emphasis Program — Crystalline Silica, January 24,2008 17, CPL03.99-008, Combustible Dust National Emphas Program (Reseed), March 11, 2008 18, CPL 03-99409, National Emphasis Program ~ Leud, August 14,2008 19. CRL 8.90012, OSHA's National Emphasis Program (NEP) on Shipbresking, [November 4, 2010 20, CP.03-00401, Procedures for Approval of Local Emphasis Programs (LEP), November 10,1999. 21, CPL 13-01 (CPL C2), Site-Specific Targeting 2012 (SST-12), January 4, 2013. 22, CSP.03-01.403, Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) Policies and Procedures Mam, ‘Api 18,2008 23, CSp.03-02.002, OSHA Statepie Patership Program for Worker Safety and Health, December 9, 2004 24, CSP-02.00.09, Consultation Policies and Procedures Manual, Janay 18,2008, . Othe seferences, vw vu. vin. (OSHA has developed numerous products, both electronic and paper copy, to asi ations, ‘eon, and area offices; empoyers and employees, Sat Plan prorat nd ‘eer agencies to reduce or lminate workplace hazards in shipyard employment (Le, ship repair, shipbuilding. and shpbreaking).Eleczonic product include websites, cTool, nd vidoe. ‘Tradional poducts including guidance dociment, fat shes, ier, are walable lecronically, a wel as in hard copy. Sesion XilL_ Outeach Paniuis ofthis instruction has more detaled infomation regarding these products, including hyperinks wiere appropiate Expintion ite. This instruction wil remain in effet until canceled or spervededby another Federal Program Change — Notice of Intent and Eqivlency Reauited. This instruction describes ‘federal program change which provides ruidaneeconceming OSHA's policy and 7rocedures on {he enforcement of shipyard employment. ‘Stale rth OsHAvepproved State Plans he cover pivatesector martime employment (Le, activities addressed in 29 CFR Part 1915 - Shipyard Enployment snd 29 CFR Part 1917 - Marine Terminals), a well as those with public-sector cmployees engaged in thee activites, are expected to have enforcement policies and procedures In place for thet maritime operations which are alas as effective a those inthis suction, All States with OSHA approved State Plans cover tse sod loa! government emplayes, including any public-sector employee that may be engaged in maritime scavites; cly Gaon, Minassts, Vermont and Washingin cover private-sector shreside operations fr shipyard employment (See 29 CER 1952, Approved State lon or Enforcement o State Standard). States with rivate- or public-sector maritime employees within their jurisiton ae reqiced to notify OSHA within 6 days whether they ited adopt policies and pocedurs identi ‘those inthis instruction or adopt or miata diferent policies and procedures, States without ny rivate- or public-sector marie employment shoud 30 indicate in thir espnse Ifa Site adopts or maintains policies and procedures tha fer fom federal plces and procedures the Sate must deni the differences and may ether post its policy on its website Sod provide the ink to OSHA or submit an eleezonic copy to OSHA with information on bow ‘he public may obtain copy. Ifthe Sate adopts policies and procedures that ze dente to federal policies and procedures, the State mus provide the date of adoption to OSHA. Slate adoption must be accomplished within 6 months, wih posting or submission of documentation ‘within 60 ays of adoption. OSHA will rovde summary information onthe State responses to {his instucion on its Website at: wie, index hun Acton Infermation ‘A. Responsible Ofie. Directorate of Enforement Programs (DEP), Ofie of Maritime Enforcement (OME), B. Action Offices. OSHA Regional Administrators, Area Direcos, State Plan Designee, and National Office Dzecors most ensure tha the policies and procedures se forth nhs insrvction a felowed, Regional Administrators also mut ensure that Consultation Program Manager in thet region ar informed of the requirements ofthis instruction and encourage the ivolvement of Onsite Consultation Projet in shipyard employinent activities, EcdaraL Agencies. This instaction describes a change that may affect federal agences, Iie the responsibility of the bead of ech federal ageny to esublish and mainsin a effective and ‘comprehensive safety and health program. Exculive Onder 12196, Section 1-201, and 29 CER 1960.16, requires federal agencies ro adopt polices and prosedares necessary to provide level of protection equivalent to that provided by OSHA standards and regulations 2 IL Definitions. 29.CFR 19154, 191511, 191580, 1215.51, and 1915.508) ‘A. Data fniaive ‘Data Swrvey: The Dasa nitatve i nationwide election of fesalishmentspeiic ajury and ness data frm approxieately 80,000 employers. The ata initiatives compiled using OSHA's Antal Survey Form referenced in 29 CER nT B. Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred (DART) Rate- This includes cases involving days ‘ay ftom work, estictedwodk scviy, and tanaferstoanoher job. The DART rae is {aloulated based on (NEN x (200,000) where Nis the numberof eazes involving days away tndfr job wansfr or eswction, EH isthe total numberof hours worked by all employees Aurng the cen year, and 200,00 isthe base for 100 fllsime equivalent employees (2,000 hours pr employee x 100 employees). The DART rte replaced the Lost Wray Injury and pes (WIT rate a of ansary 1, 2002. C. Siqward-Reited Employment: Any employment performed asa incident © oe 0 ‘conjunction wi ship repairing, shipbuilding or hipbeaking Work, lading But not ‘esc, inspection, esting nd employment ar «watchman, D. ‘hip Repai shi repairing Any repair ofa vessel including, but not rested to, trations, conversions, nstallations cleaning. panting and maintenance work, EE. Shipbreakng: Any breaking down of vessels structure forte purpose of scraping the ‘veselneuding the removal of gear, equipment or any component of he vesel This term, ‘s commonly refered toa “ship sersping” or “ship dgposl" F. Shipbuilding: The consirvetion of vessel including the instaltion of machinery and ‘suipment G. Shizsard Employment: This includes ship repaiig, shipbuilding, shipbreaking and related employments, HL. esse: Every description of watercraf or oer aifcalcontzivance used, or capable of being used a means of transportation en water, lciudng special purpose ating strutues not primarily designed for or used as a means of teansporaion on Water Aoplctin. This instruction applies OSHA-wide to all nterventons, inspections, and violation thaterent assistance shipyard employment. This insrstion alo spplies i OSHA oreach ‘forts that include compliance assistance, cooperative programs, ening. and edscstion Further, this instruction spies tall Onsite Consultation Projets. Regariles of whether ‘he worksite under federal or Sat jurisdiction, 21(€) and 23() fonded State Conclstion Projects are required to prontize and schedule On-site Consultation Services to prvale sector employers. On-site Contulation personnel are expected to provide safety and health promramn sistance, taining, edvcaton, hazard identification and sbatemen! asstanceto employers upon ‘heir fequst for asisancein Sates where Fedral OSHA has jureition over shipyard employment When a new OSHA general industry stndsrd (29 CFR Pat 1910) that applies o shipyard ‘employment is promulgated afer the effotve date ofthis “Tol Bag” dzetve, tht standard ‘nay be aplied ia applicable maritime environments even thovgh the standard no ited ‘Appendix A ofthis tnstuction, ‘The cartent shipyard employment standards (29 CFR Part 1915) were consolidated ‘on Apri 2, 1982, oeiminate duplication of regulations contaied in 29 CFR Part 1915 (Ship ‘Repairing, 1916 (Shipbuilding, and 1917 (Shipbesking) (47 FR. 16986) Since that kme, several final rues have been promlgte that have mifiedthe ship employment standards. Some ofthe more significant rlerkings include changes to 29 CFR, Pat 1915, SubpartsB, FI, and. xml. 29.CER Pat 1915, Subpart B Confined Other Dangerous Aemoepheres in Sh subpart bop 1s feglaory review in L988 with 2 hot of proposed rulemaking and conciuded with final rule published in 1984. The reultory background is detailed in CPL 02-01-05 with inks to the proposed and fal rls 01S, Supa F— General Working Condi Beginning in 198, the Shipyard Employment Standards Advisory Commitee (SESAC) was established to provide technical expertise and guidance to OSHA with evsiens to te ehpyard ‘employment standards. SESAC finalized is recommendations for evisions to 29 CFR Per 1915, Subpar Fin 1993. Those evsions were submited and approved by the Martime advisory ‘Comsmitee on Occupational Safety and Health (MACOSH) in 1995. OSHA pulsed the proposed rule in Deerber 2007, and held public hearings n September and Octcber 208, with {he polic comment period closing February 2009. Tie fra rule, including the preamble isctssion and the regulatory text, was published on May 2, 2011, in the Federal Rept (76 ER. 24576). Therule became effective and enforceable on Augut 1, 2011, excep er the [Provisions in 29 CFR 1915.89 ~ Loclouviagr pls, which became effective and enfreeable on (October 31,2011. On June 28,2011, the Shipbuilders Counel of America (SCA) fled a petition for review with the US. Court of Appeals ofthe Fourth Ciresit challenging the fna rule. On Saly 27,2011, the Court of Appeals directed SCA and OSHA to pareve setemet agreement. Inthe interim, OSHA issued several temporary enforcement policies for speifie provisions in 29, (CER 01582, 1915.89, end 1915.95, Allsequremens ofthe ial rule te enforcdbe, inlading 2O.CER LAS AUK, a8 of May 19,2013. 29 CER Rac 1915, Subpac |= Personal Prost Egucment PRED. This subpant began its regulatory review in 1988 with a notice of proposed rulemaking and concluded with fil rale ‘published in 2009. The regulatory backyround is detailed in CPT 0201-048 with inks othe proposed and final ues. 29CKR Pan 1915, Subpan — ire Protection i Ships ard Emploment. nity dated by SESAC, this shipyard employment fre protectin standard was presented to OSHA by MACOSH ‘in 1995. In 1986, the Fire Protection in Shipyard Employment Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee was formed. ‘The commitee presented thir commendations to OSHA in 2002 Based on those recommendations, the Agency published proposed standard on Desember 11, 2002. The final rule was published on September 15,2004 (3 FR. $547) and incoporsted by reference 19 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards, On October 17,2006, 2 let final rule was published to add and update te most ecent version ofthe NFPA standards (LER. 60883), COuieachProuss. OSHA's webs roves up-to-date assistance to employers ard employees ‘mall industries, including the maritime industry (.e, shipyard employment, marine erminals, and longshoing)- The website en be acened ‘tern Accesible othe general public nw oshn ee. 4+ Inanet ~ Accessible to OSHA personne aly In addition to general indsty and constuction topics, speifie martime employment and ‘elated information ean be found within the OSHA website ahh wor. ceha ao teatime sind. ‘A. OSHA Assisave fur the Marie laguury. These pages ae part of OSHA’s commitment ‘o provide marine employers and employees wih information and austance for complying ‘with OSHA standards to eaure safe and healthfl workplaces The OSHA webite coins ages on the following |. Manse Stands and Policy Information. This page provides dire inks to OSHA ‘maritime standars ad policy documents fo obtaining informations sidance regarding these standards, 5 2. Marie Tops. This page provides sary, heath, nd compliance information petient oa specifi topic. This page also contans inks to related agencies and ‘rgeizations that also can provide information ot asstnce to marine employers and employes. 3. Shipsard Hazan! Information Prevention Shea (SHIPS). Shipyards ofen donot have the benefit of fulltime, on-board safety and heal specialists. To adress his station ‘and help prevent injuries and illnesses, the shipyad community ané OSHA have jonty ‘develope Safety and Health Ijury Prevention tects (SHIPS). SHIPS provide the end ‘ser wih specific guidance and “Do's und Doa' ts with accompanying photographs for ‘various shipyard processes. The following tpieshave been developed: © Htwork- Welding. Cuing od Brazing: © Stipfimne: and ° Rissing. 