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Moldplus V11.

for Mastercam 2019

What’s New
Moldplus Version 11.2

Moldplus SA
March 10, 2019
Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 4

WHAT's NEW IN V11.2.2 ........................................................................................ 4

Surface extensions done based on Mastercam CPlane Setting .................................. 4

Base Plate creation in Plate Fixture Design tool ...................................................... 5

Point path creation feature in Create Curve 5axis Toolkit ......................................... 7

Create a Point Path toolpath from a Curve Path ...................................................... 8

Distribution of points by set distance or set number of vectors along a path ............ 10

Path creation by multiple point selection for vector creation ................................... 12

Join paths from the Path list dialog and graphical view .......................................... 14

Support for uniform and non-uniform scaling in Curve 5axis paths ......................... 15

Create paths on mesh/STL geometry using Manual, Curve and Point Path ............... 16

Show/Hide existing paths feature using the fish eye icon ....................................... 19

Path properties definition................................................................................... 20

Swarf Path Creation .......................................................................................... 23

WHAT's NEW IN V11.1.4 ...................................................................................... 26

Quick Edit Mode to view move a single vector and see the distance moved .............. 26

Option to remove unused tool parameters while deleting a Group........................... 27

WHAT's NEW IN V11.1.1 ...................................................................................... 28

Transform Mirror paths added to the Curve 5axis options ...................................... 28

New Head Manager interface to store the custom heads as Tooling ......................... 29

Mastercam Toolpath operation marked dirty tracked in Curve 5axis Path Dialog ....... 31

New STL Utilities Interface ................................................................................. 32

WHAT's NEW IN V11.0.7 ...................................................................................... 36

Tilt vector/s using the right click options. ............................................................ 36

Interpolate vectors in a selected range ................................................................ 36

Delete paths when deleting Groups in the Group Manager ..................................... 38

WHAT's NEW IN V11.0.6 ...................................................................................... 39

Create Curve Path Translate and Path Offset offers Join paths options .................... 39

WHAT's NEW IN V11.0.5 ...................................................................................... 40

WHAT's NEW IN V11.0.4 ...................................................................................... 41

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Ability to remove all but one vector in a path ....................................................... 41

Create plate fixtures as surfaces or Solids ........................................................... 41

Regenerate path indicator within the Curve 5axis Dialog ....................................... 41

Customize the Ribbon Bar for Moldplus ............................................................... 41

WHAT's NEW IN V11.0.2 ...................................................................................... 43

Hotkey changed for Manual Path ........................................................................ 43

Path Extension Overlap Creation ........................................................................ 43

WHAT's NEW IN V11.0.0 ...................................................................................... 45

INTERFACE enhancements ................................................................................... 45

General ........................................................................................................... 45

Moldplus Merge ................................................................................................ 46

Electrode Maker ............................................................................................... 46

C5x paths ........................................................................................................ 46

Five Axes ........................................................................................................ 47

STL Utilities ..................................................................................................... 47

Help................................................................................................................ 47

CREATE CURVE 5 AXIS ........................................................................................ 48

TOOLS DIALOGS .............................................................................................. 49

OPTIONS DIALOG ............................................................................................. 50

AUTO PATHS .................................................................................................... 51

EDGE PATHS .................................................................................................... 52

CURVE PATHS .................................................................................................. 53

CREATE PATHS MANUALLY ................................................................................ 54

TREE LIST AND VECTOR AND PATH CONTROLS .................................................... 61

SELECTION – VECTOR AND PATH .................................................................................................. 65

VECTOR TILT .................................................................................................................................. 66
VECTOR ADD/REMOVE ................................................................................................................. 68
PATH EDIT ..................................................................................................................................... 70
PATH MOVE................................................................................................................................... 71
PATH DYNAMIC MOVE .................................................................................................................. 72
PATH SPLIT .................................................................................................................................... 73
PATH TRANSLATE .......................................................................................................................... 74

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

PATH OFFSET ................................................................................................................................. 76

PATH JOIN ..................................................................................................................................... 78
PATH STRAIGHTEN ........................................................................................................................ 79
GROUP MANAGER ............................................................................................. 81

GROUP MANAGER OPTIONS ......................................................................................................... 86

AUTOSET NORMALS enhancements ....................................................................... 87

FIXTURE DESIGN enhancements ........................................................................... 88

ELECTRODE MAKER enhancements ........................................................................ 89

BOTTOM RADIUS EXTENSION CREATION ............................................................ 90

HOLDER AND RAW STOCK ADJUSTMENT ROUNDING ............................................ 91

COLLISION TEST OF THE EXTENSIONS AND STOCK.............................................. 93

MOLDPLUS SUPPORT ........................................................................................... 98

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Moldplus 11.2.2 is a new release for Mastercam 2019. Interface changes and
continual improvements have been done to the internal code. The Moldplus 5axis Toolkit
features have also been enhanced in this version. A new Point Path feature has been
newly introduced along with other enhancements for point and vector distribution. WIBU
NETWORK license support has been added to this version. A New Moldplus Server V6.x is
needed to support the new WIBU NETWORK licensing.


Moldplus V11.2.2 is the first release of V11.2 for Mastercam 2019. New features were
added, enhancements and bug fixes were made to this version.

Surface extensions done based on Mastercam CPlane Setting

Surface extensions for many tools of Moldplus can finally be done using the Mastercam
CPLANE setting. Part surface extensions and other parting surface tools now respect the
Mastercam CPLANE setting. Till the last versions, the part had to be oriented in the
proper CPLANE setting in order to extend the surfaces in the desired direction for draft
face extensions, etc. Now the CPLANE takes precedence.

With CPLANE set to RIGHT SIDE from the Mastercam CPLANE settings options, the
Preview on this part shows the draft surface extensions going towards the RIGHT SIDE.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

With the CPLANE set to TOP view, the extensions are done as shown:

More features of Moldplus are being updated to support this option. The Moldplus Plate
Fixture Design tool also supports the plate extensions using the CPLANE settings.

Base Plate creation in Plate Fixture Design tool

The Plate Fixture Design tool now offers the option to create a base fixture plate to
mount all the fixture plates on as an additional support structure. The parameters to
control the plate creation are available on this Settings tab while creating the fixtures.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

The resultant plate wireframe geometry will be created on the level indicated on the
Output button settings.

The resultant plate will have the following small slots created to fit the plates as mortises
and tenons. The right image shows 2 plates and how they would connect with the base

A single plate with 4 anchors will be created as shown in the image below. The final set
of fixtures are created as shown on the right image.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Point path creation feature in Create Curve 5axis Toolkit

A new feature has been added to the Curve 5axis Toolkit features. You can now create a
Point Path toolpath that creates a Mastercam Drill 5axis toolpath. This option can be
added to the Curve 5axis toolbar from the Create dropdown options.

You can sketch the points on the part – randomly or by selecting existing points on the
part. In the example below, points are clicked on the part. A dotted line is shown to see
the connections between the points.

