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Some people believe that nowadays too much money is being spent on weddings and birthdays.

🔸Why do you think it is happening? What can be done to improve the situation?

It has been stated that celebration occasions such as weddings and birthdays are being
celebrated more luxurious and lavish due to over expended this day. This essay will attempt
to analyse the reasons that lead to this attitude, and ways of encouraging individuals to
change this trend have to be found.
The concept of special events needs to be acclaimed impressively could be rooted in that it
will occur just a few times in life. Marriage ceremony or 18 birthdays, for instance, not only
for individuals but also for their families are the time that they dreamed about all details
months even years ago and wanted to be unforgettable for everyone who attended their
parties including themselves. Consequently, they tried to book porch location, buy branded
clothes, jewellery and so on which does not come cheap. Besides, we should not overlook
the influence of glamourous parties by celebrities and social media influencers that promote
extravagantly and over pricey parties among the new generation.
A range of strategies might be used to arrest this approach. The government ought to launch
awareness-raising campaigns to remind the public about the importance and value of
simplicity and endorse individuals that memorable events are not the necessary expensive
ones. Making fundamental changes in social attitude might restore the values. It is equally
vital to highlight that extra money could be spent on better and long-term goals such as
buying a house, a new car or even some charity work like providing food to orphans.
However, this could require a huge amount of work and may not be achievable in the short
In conclusion, a great number of individuals prefer to have extraordinary parties for their
wedding and birthdays by overspending on those occasion as it is once in life and stars are
promoting this approach by posting lavish parties on their social media. Changing social
attitudes could be possible only with help of governments to raise public awareness and
draw attention to alternatives.

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