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Mining Technology Assists Oil Recovery

From Wyoming Field

W.F. Dobson, SPE, Conoco Inc.
D.R. Seelye, SPE, Conoco Inc.

An unusual oil recovery project in Wyoming combines was a commodity that was required almost regardless of
aspects of mining and petroleum engineering the cost. In general, however, the petroleum industry has
technologies to increase production from the North turned away from oil mining as a viable recovery method
Tisdale field. The project basically consists of a horizon- because of the more favorable economic factors
tal tunnel, or adit in mining terminology, conventionally associated with conventional drilling development. Re-
mined into a hillside (Fig. 1). The adit provides access to cent developments in world oil supplies and prices now
the oil sand from which an array of horizontal drainholes are providing producers with incentives to experiment
were drilled to various lengths. At the present time it is with mining as an oil-recovery technique.
the only project known to exist in the U.S. that produces
oil with this method. Lakota Development
History The North Tisdale oil field is located in the Powder
Using mining methods to produce petroleum from River basin approximately 70 miles (112.6 km) north of
shallow deposits is not a new concept. Mining, in one Casper, WY (Fig. 2). Production was discovered in the
form or another, has been used to recover various forms field in 1952 from the Curtis sandstone at a depth of
of petroleum for centuries. Its importance, however, has 1,000 ft (304.8 m). The discovery well had oil shows in
been overshadowed by conventional oil well develop- the shallower Lakota sand, and the following year the
ment since Col. Drake successfully drilled for oil in first productive Lakota well was drilled. It was com-
1859. Petroleum mining can be traced back in history to pleted with 24 BOPD (3.8 m 3 /d oil) and 2 BWPD (0.3
before 5000 B.C. when deposits were mined in the Sinai m 3 /d water) from a zone at 210 ft (64 m). Before this
Peninsula, Persia, and the Euphrates River valley. An- discovery, the Lakota was known to be oil-productive in
cient Egyptians used mined petroleum for embalming, the area. Local history relates tales of early homesteaders
and sailors have long known the value of tar mined from and travelers who used oil obtained from seeps to
pits for making their vessels watertight. In more recent lubricate wagon wheels.
history, petroleum mining has been attempted in the The Lakota has provided a special challenge since
U. S. with various degrees of success. Projects have been development began in 1953. Production from early wells
attempted in Pennsylvania, Ohio, California, Texas, indicated that the reservoir initially produced through a
Kansas, Utah, and now Wyoming. It was used in the late weak gas drive that was replaced by gravity drainage
1800's primarily as an alternative to conventional oilwell shortly after completion. Local outcrops have allowed
drilling and later as a means of recovering additional gas to escape and deplete the Lakota reservoir pressure.
reserves from shallow, pressure-depleted reservoirs. In Conventional oil wells exhibit low initial producing rates
addition to the early U.S. oil mining attempts, two and long producing lives typical of gravity drainage.
famous mining operations were developed successfully Lakota development was slow because of marginal
in the Pechelbronn field in France and in the Wietze field economics of the low-volume wells. A total of six pro-
in Germany from 1917 to 1930. These mines were ducing wells were drilled during 1953-62 that had
developed during a period of European history when oil average initial producin~ rates of 8 BOPD (1.3 m 3 /d oil)
and 3 BWPD (0.5 m /d water) (Fig. 3). Engineers
recognized that less than 2 % of the oil in place would be
Copyright 1982 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME recovered from the Lakota by primary methods. As a
FEBRUARY 1982 259
Tisdole Mounfom •


Lakoto Oil Ring

HOrlzontol Drlll Hole

~ Not to Seal. -=..

• • • •

• •
• •

Fig. 1-Generalized conception of project.

t • • • •
N. Oak.