Creating the point path lists the path as a Point path in the path list.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Creating the toolpath for this creates a Mastercam Drill 5axis toolpath with these points.

Create a Point Path toolpath from a Curve Path

A regular curve path can be converted into a Point Path toolpath in the Groups Manager.
Once the toolpath group is created in the Group Manager, you can right click on the
Group and choose one of the options in the Set target toolpath type. The Default
option will keep the toolpath as the default curve path. The Drill 5 axis path option will
create a drill 5 axis toolpath using the vectors as the points and lines for the same.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

In the case below, operation 2 is a curve path. Operation 3 is a point path that was
converted using the right click option as mentioned above, using the same Edge Path
curve and vectors. Drill points are created on the vectors of the edge path.

The Group name also has a (Drill) suffix added to it, to indicate that it is a drill path.

A Point Path however cannot be converted into a Curve path as a curve does not exist in
the first place!

When you right click on a group that has a point path, you will not be provided any
options in the Set target Toolpath Type.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Similarly, if a group has Point Path and Curve Paths in the same operation group, the
toolpath will not be created. You will get a warning message when attempting to create
this toolpath. In the example below, Group 3 has a Point Path and Edge Path in he same
operation group. This will not be allowed.

Distribution of points by set distance or set number of vectors along a path

Distributing points along a path – by a set distance between them OR by set number of
points/vectors that are evenly distributed along a path is now possible. This option is
available in the Vector Add/Remove feature. Once a path is created, you can modify
the point distribution.

When you enter the Vector Add/Remove dialog, the following options are presented as
Methods – Specified vectors distances and Specified number of vectors.

The new options offer the ability to distribute the vectors based on prioritizing the Start
point, End Point OR having a Uniform distribution for the entire path. There is an option
to remove the existing vectors while creating the new ones.

These features are useful for creating vectors evenly spaced or at critical locations for
drilling vent holes in molds, etc.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

For the path below, upon launching the dialog and selecting the path to edit, choosing
the Specified vectors distances option allows you to define the distance between the
vectors. The distance is set to 20mm between the vectors, the priority is given the
calculate the distance from the 1st vector (Start is checked) and the original vectors are
marked to be removed.

The green vectors indicate the new vectors that will be created using the set parameters.

The red vectors are the original vectors. As Remove existing vectors is checked, they
are displayed in red to be deleted. If you uncheck the option, the original vectors are
displayed in yellow color.

If you check the End vector also, the distribution will be more uniform. From the image
below, you can see the vector locations change when the End option is also checked.

The option “Distribute uniformly in range” does the same thing. It will get disabled
when you have both Start and End checked.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

The option to create a Specified number of vectors will allow you to create the set
number of vectors using a priority of distribution using thee Start and/or End points as
the extremities. In the case below, 10 vectors are created using the priority as the Start

If you check the End option also, you will see that the vector distribution is now

With these options, you now have a powerful way to control the number of vectors that
are created along an entire path along with the distancing between them.

Path creation by multiple point selection for vector creation

Manual path option now allows for selecting pre-existing points that are closely aligned
to create a path. The vectors will be created on these precise points.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Place the part in TOP view. There are 2 rows of vertical points. In order to select all the
points in a row, using the Manual path option, click on the first point to select it.

A Hot key while selecting the first point (key M) helps to select the points that are
closely aligned together. Holding the M key down and moving the cursor to the end of
the path (last point) will highlight the points that are found in magenta color.

When you click on the last point, all the highlighted points are selected as the vector
reference points. Clicking on Apply will create the path with the points as shown on the
right. You can continue to create additional paths in a similar manner. The direction of
the path is determined by the selection direction of the points.

With 3 clicks (select first point, hold the M key down and move the cursor to the last
point), you can create the vectors on the points as displayed on the right!

These types of paths are useful for part inspection and to create quick 5 axis drill paths!

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Join paths from the Path list dialog and graphical view

Paths can be joined by right clicking on the checked paths you wish to join OR by
selecting the paths in the graphical view and selecting the option to join them.

By selecting the Spline option, the paths will be joined with a transitional curve and
vectors to connect them and combined into a single path.

The other options will connect using a Line link or a Disjoined link. Multiple paths can
be quickly connected in this manner.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Support for uniform and non-uniform scaling in Curve 5axis paths

Parts and paths can be scaled using Mastercam’s uniform scaling option or non uniform
(By axis) option.

When the part is scaled, IF the paths are copied, the paths are identified as new paths.
Otherwise, if they are moved, they are identified as newly scaled paths. In the example
above, as the paths were copied, the Path list identifies the new copies and lists them as
copied paths in the tree.

Uniform scaling will have the same behavior.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Create paths on mesh/STL geometry using Manual, Curve and Point Path

Manual paths, curve paths and point paths can be created from mesh/STL geometry.
This is a major enhancement to the Create curve feature. This tool is still being
enhanced as it is new. The quality of the imported mesh geometry also matters to help
create good curves and vectors.

Mesh geometries imported into Mastercam that have curves or point data can be used to
create the paths mentioned.

1. Points can be used to create point paths and manual paths.

2. Point paths or manual paths can be sketched on the mesh itself.

3. A curve projected on the mesh can be used to create a curve path.

4. A curve that exists on an edge can be used to create a curve path.

Paths can be sketched on meshes by clicking on the geometry using the Manual path
creation tool. The behavior is the same as that of creating ppaths on a surface or Solid
model. The curves are projected on the model and the vectors created at the angle

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Paths can be created on existing curves using the Curve Path option. If there is an
existing curve, using the Curve path option, chain the curve.

The path is projected on the model and the curve path created.

Paths can be created using existing points. These points will be projected on the model
when creating the manual path or point path.

Point paths can quickly be created on the part using existing points on the part.
Selecting them is quick. If the points are aligned closely, they are automatically
highlighted in magenta as you move across them with the cursor to the end point.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Manual curve paths can also be created using the existing points. Using the smart
selection tools, you can quickly select the points that are closely aligned.

With the above tools, you have a lot of flexibility on creating paths on STL meshes for
cutting, painting, etc.

Hint: The curves were created using the Moldplus manual paths on the STL mesh and
saved as curve geometry. If you create STL edges for the part boundary using the
Moldplus STL tools, you can create paths on the edges of the STL meshes also using the
Curve paths function.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Show/Hide existing paths feature using the fish eye icon

While creating new paths or editing paths, you can manage the display of the existing
paths by clicking on the following icon in the creation or path edit dialog and based

on the path display setting .

When this is disabled with the following icon , all the existing paths are displayed. If
all the paths are checked in the Path list and the display settings are to display the
checked paths, all paths are displayed.

When the icon is enabled with the line across the eye , the existing paths are hidden
from view. This allows for easier viewing of the paths.

In the case that a specific path is selected for viewing, only that path will be enabled or

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Path properties definition

In addition to creating paths, properties can be added to each path to store additional
parameters for each path. Properties can be applied to individual paths or to all the
paths. This can be handy to apply laser cutting parameters, welding parameters, etc.
These parameters can be used to generate reports currently.