4 Inspection Dasa. Inspetion dais acessibe through OSHA’s website. Tis ink wil ake ‘he user dzely tothe "Statistics and Data" page lich allows the wero condi! searches by establishment, Standard Identifiaton Cesifiaton (SIC) code, Noth American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, OSHA inspection numer, acide! {nfermation, aod frequently cited standards. The page also contains links othe Bureas of [Labor Statist (BLS) for injury and illness statistics. The NAICS code that corespands to {he shipyard employment industri primarily 33561 (SIC 3731) (Se the maritime chapter ofthe Field Operations Manual (FOM), CPL 02-00-180, April 22, 201, for other NAICS ad SIC codes) B. Publication. OSHA has developed numerous ster nd health publications covering 4 vanity of maritime topes, | Mantine Safety and Hest Topics: OSHA Publications. The publications on this page, scleced from OSHA’s general pblicatin ist, provide information related specially to shipyard employment Abrasive Blasting Hazards in Shinard Employment. OSHA Guidance Documest (December 2006) ‘+ Aerial Lit Fall Protection Over Water in Shipyards. OSHA QuickCaré™, "9. OSHA Publication 3452 eptember 2011) (Engi: PDE) (© OSHA Publication 3475 (February 2012) (Spanish: PDF) + Confined Soace Safety on Commercial Fishing Vessels OSHA Fact Sheet June ). ‘+ Dock Barge Safe. OSHA Publication 3358 lnuary 2009) ‘+ Egonomies forthe Prevention of Musculoskeletal Dioner: Guidlines foe ‘Shinvarés. OSHA Guidance Document, Publication 341 (March 2008) + Ese Protection agains Radiant Ener during Welding and Cstinain Shinar ‘Eplosent. OSHA Fac Shet, ‘© OSHA Publication DSG FS-3499 January 2012) (English: EDE) {2 OSHA Publication DSG FS-3588 December 2012) (Spanish: FDP) + Fall Protection Safety for Commercial Fishing. OSHA Fact Stet, DSG (une 2010). + bye Proectumin Shinar lesan OSIA Se Psmtaton (ach + Fyetlth Suey During Hot Wook in Shinar, OSHA QuickCat” (OSHA Publication 3494 (Febranry 2012). ‘+ General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment F \Destins AUS) 29 CFR Part 1915, Spare F FAQs (Apri! 201), 6 ‘+ General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment ~ OSHA Fact Sheets ‘May 2011). Sena hin Condos in Shin pom Falls © Medal Seceaed hot Sa ‘© Motoe-Vehsle Softy Enipment Operation and Mainenancs, © Saaiion: and © Wooking Alene + tutrogen Sulfide (35). OSHA QuickCard™, Publication 3300 (October 2005) * Safe Wiouk Practices for Marine Hanbng Siting. OSHA Guidanee Document (Apel 2008), also avaiable as « PDF ‘+ Sale Work Pasties for Shinhreaking. OSHA Publication 3375 (March 201). Small Enity Comliabce Guide fo ‘OSHA Guidance Document, Publication 3320 (October 2006) ‘+ ‘SSinbreaking Fact Sheet. OSHA Fact Shee (200), also avaiablein Sih 012) ‘Shirwan ice Projection Freawenty Asked Questions (FAQs). OSHA (March 2006); lo avaiable as» PDI. ‘+ Sou Bazae Safety OSHA Fact Sheet Janary 2009) + Supard indus Standerds, OSHA Publication Number 2268, Revised 2009 {alsolnown as the“Brown Book”) A pocket-size booklet contiring the Shipyard employment standards (29 CFR Part 1915) I sls address the Importnce of taining in etslishing and reinforcing employee avarenessofjeb safer and health, the elements ofa effective safety and heath program, end OSHA's onsite consultation program 2. For other publication not specif to shipyard employment (i. geneal inlusty, onsrton, and marin cargo handing) or to order publications, refer to OSHA's Inblications page. Hard copies are also avaiable along with ther publications by 4ialing (202) 685-1885, Text Telephone (TTY) number i (877 889.5627 3. Degurmen of Labor 2011-2016 Static Pan oines DOL's caret strtegic mision pl, gous and objectives, C. OSHA elisisand Electric Padus for Complianse Assivnce. «Tool are*stand-alone,” Imeractive, web-based uaiing tools on occupation safety and health topic. They are igh ilsrted and wtize grape menus. Some also wse exper system modes, Which ‘enable users o answer questions and receive reliable advice on bow OSHA relations apply {othe worksite, 1. Shipuatd Employnent eT. The shipyard employment eTools dares teenie ‘up of 29 CFR Part 1915 regulations as they pera 0 Ship repa, shipbuilding od shipbreaking 2 ‘Bxumining Fal Shipvard Accigens: Hazads and Solon (Vigo). Inconjuntion With he shipyard employment industry, OSHA developed 16 videos baseden actual case files, depicting shipyard employment fatal acidens. Each video canbe viewed separately on OSHA's website and contains acedens tht have been recretted using ‘computer generated animation. Each scenario includes «review ofthe fac hat, ontbuted othe aciden and bow to avoid them. Information on and te aalabily of ‘hese videos ean be obained by contacting: Directorate of Techical Support and Emergency Management Office of Science and Technology Assessment 200 Constitution Ave, NW, Room N-3655. ‘Washington, DC 20210, 3, Toaiogad Quench. Significant portions of OSHA's resources are directed toting (OSHA and industry personnel in safety, health, and complince procedures. Links are provided to Sate Osite Consultation Projects that provide onsite assistance Oe of Marie Enforcement (OME). This office provides support forthe maritime industies (e, shipyard employment, marine terminal, an longshorng) inching comprehensive program guidelines, policies, procedures, technieal assistance, and. information dissemination. This involves, bat spt limied to, the developnent of standards interpretations; management and adminisition ofthe 29 CFR Pat 1919 marine peat cztfiation program, coordination ofthe actives ofthe Agency's Martime Steering Committee; development and coordination of martin enforcement programs; snd echnical ‘martin experisein support of DOL's Ofieof the Solicitor. OME can be reached at (202) (695-2399, andthe OME page onthe OSHA website provides contact information an links 0 relied OSHA compliance, outreach, and maritime sites. lusaiction Data OSHA inspection datas aecessibe through OSHA’ website. This link wil ake the ser directly othe “Statistics and Daa” page, which allows the wero condoct starches by establishment, Standard Identification Classification (SIC) code, North American Industry Classifiaton System (NAICS) code, OSHA inspection number, acident infermasen, and fequenly cited standards. The page azo contains links othe Buren of| Labor Stasis (BLS) for inspection data and stasics. The NAICS code that corespond 0 the shipyard employment industry is primarily 33651 (SIC 3731) (See te maritime chapter ‘ofthe Field Operations Manual (FOM), CPL. (2-0)+150, April 22,2011, for eter NAICS tnd SIC codes, NOTE: A complet list of NAICS codes i available onthe US. Census Bureau website On-site Canailation Pram. OSHA's On-site Consultation Program offers fee snd ‘confidential advice to smal and mediun-sized basnesees inal States dros he county, ‘with priority given to high-hazard worksites. Onsite Consultation Program services are Separate from enforcement and doa eult in penalties o tations, Constant frm State spencies or universities work with employers to idetily workplace hazards, provide advice fon compliance with OSHA standards, nd ast in extablishing safety and health ‘management programs G. Cooperative Programs, OSHA offers the fllowing cooperative programs under which businesses, labor groups, nd oer organisations can work cooperatively withthe Agency ‘elp prevent fatalities, injres, and illnesses inthe workplace: 1. Alliance Program. Through the Alliance Program, OSHA works with groups commited to worker safety and heath to prevent workplace ftalies, injuries snd illnestex These ups include unions, consulates, trade or professional organizations, basineeses, faith {nd community-based organizations, and educational institutions. OSHA and the oups ‘work together to develop compliance assistance tools and resources, share information With workers and employers, and educate workers and employers about their rights and ‘esponsibilies_Allsnee Program partcipnts do not receive exemptions from OSHA ‘programmed inspections. OSHA curenly hasan Alliance with the Shigbulfina Gap, ‘The Alliance Program partners coordinate activites and events, have crested numerous safety les, and provide outreach and communication fe the shipyerd inde. See the (OSHA Alliance page fr frther information et: ig: ww osha gu dopllnces abgabgiml 2 OSHA Static Partnership Program (OSPP), The OSPP provides the opportunity for OSHA to parte wih employers, workers, professional or te associations, labor organizations, andor other terested stakeholders. OSHA Strategic Partnerships (OSP) Se formalized through unique agreements designed to encourage, esis, and ognize parmer efforts to eliminate serious hazards and achieve model werkplae safety and health practices. Each OSHA Strategic Partnership establishes specific oa, tategis, snd performance measures to improve worker safety and health. OSP models nciode those focused on improving safety and health n mgjor ompoatons, goverment agencies, at age consrcton projets and for entre industries. The OSPP isavailable to pvat-tecir industries and government agencies in locations where OSHA has junsdiction 3. Voluaury Buisson Puurans (VP. The VPP recognizes employers and werker ia ‘vate industy and federal apencies who have implemented effective safety ad heals ‘lanagement sytem and maintain njiry ails ates belo the national average for theirrespecive industies. Through ths program, management, aber, and OSI work cooperatively and proetvly to prevent fstalites, injures, and ies rough 2 syste focused on: hazard prevention and cotol, worksite analy, ining ond ‘management commitment and worker involvement. To participate, mployers must, Sumit an application to OSHA and undergo s rigorous on-site evaluation byateam of| safety and bealh professionals. Union supports required fr applicants represeted by & bargining uit. VPP participants are re-evaluated every three fo ive years to nai it the program. VPP patcpans ar exempt from OSHA programmed inspections while ‘hey maintain her VPP satus. (See CSP 03.01.003, Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) Policies and Procedures Mansa, Api 18, 2008) 4. OSHA Challenge. OSHA Challenge provides interested employers and woke the cr safety and health managemen: systems ‘Through this program, Challenge Administrators expvinced in safety and beth pide ‘Challenge Paripans trough thre stage proven owards implementing an ffetive ‘stem for preventing faaite, injures, and illnesses. An o-line tol i provided which breaks down the action, documentation, and resus desired. Graduates of OSHA Challenge receive recognition fom OSHA a they ineremenally enprove thei salty an ‘eal management systems. OSHA Challenge is available to employers inthe private- sd public-sectors under OSHA’s federal juedction, 5. Safetyand Heath Achieveren: Recognition Program (SHARP), Employer that havea {ll On-site Conslaion vst and mee other requirements are recognized undet SHARP for their exemplary safety ad healih management systems, Worksites that esive ‘SHARP recognition are exempt rom programmed inspections during the peed thatthe SHARP certfistion valid. HH. Shipyard Industry Resouces External o OSHA. While OSHA conser the emis below {obe valuable resources for information concesing safe and healthful workplace patie in the shipyard industry, employers accessing euch information ae not excsed fom blgations to comply with the Occupational Safety and Heal (OSH) ct and standards promelgated pursuant to the OSH Act Applying the recommendation r practices offered by these fentites doesnt necessarily constiute compliance wth the OSH Act nd OSHA sindads In addon, OSHA does no contra the publication of information onthe websites iste in this paragraph and cannot vouch forthe securacy, reliability, o timelines of eve pieee of information contained in these websites, 1 Commitee fo af MACOS i discretionary committe established on February 8, 1995 and issuthorized by Section 7) of the OSH Act to advise, consult with, and make recommendion fo the Secretary of Labor through the Assistant Secretary fr Occupational Safety ad Heals (Assistant Secretary) on mates reltng to the maritime industry. MACOSH is ‘comprised of 15 represeniatine members appointed by the Secretary, thats diverse and balanced Doth in ers of sepments ofthe maritime industry represented (shipyard ‘nd longchoring industries), and in the views o interests represented by is 1S meshes (management, labor, safety and health professional orpanizn tons, government organizations andthe poli), one of whom the Seeetary appoint fo serve sx commitee {hair All MACOSH meetings ae open othe Pubic and are annownced inthe Federal, Register. The Commies objective ito advise the Seretary and adres the concer ‘ofthe entre maritime community on mates relevant othe safety and health of workers ‘nthe martime industry, prany focusing a the shipbuilding, shipbeaking, ship ‘pei, ad inthe longahorngand marine terminal industries in the United Ststes, The Assistant Seeetary may seekthe advice of the Comite on activites i the mai Indus related tthe prions set bythe Agen, including: worker taining, education, and assistance; seting and enforcing of standards and assurance of safe and heal ‘working condition for workers. Additional information reprding MACOSH including information regarding beckground, history, charter, curent membership, mening ‘minutes, and Federal Register Novices i availble a wag osha gould mantime macnsvinde him. Shiptulders Council of America(SCA). The SCA isthe rade association that represents ‘he US. shipyard