• ~

North • Lakoto Producer
V Lokoto Injector

Bosin -«- Lokoto Dry Hole
• Curtis

0' 1000'

Fig. 2-North Tisdale location map. Fig. 3-North Tisdale producing wells.

result, a one-injection-well pilot waterflood was tested in the crest and ridges of the mountain and decreases in
1961 to investigate the feasibility of waterflooding the depth in the eroded draws. A number of outcrops are evi-
Lakota. The injection well produced a slight response in dent in the most severely eroded draws. The average
an offsetting producer. The one-well project was ex- depth of the Lakota is approximately 300 ft (91.4 m)
panded to a single five-spot pattern to test the application across the field.
of a fieldwide flood. The project was installed in 1962 The Lakota sandstone consists primarily of a thin,
and was discontinued after a significant volume of water tight upper sand interval and a thicker, oil-productive
was injected and no production or pressure response was middle sand section separated by a thin shaly zone. A
noted in the central producing well or in offset pro- water-saturated lower sand is also apparent in some areas
ducers. Lakota development halted after the pilot of the field. The upper sand averages 12 ft (3.6 m) in
waterfloods because of a lack of success and poor gross thickness and generally is described as a light gray,
economics. By 1972, all but three of the Lakota wells in well-cemented, medium-to-fine-grained sandstone with
the field were plugged, and of these only one continued spotty oil saturation. The middle Lakota averaged 40 ft
to produce at a rate of 1.5 BOPD (0.2m 3 /d oil) and 1 (12.2 m) in gross thickness and consists of a light gray to
BWPD (0.2 m 3 /d water). Total conventional recovery tan, medium-grained calcareous sandstone. Well data in-
from the reservoir since discovery has been only 79,500 dicate that the total gross Lakota thickness varies from
STB (12 640 stock-tank m 3 ) of oil. 30 to 100 ft (9.1 to 30.5 m), with an average thickness of
58 ft (17.7 m). Geological interpretations indicate that
Reservoir Characteristics the thickness variations and the occasional absence of the
The North Tisdale field is located structurally on the lower sand are a result of channeling into the underlying
asymmetric, north-plunging nos.e of the large Tisdale Morrison formation.
Mountain anticline. The steeper western limb of the an- The middle Lakota sandstone exhibits reservoir rock
ticline dips at 10° to 12°, and the eastern limb dips at ap- and fluid properties that make it a good candidate for
proximately 4 0. The Lakota structure generally parallels gravity drainage development. Gravity flow rates depend
the surface topography of the mountain. The Lakota primarily on permeability, oil viscosity, and formation
reservoir consists of a large gas cap surrounded by an oil dip. The sand has an average porosity of 18.9% and a
ring that is further defined by a water/oil contact. The horizontal permeability to air ranging from 45 to 3,000
vertical depth reaches a maximum of 500 ft (152.4 m) on md. Saturation determinations from log and core data in-
Well 48


Fig. 4-Actual adit cross section.