These path parameters are defined by 2 files that can be found under the
“C:\Users\Public\Documents\shared Mcam2019\Moldplus\c5xProperties” folder.

The properties XML file allows you to define the fields that will be displayed in the path
properties dialog. Different options can be added such as entering integer or real values,
strings, Boolean (true/false) or to select values from a drop down list.

Here is the sample XML file and the corresponding properties dialog box.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

The Joint Type will allow for the following options that are defined in the XML file. When
you double click on the value field, you can choose the setting. The Thickness is a
Boolean (True/False) setting.

The rest of the fields offer the ability to enter integer values, floating values and strings.

You can also set the path properties to all paths by selecting the following option.

You can easily copy the parameters from one path and paste them to the rest of the
paths in the list. Then edit them as needed.

Here all fields are highlighted, then using the Windows copy functions (CTRL-C), copy
the values.

Highlight the path/s fields in the list and paste the values using CTRL-V.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Now you can edit the values for any path by double clicking on the fields.

The results of setting the parameters could be the following.

To generate an EXCEL report and to output the following fields, the corresponding EXCEL
report can be modified to get the desired output. These are the corresponding column
names of the EXCEL file.

To generate the report, you choose the Report option and choose the “Test Report”. This
was the name given in the XML file.

The following result is output in the EXCEL file.

The length is the actual path length. The EXCEL could be customized to calculate results
automatically. The XML file can be customized to generate multiple reports with different
fields. Each report can be tied to a different EXCEL file.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Swarf Path Creation

Swarf path geometry can be created using the Moldplus Swarf Path creation tool. With
the geometry created (path and vectors titled to the wall angle), you can create the
Swarf path toolpath using the Curve 5axis toolpath feature of Mastercam. This tool
requires a higher license of Moldplus 5axis Toolkit Professional. You will need to purchase
this license above the Moldplus 5axis Toolkit feature.

The following icon can be added to the toolbar by clicking on the Create button and
customizing this toolbar. This feature will function with the proper license.

On this part, as the walls vary in angle as you go around the part, launching the feature
and using the following settings, you can quickly create the path and corresponding
vectors to create the Swarf path. Depending on where you place the cursor, the paths
are previewed in the following manner. The direction of the vectors is also managed by
where you position the cursor.

The resultant Swarf path is created.

You can now create a Mastercam Curve 5axis toolpath using the Curve and vectors.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Other Improvements and New Features

There are many other enhancements and bug fixes that were done to this version. The
following are some of the additional enhancements and fixes.

[MLDP-1953] - Add support for WIBU Network license

[MLDP-1959] - Vector Tilt > Pick a direction removes vectors

[MLDP-1918] - Change c5x perpendicular mode to tangential mode

[MLDP-1923] - Switch to glad OpenGL loading library with target to OpenGL 3.3

[MLDP-1931] - Add check and warning for OpenGL version requirement

[MLDP-1919] - Improve readability of text on Mastercam colors

[MLDP-1911] - Remove support for old collision in c5x

[MLDP-1906] - Make C5x Tool dialog really modal

[MLDP-1845] - Improve MC tool mapping from knife

[MLDP-1879] - Blade parameter improvements

[MLDP-1880] - Add other referential for blade STL export

[MLDP-1882] - Minor Fixes in Moldplus translation

Bug Fixes

[MLDP-1944] - C5x Main rights not released when leaving dialog

[MLDP-1945] - Partsurf: does not work on this surface in release, index out of bound
in debug

[MLDP-1951] - Crash when export Moldplus Knife Tool

[MLDP-1952] - XSection special case end up in an infinite loop (?)

[MLDP-1954] - Crash in Path Join

[MLDP-1956] - Vector Tilt > Pick a direction filters vectors out

[MLDP-1936] - Edit Path Drawing and Path Point broken

[MLDP-1937] - Create Edges: minor display issues

[MLDP-1928] - Fix Junctsurf dialog bugs

[MLDP-1933] - X_T Output for multiple files from Electrode Maker not working

[MLDP-1925] - Display not refreshed when quitting advanced tool

[MLDP-1926] - Major regression with tool and path display

[MLDP-1895] - Cannot add a holder to V9 Electrode Maker in Mcam 2019

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

[MLDP-1900] - Crash when attempting to extend these faces using Part Extension.

[MLDP-1910] - Electrode Raw Stock Management list is bad!

[MLDP-1913] - Crash when doing Part surf extensions

[MLDP-1914] - Crash in "Projection Failed" dialog (C5x Curve Path)

[MLDP-1894] - Cannot export X_T files from Electrode Maker in Mcam2019

[MLDP-1904] - Disable target toolpath type change in context menu for certain

[MLDP-1907] - Abnormal c5x start time with large assembly

[MLDP-1890] - Sort path with direction optimization not working

[MLDP-1891] - Crash EMV10 when doing offset electrode

[MLDP-1892] - Emv10 impossible to export electrode in X_T format

[MLDP-1896] - Retract motion of blade incorrect when using Mcam 2019

[MLDP-1898] - Fixture: when asked to output geometries as solids does surface

instead and vice versa

[MLDP-1899] - Plate Fixture UI: group box that can be checked, do not retain their
checked/unchecked state

[MLDP-1862] - Point path: ensure correct behavior of path editing tools (except

[MLDP-1872] - Path translate should not add vectors / curves to the path

[MLDP-1876] - RESET button Move Path Dynamic does not work!

[MLDP-1887] – Path Drawing selection (snapping) of points that are superimposed in

view sometimes impossible

[MLDP-1889] - C5X Xform paths: when copies are to be joined, junction is not

[MLDP-1875] - C5X head import fails when file has a path with accented characters

[MLDP-1877] - c5x Incorrect formatting of tool name in MC2019

[MLDP-1881] - Bug in flexible fixture translation

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


Moldplus V11.1.4 is the latest release for Mastercam 2019. Some new features,
enhancements and bug fixes were made to this version.

Quick Edit Mode to view move a single vector and see the distance moved

When using the Move Dynamic mode, you can select an individual vector by checking
the “Quick edit” option and having the “Only select vectors” option checked. This will
ensure that only the selected vector is moved AND only a vector line is moved. If the
option to “Only select vectors” is unchecked, you will be able to move intermediate

You can directly click on a vector and move that vector dynamically (points 1 and 2 in
the image below). While moving it, you will also see the value/distance being moved
(point 3). Notice that all the intermediate vectors between the adjacent vectors are
automatically picked.

This is the result of moving this vector.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

You can perform move operations along the path in the same manner. You can click on
Undo on the main dialog to reset the vector to the original location.

Option to remove unused tool parameters while deleting a Group

When deleting toolpath groups in the Moldplus Group Manager, some tools or tool
parameters could still be saved with the path. If you wish to delete these parameters,
there is a new option to eliminate that tool or its parameters that are not used.

Bug Fixes

[MLDP-1824] - Mirror path: pressing esc while selecting from mc and dialog has
focus closes dialog

[MLDP-1833] - Crash when using New Fillet Path, AutoCenter and pick on part!

