Assignment - Experiential Learning

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Experiential Learning has three sections.

The details are given below

1. Section 1: Organizational Survey 2 Marks

This an individual activity. Kindly answer a short survey on organizational behavior.

Click on the link below to respond to the survey on personality, work and well-being.

2. Section 2: Case Study 7 Marks

This is a group activity. The group size can be a maximum of 10 members. Each group
will choose an organization (or unit within an organization) that one or more team
members are familiar with (or even work for), preferably one that offers innovative
products or services and is dealing with constantly changing environments. The team will
analyze this organization, focusing on organizational behavior and will produce a written
analysis in the form of a case study of the organization. Each team will present their
analysis in class.

Format for Written submissions would be: maximum 5 pages double-spaced, 12-point
Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, with no grammar or spelling errors, also include
a title page. The first page of the paper should be a title page.  The second page should
provide a table of contents that lists the major areas of the paper, along with page
numbers.  The main text of the paper should begin on page 3 and end by page 7. The
format of the text should include an introduction that briefly describes the main content
of the paper (including some background on the organization and your approach to the
study).  The second section should introduce the type of organizational dynamics. The
case should then discuss an issue related to organization behavior.  The next section of
the main text should be a conclusion followed by a brief analysis of the case.  Following
the conclusion, you may also include any other appendices that help to support your

3. Section 3: Application of Theories 6 Marks

This is a group activity. The group size can be a maximum of 10 members. Choose a
movie/web-series that dramatizes concepts of organization group behavior (e.g., Apollo,
Mission Impossible, Office Space, Chak De India, 1983 or a selection of your choice).
Write an essay that identifies and defines three organizational behavior theories
(preferably ones that we have studied in class) and explains how they apply (or do not
apply) to the events depicted in the movie.
This assignment will be evaluated on content (definitions and illustrations of appropriate
theories) as well as writing clarity (referencing, grammar, organization, spelling, etc).
The Format would be same as that of section 2.


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