dicate water saturations in the range of 40 to 50%. Net and the top of the middle Lakota sand at 162 ft (49.4 m).
pay averages 21 ft (6.4 m) of sand with porosity greater Approximately 25 ft (7.6 m) of oil-saturated reservoir
than 10%. The 28° API (0.89-g/cm 3 ) gravity Lakota was evident. It was determined that this section of the
crude has a viscosity of 19 cp (0.019 Pa' s) at 70°F middle Lakota in Well 48 would be the target point for
(2l.1°C) and a pour point of -10°F (-23.3°C). the adit.
Average reservoir temperature is estimated to be 60°F
(15.6°C). From these data, a value of 733 bbl/acre-ft Mining Phase
(4116 m 3 1m 3 ) of original oil in place has been In June 1977, portal construction for the adit was com-
estimated. pleted. A steel security door was installed and the actual
mining activity was initiated. Mining was accomplished
Planning and Design with conventional drilling, blasting, and mucking equip~
In the mid-1970's, rising oil prices caused renewed in- ment by a local Wyoming contractor. Mining of an adit 9
terest in the Lakota, which had remained essentially ft (2.7 m) wide by 8 ft (2.4 m) high proceeded by drilling
undeveloped at North Tisdale since 1962. To recover holes 1 in. (2.5 cm) in diameter and 5 ft (1.5 m) in length
more "known" Lakota oil, an experimental project was with a pneumatic drill. Several of these holes were
begun with mining techiques to gain access to the sand- drilled into the advancing face of the adit and packed
stone and drill long horizontal drainholes into the reser- with explosive charges. The charges were detonated
voir. A much larger surface area would be created by a from outside the adit. Specialized mining front end
horizontal drainhole, and a higher oil production rate loaders then Cleaned (or mucked) out the rock debris.
would be obtained than was possible with a conventional The initial 550 ft (167.6 m) of the adit were driven
vertical wellbore. Two alternatives were investigated as through weathered sections of the Fuson shale. The in-
possibilities for gaining access to the Lakota reservoir: stability of these shales required use of conventional
(1) drive a horizontal adit into the side of the mountain or timber supports. Ground movement associated with
(2) sink a vertical shaft. Geological and mining person- small faults and swelling of the bentonitic clays in the
nel were consulted to aid in selecting the best approach. shales during seasonal wet periods required the installa-
Personnel requirements, training requirements, tion of steel beams in place of timber for adequate sup-
specialized mining equipment, cost, and other factors port. At a length of 720 ft (219.5 m), the adit was well
were considered to determine that a horizontal adit within the competent upper Lakota sand, and ground
would be the most feasible first choice. control methods were changed from timbering to roof
Geologists and engineers selected the project site by bolting. A split-tube-type roof bolt was used, which con-
combining topographic, geologic, and reservoir informa- sisted of a 5-ft (l.5-m) hollow steel tube, 1.5 in. (3.8
tion. The site was located near the oil/water contact to cm) in diameter, with an open gap along the entire
maximize oil recovery by gravity drainage. Several min- length. The bolts are driven into a lO/S-in. (3.5-cm)
ing, environmental, and drilling permits were applied for diameter hole with an air hammer. The friction between
and obtained from various state and federal agencies the tube and the wall of the hole provides resistance to
after the mine site was chosen. Well 48 was drilled in ground movement. A standard chain link fencing was
May 1977, to verify the presence of oil-saturated reser- slipped over the rock bolts and pinned to the roof and
voir rock and confirm the mine site. Well 48 also provid- walls as protection against sloughing and spallihg rock.
ed information on the depth of the oil/water contact and This type of support was continued until the mining was
indicated the angle of decline that the horizontal adit halted at a length of985 ft (300.2 m), where the wellbore
would require to intersect the Lakota sand. Well logs and of Well 48 was intersected (Fig. 4).
drill cuttings indicated the Lakota top at 143 ft (43.6 m) The adit was ventilated during mining by air blown
FEBRUARY 1982 261
18" Vent and
Escope Shoft
Air Intoke - -

Grovel Pack- TOP VIEW

3" Production Lint
(Fleluble Rubber Hose)

PneumatIc Alorm 8:
~07: Cont rol Eiqulpment
~§Blli Deck

I ~"Wash linei / " ~~~~ ! ~4' Wash line,,_ .......

;----- AdltWOI/_'" IINtl

sl'l' Serv,ce Hole 1I-""'---------------------39'--------------------'-,'-,----,.,=----'I

3 - ('unes
1- 11/2' Une

Adlt Root Adit Roof
,--IS"Vent and Emergency
Escope ShoH

Atr Infoke

Gos Knockout-........

Bubble Tube Type Level Control ~'

(Connect to Panel wi ~' "
PE Tubing) ~--------,.._lk.._-~s=;;;;;:i.._--1----2:s~~~:;;;;;;;;==::;~~~_,.t-...._1II.
'Adtf Floor

Grovel Pock

L -12'-16' 4'/,' 00. FG PIpe

(f- 7 'iii' Hole to 24'

3"Fod Closed Flfesef. Control Valve

(pneum~onUOI O.e",de)

2 \" Op.n Hoi.