[MLDP-1873] - c5x DialogShowAxes can be launched 2 times

[MLDP-1848] - Bug in create path from curve

[MLDP-1866] - c5x move dynamic: can't drag vector at gap's start or end in path

[MLDP-1867] - C5x: crash on second path edition after a first path edition has been

[MLDP-1871] - c5x Bug in Combo Join Mode

[MLDP-1837] - c5x Path regeneration (mcam 2019 only): regeneration interrupted

while in main c5x dialog

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

[MLDP-1846] - Crash when selecting no tool during path generation

[MLDP-1847] - Edit box not accepting the dot as a decimal separator

[MLDP-1851] - Missing strings for translation

[MLDP-1852] - Tooltip translation issue

[MLDP-1855] - Problem with carriage return in Japanese in Mcam 2019

[MLDP-1856] - CV5x path edges: crash on door

[MLDP-1858] - c5x dynamic path move should not create as many vectors

[MLDP-1860] - Ray collision on a single triangle fails

[MLDP-1864] - Crash in old topology (saw on old create edges 3D)


Moldplus V11.1.1 is the release that supports Mastercam 2019. The code refactoring
took the longest time for us. The interfaces have been changed from using WPF dialogs
to QT dialogs for most of the new features. Welding features have been improved in this
version. Bug fixes and enhancements have been done.

Transform Mirror paths added to the Curve 5axis options

A new option to mirror Curve 5axis paths has been added to the main Curve 5axis

Once a path is created, the path can be mirrored by creating a reference line, 2 points or
picking the end points of an existing line.

From the dialog, you are prompted to:

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

1. Pick the path to mirror. It is highlighted as shown below.

2. Pick the reference line or 2 points to indicate the mirror vector/direction.

3. A preview in green is displayed. (If the path is not fully displayed, the Project
distance may need to be increased.

4. Click on Apply to create the mirrored path and keep the dialog open for further
operations. The OK button will create the path and close the dialog.

The result is the following:

The path list is populated with the mirror path as a copy (as selected).

New Head Manager interface to store the custom heads as Tooling

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Working with custom heads/spindles has been improved. The CAD model of the tooling
can be imported and stored in the new Head Manager.

This launches the Head/Tooling Manager dialog.

You can import a new tooling using the Import Head icon. This allows you to select a
Mastercam file that represents the tooling.

When loaded, a 3D preview of the tooling is presented.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

You can right click and store it to the new tool library.

This will now list the file in the Heads folder as a Moldplus tooling file.

When you launch the Head loading option again, the 4 tools that are present in the
folder are presented for selection.

Mastercam Toolpath operation marked dirty tracked in Curve 5axis Path


If a Mastercam Toolpath is marked as dirty (updated by the end-user), when you launch
the Curve 5axis Toolkit dialog, it is identified in the following manner.

When a Mastercam Toolpath is marked as “dirty”, upon launching the Curve 5axis
toolkit, a red rectangle is created, indicating that the toolpath needs to be updated.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

If you close the dialog without updating the toolpath, the following dialog is presented,
asking you to act. This will allow you to update the toolpath based on your preferred

New STL Utilities Interface

The STL Utilities dialog has been redone to offer more flexibility. It integrates the STL
Split and STL Edge creation tools together. Multiple splits can be done on the same STL
part without having to save and load the file again. The STL mesh can be loaded directly
from the Mastercam database or loaded individually.

As soon as a part is loaded using the icon from an external file or from the
Mastercam database, the dialog will display the file in the part list and activate the Split
and Create Edges icons. When you click on the STL file in the part list, the graphical
display is highlighted.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

The path list is now updated under the main STL file name with the split section.

You can highlight one of the split sections and perform further operations on it if desired.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

The next tab “Save” offers the options to create edges and save the meshes

The “Export” tab allows you to define an export directory to store the meshes to. You
can right click at any time and save a mesh into the Mastercam database OR save it to
an external file OR perform any of the right click options available.

Improvements, enhancements and new features

[MLDP-1840] - Add management of library of ultrasonic knife tools

[MLDP-1841] - Add command to export knife tool as STL

[MLDP-1843] - Allow deactivation of knife collision detection in tool parameters

[MLDP-1761] - Advanced welding automation report

[MLDP-1825] - Set tool number for knife tool to 1

[MLDP-1791] - Better controls for setting parameters for Properties (Welding Report)

[MLDP-1801] - Add missing knife compensation to transition (entry/exit)

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

[MLDP-1773] - Add license for ultrasonic knife cutting

[MLDP-1771] - Add support for knife tool in C5X tool params

[MLDP-1774] - Add tool path generation for knife cutting

[MLDP-1802] - C5x 'All paths properties' dialog : sort table when clicking on column

[MLDP-1803] - Synch path selected property table with graphic path selection

[MLDP-1781] - It should be possible to change simulation speed during simulation

[MLDP-1753] - Custom multipass welding

[MLDP-1755] - Add flag indicating if path is used in path length report

[MLDP-1759] - Welding multipass zigzag: incorrect push/pull angle

[MLDP-1769] - Add possibility to rename groups from their first path name

[MLDP-1775] - Use relative path instead of absolute path for the head mesh

[MLDP-1767] - Remove WPF and use QT instead

[MLDP-1373] - Add possibility to force path edge mode in welding

Bug Fixes

[MLDP-1842] - Crash in Mastercam 2019 when you use Auto Partsurf

[MLDP-1835] - Custom multipass: .wme files created from multipass editor can't be

[MLDP-1830] - EMV10 Collision broken

[MLDP-1816] - Trimeditor: undo/redo buttons

[MLDP-1819] - Truncated image in dialog settings EMV10

[MLDP-1822] - Bad arrow direction in RadiusView dynamic analysis

[MLDP-1827] - EMV10 in MC2019 clones not visible when creating them

[MLDP-1828] - EMV10 electrodes screen Capture not good in mc2019

[MLDP-1813] - Different vectors at ends of closed path not working

[MLDP-1782] - Freeze when group increment set to 0 in group manager

[MLDP-1784] - Vector tilt: set direction TO point broken

[MLDP-1780] - The tool orientation in generated knife tool path is not correct

[MLDP-1760] - CreateEdges shall delete blanked entities used for undo mechanism

[MLDP-1770] - CreateEdges does not work on solids

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


Moldplus V11.0.7 is a patch release for Mastercam 2018 and 2017 only. Bug fixes and
some enhancements have been done.

Tilt vector/s using the right click options.

A right mouse click option to tilt a selected vector or set of vectors is now available.

When you click on that option, the tilt vector dialog is presented.

You can now tilt the vectors as needed.

Interpolate vectors in a selected range

When vectors are created on paths that have sharp corner changes, most of the default
vectors are set to the normal of the edge location on the part. Smoothing these vectors
is not a simple task. A new option allows you to interpolate these selected vectors.

Choose the vectors/ section of the path to interpolate.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Right click and choose the option “Reinterpolate vectors in range”.