indsty” SCA members consinte the shipyerdindutial base that ‘bls, reper, maintains and modemizes US. Navy ships and era, US. Coast Guard vessel of all sia, aswell at vestels for other U.S. goverment agencies. In ion, SSCA members build repair aud sevice Americas ee of commneteal vests, CA's active Safety & Health Commitee meets biannually to discuss esos facing ‘he indatry and share best established industry practices. SCA alo provides taining ‘materials forthe shipyard indnsty such as ere safety, shipyard ergonomics, and Shipyard safety orientation videos. Purther, SCA provides shipbuilding and ship repaic best management practices such at dry abrasive basting, removal ofl bic foulans, smetl ging, metal are welding thermal metal citing nd abrasive materials ‘management. More information can be obtained at the SCA’s website at hics/Ship| ‘Navona Shipbuilding Reseach Progam (NSRP). The National Shipbuilding Research Program sled by collaboraton of 11 major US. shipyard, working asa team with government, industry and acafemia. The NSRP's mission iso manage and fous tical shipbuilding research and development funding on technologies that wil educe the cost of warships tothe US. Navy and will establish U.S. interational compettveness. Area of focus by the NSRP include industry analsis and planaing, ‘common pars catalog, standards coordination, technology tanaer, research and evelopment programs, eBusiness solution, andthe Leon shipbulding initiative. The [NSRP also provides a collaborative forum o improve business sequiston rocescs, ‘Moe information canbe obtaned atthe NSRP website at his w.nempars American Waterways Operitor (AWO). The American Waterways Operators (AWO) ‘sociation represents the owners and operators ofilandeoasal tughous,towbouts and barges. The AWO's mission to promote the economic soundness of the industry, and ‘0 promote safe, ecient, and environmentally responsible ransporatin of goods and feeb through advocacy, public iafermaton, and the establishment of safety andar ‘The AWO has developed les pans on a number of safety topes (such ab slip, tps and fil prevention on vessels, and several vessel bext practices (eich a vessel boscdingepartre protocol, and falling overboard prevention). More information cam be cbtsined atthe AWO websites; iio aus paresis So 5. Crane Ceificaton Asssieton of America (CCAA). The purpae ofthe CCAA isto promote eran sft, improve the crane inspection and certification profession, and adress the subject of erane safety in governmental forums. The CCAA has developed ‘numerous publication (sich as erae tein end inepection procedures, and crane ‘componcat technical guidance), and has compiled » comprehensive list of elecwonic Hinks forthe crae indusr (includes crane safety, educational, below the hook components, ‘overhead cranes, mobile cranes, tower canes, barge mounted ras, and indy publications) More information can be ctained at the CCAA website tae ceaaweh.neV# HOME mainPage. XIV. Tinning. Trainin consists of both nterslteining for OSHA consultation and enforcement xv, ‘Saf and external training for sipvard industry employes and employee. ‘A. OSHA Diretorae of Traini and Easton (11TF), The directorate develops, diets, verses, manages and ensures implementation of OSHA's national tining and education policies and procedures 1. OSHA Tesining estate (OTD. OTI provides taining and education in occopstional safety and health for federal and Sate compliance officers, State consultants, other federal agency personnel, nd the private sector 2. OSHA Training Insite Education Centers. OTI Education Centers offer the most fequetly requested OSHA Training Instat courses forthe private-sector and fer gency personel st leation throughout the United States. 3. Assourse Cenex Loan Progam. The Retource Center offers occupational safety and ‘neath raining videos for loun to OSHA employees, OSHA grates, Consultation Programs, iat Plan States, Voluntary Protection Program Stes, OT1 Education Centers, Federal Agency Occupational Safty and Health Trainers, and OSHA Oatreach Trainers, 4 Under this program, OSHA awards grants to nonprofit organization fer developing tsning and edacatonl programs lo workers and employes 5. Safetwand Heath Tining Resources, The DTE Library contin taining and reference rmatels developed by DTE as well inks to other elated sites 6. OSHA Outreach TriningPsogzam, The OSHA Outreach Training Program forthe ‘mate industry provides taining for workers and employers onthe ecopiton, voidace, abatement, and prevention of afety and health haard in mantine ndtry ‘workplaces, The program also provides information regarding worker’ righ, employer ‘esponsblities, and how to fle compli This a volntary rogram and does ot ‘meet raining requirements fr any OSHA standards. NOTE: Through this program, OTT provides thee cours relting to shipyard ‘employment, (1) one week course #2090, "Shipyard Employment” (2) «10-hour ‘course #7615 for ety-ovel workers in shipyard employment, and (3) 2 30-hour course '57635 for workers tasked with safety resonsblies in shipyard employment. The course descriptions, schedules and locaten can be acceaeed www osha gover ceren hist hi or (lick “A to Z Ines," lick “Martine Safa,” click “OSHA Mantime Outeseh Training Prozany” then lik “Find «an OT Eaton Center" Enforcement Progiams. OSHA compliance officer may enter places of shipyard employment to condvet programmed ispections orto investgne complaints, referals, catastrophes (C2, Incidents resulting inthe hospitalization of thee er more employees), nd fata incidents General nepection criteria and contact infomation ean be found in OSHA lnsrucion CPL.G2- (004150, OSH Field Operations Manual (FOM), April 2,201 4 ‘A. Shipyard Emplosment, The shipyard employment industry is made up of seve industrial activites, and due tothe unique ferences among these activities, several sehoduling ‘methods are necessary. Consequeny, shipyard employment inspections 3s oulied inthe FOM and maybe schedsld a ‘+ Nationa Emphasis Programs (NEPA) Special Emphasis Programs (SERS) Local Emphasis Programs (LEP) Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP) Site Specific Targeting (8ST) Lists generated by the local OSHA ares offices by either por ares or employers NOTE: See FOM, Chants 10 for specifi enforcement guidance and procures for shipyard employment inspections. B, Maritime SundardAllcd Violation Ements (SAVE). tna joint effort by te Directorate ‘of Enforcement Progans (DEFYOffice of Marme Enforcement (OME) and selected (OSHA field offices, Maritime SAVEs have been developed fo provi 100 perent coverage of ll enforceable standards forthe maritime industries” shipyard employment, marine terminals, and longshoring. The Maritime SAVES include thee respective Alleged Violation Descripsons (AVDs) which have been specifically tailored for mantime aplcations. OME isesponsible for maotining the Maritime SAVES. Martine SAVES we svalable for (CSHOs by acessng the OSHA Inranet website CC. Avplication of Shinvard Employment Standans (29 CER Par 1915) and Genta industry ‘Sefety an Health Sida (29 CER Pat 1910) to Ship and Boat Building. Repuic and Breaking. This section offers guidance regarding the plication of the sipyad employment standards (29 CFR Pare 1915) and the general industry standards (29 CFR Part 1910} ship tnd boatbuilding, epi and breaking. 1. General guidance fr shipyard employment. Employees performing ship cr bot building, eparng, or breaking operations and tlaedscivies ae covered by he Shipyard employment standards and applicable provisions of he general indy standards. This inlades, bu is ot limited vo, dry Jocks, raving docks, mine railways, Ships, marinas, and other files located on te water o in eloseproxnity tothe water, The application ofthe 29 CFR Part 1910 generel industry standards s addressed in Appendix A of this instruction, ‘When a shipyard standards specifically applicable oa condition, atic, meas, ‘method, operation, er proces, i takes precedence ver any general inst tandard provision that might otherwise be applicable. However, provisions ofthe Pat 1910, ‘Seneral industry standard ae applicable to hazards where coverage ofa Pu 1915 Shipyard employment standard is dbsent (See Append of thi intact), Neverthles, the application ofcenain general ndstry standird provisions can be limited by thee scope ond application statements. In these cases, the general dy clowse (Gection 3a) ofthe OSH dct can be wed, where appropri, ote seus recognized hazarés not covered by a specific standard ‘Where a Part 1915 shipyard employment sanded is applicable butte employer has complied witha Par 1910 general industry provision that provides equivalent protection forte same workplace condition or hazard, OSHA wil consider the emplayer tobe in de ‘minimis violation of OSHA regulations. With le minnie voltons, no eittion re issued, and no monetary penalties sre proposed, Iris emphasize that this would not {apply ta situation where the Prt 1915 shipyard employment standard provides greater or additonal employee protection. For example, 29 CFR 1915.132(6)requres he switch 2 {ora potable electric tool be of «type that mat be manvsly bel inthe closed poston, while 29 CFR 1910.243(a)2) allows adiferet type of witch wise Stringent tequremeats. For shipyard enployment, the employer mus comely with the ‘more protective provisions of 29 CPR 1915.132(0, 2. ‘Shipyard employment coverage issues. Shipyard employment (to ineluding alan bost ‘operations is covered by Subpart B, F, 1nd Pof 29 CPR Part 1915 without regard to gsographical location. The other subpar of Pat 1915 alo apply to shipyard fmployment witout regard to geographical locations (See 26 CTR. 1910 exces at provided by he fllowing ‘Because sme US. Cours of Appeals have eplied exemptions based onan easter version of the Longzhore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation dc (HWA), 33 US.C. 01 er seg, to OSHA maritime enforcement, itis necessary to rly on 29 CFR Pst 1910 ‘ever industry standards, oi none caver the hazard, the genera duty clawe, where ropriate. Therefore, OSHA area offices must we Hee sllerative provisions in cases singin the Third and Ninth Crete! when etng violations involving shipyard ‘employment not on U.S navigable waters. Inthe oer creuis, OSHA are offices may «ite for voktions of Part 1915 in these ercumstances, but also must cite applicable Part, 1910 standards inthe alternive (othe general duty cleus where theres no peer industry standard) In addition, where the only exposure iso crew members, OSHA ares offices may not cite any provision of Pat 1915 unless (1) the crew member onan inspected veal, as defined by the Coast Guard, and no Coast Guard regulation apis to th hazard and (2) either the employer has violated 29 CFR 1915.89 (LOTO) or the ease aes outside ‘he Third or Ninth Circuit In the Thid Cite or the Nigh Cire only Pa 1910 othe general duty clause (Seton Sat) ofthe OSH Act may be cited, 8 appropriate. Inthe ther circuits, OSHA are offices may cite forn0%-LOTO violations of Part 1915 in these sircumstances, but also must cite applicable Pat 1910 standarésin the alternative (or the _peneral duty clause where there iso general industry tant), 3. Inland boat biling repair nd beaking. These are faites nt on US. nivignble ‘eae rin close prosimiy to them. Ar a mater of policy, OSHA doesn! we the shipyard employment standard to cite such employers, OSHA area offices mst ite hazards a inland boat operation based upon 29 CFR Part 1910 or the general duty clause, 2 appropriate. D. Violation Abatement Assistance Program. Shipyard industy employers sre encouraged to ‘eek advice and consultation. The employer should make these requests by wring, cling, orig nets OSHA wef Sees. fr OSTA oie oa ‘information XVL_ Coordination, This instruction will be coordinated by the Diteeoate of Enforcement Programs (DEP). Questions and comments should be direced to the Office of Martine Enforcement " Te Third Circuit neues Delaware New Jersey, Pensy vane andthe Virgin ands. The Ni Cicat inches Alas, Azo, Clif, ho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washigin, Guan, Hava and he ‘Nentben Marinas 2 This exemption is routed by Section 4X!) of the OSH At. For Coast Guard repulsion api > inspec vse Appendices B and Cof CPL 02-01-04, OSH Authority Over Vases and Fite on ‘Aijecen 1 US Newgobe Waters andthe Outer Continental Shelf. Fors of ondons on comercial fing Inds vessels not covered by Coast Guard eplatns Se Appendix Af th scan, b (OME). OME canbe rested at (202) 693.2399; the OME web page prides edlional comtsct {nformson and links torelated OSHA compliance, outeach, and mantine sits Program Evtluatin. During intervention and inspections, OSHA area fics will continue to collect dita and information such as OSHA 300 Log entries and calculate redactions in Days ‘Away, Restited, or Trasfered (DART) rte to measure the effectiveness of OSHA's ‘nitive to improve shipyard employment safety and heh, At the ene ofeach fal yea, the [Natal Ofc wil sutaaize he O15 data wl nfornaon sd provide consolidated repon DEP, DTE, and Regional Offices to evaluate and review in an effin to identify best practices ie the shipyard employment indus. Appendix A: Application of 29 CFR Part 1910 Standards ‘When 29 CFR Part 1915 Standards Do Not Address a Recognized Hazard in Shipyard Employment This appendix has been developed specifically to assist OSHA ara office personnel daring inspection of| workplaces covered by 29 CFR Part 915. The appendix dentfes provision of general nda enety ‘nd esl standards (29 CFR Par 1910) tat are applicable o shipyard employment it also provides guidance rezarding 29 CFR Pat 1910 provisions tat generally are preempted by corresponding 29 CFR. Part 915 provisions. As such, this appendix should clarify, under most circumstances, the spec ‘ecupatonal safety and health egurements for shipyard employment. However, this sppendix canna, 4nd i not itended Wo, enlarge or ciminsh employer obligations under the OSH Act, ‘The 29 CFR Par 1915 standards apply oll ship reper, shipbuilding, shipbreaking. and relied ‘employments o te navigable waters ofthe United Stats (inches dry docks, raving docks pli, Spd marine railwaye) o a nlite loeated ajacott navigable waters. 