Cement 5" lme Pipe

Grooved End NIpples and
Fittings to Gos Knockout -

I 'l.t Droln Hole Centetlno Lugs

eol for Cementmo Wash Line On CasIng



Fig. 5-Underground production equipment layout.





Drill Holes

: .. '"'
... Water

. ... :--- ... ......

~ - ..... 16% / Yr.
1- _ _ _

_~contoct .........
. l ··.. -.- .· . . .:.-.-.
··.... .: ·· i
/ \ ~- -
I \
Lo~olo Producer ...:

0' !I()(j"

-9- Lakolo Dry Hole 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I

• CurllS Well 1979 1980 1981

Fig. 6-Horizontal drainhole pattern. Fig. 7-Production performance curve.

down the length of the adit through I8-in. (45.7-cm) easily operated in the confined area, (2) it had to be safe
flexible tubing to the face. Before adit completion, a for operation in a gassy atmosphere, and (3) it had to be
more permanent ventilation system was instillied. A easily controlled to correct for hole deviation. Deviation
22-in. (55. 9-cm) hole was drilled to a depth of 176 ft control was considered very important since it was
(53.6 m) from Well 48 surface location and cased to 18 desired to remain as close to the bottom of the oil-
in. (45.7 cm). The adit then was advanced to intersect saturated sand section as possible. This would take full
the ventilation shaft and a 30-hp (22.4-kW) vane axial advantage of the oil column height and result in max-
reversible fan was installed on the surface. The flexible imum recoverable reserves. The drilling equipment used
ventilation tubing used during construction was remov- at North Tisdale was developed by Conoco Mining
ed, and now ventilation is by fresh air drawn in the por- Research Co. for coal seam degasification in
tal, down the length of theadit, up the vent shaft, and underground mines. The compact drill utilized 5-ft
through the fan. It is critical for a safe mining operation (1.5-m)-longjoints of2.25-in. (5.7-cm) drillpipe to drill
to maintain an adequate fresh air flow through the mine. a hole 2Ys in. (7.3 cm) in diameter. The equipment was
The ventilation system meets all requirements set forth capable of drilling a hole 2,000 ft (609.6 m) in length.
by state and federal gassy mine regulations. The unit was operated totally by hydraulics and con-
The vent shaft also doubles as an emergency escape trolled by a portable valve-control panel located
route. An escape hoist and cage installed on the surface underground. An electrically driven hydraulic power
can be lowered into the mine to remove personnel in the pack was located on the surface, and hydraulic lines
event of an underground emergency. The hoist is were run down a separate 5 1/2-in. (l4.0-cm) service hole
powered by an electric motor and is equipped with a drilled into the adit. Once the drilling equipment was
backup generator. The unit was installed and approved in oriented and secured in position, a hole 10 ft (3.0 m)
accordance with state and federal mine safety regula- long and 71fg in. (20.0 cm) in diameter was drilled into
tions. These regulations require at least one qualified the wall. In this hole, a length of 5.5-in. (l4.0-cm) line
person on the surface at all times when personnel are pipe was cemented to serve as conductor pipe during
underground. drilling and also to provide a means of controlling flow
At this point, final preparations were made to begin from the completed drainhole. The remaining length of
the horizontal drilling phase of the project. A steel pro- each hole was left open to the sand. Six horizontal
duction sump tank was bolted into the floor directly drainholes were drilled (Fig. 6). The holes and cor-
below Well 48 to serve as a collection point for produced responding lengths are as follows.
fluids. A conventional beam pumping unit was installed
on the surface; tubing, rods, and pump were run down to Length Length
the sump (Fig. 5). Hole ~ ~ Hole (ft) (m)
1 1,498 456.6 4 1,700 518.2
Drilling Phase 2 248 75.6 5 970 295.7
Specialized drilling equipment was used to drill the 3 420 128.0 6 1,070 326.1
horizontal drainholes. The machinery had to meet
several requirements: (1) the drill had to be compact and Holes 2, 3, and 5 were terminated at short lengths when