The vectors are now interpolated between the start and end vectors of the path

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Delete paths when deleting Groups in the Group Manager

A new option is available in the Groups option to also delete the path. If you wish to
delete the path created in the Create Curve 5axis dialog, you can check this option below
to delete the path also.

Bug Fixes

[MLDP-1746] - Crash in menu MC9 partLine

[MLDP-1754] - Welding crash

Improvements, enhancements and new features

[MLDP-1747] - Create an EXCEL welding report for total seam length

[MLDP-1749] - Remove the "set default angle" in tilting

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


Moldplus V11.0.6 is a patch release for Mastercam 2018 and 2017 only. Bug fixes and
some critical enhancements have been done.

Create Curve Path Translate and Path Offset offers Join paths options

When creating copies of paths using the Path Translate or Path Offset options in the
Create Curve 5axis feature, you can now choose to Join the paths that are copied.

As soon as the copies are made, the paths can be connected using the None, Lines,
Splines or Disjoint option. The above example shows the line connections when 5 copies
of the initial path are made.

The option to the right creates a

spline connection between the
new copied paths.

This is very useful to create a

single path for these types of

Bug Fixes

[MLDP-1417] - Crash ElectrodeMaker V10 on draft extension

[MLDP-1734] - Add support for positive depth in touch sensing

[MLDP-1735] - Curve path leading to incorrectly generated toolpaths

[MLDP-1736] - Cannot save more than 1 electrode from Elec V9 in Mcam 2018

[MLDP-1740] - Chaining problems

[MLDP-1741] - Advanced tilting menu requires two clicks

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

[MLDP-1742] - Bug in C5x offset

Improvements, enhancements and new features

[MLDP-1689] - Add option to generate the touch sensing without welding path

[MLDP-1743] - Re-enable EDGE_CALCUL_RECALCULATE topology mode


Moldplus V11.0.5 is a patch release for Mastercam 2018 and 2017 only. Bug fixes and
some critical enhancements have been done.

Bug Fixes

[MLDP-1724] - Xform of touch sensing path failing

[MLDP-1725] - Manual path follow edges problem

[MLDP-1726] - Manual path extend on plane does not work for first section of path

[MLDP-1730] - C5X bad vector orientation when trimming path

[MLDP-1732] - Tilting whole path from a location that precedes first control vector leads
to index out of bound

Improvements, enhancements and new features

[MLDP-1728] - Add missing moldplus.txt entries

[MLDP-1731] - EMV10 add electrode holder in collision test

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


Moldplus V11.0.4 is a patch release for Mastercam 2018 and 2017 only. Bug fixes and
some critical enhancements have been done.

Ability to remove all but one vector in a path

From this version, you can remove all end vectors from the path with the exception of
the start and end vector.

Create plate fixtures as surfaces or Solids

Plate fixture creation offers the ability to create the end result plates as surfaces or
Solids. Some bugs related to the plate fixture trimming to the part model was also
resolved in this version.

Regenerate path indicator within the Curve 5axis Dialog

If an existing path for which a toolpath was created was modified, the toolpath
regenerate icon is highlighted with a red box around it. If you exit the dialog without
updating the toolpath, a message is displayed

You can choose to update the Mastercam toolpaths using either of the options. You can
also opt to not see this message again by clicking on the “Do not show again” checkbox.

As the Create Curve 5axis tool does not have the ability to mark a Mastercam toolpath
dirty, we give the option in the above manner to warn the end-user if something had
changed in the path list.

Customize the Ribbon Bar for Moldplus

The Moldplus ribbon bar in Mastercam can be customized by adding the relevant icons to
the “Moldplus_Custom_Ribbon_Bar.txt” file found in the
“C:\Users\Public\Documents\shared Mcam2018\Moldplus\” folder. As default, it is setup
to offer the appropriate icons and groups for Moldplus.

If this file does not exist, all the icons found in Moldplus.FT file should be displayed in the
Moldplus toolbar using the default grouping in Mastercam.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

The following are some bug fixes and enhancements done in this version.

Bug Fixes

[MLDP-1718] - Crash when you select Layout lines for Fixture Design

[MLDP-1727] - Tool displayed incorrectly in C5X

[MLDP-1139] - Problem with sharp angles handling on fixture

[MLDP-1517] - Plate cut does not fit the part

[MLDP-1664] - Quick generate button in c5x main window doesn't create an undo
whereas generate toolpaths in Dlg group manager window does

[MLDP-1692] - C5X dlg option: remove Message Color if not used

[MLDP-1696] - Mastercam Crash when you launch Create Curve 5axis on this part

[MLDP-1698] - Binary STL incorrectly identified as ASCII

[MLDP-1700] - EMV10 XLS dialog bug when selecting a color in list

[MLDP-1708] - Bad plate fixture results

[MLDP-1712] - Touch sensing height bug

[MLDP-1714] - New custom message box is not truly modal

[MLDP-1715] - C5x Crash if not selecting a tool and do edit after

[MLDP-1717] - Crash when setting gap tolerance

Improvements, enhancements and new features

[MLDP-1706] - Add configurable tessellation tolerances for C5x

[MLDP-1697] - Make Moldplus menu / ribbon bar customizable

[MLDP-1709] - Add undo shortcut CTRL Z for selector

[MLDP-1710] - Selector (CheckDrive) propagation slider too large

[MLDP-1711] - Selector (CheckDrive) mastercam selection not working well

[MLDP-1716] - C5X Add access to new FilletPath from advanced tools toolbar

[MLDP-1108] - Improve undo management for tilt by value

[MLDP-1602] - Add solid / surface choice for plate fixture geometry

[MLDP-1626] - Allow removing vectors at end of curve in C5X paths

[MLDP-1665] - Add shortcut CTRL Z for undo in WPF windows

[MLDP-1679] - When you modify a path using the Curve 5ax tools, is a toolpath
supposed to be marked dirty if it exists?

[MLDP-1713] - Incremental tilting

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


Moldplus V11.0.2 is a patch release for Mastercam 2018 and 2017 only. Bug fixes and
some minor enhancements have been done. Some Help topics were updated that were
not completed in the initial release. Some Help ID links that were incorrect were also

Hotkey changed for Manual Path

In the Manual path creation/editing, the “L” key replaces the “R” key for creating a right
angled path line. The left image shows the new prompt.

Path Extension Overlap Creation

In Closed paths/loops, you can now extend the path at the start or end of the path. The
path can also overlap on the start or end of the path.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

The following are some bug fixes and enhancements done in this version.

Bug Fixes

[MLDP-1682] - Missing or BAD Help ID's for V11 release

[MLDP-1637] - EMV10 issue with draft extension

[MLDP-1646] - Inconsistent projecting for manual paths after beta 8

[MLDP-1670] - Swapped create edges/part edges icons

[MLDP-1671] - Changing path links color incorrectly changes the vector color

[MLDP-1674] - C5X Group manager: associating an operation to a group, bad dialog


[MLDP-1676] - Avoid creating double vectors in join path

[MLDP-1677] - Avoid creating double vectors in manual path

[MLDP-1678] - C5X path edition: Unsynced projection setting in join paths dialog

[MLDP-1680] - C5X path edition: dynamic move: projection doesn't apply although
checked in UI in some scenarios

[MLDP-1683] - C5X Manual Path dialog: wrong hide/show path icon size.