29 CFR Part 1915, Spat B= (Confined and Enclosed Spaces and Other Dangerous Amasphore in Shipyard Employment, 29CFR Part 1915, Subpart F~ General Working Conditions n Shipyard Employment, 29 CFR Past 1915, Soop | Personal Protective Equipment; snd 29 CFR Par 1915, Sart P- Fire Protection in Shipyard Employment, spply to shipyeré employment work on veseels and vesel section, and onshore ‘petons regards of geographic locaton. In ation, employers covered bythe OSH Act generally are required to adhere to OSHA's standards of general applicability (29 CFR Par 1910). Where coverage ofa shipyard employment hazard by 3 29 CFR Pat 1915 andar abert, 29 CFR Part 1910 sandard provisions should be cited wien applicable ‘The relationship berween the two existing sts of regulations is addressed by the Agency's le 29 CFR 1910.5), which tates + (OMI) Ia parcaar standard is specifically applicable toa condition, practice, means nethod, ‘operation, o process, it shal prevail over ay ferent general tandird which might oerwse be spolcable wo the same condition, practice, means, methd, operation, process. + (9X2) Onthe other hand, any standard shall ppy according ots tems any employment and place of employment in ny industry, even though priculr standards are also prescribed forthe {ndusy10 the exten! that pone of sch particular standards applies. ‘The proces for developing te table inthis appendix included a side by side comparison of he 29 (CPR Part 1915 shipyard employment standard provisions andthe 29 CFR Part 1910 general indasty andar provisions. The 28 CFR Par 1915 standard provisions are included in the “Rematis/Comments” column ofthe table, along withthe 29 CFR Part 1910 stadant provisions tht they preempt. 29 CFR Part 1910 standard provisions were reviewed 1 determine whether het ssociated scope and appliablty excluded their we in shipyard employment. For example, 190.146 Permirequired confined spaces 'speobibited from use in shiyerd employment a sates in 1910 146(0) ‘Also, 1910.147 ~The control of hazardous energy (lockout/agout) i proibted fom use in atime ‘rployment a sated in 1910.147(2). ‘The remaining 29 CFR Pat 1910 standard provisions (those not preempted by Fat 1915, orexluded from application fo sipyard or maritime employment) were eviewed to determine whee tc) would appl when employers were exposed to the atsocited hazard) during shipyard employment, For example, stacked objects on the hid ier ofa sealed presenta hzard of being knocked over ot ping ‘over and fling between the scaffold tocbosd and guardrail. The 29 CFR Pat 1915 standard doesnot havea requirement fra screen tobe provided between the toeboard snd the guar othe Eeerl industry standard provisions that invoke the 1910-28(a)(17) quieren for such sreens are appicble when employees ae exposed to his recognized hazard. All 29 CFR Par 1915 and Par 1910 standard provisions tht were determined to be applicable to shipyard employment were reviewed 1 determine thei applicability to work on vessel ad 10 work on shore. Additionally, ll standard provisions were reviewed o determine if editonlclarnfiction was needed t ily understand the use and intent o the provisions, and as required, explrtory language was {cluded in the “Remarks'Comments column a8 3°NOTE,” Every effort hasbeen made to identify those 29 CFR Part 1910 provisions that are sppicable to shipyard employment. However, its not possible to anticipate every oceapatonl hasta Thee likely willbe limited circumstances when 29 CFR Pat 1910 sandard provisos, hare ot detfed in ‘Appendix A properly apply to shipyard employment. Consequenly, in order o assure consistent end deliberate enforcement ofthe OSH det, no 29 CFR Pat 1910 standard eer than those designated in hi 'sppendix a applicable to shipyard employment wil be cited without the approval of both the regional office andthe OSHA National Office (Director, Directorate of Enforcement Progra) ‘Alleged voiaons fr hazardous conditions involving any identified 29 CFR Part 910 standard provision will continue to beeted wit the 29 CPR Par 1910 designations. The OSHA area distor Shall cite alleged violations involving extemall referenced standards (eg, ANSI, NEC, NEPA} (0 ince the specification ofthe referenced standard in aditon to the applicable provi on of 29 CFR Pat 191000r29 CER Part 1915. The are decor sal iste citations under the general du louse in appropri circumstances where employees are exposed to recognized hazards that recovered nether ‘by shipyard employment (29 CFR Part 1915) nor general industry safety and heath equations (29 CFR Pas 1910), When new OSHA general industry standard (29 CFR Pat 1910) that applies to spar employment is promulgated afer the effective date of hi ineriction, provisions from such sanded may becited witht approval fom the regioal and OSHA National Office eventhough they ae not sted in ‘his append. The appendix will be revised to eflet changes a revisions of 29 CFR Part 1910 and 29, (CFR Part 1915 are promulgated. As required, the Director, Directorate of Bnforcemert Programs, wll provide item guidance reparding the applicability of standards iesed afer the "Too. Bag” diective's ffetve date. ‘As unforeseen or unconsidereé workplace hazards ae identified during inspections or through other reliable information availble othe Agency, this appendix will be revised to comet sty err ‘concerning the application of 29 CFR Par (910 and 29 CFR Pat 1915 standards to sipyard ‘employment. Comments regarding this appendix shouldbe forwarded vate respective OSHA regional office fo the Dzectarate of Enforcement Programs. The office responsible for malntsiing this spendin {sth Office of Mantime Enforcement. In thie appendix, the applicability of each 29 CFR Pet 1910 standard ast perinst shipyard ‘employment on vessels (including vessel sections) and shoreside operations (Iandside operations, ‘tcludng vessels and vesel sections) is indicated with a"Ves", "Yer" (patil covers), or "No." ‘Additionally, "Remarks/Commens” are provided to further clarify the applicability ofthe 29 CFR Pant 1910 standards, nclding a reference to ary 29 CFR Part 1915 standards that general take precedence prsant 1.29 CFR 1910.5 = Apliablty of Standards. 29.CFR Part 1910, Subpart D: Walhing-Working Surfaces Part 1910 Standard ‘Applieabiig |) Vessel Shore ll ‘Remarka/Comments i Yeet T510-20(0(0 applies on vesels and on thaw for walang and working suraces general requirements. 1910.22) and (@) apply on shore only. Generally preempted ae: 1910.24) & (1) by 1915.81 (sists and passageway on vessel tht ae not in s20d reper and that pose a haeard to employees my be cited wing 1910.220X1)}. 1510.2) by 1915.73 on vessels only Yer 910.25 applies onshore for guarding of deck openings snd edges 1915.73 applies on vessels for guarding of deck openings and edges; 191023 applies to working conditions on vessels not aresed by 1915.73. Genealy preempted ae: 1910.23(aXS) a (29) by 1915.73) on vesels only. 191023(eK1 by 1918.738) on vessels only ‘Yes || NOTE: For 1915.73.) situations that prohibit the use o installation of garals (a. not feasible), fall protection in accordance with 1915158, 1915.159 and. 1915160, a eprops required NOTE: For shipbreaking operations, 1915.73 doesnot apply tothe guarding of deck openings and edges. Employee exposure to guarding hazards for sipbreaking operations shall be addressed by applying 1615.152b) Hazard asesoment and eauipmet. Fall protection in accordance wih 1915.15, 1915,159 and 1915160, as sppreprit, sso may be require, 1910.24 applies onshore and on vessels to fixed indus sas Ua arena permanent part ofthe vesel ears brought in and installed for use Goring vesel constuction, repair or overhaul to support employee acess othe vesil or thin the vss Also, 1910242), (0), (2 and (apply othe conditions and use of fixed stir that ares pennanent pct ofthe ves The 1910.24), (2), () (2) and (i) design specifications do nt apply to fixed stirs ha: area permanent prof te veel INOTE: Design specifications for vessels including fixed wie) are addressed on U.S, “Inspected” vesels by U.S. Cost Guard regulations (46 CFR), on foreign ag vessels by foreign standards and various atetional vestelclasfcation society rules (eg, Bureau Veritas ~ France, Det Nonke Veritas ~ Norway, Nippon Kai Kyokai ~ lapan, loys Register of Shipping ~ England), and on "Uninpected” vessels by a variety of standards recommenced guidelines, and exublished indy [practice Any hazardous conditions that employees ae exposed fo reat to design wl be cited using the standard, guidance, of prctice under which the vestel fixed Sars were designed (verily by vestl deving, documentation, publications, te) sing the general duty laure. Remarks/Comments TOIS 72 applies on vessels and on shore for poral wood adders; TOTO applies {o working condivons on vessels and onshore not addressed by 1915.72 a follows: 1910.20), (XU), (}2), (YN) CNA) (ONS), (OAKS), (AKIN), ax} (KAN), (BKK, (HHH, (OY), and (BI. Genealy preempted ae: 1910 256X3K0) by 1915.216). 1910.25(6)1}6) by 1915.72(0X0). 910.25) 2} i by 1915.720X0). 191025200 by 191572190). TLS 72 apples on vessels and onshore Toe porable metal Inder 1910.25 apples to he working conditions of portable metal ladders on vessels and on shore nt aaresed by 1918-72 sfllows: 1910.25(aX1}4eX1),CX2K, and (6H) Generally preempied are 1910.266)2,G0) by 1915.72(0K, 1910-2646)2}) by 1915-7200. T910.27 applies on sore fr fixed nde; 1913 Th apples on verel for fred der in cargo holds and contined spaces, and 191027() applies tothe nitions and uo of al other fixed ladders on veel, INOTE: Design specifications for vessel (including fixed ladders) are adresse on U.S. “nspectod” vessels by U.S. Coast Guard regulations (46 CFR), on foreign fa vessels by foreign standards and various Intemational Vessel Classification Society rues (e-, Bureau Veritas ~ France, Det Norke Veritas Norway, Nippor Kat Kyokai japan, Lloyd's Register of Shipping England), and on “Unites vessels by a vaiiy of standards, recommended guidlines, and established indy practice. Any hasardous conditions that employees are exposd to elated 0 desi will be cited using the standard under which he vessel fixed ladders were designed (est by vessel drawings, documentation, pubistions, ete.) sing the general duy claw, 15.71 applies on vesels and onshore for scaffolding o staging; 1910.28 applies to working conditions on vessels snd onshore not addressed by 1915.71 ss flows: 1910.21), and (3) 2) {for footings and anchorages caring maximum tended oad), 1910.2(6)(S) for preventing the atring or moving of saffolds horzontaly while in use or occupied}, 1910-2(0)7, (aN), 2X0, (aX), (0) 14)-428), (2X26), 643), 4, (0X), (X40), 0X11, and (D{ 12) fr plank batons o be st centri of pole, and separate bearers for abuted ends}, 1910.280X9)-(15), 1910-28((16) {Cr use ofa registered profesional engineer when saffoldi over 60 fect in height, and drawings and specifications availabiliy}, 1910280417), (AIS), and (714), 1910-28(1)-(14,1910.28(e\ 1-6), 1910.28. (17), [910-289)1)(12),1910-2801)(10), 19102864 1)48) and KOO), | 19t028¢p.1-cy, 1910.280(1)48)*, 1910.280)(1}47), 1910 280K) and | npr, 1910.28(0x1)-48),1910-286}1).(4)*,1910.28(p)2)-C), 1910284) (6, 1910.28(2(1)43), 191028(3(1)43), 191028612), and 1910.28(0} 1140) NOTE: *(for use of wire mesh between toeboard and guardrail) RemarkisComments Standard ao [Generally preemyied ae 1910 28(aX2) by 1915.71 V6) {oe the use of usable objects to suppat seaolds or planks) 1910.28)4) by 915.7100), 1910-288) by 1915.71((3) {for maintaining scaffolds and otber devices in safe condition) 1910.28) by 1915.71048) 1910.20) by 1915.71(N8) and 1915.71, 1910-280) 12) by 1915.7109), 1910-2813) by 1915-7160) 1910.2(8)25) by 1915.71) 1910 2(a)27) by 1915-71008). 