FEBRUARY 1982 263

clays were encountered and the drill pipe twisted ofr.' The sump. This required the installation of a small sump at
first five holes were drilled in the middle Lakota sand, Drainhole 6 with two air-operated diaphragm pumps to
and the sixth hole tested the productivity of the upper transfer fluid to the main sump. One pump is the primary
Lakota sand. The upper Lakota was found to be non- fluid transfer pump, and the second pump acts as a
productive and the drainhole was deviated and com- backup. The backup pump operates in the event of a
pleted in the middle Lakota sand. primary pump malfunction and also when a high fluid
Directional surveying of the drainholes was done at level exists in the sump. These pumps are controlled by
35- to 50-ft (10.7- to 15.2-m) intervals using a special float switches that automatically start and stop the
Sperry Sun survey tool that was pumped down the inter- pumps.
nally flush drillpipe and retrieved with a wireline winch. The fire alarm system is comprised primarily of
Deviation in the vertical plane was controlled by the 0.25-in. (0.6-cm) polyethylene tubing hung from the
amount of thrust placed on the bit. The typical deviation mine roof in the oil-saturated section of the adit. The tub-
range was ±5 ft (1.5 m). Horizontal deviation was not as ing is connected to an air-actuated cylinder and fire-safe
easily controlled. Drilling records indicate that the bit valve on the drainholes. A compressor on the surface
tended to drift upstructure. It was determined that a near- supplies a constant 50-psi (446-lcPa) pressure to the
bit square stabilizer with additional stabilizers in the system, holding the fire-safe valves in an open position
drillstring would produce a relatively straight hole. under normal operations. In the event of an underground
The drill assembly was developed primarily for use in fire or explosion, the polyethylene tubing will melt,
drilling coal. Sandstone, being a much more abrasive causing a loss of air pressure, and thereby automatically
material, caused several problems with the equipment. will shut in the drainholes to prevent produced oil from
Drillpipe failure as a result of insufficient pipe wall continuously feeding a fire.
strength was quite common, and a great deal of time was The operation of the ventilation system is monitored
spent in fishing. Since the hole size and drillpipe size constantly by a flow/no-flow and vacuum/pressure probe
were nonstandard, conventional oilfield taper taps and in the ventilation piping. If a continuous flow of air past
spears had to be modified for fishing. The frequency of these monitors is not maintained, an air-operated siren is
drill pipe failures was reduced later in the drilling by the activated, which is audible both underground and on the
addition of a polymer in the freshwater mud system. The surface. Note that because of mining regulations, ven-
polymer reduced friction between the pipe and hole wall tilation must be maintained at all times. However, during
and inhibited swelling of clays. the producing life of the project, a low-volume fan
Bit selection to accommodate the sand was initially a moves air at approximately 7000 cu ft/min (198 m 3 /min)
problem. Carbide insert bits were tried, but penetration when no personnel are in the mine. The main or high-
rates were very poor and the bits dulled rapidly. Cone volume fan, which was used during drilling, must be
bits were tried also, but they tended to wander regardless used when any personnel enter the mine. This fan will
of the thrust applied. A specially designed diamond bit move air at a rate of 17,000 cu ft/min (481 m 3 /min).
proved to be the best performer. In addition to good A washline system consisting of 1.25-in. (3.2-cm)
deviation control, penetration rates averaged 3.3 ft/min black pipe has been installed in three of the six
(60 m/s) and rates as high as 6.7 ft/min (120 m/s) were drainholes. The purpose of the washline is to flush ac-
obtained several times. The average footage drilled dur- cumulated sand that may collect in the drainholes and
ing a good 8-hour shift was 125 ft (38.1 m). also to provide a means for various stimulation
The drill cuttings were separated from the mud system treatments. The washline system is connected to the sur-
in three 4-x8-x2.5-ft high (1.2-x2.4-XO.8-m high) face through the 5.5-in. (14.0-cm) service hole drilled