[MLDP-1690] - Add a scrollbar to the welding dialog

[MLDP-1658] - Improve feature detection reliability

[MLDP-1688] - Improve arc identification

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


Moldplus V11.0.0.x is a new release for Mastercam 2018 and 2017 only. All the icons
have been redesigned along with the following key enhancements, new features and bug
fixes. The Moldplus Curve 5axis tools have been redone to offer a better interface to
interact with the creation and manipulation of the geometries/paths. Users will see that
the interactions for selection/un-selection, etc. follow the standard Windows rules
(double clicking to select an entire path or selecting using CTRL or SHIFT key for
example). The right click interactions are smart enough to realize when to show the
Mastercam interface or the Moldplus interface.

All the Moldplus icons have been redesigned. Most old functionality are still menu driven.
We are slowly progressing on updating the features.

A close up view shows the changes made to some of the icons.

The colors are more consistent now for the icons. The corresponding images for the
icons in the ribbon bar also identify the intended features more visually The different
ribbon bar groups are classified as detailed below.


The general group comprises of the following icons:

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

- This is the old Moldplus main menu. The arrow points to a text box image
which signifies that this is still the menu style interface.

The Trim Editor and Create Fixture tools are newer style interfaces.

Moldplus Merge

The Moldplus Merge group comprises of the following icons:

The Create Edges feature is a new 3D edge creation dialog. No selection is made
till you choose any of the options.

Electrode Maker

Electrode Maker old and new version icons have been redone to the following:

The menu style one is still offered with this version.

C5x paths

The Create curve path icons have all been redone for the corresponding features:

The section on the Create curve paths will cover the changes in greater detail.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Five Axes

The Five axes tools with the exception of the Create curve tools are part of this group:

STL Utilities

The STL Utilities will be included as part of the Moldplus Professional license for clients
purchasing new licenses and those renewing maintenance or updating the product:


The About icon will open the License Manager dialog. The What’s new icon will open this
PDF document.

We will now get into the specific details of the changes and new features.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


The main dialog has been improved to offer more icons to access the core features
directly. The core features have also been redone for curves and vectors creation with
visual tools, Windows based selection methods, updated join paths and split paths
functions, improved path move functions, etc.

The Create option offers the following


You can customize the toolbar by adding

more features OR you can Reset the toolbar
to the original.

The default icons are the following options:

The Options button, Tools and Simulation

are relatively identical to the previous

The Create/Modify button/features have

been completely redone to represent the
features by direct access icons.

Create path manually is offered as a direct path creation tool accessible as an icon
along with the Auto, Edge and Curve Path icons.

Group Manager features have been redone also to interface better with the Mastercam
toolpaths that are generated. Groups can be managed better also.

New Undo and Redo options have been introduced for most or all of the features of the
Create Curve 5axis tools.

The Break line at length option has completely been removed from this version!

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


The TOOLS dialog has been updated to the following:

The user can set a default tool from their

preferred Mastercam tool library. If the
Simplified option is chosen the old parameter
options of diameter, height and a new Tool
Cutting Length option has been added. The
Holder option allows the definition of a diameter
and holder height as before.

When the MC Tool option is chosen, the

Mastercam tool can be selected. The Mastercam
holder chosen from the Mastercam toolpath
parameters Holder tab will be used here.

The Radius Offset for the tool is automatically

set from the selected tool diameter. It can be
overridden by the end user. To reset the tool
diameter using the selected tool, simply click on
the icon to the right side of the offset value.

The tool cutting length (flute length) is a new option that has been added to this version.
This helps to visualize the actual cutting length of the tool used.

The tool direction can be set to the left, right side or center (None) of the part. The Tool
transparency control has been moved to the Options tab.

You can now save your settings as your default tool settings. This will be stored to the
moldplus.cfg file.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


The following enhancements have been made to the Auto paths dialog.

The dialog has been expanded to contain more default values and parameters. Tool
default colors have been added here. The tool transparency slide bar has been moved

Notable differences in Update XForm paths is that it works in several Xform parts and
not just 1 single part.

The other options mentioned here can be ignored for now as they are experimental and
maybe removed in the near future.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


The following enhancements have been made to the Auto paths dialog.

The eye icon allows you to show or hide

existing paths already created. This can
be useful to focus on the path you need
to create.

When the paths are hidden, the

following image is displayed - . This

option is available in the different path
creation dialogs.

A key enhancement has been made to

the Filter paths option in Auto paths.
The filter can be used from both sides of
the slide bar allowing the end user to
filter out the smallest paths or the
largest paths. The two slides handles
can be moved to the left or right side.

In addition to the filter paths options,

when the paths are analyzed and
displayed, clicking on a previewed
path will hide it, clicking on the same
location again will unhide the path! You
can quickly select and unselect previewed paths in that manner for creation by clicking
on the Save and Exit button.

You can set the path cutting direction to be to the left or right of the material.

When the paths are created from this dialog, they are named as Auto path 1, Auto path
2, etc.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


Directly accessible from the ribbon bar:

A new option has been added “Auto-join/smooth paths with dissimilar end
vectors”. This is very useful to connect paths that do not have the same vector end

In the case below, with the option unchecked, 3 paths will be created as the vector
directions are different even though the end points of the vectors for the 3 paths are

In the case where the option is checked, the 3 paths are connected together at the
location of the dissimilar vectors. The end result is 1 smooth path that is created for the
entire section!

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Note: Depending on the orientation of the vector, it might not give the desired results!
For the case above, it works great, for a case where there is an angle of +-90 degree in
vector orientation, it will not give a good result!


This dialog has been simplified to the following.

Directly accessible from the main ribbon bar:


Only Projection distance is available as an option now. The Break length option has
been completely removed from any feature in Moldplus create curves. The new Refresh
button allows you to recalculate the path if you changed the Projection distance value or
wanted to flip the vector direction.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


This feature that was part of the new button and managed by the Create/Modify
button has been converted into a separate and more powerful feature with many new

Directly accessible from the main ribbon bar:

You can create a path by clicking on the face and holding the mouse and dragging along
the face or clicking on the next point to connect them. If you hold the right mouse key
and drag along the face, the connection spline is highlighted in orange color. Once you
let go of the mouse at the intended point location, the path is created. Hot keys are
available based on the interaction with the feature while creating the point.

There are many value added features offered in this tool. Extending away from the part
edge to create a tangential entry is possible as geometry itself.

The example below will show the creation of paths on the face/s of a part and not along
the edge.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

A vector point is created at the first point that you click on. The hotkey menu is
displayed depending on the interaction.

Holding the mouse key down and dragging along the part will show the connecting spline
direction as follows. Notice that while you are dragging the spline, the hotkey interaction
menu is different and offers more options.