1910-28641) by 19157102), li 1910.28(0%2) by 1915.71693) 1910.28) by 115.7168) & (9). 41910 280617 by 1915.710248). 1910 2861.8) & (x9) by 1915.71.64). 1910.28%0(12) by 1915.71) (for plank lapping of end suppor). 1910.28(9X15) by 1918.71G)) (for pune). 1910,28(9(15) by 1915.719)5) for oebourds) 1910-28016) by 1915.71(6K7) (For scaffolds 60 fet oles in bei. ‘ 1910,28(6) by 1915.7100K. 1910-286) 18) by 1915.710)() (for guardrails) 1910-286) 14) by 1915.71G3) {for foebosd), es || ves |f1910.29(6, by 1915.71G)) (fr guardrails) 10 28(4X7) by 1915.71G)5) {fr tocboards. 28(0(15) by 1915. NGM) {For guard). 28(0(15) by 195.7145) {Tor tocboards} 1910.28(8X5) by 1915.710)4) {for gardai). 1910-288) by 1915.71GN5) {for foeboads). 1910-2808) by 1915.71G)I) {for gard). 1910-2858) by 1915.710)5) {for focbouds). 1910 285) by 1915.71G)A) & GIS). 910.2845) by 1915-71¢)) {for guar). 1910.286)5) by 1915.71G)5) {for tocboads). 1910.28(m\2) & (m}Q) by 1915.716@K). 1910.286mx6) by 1915.78, 1910.28(m\7) by 1915.71(6)(6) {fr guards and toeboads). 1910-28012) by 1915 71¢)) (for guards). 1910.28(0X2) by 1915.710K5) {for toeboards), ake T9TO.29 applies on vessels and en ore for ranualy propelled mobieTadder 22 JL Yet JL Xe |fsands and scaffolds Gowers); no applicable Part 1915 standard a | aigsie ne er wong sre 157 & TE yn oF [vessels 29 CER Part 1910, Subpart E: Means of Egress Part 910 || Applcabiy = Standard || Vers Shore Remarks/Commen TOT06 apples onshore for deign and consiruton requirements or exivegress routes; 1910.34) probibits the we of 29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart, sandards wo vest. }20 CFR Par 1915 standarde related to accnsleprets ince but ae itd 1915.51(6)2) (Conined space access & venation), 1915.71) (cess 0 staging} 1915.74 (Accesso vessel), 1918.75 (Acces to and guarding of dry docks & marine raidwey}, 1918.76 [Acces to cargo spaces & conned spaces), 1915.81 (Access wastes, passegeways, walhvays re-alarm boxes, fre fighting equipment and exis including laders,sticases, cafes, and pogweys), 1915-502 (Fire safe plan], and 1915305 {Fire response) | __] [1910.37 applies onshore for maintenance safeqards, and operstonal fstre for at_ | s | ve [fenugetomes sions ease of9 CFR Fa 8, Suen E No |] ver standards to vessels, T9103 applies on shore for emergency ation plan oie than fire prevention plas] (covered by 29 CFR 1915, Subpart), 1910.39() ithe only 1910.39 provision hat applies on shore fr fire prevention; 1910.3) prohibits the we of 29 CFR Pat 1910, Subpart E standards vessel Fire Protection in shipyard employment is covered by 29 CFR Par 1915, Subpart P, on shore and on vessels, 1915502 addreaes ir safety plans, and 115,505 Macstes re esporse. 19151126) addresses shipyard race vam for confined and enclosed spaces and other dangerous atmospheres NOTE: 1910.39(2) consis provisions requiring employes to idetify and control Jeertsn Se hszards, These provisions ae not adequtely addressed 1915.502, 0 stipyard employes will catia tobe required to comply with the 1910 39(e) provisions on shore (See preamble to 29 CFR Pat 1913, Subpart P Bele [NOTE: Shipyard employers complying with 1910.38 and 1910.39 als are requied ro comply wil the additional requirement of 195,502. However, there #0 need to produce three separate emergency plans OSHA will accept one unified pln that meet of the equiements of 1910.38, 1910.39 and 1915302, 29 CER Part 1910, Subpart F: Powered Plaforms, Manlifs, and Vehicle-Mounted Work Platforms Part 1910 || Applicability: Sa Standard || Vesel Shore [1910.65 applies on shore 1910.66) finite the application ofthis sandardvo 286 ||_Ne || ¥es | suiding maintenance: no applicable Part 1915 standard. T9T0.67 applies on vessels and on shore for vebilemounied elevating & TORN 61 |] Yes || ves ||woxk patos. Also see 191593 - Motor eile safes equipment operation and 1910.68 covered operations for mais ae not mown fo occur in shipyard No |} No |lemployment; no aplicable Part 191S standard 29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart G: Occupational Health and Environmental Control Part 1910] Applicability Standard || Vesel Shore aed TOTO.4 applies on vesiels and onshore for vein; weve, [STO STV) and 24 || Yew |] Yee |f (95) are generally preempted on veses and onshore by 1915.34) and 29 CFR [Par 1915, Subpart Personal Protective Equipment T1095 apples on vessels and onshore for oceupatonl noise exposure no os |[ ve |Lve |[eoteaif tar ots sania T9107 applies on vessels snd onshore for on-oniang radiation his sndardis, not preempted by 1915.85, which adresses working aloft cn sip radars. 20 CER Part 1910, Subpart H: Hazardous Materials: Part 10 rn RemardComments T9T0-101 appli on vesscs and onshore for compresed pases penal requirements; excep tat on vessels 1915.88 applies o oxygen, seeylene and other a ful gas cylinders sed for welding & cui. Reference should abo be made to applicable Compressed Gas Associaton (CGA) pamphlets a g 1910-107 applies on shore fr te l-plantwansfer, landing oraps and vation of acetylene on vessels 1915.55 applies to acetylene cylinder wed for welding & cuting. Reference shold also be made to applicable Compressed Gas Association (CGA) pamphlets, No |} ves T910.103 applies on vesels apd on shore for liqueied& gaseous bycogen System Ne JX |foo apticabie Part 1915 sanded 1910.10¥ applies on shore for bulk oxygen systems; 1915.55 applies on vesels © [cxyge cylinders used for cating end welding. Eye T1005 apis on shore; no applicable Part 1915 standard EB ¥** IlxorE: 1910.105 limited wo in-plant use of nitrous oxide, which s only known to spol shores T910.106 applies on vessels and on shore for covered flammable and combustible igus operations B For fortran atrenec rane aaraanner cee fore este ies omeipceacreaeeteasrec entices Fe a le een cet snciontiece pe sscae aeons ei TOTO-107() applies on vessels and on aore for spray booths no applicable Fat 915 sandacd NOTE: spray boots are usually located on shor in shipyards T0107) applies on vesocl and on shoe for elecesl and oersourcs of ignition (suchas elecwosai painting) no applicable Pa 1915 sundar, Part 1910 Standard “Applieabily: Vessel Shore Remarke/Comments TBTO.TOTC) applies on shore 1915.35 & 1913 36 apply on veel for ventilation and exhaust stems T9T0.107() applies on vessls and onshore for flammable and combustible Tiqide {storage and handling); the requirements of 1915.36 also apply butdo ot preempt potion of 19101074), 1910-1070 applies onshore forthe protection of srinklered builder: no [sppicable Par 1915 standard, ‘Yes |] ver T9TO.107c) applies on vessels and on sore for spray booth operations and tenance; excep for 1910,1074)(2), which is generally preemyted by 1915.35(9(6) fr non-parkingtols used in psitng spaces; and 191010718), which is generally preempted by 1915.32 1915.33 for cleaning slvens and chemical removers T9T0-107() applies on vesels ad onshore for fixed lectonni praying couipmen: no applicable Part 1918 standard TOTO TOT) apie on vessels and on shore fr eSCUOATaT Rand PVN equipment no applicable Part 1918 standard Yer |[ ver TOTO.107G) applies on vessels and on sore for ding, cag or faion appa associated with spraying: no applicable Part 1915 standard no || ve 7910.107() applies on shore forthe undercoatng of vehicles age mak crown to occu in shipyards elelelele| © fele |e T9TO.107( applies on veses tnd on shore for powder coating: no applicable Par 1915 sanded T910.107(m) apples on vests and onshore Tor organ perondes und dual component costings. no applicable Par 1915 snd. Yer |] Yer T910.109 covered operations for explosives and blasting ages coud be applied, but these operations ee not known fo aceon shore in shipyard employment. On vessel, the only known se of explosives occurs when divers se detonating coro remove propellers ding ship repair, Yer || Yer [T91010 apie on veseh and onshore Torte storage and Fanding of iqueied |petoleum gases; no applicable Part 1915 standard. INOTE: 1910.110 cannot be applied to vessel systems and equipment tht ae permanent part ofthe vessel; however, ian be applied to interchangeable prable tanks tht supply ast vessel systems. TOIOIT applies on vesils and on shore forte sorage and handing of yous |ammona; per 1910111(a\(2MiNa), this standard does nt apply to amanonis manufacturing plans oro retigeration plans where ammonia ised solely a8 2 reirgerant no applicable Part 1915 standard 1910.119 apples on vessels and onshore for proces safety management of Fighiy lnazardous chemicals; no applicable Par 1913 standard T9T0.130 applies on vessels and onshore Yor hazardous wasie operation no applicable Part 1915 standard Part 10 Standard Applieabiiiye Vessel Shore] ‘Remarks/Comments TOTO.122- [6 applies on veri and onshore for hazards asined wit ip nk] aa these standards ae ot preempted by 1915.32 & 1915.33 to | ver |] vee 6 NOTE: Dip tanks located in confined or enclosed spaces must mee the requirements of 20 CFR Pat 1915, Subpart B. 29.CFR Part 1910, Subpart I: Personal Protective Equipment Part 1910]| Appliebiity: ‘Standard || Verve" Sho Le T915.151a) and T915.152 apply on vessels and onshore, preempng Waa PPE No [N° || gcnerat requirements standard in its enti SW nf 19151510) ard 1915153 py on vss and on sbos poeapng ve a ae Ne No} face protection standard in it emivet eH aa [1510 cpp on vets ado show fr ping poSTON THOS 21st ¥ Yes Thing sted into 29 CFR Part 1915 by 1915.154. ae If ne] ne. SESS) 915155 pom vec ad on tne apn TO posi bana a sate ; TDIS 15.) and 1915 156 opty on veut al ons, oonpung Tor tse || ¥e | se |feeccion sand in iene = TOIG 137) applies on veer nd ons or nail ROS ST ast J] Ye [LY acca rquictnenssnosplae Pua 118 nae TSIO1376) aplr on verses od nse Tis stad pO omni ceil PPE ina at elhcondton and ivnt preted by 210) |] v0 Ors 15H) once hs andar ol out employe tomer See PPE i expore sect hazard and Goss nat ese condon fine of sth eum BW me IP ne | (1915s) and 915 py om eral on soo pomapng sd 8 | pein vandals caey 29 CER Part 1910, Subpart J: General Emironmental Controls Far DIO] ApRIABI= Standard || Vessel_Shore Remarks/Comments 1915.88 applies on vessels and on shore for sanitation, preempting this standard. aa ‘No || No Il NoTE: 1910.141(aX3) Housekeeping is preempted on vessels and on shore by TIS eV xcs 910142 ead py om tae Novara empory bor camp ara wa Ade No} ¥¢8 |! occur as part of shipyard employment. “iat Wt xe Il ne. [91590 spi on vests and on soe fr safety color code for marking phil nazar, peempting this standard in sent. Par 1910] | Applicabily: a Standard || Vere! Shore pects Comat TOIS. aplies on vessels and onshore for ccidet prevention signs and as 1915.16 applies on vessel and onshore for waring signe and labels posted © ‘comply with 29 CER Par 1915, Spar B, requirement No |] No NOTE: These 1915.91 speciation for acidet prevention signs and tags are not, intended to cover safety sgns for marine regulations suchas US. Coast Guard | eguize placards (eg oil pollin, garbage, an if jacket) 1910-146) prohibis the use of his permit equred confined spe wiandard in 46 |} No |] No || shipyard employment. 29 CFR Part 1915, Subpart B,applis on vesels and on shore T9T0-1a Tay prohiis Ie We of is contol of hvaraows cosy sandra |dockouvtagout) in maritime employment. 1915.89 Control of hazardous energy | ockouttags pls) is applicable on land on vessels, and on vessel sections for shipyard employment. AAT |} No |} No | accitional tockouvtagout requirements for vessels include 1915.162 Ship's boilers, 1915.163 Ship's piping stems, 1915164 Ship's propulsion machinery, 1915165, Ship's deck machinery, and 191518 Electrical creat and deributon boards NOTE: Aleo sco 20 CFR Part 1910, Subp, Fletial 29 CER Part 1910, Subpart K: Medical and Fist Ald Remarks/Cemments TOTS 7 apis on vesscls and onshore for medical and fis si, posmptne tis standard init entre 29.CFR Part 1910, Subpart L: Fire Protection Part 1910]) Applieabiigy See Standard || Veveel Shore eerie oes [29 CER Pat 1915, Subpart P Fire Protection in Sppard Emplosment spies oo vessels and onshore. ass iiss |] %* |] §® }ixore: 19101350) protiits the application of29 CER Pat 1910, Spas L Fire Provetion tomate employment (shipyard employment, marine terminals, and longsborin). 