mud tanks located underground near the drill. Fluid was into the mine.
siphoned off the top of each successive tank and piped In addition to these alarms and controls, a telephone
into a centrifugal mud pump. Very early in the drilling, it communication system between the surface and
was evident that extremely fine powdered sand was car- underground has been installed. The telephones are
rying through the mud system, causing damage to the located at two stations underground, one at the portal and
pump. The problem was solved by installation of a pro- one at the surface location of Well 48.
gressing cavity pump with a flexible rubber stator. When The adit is entered and inspected by personnel trained
the mud tanks were filled with cuttings, they were hauled in accordance with state and federal laws. The project in-
out to the surface and dumped. itially was inspected monthly to make final control ad-
justments on the production equipment. Now all
Production Controls maintenance procedures are done on a quarterly basis. In
The pumping unit on Well 48 is controlled by a level addition to the company inspection, the project also is in-
sensing bubble tube apparatus located in the spected quarterly by a deputy State Mine Inspector and a
underground main production sump. A constant air-flow Federal Mine Safety and Health Admin. Inspector.
rate of 2 cu ft/hr (0.057 m 3 /h) travels down a 0.5-in.
(1.3-cm) open-ended tube that is submerged in the sump. Production Performance
The hydrostatic head above the bottom of the bubble Project construction and horizontal drilling were com-
tube is transmitted as air pressure to a pair of head pleted on Aug. 3, 1979, and the producing phase of the
switches at the surface. As the liquid level on the sump project began. A total of 52,050 STB (8275 stock-tank
reaches a preset level, the pump is started. As the fluid m 3) of oil and 22,525 bbl (3581 m 3 ) of water have been
level drops to a preset low level, the pump is stopped. produced from the project as of Oct. 1, 1981. The
Drainhole 6 is located approximately 250 ft (76.2 m) average first year producing rate was 68 BOPD (10.8
back from the face of the adit and the main production m 3 /d oil) and 28 BWPD (4.5 m 3 /d water) (Fig. 7). The
initial decline of production was 56 % per year; however, redesigned to reduce downtime resulting from
the initial sharp decline is a result of gas cap expansion. mechanical failure and drillpipe twist-offs. As the new
The production of fluids from the project is quickly technology associated with mining for petroleum is im-
depleting the low pressure remaining in the reservoir. proved, these techniques undoubtedly will be applied in
Gravity drainage will become increasingly dominant as other areas to other low-pressure oil reservoirs. In sum-
the pressure continues to decline. Production trends over mary, the North Tisdale Gravity Drainage Project has il-
past months indicate that a leveling out of the decline is lustrated that:
occurring, showing the effect of a gravity drainage 1. Mining for petroleum is a technically feasible con-
mechanism. Production is currently 28 BOPD (4.5 m 3 /d cept in a shallow, low-pressure sandstone reservoir.
oil) and is declining at approximately 16% per year. 2. Improvements in horizontal drilling equipment will
increase operational efficiency and reduce costs.
The Lakota Gravity Drainage Project at North Tisdale SI Metric Conversion Factors
provides a successful example of how mining methods in. X 2.54* E+OO cm
can be used to recover oil. Development of the Lakota is ft X 3.048* E-Ol m
continuing in the area with a vertical shaft. A large- *Conversion factor is exact. JPT
diameter shaft has been constructed to provide an access
to an underground drilling chamber. Horizontal
drainholes will be drilled from the underground chamber Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers office June 19, 1980.
Paper accepted for publication April 10, 1981. Revised manuscript received Dec. 9,
into the reservoir in a manner similar to the first project. 1981. Paper (SPE 9418) first presented at the SPE 55th Annual Technical Con-
However, the horizontal drilling equipment has been ference and Exhibition held in Dallas Sept. 21-24, 1980.

FEBRUARY 1982 265

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