Once the path is created, depending on the curvature

tolerance set in the options dialog, additional vectors
are created. In this case, the path has 3 vectors, one
at the start, middle and end.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

As you continue to create the path, based on the orientation change, the connecting
spline shows a smooth curvature to the next point being created. In the case below, the
3rd point being created is at 90 degrees from the second point. If you wish to have a
sharp angle, click on the R key on the keyboard to sharpen the angle as in the right

Other options include creating a gap in between the path to indicate a rapid move but
yet chain the path as a single contour! While creating the new point and the succeeding
point, holding down the G key will create a gap between the 2 segments of the same
path as follows.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

In addition to creating the paths in the following manner, it is very easy to work on the
first point to extend the path or create new points based on it. To go back to the first
point, check the Work on start option. This will allow you to extend the beginning of
the path to the edge of the part easily as displayed below.

In addition, you can extend the start point outside the part using a tangential connection
by holding the T key down while creating the point outside the part or by clicking on the
P key to have a planar extension. In the case below, the point was extended outside the
part by holding down the T key. Note that the view direction of the path also matters
while creating the extension.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Another option offered in this dialog is the ability to close the loop while creating the

In the case below, after the 3 points are created on the path and clicking on Close loop
will result in a smooth curve created to connect to the first point.

If you wish to have a sharp angle connection to the first point, then you will need to
move the cursor close to the first point, let it snap to the first point and then click on the
R key to straighten it.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

If you expand the Projection on part section, the following options are offered. Using
the fixed value option will use 5mm as the maximum projection distance. The further the
2nd point is and the greater the curvature, the projection will work only to the set
distance. In the case below, the mid section of the curve is not projected on the part due
to the fixed value.

Using the Infinite option, the projection is always calculated on the face of the part and
the curve is created on the face of the part.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

While projecting along a series of faces, holding the A key down will create a path in the
following manner. It will create the connection between the 2 points regardless of the

Without the A key pressed, based on the view, the path will be created as follows:

These are valuable tools to create manual paths on a series of faces. Use the different
hotkeys as needed.

Flip Vector Direction will reverse the direction of the vectors from the normal of the
faces. This will need to be checked first before creating the path.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


The path tree dialog is always displayed when you click on the Create Curve 5axis icon
or when you exit any of the path creation tools (Edge, Curve, Manual, Auto), etc. All the
paths created from those tools are populated in the tree list of the dialog.

The right click interactions of the tree have been updated to offer the following new and
updated options:

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

The Delete option offers the ability to confirm the path/s being deleted. A dialog is
presented to confirm if you wish to delete the path or set of selected paths.

The Color option allows you to change the color of the path links or vectors. This is a
new option offered at the tree list level.

The Report option allows the creation of an EXCEL file with the point list for the path/s.

The Duplicate option allows you to make a copy of the same path at the same location.

The result is a new path created in the tree. You can now manipulate this path as
needed using the Path Move/Translate options.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

If you have created connected paths using the G key and would like to separate the
paths, the Separate key will do the task.

When you separate the selected path, the main path will be split into 2 separate paths.

The buttons at the bottom of the dialog allow for going back
to the previous step or reversing the step.

When you exit the dialog however, the path creation/modifications cannot be undone.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Clicking on Name Levels will write the name of the path to the Mastercam level.

The following is a review of the icons on the right side of the main dialog for path and
vector controls.

As default the vector selection arrow is active once a path is created.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


Vector/s and path selection using the new interface has had the most change in
this version. It is visual, interactive and follows the guidelines of the Windows
selection methods. Path and point highlighting using the yellow selection colors of
Mastercam also offers visual feedback to the user.

Clicking on a vector will highlight the vector in yellow. The same if an intermediate point
or any point along the path is selected.

Holding the CTRL key down and selecting a series of points along the path will highlight
just the selected points. No more flagging and unflagging points!

Holding the SHIFT key down will select the range of points in the path between the start
and end points.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Double clicking on any point on a path will select the entire path! The point of selection
will be highlighted with the red arrow tip.

Once the vector/s or segment of the path or entire path is selected, the following
interactions can be made to the path.


The following icon will launch the vector tilt dialog. You will need to click on this
icon in order to tilt any of the vectors in the path.

All the vectors selected in the path will be tilted together. You do not need to tilt
each vector separately or use the Flag All option to apply the settings as in the past!

The following dialog is presented for interacting with the path.

Applying a tilt by entering a value OR by scrolling the cursor within a field for Side or
Lead/Lag value will change the tilt angle of all selected vectors. If any of the options for
Side or Lead/Lag are unchecked, those values will not be changed.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

In the case below, the Side tilt was scrolled to the set value of 30 degrees. You will
notice all the vector orientations changed.

If you set a fixed value, you will need to click on the Set button to update the vector
directions. Reset will set it back to the original direction of vector/path creation.

If you click on the button, you will get the following options:

This gives you additional options to set the vector orientations based on more options.
For example, if you click on Set relative to View direction, this will be the result:

The will allow you to

cycle through the created vectors or through the intermediate vectors respectively in
either direction.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Holding the D key down while tilting an individual selected vector allows for the dynamic
tilting method where only the selected vector is tilted.


Vectors can be added and removed from the path using this icon OR by using the
right click options.

Clicking on this dialog presents this quick message window and activates the
intelligent option to add or delete a vector depending on the status.

To add a vector anywhere along the path (whether at an intermediate point or not),
move the cursor along the path till you reach a desired location. The + sign above the
intended vector indicates that a vector will be created at that point. The result will be a
new vector at that point as indicated on the right.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Highlighting an existing vector will show a “X“ sign above the vector indicating that it
can be deleted. The vector line will also be highlighted in red.

You will also have visual indicators that certain vectors (start and end of a path) cannot
be deleted. These will be indicated by the lock symbol.

You can create as many vectors along the path dynamically by moving the cursor to that
location and clicking on that location. Same for the deletion.

As the “Break at Length” option has been removed from this version, the user can
dynamically scan the cursor over the path and easily create a new vector anywhere on
the path.

The right click options are still there for adding or deleting the vectors without the need
for entering into this option.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


The Path Edit option allows for the extending or editing of an existing path using
the Create path manually dialog.

This allows maximum flexibility for editing an existing path with all the features
offered in the manual path.

With the path highlighted in the tree, click on this icon to launch this dialog. The path is
highlighted in orange and you can continue to create new points at the start or end of
the path and manipulate the path.

Any created path can be manipulated using this option.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


This option allows for moving the path using values and directions.

If you click on this option after selecting a valid

path, the dialog to the left is presented.

If a path is not selected previously using the

selection method, the following dialog will be

Once the selection of the path is made AND if the

path is valid, the following confirmation is

Clicking on OK will return you to the above Path Move dialog prompting you to select a

At this stage, you will need to click on the reference point to move the path. You will
notice that the other options are greyed till you select a point.