29 CER Pars 1910, Subpart M: Compressed Gas ond Ce Ain Far DTU] Applabi= = ‘Standard || Vessel_Shore _Remarks/Comment TOT) api ove anon os aad ar eve TOOTS) «lege llevntson sia on soe ert nsaotion and mencance fest | Asny f] veo] vers [Per np crv: he ronnder 19101690) eee by Heber arias 10 056 aps on ves anon sae rar SSNS nO TPCT Pa tom || ve | v9 [EEO 29 CER Part 1910, Subpart N: Matera Handing and Storage Pare 1910]| Appleby satuttuneats ve Shore Remarks/Ce TOT TSG) peal apie ve aa ca ae oe a Of TAT sar || vec cavemen 9101766) romped by Ios 81 on vette and on shove fr Adda |f Ye" |] Yee eas and pemgcye er sd in god ri thm cht ame orion at could sats hard 0.766 opis o veel ed on sa fr meal Padlng BOUT HORT a2 |[ ve | x0 eee OTs ST apps on ves and an dear gaia nding Tope ara || v0 |} 0 |ftoucteanne ce. forpe cont 1915 88 ay be app foreman, slag pet cont 7 BT aps on ea a orl anling eS Te ars [veo [ver [igi one Pus san DID 170) apie on sre fr mal andng ing aad cansvo tieio) Y_Ne_]|_¥¢* | applicable Part 1915 standard, BIS 7G apis on veel an sar Tr al nding 1766s |] No_}|_No |! pecempsing this standard in its entrt TTS 94 apie on ves und on soe Tar saving mal pew ane azz |[_s ][_s J[im tec TBIO.78 appli on vena and cn tare fo powered aa TOTS incapomte 9101780 ve || ver [fore: 19151360) sae, Al evasion and conection sl be checed frig mediately pon starting te epi, oy leaks sal be cored a once 19131960) spe text bus Gocs not ernie rer 910.179) an 1910178 D107) plies on vcr nd on hore ceca rouse oF {BIS 115 ao maybe apliabe Gee CPLO21.59, yee || ver [fS07e: 00 vests, 110.179 cot be apie wo design specifics for es" |] Yes |e vechead and ganry craves that are a permanent per of the vesel, Aay hazardous Scans ht rpioyes re eapsed one ode wb ce wing he sandrd nde which te veel eae) wes Sxgned (ey by vse! dings, sccumeaton, blenny) wing nga uy cas au Par 1910] Appliabiig: Standard | Vessel Shore Remarks/Comments T1080 apples on vessel and onshore for mobile cranes 4180 |] vee |} ves |]NoTE: For mobile rans (eg. craer cranes, tuck crane) placed on veses and used for shipyard employment, he cerifcation requirements of 1915115 also may be applicable (See CPL 0201.0 T9T0.18T applies on vessels and onshore orders INOTE: For dercks on vessels, the certification requirements of 1915.15 also nay be applicable (See CP. 0201-055). INOTE: On vessels, 1910181 easnot be applied to design specifications for dervicks that are a permanent part ofthe vessel. Any hazardous conditions tat employees are expose to related to design wil be ced using the standard under which the veseldeik(s) was designed (verify by vessel drawings, documentation, publication, a) wig the general du lowe, 910-183 coud apply on vessels and onshore Thelicpter operations oor ia shipyards no applicable Part 1915 standard, S111, 1915119, 015115 and T9IS.1T6 apply on veel and on shoe or slings; 1910.18¢ applies o working conditions on vere and om shore not dressed by 29 CFR Part 1915 as follows: 1910184(a),(B), (©2803) {or all, lings excep chai slings), (3) (3) (XE). (€X8), (€X10}412), (OV, (B&D, 0X6, (© 9KA, (HHS, (2), Cor synth fiber sings onl), (24) and | Generally preempted ae: 1910.184(¢(1) by 1915.111(9, 1910.184(¢42) by 1915.112(6\7) {forcbain tings). 1910.184(6(3) by 1915.112(6\9) {for chain stings}. 1910-18418) by 915.1110) 1910.184(¢(7) by 1915.116(. 1910.184(9) by 1915.1164). vee" | veer [fasta isso by 1915.1120)0)6 1910-184) 14) by 1915.12} 1} 1910-184) by 1915.11). 1910.184¢1) by 1915.12%eK0) 1910.184@)2) by 195.1210). 1910-184) 3, by 1915.1126)2) & (1). 1910.1846)8) by 1915.112(6K9) 1910-1843) by 1915.1120@K0)G) 1910.1846)7) by 1915.112(6K9) (0X). 1910.1846)(8) by 19151120043), 910.1846) by 1915.112(044). 1910.184(5() by 1915.1120041. 19101844) 1)G) by 1915.112() for narra be sings only). 29.CFR Part 1910, Subpart Q: Machinery and Machine Guarding Part 1910]| Applieabity cen [Standard]| Vessel Shor Recariics T9T0.212 applies on vessels and on shore for geoeal equiremeats for machines, 212 |} Vere |} Yes |{1915.131(¢) and 1915:131(), however, apply tothe guarding of machinery on dydocks. Fi [T910215 applies on veele and onshore for woodworlng machen a || Ye 1915.13), however, applies ifthe machinery is moved onto a dock. . TO1S.134 applies on vessels and on shore for abrasive whee! macKiney, 910218 applies to hazards on vesels end onshore not addressed by 191536 a8 follows 1910-21506K2), CONAP(11), (OXI), & (OM) Generally preempted ar: 1910.21548)(1) by 1915:134() & 1915134). 1910.218(@)2) by 19181346) & 1915 1340. LAE || Voor }} Yes" [01021 5%0y3) by 1915:1346)1) and 1915.1340 1910.215(0¥4) by 19151340. 191021540X1) by 915.340, 19102150043) by 1915.13). 1910.21500Ki2) by 1915.1346), 1910.215(@K1) by 1915.134%9) & 1915.1340). 1910.215(6K2)by 1915.1340h, T 910.2765 linited in application to the rbber and pestis indusies no 218 JN JL || appticabe Part 1915 sandr, T910.217 applies on veselsand‘on shore Yor mechanical power pesesno 207 |L Ye JL¥* |lappicabe act 1915 standard 1910-218 applies onshore for forging machines; 1910218(a) Tinie application oF 218 |] No |] Yer ||ine standart forge and di shops, which are generally ot located on vessel, no applicable Par 1915 standard. TOTO-219 applies on vesels and n shore for mechanical power-tansmisson 212 }| Ye || ¥¢* |lapparturino applicable Par 1915 standard 29 CER Part 1910, Subpart P: Hand and Portable Powered Tools and Other Hand-Held Equipment “Applieabitiy: te ‘Applisbaiy: RemarkeiCommen TSTS.13Ha) applies on vessels and onshore Tor geneva requirements fr Rand and No |} No |lporable powered tools end equipment, peemping thi standard ints entirety TOAD) applies on vessel and onshore to compressed ar wed fir eames es || ves |fno applicable Pact 1915 standard Part 1910 Standard Applieabiuty: Vers Shore ‘RemarkaiCommments Yet T915:3HayD), 19TSI51, 1918.19, 115.134 and 1915 158 apply on vessels and on share fr portable powered tool guarding requirements; 1910243 applies ‘working conditions on vestels and onshore at adresced by 29 CFR Pat 1915 as follows: 1910243} 2Xi)(iNta for portable non-lectre tol) (32K) 0)- 2X0 (092) XA) ©) (OD, (ONE, HAND, EXIMTAHE), D&E), XS}, HO), (HN, A) & A). \Generaly preempted are: 1910-2634, by 191513109, 1910.2432)2))i(a by 1915 1320 (portable elec tots}. 1910-2434) by 1915.132().80). 1910.26) by 915.1381), 1910-2436)2) by 1915.134¢) 1910.24), by 1915.134(9)80). 1910-2436)3}i) by 915.1380). 1910-24381 i by 1915 135(6)9) 1910-24344) by 1915.138(0(0. 1910.2436X) by 1915.1340)2). 1910-2434) by 1915 135093) & (A). 1910 24364) by 19151351613). 1910 24344) by 1915.135(015). 910.2464) by 1915. 135(0V6) 1910.243(6}3)vi) by 1915.135016). 1910 24346) by 1915.13500)9), 1910.24348)@)a) by 1915.135(0)(6). 1910.24348)4)n) by 1915.1350)0) $910 24348)8)x) by 1915.135(0)8). 1910.243(@)4(xi) by 1915135010). 1910.243(a)(@}xi by 1915.138000). 1910.243(8)(4ixv) by 1915.13500N0. ie, TOTO.285() applies on shore to lawn mowers; no applicable Part 1913 standard Ey ToTO.264@) applies on veils and on sore o jack no apie Pat 1S standard 24 [1975 38(e preemie tis abranve Han cleaning nome wandard ni entre IL 29. CFR Part 1910, Subpart Q: Welding, Cuting and Brazing Pare 1910 Standard Appllesbily: Verel Shore Remarks/Comaments Vert |} vert 5 CER Part 1913, Subpart P, apples forall shipyard snploymen ie proton, 1915 51 aplis on vesels and on shore for welding, cutting & brazing general requirements, |The following 110.252 standards also aply since there ae no applicable Part TIS standards addressing the specific hazards: 1910282(0\3),(@¥49). SS] ‘Standard || Vessel” Shore TON), BION, (AN (lor protecting welders fe ae welding ays by an enclosed booth or noncombustible sreen, and that bath ad sree permit the relation far at for level), ) 1), (CK RVD, (OGY or rely movable hoods intended wo be placed by the weer near te work at havea ate of sit-flow of 100 linear fet pr minute} (23), (V4). (XA), (39), (€(6-(0) fon shore only}, (1113) and). Generally preempted ae: 1910-2529) 1} by 1915.503(9. {otoasaayaye by 1913 S0x0K2) & OD, sod 1915.18 19102sMaxa}i by 1915304010) 19102521 }2,0 by 19181092) _ || ista.2saoxayi by 191356) & 51,0) & (6) fr rotting employe or be ER. |] Yo" |] ve [fpcsons com ys by noncombusie os fameproufscnen od orth rearng of pes. 1STO2SM}0) by 1915 5(0K1) & (0, 1915.12, a 195157 19102820) by 1915510 {9102s2en ni by 11531 K 040) & Gi 1910.251042QKA}C) by 1915 510K. 1o10282eX3N0 by 1918 SICK (or mechanic! celexa venaion. Tot02sa ex) by 1915 S1GNIK) 1910282 ya by 11551093) rar0.saqeysy by 191551000, 1910282104 by 1915 SIC tense only) I5t0asaexoxi by 1915 1110) (vee only. 1910.2524eK7K) by 1915 SCDAI\) (vee ol). 9t0.2sa. 7A) by 19155040) reson). at0.sac7Kih by 1915142) velo). 910.2516) y 1915 516)2)60, (OS) & (OHS) (ress aly) 31.2245 by 191551 8K (OKRA, CN) NA) (vere oly) 1310.52.10) by 1915 S1(0K2, (NO) & NS) (wel. TS. apps on vss and on Swe Tor es welg and ating Te folowing T010.25) sandals apply see thre avo apliabe Pe 1915 andar adresing th specific hare 19102530), OAIND-O, exanin tres (4e) (HH, OHSNINLD, (SRE, OHNE, SHENLEY) (9 OXI BX, NANA, NNO, OHSRAIONY, asa |] vee |] ve Generally preempted are 1910.253(b,2K0 by 1915 5092). 1910-253(o,23ii by 1915.55), 1910.253(0N2Xo) by 1915 550). [Generally preemoted are 910.2535) ) by 1915.5(0)1) 8 (902), 1910 253¢6,3,inB) by 1915 5100). 1910 253¢6y34 NC) by 1915.35(0K5). 1910.2530XSKi XD) by 1915 381010. 1910253013018) by 1915.35(010) 1910.2530¥S¥i CEH) by 1915.50). 1910.25300xSKi) by 1915 85(0H0 1910.253(0¥SK)d) by 1915 550). 1910.25300¥SKiNK) by 1915.55(00), 1910.253(6¥SK}M) by 1915.55). 252 Hl vest |] vest |]1910.283(635K:(0) by 191538100). ae 1910.253(0,5) xP) by 191535100) 1910.253(0XS)KA) by 1915.550013), 1910.253(0XS)(inXB) by 115.5500). 1910-2530X5)KC) by 11555). 1910-253(0XS)GMD) by 1915.55(049), 1910.253(0XSYinNE) by 191555165). 1910-253(0X5) ii) by 19153510). 1910-25300X5))0 by 1915 581690). 1910.253(6XSWi0)L) by 1913 55(8)2). 1910 2836) @Mi) by 1915.55) 1910-2536)S}i by 1915.55.00) TOTS 56 applies on vesos and on shore for are welding and cating. The Tolowmng| 1910.54 standard also apply since there ae no applicable Part 1915 standards addcessing the srcifc hazards: 1910.254(0\1(2), (0), XI), CX), 3), (DE) (4H, ad (AXON. Generally preempted are: 1910254498) by 1915 64). Hear || 1910254692) by 1915360, Bd || vert |L vee ioroasacex aya & (i) by 1915.56(00), 1910.254(843) by 1915.S6eK6). 1910.284(8\7) by 19155601), 1910.254(8X8) by 1915.36(\2) {fr cling or looping welding electrode cable } sround pars ofan employee's body} 1910.254(449X0 by 191556018). Lioro-sscanonin by 1915.5600) {DIOS appeson vel and an shoe eiuaao WanG wap Pat ass |] ve |] ve [lisisstnaen 29 CER Part 1910, Subpart R: Special Industries [Fare 1910 Remara/Comment Standard aa) 7910.261(aX1) Hes the applicability of ie Sandardo pulp, paper and 261] JL © | pperoard mils: o opplcble Pa 1315 standard 1910-262a)(1) Kits the appicbilty of is standard texte machine no [applicable Pan 1915 standard. T910-26Ha)1) lis the applicabity of is Sandadto equipment in Dakeicn, The sandard is aplicable to any baker located witha a shipyard cafeteria m6 Part 1910] ‘Applicability ‘Standard ]|_Vessel_Shore Ss TBTOSEAO ia i py of is tld wy as The wo || es [ [itinerant ast ocned wb syd ps {Part 1915 standard, TSO ns NTS oT sania wy ws ese 288 | xo [fxs [fics snes at nisi oly ot den IL Te bape nape Po 9 uma SH ist 26060) & 1 is pti a saad Da 266 [Le | eee aplslePat sla S102) i snob of sad oa act x0 |] xe [rience cetmcon emp ua at 318, Sana 15102690) ins ei aaa ojo 2 Yer ][_¥** ||transmission and distribution; no spplicable Part 1915 standard, Tne 810270 & 0 ep ond oppor te ns naling 22} }L_N® || acitisies; no applicable Part 1915 standard. 29 CFR Prt 14 Subpart S:Eletical aa io] Apri = ] Standard) ‘Shore. Remarks/Comment Yes 7910.301-308 applies on shore. On vessels, 29 CFR Part 1910, Subpar Si applicable wien shore-based electrical installations provide power for use aboard vesels (eg the power fo the electrical sytem comes fom shore or fom pore electrical generators that ae either ashore or placed on a vesel} commonly accepted industry practice may deviate from standard requizerents without exposing employees to hazards; for example, it is established industry practice to use methods such as overhead “ees to route electrical cables, [pneumatic hoses ct, ina manner tht poses no hazards to employees, yet these practices may not fully comply with 29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart S, Jequirements. Thorough evaluation and analysis most be conducted regarding the application and feasibility ofthe 29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart 8, standard to vessels OSHA regional offices and the OSHA National Office ean provide assistance in making such determinations NOTE: 29 CFR Par 1910, Subpart, cannot be applied to a vessel's permanently installed electical system. Design specifications for vessels (Gncluding electrical systems) are addressed on U'S. “Inspected” vessels by US. (Coast Guard regulations (46 CFR Parts 110 to 113), on foreign fag vessels by foreign standards and various International Vessel Classification Society rales (¢g, Bureau Verias- France, Det Norske Veritas~ Norway, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai ~ Japan, Lloyd's Register of Shipping - England, and on Uninspected” vesels by a variety of standard, recommended guidelines, and established industry practices. Any hazardous conditions tht employees are exposed to related to design must be cited using the sandardsrules (uch US. Coast Gurd, American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, Nippon Kaif aa ‘Kyokai, American Yacht & Boat Council) under which the vessel's f2, |] vest |] ves || permanently installed electrical system was designed (verify by vessel ene drawings, documentation, publications etc.) and applying the general duty cS elaue TOTO.331-335 apply onshore for both quali persons Hhose who have ‘runing in avoiding the electrical hazarés of working on or neat exposed energized prt) and ungualifed persons (those with itl or no such taining). ‘On vessels, these provisions cover ll eleticalsafey related work practices for unqualified pesons, including temporary eletcal systems and the vessel's ‘ermanentl installed clecrical systems. On vessels, these provision apply to a lectical safety-related work practices for qualified persons wien shoe-based ‘Yes |] Yes | clecrcal installations provide power fr use aboard vesels; these provisions do as ‘not epply to qualified persons working onthe vessel's permanently installed clerical syste, [NOTE: There ae addtional elecrcal quirements in 1915.132 Portable electric tools; 1915.152 General requirements (PPB); 1915.155(a)2) Head (protection, 1915.1S7(e) Hand and body protection; and 1918.181 Electrical ruts and disribuion boards. 29.CER Part 1910, Subpart T: Commercial Diving Operations i= ‘Shore Remarks/Comments CER Part 1910, Subpart T= Commercial Diving Operations fe corporstd nto 29 CFR Pan 1915 by 19156. 22 Tse Is [ore Deine conn nnn seo ese wih US. Cut [rt “Coitias often acc ere ting aa | dcepwatcr port or within its safety zone, o¢ from any artificial island, of installation ear dec onh Ouer Content Score he US Coa Card st Cpe ue). Sahat 8 Comme Doe Spato) 29 CPR Put 191, Subpart 2: Tend Haardus Subsanees rr atEeaEALE ‘Standard || Vessel_Shore| een SEHEgE (uusseeussussccessasscsosessnsceann sub N° | standard in its catirety. Sear Joe [9st tie eatora oc ba ep OT S10 pin os aus on sens Sal FENTON tooz _}|_ Ye" ||_¥e* |lincorpomted into Part 1915 by 1915.1002 TSO pio vend odor tre TS aR T SPSSET SS 1003 Yes HL ¥65 |! par 1915 by 1915.1003, TSO pion vas anon ss oF toot] ¥e+ || ¥** | incorporated into Part 1915 by 1915.1008 Part 1910 J] Applicability Standard || Veseel Shore aed T9T0.1006 applies on vessels and on ore for Meth hioromeliyl cher 1006 JL Yet LY | incoported ino Par 1915 by 19151006. 7910-1007 applies on vessels and on shore for 3,3 -Dichlorobenaiine I 21007 }L¥6 ]L¥* | incorporated into Part 1915 by 1915.1007, T9T0-1008 applies on Vessels and onshore forbs CHoromeliyl eke, gee || ve Jncorported ato Part 1915 by 19151008 T910 1005 apis on vessels and onshore Tor bes Naphiiamine 21000 J ¥e J] ¥ Tf iccomporated no Par 1915 by 1915.1009. Too Vl vee I) vex || 19801010 opis on vessels and onshore or Benaiine; incorporated into Pat J L9isby 191831010, Tor Vl wee If ves ] [9101011 applies on vests and onshore for PAminediphenyl B neopartcd ou azo Par 1913 by 19151081 ve Il vas 1910-1012 applies on veses and on tore For Enfeneimine; incorporated io slong |X JX |}par igisby 1915.1012. rer || vee [910.1015 applies on vesas and on shore Tor bum Propiolcione; incorporsed 013 _}L¥e | ¥e* | lio arty 1915.1013. TIO 1014 aplies on vessels and onshore for AcstjlaminaTuorone; 2018 LM JL XS [incorporate into Par 1915 by 1915.1014 Yeu |{ ves | 19101015 apties on vessels and onshore fr #Dinetislaminoanobenamne, = sncoporie into Fat 1915 by 1915.10, Yer |f vex | 1910:1016 applies on vessels and on shore for NNivosodinetiylanine incorporated co Part 1915 by 1915.1016 You || ves || 19101019 spies on vessels ad onshore for vinyl clonde; ie insorporated ats Part 1915 by 1915.1017 Yeu |{ ven ]| 19101018 applies on vessels and on shore for iorgane sens; incoporsed io Part 1915 by 1915.1018. Yeu Il Yeu ]| 19201020 applies on vesscls and onshore for acces to employee expanse and medical recor: is incorporated into Past 1915 by 1915.1020. Yoo If ee ][ 19901025 opps n vessel and on ore Tar ead i iaorpratd into Pan TS by 19151025, ‘No |[ no. {1915-1026 preemps tis standard in ts ene. ‘Yeu || ves [19101027 applic on veses and on shore for cadmiany i oorporated into Pat 1oiSby 1918 1027, Yer |{ vex [19101028 spies on veses and on shore for benazne i incorporated into Part et JL Ye HLoisiy 19181008, 7910.1029 applies on veel and onshore for coke oven emisiony no applicable oz || Ye || ¥e [laos standard o 79T0.1030 applies on vessels and on shore fr bloodborne paogens, 1080 }LXS JLYS Jliccomerated nto Part 1915 by 19151030, Tro || Ne || #5401045) mis the applicability of his sander io cmplayes cxponure@ coton dust in manufacturing no applicable Pact 1915 standard “Appliesbiiy Standard || Vessel_Shore| Remarks/Comments mJ) ve: | Oto aps on eat anon sev Ddbsowo sepa staat I] ver J[ ve J cronies 915 1915088 Tae Wh xe | xe] 0900105 apis on vest and onshore Tr aagionnies newpred m — es }_¥es [part 1915 by 1915.1085. TST. spies on vss and on Sear yi ds noo atoat [[ ver |] ve [fruits 1913007 ISTO spins on ves nica dns a male copa nO tose [| vee || vee |[remiots ys as = TTOIOSO pps on ve nd on rear ney Eocnnline w neOTNT ose ¥ Ye |linto Part 1915 by 1915.1050, Iwas [15101051 apis on vests an casa or Balen vo apple Fa cost |[ xe fe TTONOS2 apron ves nd on re orn lone B neared tos] ¥es |] ¥es isco Part 1915 by 1915.1082 Foe Hvar a 19101006 appes on vss and on stove or oatangedaiom ccapOrwo 1036 | ihe into eel ada rnc 115 85 prem ta nda, D120 apis on vel ad ar sre or lzrdconmaniaon = toon I] ve J] Ye Jfncorportet oP tts by 195.200 {910140 api on vel and oto bvooapionl opaues aaoo 450 I] ves JL ves [Mian attncrssinsrpomed ns Pan PS by eS 0. Appendix B: Answers to Common Questions Regarding Shipyard Employment This appendix consolidates OSHA interpeetations related to shipyard employment that ave been issued snd remain valid as of the dt ofthis instruction. Interpretations previously issued by OSHA were reviewed to determine ter current validity and accurey. Interprecatons fr whch standard references Ihave changed were update to reflect he curren standard reference OSHA requiements sre set by statue, standards, nd regulations, Ove nterretations explain these ‘requirements and ow they apply to particular cumstances, but he esane create adiional employer ‘obligation. These responses contiate OSHA's interpretations ofthe requirement disused. Note hat ‘enforcement guidance may be affected by changes to OSHA rule. Als, from time to time we update oor sgidance in response to new information. To keep apprised of such developments, you can consul, (OSHA's website at ig wor: onha. gor ‘Question 1: Do OSHA regulations, specifically 29 CFR 1910.24, apply to vessel “Answer: Although al ofthe provisions of 29 CFR 1910.24 apply to fixed industrial sts on vessel, (OSHA exercises its enforcement discretion with respec tothe design specification provisions when Ingpesting permanent Ftd saison vessels. Thus, OSHA will enforce al ofthe provisions of 29 CFR. 1910.24 wit respect o fixed industrial stairs that arena a permanent par ofthe vessel ie, srs, ‘brought in and installed for use during vesel cosiruction, repair or overs oroppot employee access othe vessel or within the vestel). In adton, OSHA will enforce 29 CFR 191024), (band (8) with respect to fixed stars that are a permanent pat ofthe vessel, since these provisions adcess the Condition and use of fxed stairs. However, i ied stirs that area permanent part of the vessel comply withthe design specifications dicassed below, OSHA will ot sue cation regarding design speciation provisions in 29 CFR 1910-240), 2), () () and (). Design specifications for vessel (inciuing fice sais) are addressed on US, “nspecie” vessels by US. Const Guard regulations (46 CFR), on foreign lg vessels by foreign standards and vaious inzerational vessel clsiiaton society rules (Bureau Vries ~- France, Nippon Kai yok Japan, loys Register of Shipping England), and on “Uninspected” veses bya variety of standards, recommended guidelines nd established industry practic. Any hazardous conditions tht employees are ‘exposed to elated to design will e evaluated using the standard, guidance or practice under which the ‘esel's fixed stair were designed ‘Question2: As a result ofthe April 61994 revisions othe general industry Personal Protective ‘Equipment (PPE) standards, are 29 CFR 1910132 through 138 spplleable to shipyards? ‘Answer: The general industry standards for PPE, 29 CFR 1910,132 through 138, annct be applied in shipyard employment, withthe exception of 29 CFR 1910. 138, Respiratory protection at 29 CFR. 1910-1372) and () {Electrical Protective Device}. The applicable PPE requrenents for ipyard employment are * 20 CFR 1915.152 General requirements 29 CER 1915.53 Eye and fce protection 29 CER 915.154 Respiratory protection (covered by 29 CFR 1910.13). 29CER 1915155 Head protection. 29 CER 1915.86 Foot protection 29CR 19151157 Hand and body protection NOTE: See CPL 02.0 -049,29 CFR Pat 1915, Subpart I, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Shipyard Employment, November 4, 2010. ‘Question 3: Cen individual employees engaged in shipyard employment be exempt from the ‘requirement to wear head protection ia areas where theresa hazard from fling objees for religous reasons? ‘Answer: OSHA will gantan exemption fom cation to employers of employes inal industries who, for reasons of personal religious convictions, object to wearing hardhats in the workplace However, there could be citcunstances thst would involve «hazard suicienty gave trait 9 compelling goverament interest for requiring the wearing of hardhts,ncewithsanding an individual ‘employees persona religious convictions. Speife guidance i provided by STDO1-06-005, Eemprion Jor elgiouRonron from Wearing Hard Hat, ane 2, 1994 ‘Question 4: Can bostyards follow OSHA’s general industry Permit-Requred Confined Spaces standard, 29 CFR 1910.14, for employee entry into confined or enclosed spaces on vessels previouly contained diel fue, to do hot work? ‘Answer: No. The scope and aplication section of OSHA's general indstry Permit required confined spaces standard 29 CFR 1910.146(a),probibics the application ofthis sundard o shipyard and ‘oatjrd) employment. The requirements fret nt confined or enciosed spe on 2 vest! fr the ‘purpose of doing ht work ae found in 29 CFR Part 1915, Subpart. This andud requires, in pa, {esting and certification ofthe confined or enclosed spaces by @ Mise Chemis er US Coat Guard snuthried personas “Safe for Hot Week” ‘QucstionS: An “uninspected” tugboat employe is required to follow 29 CFR Part 1915, Subpart B, Confined and Enclosed Spaces and Other Dangerous Atmospheres in Shpyerd Employment, when ‘performing ship repalr funtion. Does this same employer need to implement 29 CFR 1910-146, Permitrequired confined spaces, when employees enter confined spaces on the same vere fr 00- "repair reasons (euch as for retrieving ropes)? [Answer An employer operting a “uinepected” tugboat (., tugboat which snot a seagoing ‘motor vessel 300 grou ons or more and snot steam vessel i required to fllow and comply with 29 (CFR Par 1915, Subpart 8, Corfe and Enclosed Spaces ond Other Dangerous Atmospheres in Shipyard Employment, when performing ship rep functions (soc as alterations, conversions, instalation, cleaning, pening and maintenance). Thi same rughout employe i required to follow and comply with the 29 CFR 1910.146, Perminrequred confined space standards, wen employes ate performing various routine tasks (sch as retieving ropes frm confined spaces), Moreover, stations Fegularl occur on tugboat tht require compliance with both standard tte sane time. Requiring & ingle employer o implement wo confined space entry procedure atthe eame si simultaneously ean lead fo confsion, indvertent eros, and posibly reduced employee safety. Therefore, an “usinspeced”™ tugboat employer may be allowed 16 comply with 29 CFR Par 1915 requirements for ll confined space ‘work aboard the taba. Any vielation of an applicable 29 CFR 1910.46 requirement would be weated ts de mininis violation and not cited, [NOTE 1: Under U.S. Coast Guard regulations in effet rior to August 9, 204, the only towing ‘essls classified bythe US. Coast Guard a inspected vessels” were seagoing oie vestls that were 300 oF more gross tons or were steam vessels (See 46 CFR 9005-1(), Table 9005-1). The US. Coast ‘Guard continues to have the authority to repute these towing vessels because they are seagoing motor vessels or steam vessels. Thus, pursuant to Section 4(0)(1) ofthe OSH dct, OSHA has no aut ‘protec scamen on these vessels because they ae “inspeced vessel,” as defined by US, Coast Guard ‘regulations, Effective Augst 9, 204, "towing vessels” were added 10 thelist of ese for which the US. Coast Guard has the authority to prescribe and enforce requatons (See 46 USC. 3301(5). Atthe ‘ime ofthe publication ofthis insrution the U.S. Cot Guard was conducting enaking to determine ‘which adional twin verses should be covered by its inspected earls regulations and which of these ‘egulations should apply (See Notice of Proposed Rulemaking published on Thursday, August 11, 201 ‘BER. 49976), However, until any new US. Cosat Guard regulations on towing eset are in eet ail ‘working conditions, ncuding conned space hazards, of seamen on a towing vesel which ae not an Ba inspected vessel”. “uninspected” verte) ae covered by OSHA, excep fr the few conditions covered by the US, Coast Guard's wningpesedvesel regulations (See 46 CFR Part 24 snd CPL 02.01- (42, OSHA authori over Vesel and Facilities on or Adjacent to US. Navigable Waters andthe Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), February 22,2010, [NOTE 2: See Enforcement Programs, paragraph XV.C.2 for Kiniaions on cing when crew members are exposed to these violative conitons. ‘Question 6: 29 CER 1915.11 Scope, aplication, and definitions applicable to this subpar states, “This rubpart applies to workin confined and enclosed rpacce nnd other dangerous atmospheres ‘shipyard employment, including vstels, vere sections, and on land-ide operations regariles of ‘geographic location.” Does 29 CFR Part 1915, Subpart B, apply to grain fality employees who ‘enter wing, bow, andor stera tanks to perform repairs or other maintenance work, even if those ‘employees were orginally engaged in loading the barge? ‘Answer: 29 CFR Pat 1915, Subpart B,aplies to any employee who enters encore or confined spaces aboard a vessel to perform repairs or otber maintenance work ‘A gain facility employer must follow and comply wih ihe 29 CFR Par 1915, Spar B, Confined ut Enclosed Spaces and Other Dangerous Atmospheres In Shipyard Employment, when prioning ship ‘repair factions (such a altrng, convering, installing, cleaning, panting snd maintenance work). Th same pain fly employer must fellow and comply with the 29 CFR 1910-146, Perminregured Confined space, when employees are performing various routine ask (such 8 reeving ropes fom enined spaces), Mereover, stations regulary occur on vessel that requie compliance with both Standnrds atthe sae ime. Requising «single sit employer to implement to conned space erty procedures simoltaneousy can lad to confusion, inadvereat rors and possibly reduced employee Safety. Therefore, gain ality employer maybe alowed to follow 29 CFR Par 1915, Subpart B, for all confined space work aboard a vessel, provided that there elo fal compliance with the 29 CFR Part 1915 requirements. Any violation ofan arguably appliable 29 CFR 1910.146 requirement would be ‘ceted at «de minimis violation and not ete. ‘Question 7: Would OSHA cite an employer who chooses to fellow the procedures contained in 29 (CER 1910.146, Permit-required confined spaces, when fact employees enter wing, bow, andlor stern tank? ‘Answer: OSHA would net issue citations 10 an employer that considers wing, bow, andor stern tanks tobe permittequred confined spaces, provided that the entry isin compliance with 29 CFR 1910-146 nd does nt involve bot work. ‘Question 8: Are there any circumstances where 29 CER 1910.167, Corl of hacardous energy ‘ockoudtagou), would apply and be enforceable I shipyard operations? My question pertains (0 shore-sid shipbuilding, ship repairing, or shipbrenking, s well as work done on the water. ‘Answer: No, On May 2, 2011, the Final Role for 29 CFR Part 1915, Sport F, General Working Conions in Shipyard Employment was published (See 76F R.7487524911), A8 at ofthe inal ale, 29 CFR 1915.89(@)@2Mi(A) and (B) state tha the con of hazardous energy (lackouags plus) applies to "any land-side fly” sed “on any veel oe Vesel Section.” Explanation ofthe standard is discused inthe preamble on page 24628 ofthe Feral Register, s well as uliod in Appendix D ofthis directive ‘Question Is the application of OSHA's shipyard standards Limited by the definition of employer and employee? “Answer: See Enforcement Programs, paragraph XV.C2 ‘Question 10: 29 CER 1915.2(0) Scope and application states, “This part does not apply to matters ‘under the control ofthe United States Coast Guard, including, bat not restricted to, the mastery Ship's officers, crew members, design, construction and malatenance ofthe vessel, it gear and Ba equipment.” Does the sope and applicuon of 29 CFR 1915.2(0) limit OSHA's authortty in shipyard employment? ‘Answer: See Enforcement Programs, paragraph XV.C.2 on the imitations under 29 CFR Pat 1915 ‘on issuing citations when the exposed employees are crew members. Also in addition these liitations, OSHA’s authority is Himited by Section (OKI) ofthe Occupational Safe and Health At, ‘whic states, "Nothing inthis Act shall eply to working conditions of employets with respect o which other Federal agencies... exercise statutory authority to prescribe or enforce standards or regulations flecting occupational safety or health” Therefore, OSHA may not issue citations fr hazards to which ‘crew members of inspected vestels are exposed, OSHA citations are not bared under Section AC) by (Const Goard regulations with respect to crew members on uninspectod vessels, except with espect those hazards addessed by Coast Guard regulations. See also CPL 021.047, OSHA Authority ver Vessels and Facts on ar Adjacent 10 US. Navigable Waters andthe Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), February 22,2010) ‘Question L1; What are the 29 CFR Part 1918 shipyard employment requirements fara shipyard ‘competent person t perform confined space entry and monitoring? “Answer: Confined space entry requirements are adresed by OSHA Instruction CPL 0201-181, 29 (CER Part 1915, Subpart, Confined and Enclosed Spaces and Other Dangerous Atmospheres in ‘Shipyard Employment, May 20,201. ln addition to providing current policy inspection procedures, Jnformation, and guidance to eesure uniform enforcement, thi instraction includes sx Now charts at daineate 29 CFR Par 1915, Subpart B procedures for. Documentation and Training. Precautions Before Entering, Combustibe'Flammable Cbesks, Cold Work Checks, Hot Work Checks, and Malnenanes af Safe Conditions. ‘The OSHA Confined Space standard for shipyard employment became eetve on October 24, 1994 “This revised standard extended the scope and applicability of the conned space shipyard employment standard (29 CFR 19151) to cover al shipyard employment both on vessels and lnd-side operations regards of geographic locaton. The only exception to the applicability of 29 CFR Pat 1915, Subpart B, within a shipyard, ett construction stvtes covered by 29 CER Pat 1926 are nat subject othe rovsions of 29 CPR Pat 1915, Subpart B ‘Te revised standard deletd the requirement for employers to specially we and maintain the Form OSHA 73, Designation of Competent Person. Employers now have the option of wsing the Form OSHA 73 maintaining a written roster of designated employes, or issuing a writen statement that « Marne Chemist wll lays be used forthe required inspections and ests (29 CFR 1915.70)2X!).. When the ‘ostris used, itm contain the fllowing information 2s « minimum: employes’ name, the designate competent peson's name, and the date the employee was tained a a competent person (29 CFR. 1915 70K). “The revised standard also deleted the requirement fr employers to speifcally use and maintain the Form OSHA 78, Lag of Inspections and Tests by Competent Person. Employers mus sill maintain a record of inspections and tests, but they now have te option of choosing the form or format Such ‘records must be posted inthe inmate vicinity of he Tete operation while workin progress and ‘bemainisined fora period ofa east thre month fram the completion date ofthe specifi job fr which ‘hey were generated (29 CFR 1915.72), ‘The revised standard continued the previous requirement tat the employer designate at east one competent peron fer the purpore of testing work space atmospheres in shipyd employment, ules all ofthe employer's testing under 29 CER Par 1915, Subpart Bis performed by a Marie Chemist (29 CFR 1915.71). AUS. Coast Guard authorized person canot be substituted forthe competent person required by 9 CPR 1915.7(6\(0), because the U.S. Coast Guard authorized person may not have been telned 1 have al thesis and Knowledge ofs competent penn, ‘The criterion of29 CFR 1915.10) requires the shipyard competent person to have the sill and ‘mowlege necessary to perform simospherc testing. 29 CFR 1915.1(0KI)requies thatthe competent person be able wo understand and cary ot the writen or orl nsrstions lft by a Marine Chemist, US, (Coast Guar suthorzed person, or Ceifed Industrial Hylenst. 29 CFR 1915 7(eK2) requires ‘onetent persons to havea knowledge of 29 CFR Pat 1915, Subparts B,C, D, and H. 29 CFR. 1915.76) reques that competent persons havea familiarity wit the stuctre, location, and designation of spaces where work is done. 29 CFR 1915.7(¢X4)cetines to requte competent persons te have the ability to use and incerpret the eadizgs of oxygen, combustible gas, snd carbon dioxide indicators. Competent persons sso must be able oclbrate ll the texting equipment they use. 29 CFR 1915.76) continues the requirement fra competent person to have the sity o perform all equeed tea and inspecions ne set ft n 99 CER Pat 1015, Sept B,D an 29 CER 1918 106) equires competent persons to have the ability to evalate spaces ater a et to determine the aed fr urher testing by a Marine Chemist, Cried Industrial Hygienist or U.S, Coast Guard atherzed person. 29 CFR 19157167) requires that s competent person have he capability to mein the records Fequired by the standard, ‘Question 12: Which standard, 29 CFR 1915.12(0(1) or 29 CFR 1910.1028() i applicable it ‘benzene monitoring on «ship is not conducted by a qualified person? ‘Answer! When benzene monitring it conducted on a ship, bo 29 CFR 1915.12(b) and 29 CFR 1910.1028) apply. Test and inspection requirements are dlieated under 29 CFR 1915.12(0) Tor inspector qualifications, situations requiring esting of spices, and cording of results. Exposure ‘monitoring requirements for benaene are adresed unser 29 CFR 19101028(e) and are applicable a per 29.CER 19101029) for all occupational exposures to benzene except as noted under 29 CFR 1910,1028)(2). Specific atention is called to 29 CFR 1910.1028)), whish excludes th cleaning sd repair of barges and tankers that have contsned benzene from 29 CFR 1910.1028(¢K1), 1910.1028(6K6), and 1910.1028(), and requires establishing engineering and work pasice contol that keep exposires below 10 pats per million (pm) ‘Question 13: 29 CFR 1915.14(aX1)() Hor work requiring testing by « Marine Chemie or Coast (Guard authorised person states, “The employer shall ensure that hot work i not performed in or 00 y of the following confined and enclosed spaces and other dangerous atmospheres, boundaries of ‘spaces or pipelines unl the work sres hasbeen ested and certified by a Marine Chemist or a US. ‘Const Gunrd authorized person as “safe for hot work.” Ts there ever a elzeamstance where the ‘shipyard competent perzom can certify a space as “tae for hot work’ ‘Answer: The exemption in 29 CFR 1915.14(a\1)v) mean ht a Marine Chemist cenficate not required o perform hot werk within spaces adjacet to spaces in which the amiable gases or liquids have fast pont above 150 degrees Fahrenheit andthe distance between such spaces and the wark is seater than 35 fect. The competent person also can certify dry caro hols, bles, engine rooms, boiler paces, other vessel sections, and lndide operons as “af for ht work a longa the space, andthe ‘mediately adjacent spaces, bave not contained combustible ot fimable igus or yates. Additional tuidance ean be found in CPL. 0201-051, 29 CFR Part 1915, SubportB, Confined and Enclosed Spaces {nd Other Dangerous Atmospheres in Shioyard Employment, May 20,2011 ‘Question 14: Is abrasive blasting onthe hull fa vessel or paint preparation considered tobe “hot work?” ‘Answer: Abrasive blasting of vese ull for pat preparation i not always regarded as ot work ‘nd therefore may not require pumping and cleaning the tanks of he vessel. However, OSHA regards Bheasive blasting onan ines space r void of vessel tobe ho work. Adon}, physical isolation fem any atmosphere containing more than 10 percent ofthe LEL cf flammable or combustible substance doesnot include bulkheads that re prt ofthe space that contains the fame or ‘combustible substance, ‘Question 15: Is grinding om aluminum considered “hot work” which would require a fie watch? ‘Answer: OSHA doesnot define hot work based on specific types of materials or processes de tothe cndless posible combinations thereof. Hot work is defined in 29 CFR 1915.48 “vetng welding,

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