Once a point is selected, the path move options are activated.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

In the above path, if you scroll the cursor in the Y value field, the following preview is
presented based on the Path Move settings.

At this stage, you can click on OK to accept the path change OR click on Apply to make
a new selection and continue moving other paths or sections of the path.


This option allows for moving the path dynamically on the face of the part.

The selection method is the same as the Path

Move dialog. If the path is not selected, you are
prompted to select the path in a similar manner
as above.

Once the path is selected, you will need to select

a reference point to move the path.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Once the point is selected, you are able to dynamically drag that point along the part.

The Projection distance plays a significant role in moving the path dynamically along the

We recommend using the Path Move by value option if you want to move the path


This option allows you to split the path into two at the selected point.

Clicking on the path without selecting it is sufficient in this case. The following
dialog is displayed when you click on the button.

Clicking on a vector along the path will split the path into 2 paths at that location.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Result of the split path. Two paths are listed in the tree list.


This option allows you to translate the selected path/s. Previews are displayed
prior to accepting the result.

The following dialog is presented when you click on the icon. You can choose a single
path or multiple paths to translate using the XYZ options. You can also Move or make
copies of the path/s. When copying, you can specify the number of copies needed.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

The Projection distance also matters here. In the case below, with the path selected, a
value of 5mm shows a preview in green of the new path that is copied once.

If you the set the number of copies to 3, the following is the result when clicking on the
original path.

The result is the following. 3 new paths are listed in the tree as copies of the path

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

If the Project button is unchecked, the vector orientations of the original path are
maintained on the copies.

The Apply button allows you to keep creating additional copies or moves without having
the close the dialog.


This option allows for the making of copies using the offset values in XYZ. A
preview is presented prior to creating the new paths.

Clicking on the icon will use the default values of 10mm for tangential and Z offset (if
Project is disabled!).

You can move or make copies of the offset paths here also. The result will be listed in
the tree as copies of the referenced paths.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

When the path has corners, you have 3 different options for creating the corners. The
Sharp corner offset is the default.

If you select Round, you will get the following offset path result.

None option will give a result that

might be satisfactory based on the
original path.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


The Join path option has been rewritten in this version to offer more options and
visual indicators and previews prior to joining 2 paths.

The following dialog is presented when you click on the icon.

You are prompted in the dialog to select the path extremities to join from and to.

Select the first path, then the second path. The first point selection is highlighted with a
blue dot, the second point selection will be highlighted in red.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

When you highlight the point which to join to on the second path, the following preview
is presented with the 2nd point highlighted in red and the 1st point in green. A preview of
the new line connection is displayed in green.

The Join Mode offers 2 other options. Rather than the straight line connection as shown
above, you have 2 other options.

Spline mode Disjoined mode

You also have the option of keeping the original paths intact and creating a new path!


Path straighten allows you to straighten a path and remove curvature. You can
also remove vectors that are irrelevant.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

When you click on OK or Apply, the path is straigthened and depending on the setting,
the following is the result.

If the Remove vectors option was checked, the vectors that are not relevant are
removed from the path.

This concludes the review of all the new changes in the new vector and path controls

The following is a review of the changes made to the Group Manager dialog.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


The Group Manager dialog has undergone some internal changes and been improved to
interact directly with the Mastercam Toolpath Manager in an intelligent manner. There
are many new options added to this feature including the ability to move groups around,
sort the paths in a group and change tools from within the groups.

The paths created are listed in the group path list for interaction.

When you create a single path using the Create One button, the following group is

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

When a toolpath is created and a tool was not selected from the Mastercam tool library,
the tool manager is displayed to select the tool. Once the tool is selected, the tool is
displayed as follows for that group and the name of the selected tool is also displayed.

When the toolpath is created, the following Mastercam toolpath is created.

There is now a link between the Group Manager group and the Mastercam toolpath. If
you click on the toolpath group and/or select it, it highlights the Mastercam toolpath
group also.

This allows for selection and interaction with the Mastercam toolpaths! In the case where
there are more groups and toolpaths, selecting the group in the Group Manager also
selects the toolpath.

Selecting multiple groups will also select the corresponding toolpaths in Mastercam.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

You can change tools for different toolpath groups now. Right clicking on the Tp (Tool
parameters), shows the following options:

When a new tool is selected and chosen from the Tools Manager, the following will be
the result displayed when the toolpath is updated.

The Edit option will take you to the Tools dialog in the Create Curve 5axis dialog. Reset
will set the tool to none.

Deleting groups will ask you for a confirmation if you would like to delete the selected

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

Right clicking on a group offers the following options:

You can create a New Group with the same tool parameters by clicking on the option.
Rename Group will display the name of the selected group in the Edit name dialog:

Associate with Operation associates a group to a Mastercam toolpath operation. If a

Group is deleted and a Mastercam toolpath was not deleted, you can associate a
different group to a Mastercam toolpath operation.

You can now delete the group and operation, just the group or just the toolpath.

Sort paths will sort the paths in the closest order. Sort paths with direction
optimization will automatically invert the path direction of every other path in the list.


Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

After sort by path direction optimization. When the toolpath is updated, you will see that
the path is done in a ZIG ZAP manner. Every other path in the list is automatically

The Tool Parameters option allows you to change the tool from this right click option

You can re-order the groups by clicking on the group and dragging it below the desired
path location. In the case below, group 1 is moved below Group 2.

You can also drag and drop paths into other groups easily by selectin the paths and
dragging them to the new group.

Scrolling (or clicking on the Down/Up arrow key) the path list in the group/s will also
scroll through the appropriate Mastercam toolpath operation

There is no Undo/Redo option in the Groups Manager.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


The Group Manager options dialog offers the following options.

You can set a group start and increment number, write the tool and group name as a
comment in the toolpath operation, synchronize the Moldplus Group Manager list with
the Mastercam Toolpath Operations Manager, create individual tool parameter ID’s for
each group so that the tool parameters are independent for each operation and display
the Mastercam operation ID in the list.

The Start point of a path in a Closed path can be changed when the path is highlighted.
You can go anywhere in the graphics along the path, right click and set the new start
point for the toolpath.

This concludes the review of the new features in the Create Curve 5axis tools!

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


An additional enhancement has been made to the much powerful and reliable Auto
surface normal setting tool. You can now set the normals using the majority direction or
the extreme surface entities.


The shaded part display slider has been removed.

As default, the normal are set based on the majority of the surface normal directions.

In some cases, you might want to base it on the surface extremities. You can drop down
the Orientation Mode and select the 2nd option to choose the other option.

With these 2 options most surface models, no matter how complex should typically work

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


The Fixture Design tool had undergone some improvements for the plate calculations on
various parts. The analysis algorithms have been improved.

The end result of creating the plates for the fixture assembly are created as Mastercam
Solids geometries or surfaces now.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


A few key changes have been made to the Electrode Maker dialog and some new
features added.

When the main dialog is launched, there is an option now to visualize all the reference
geometries used to create the different electrodes.

When this option is checked, the Holder and

Clones options will be greyed out and only the
reference geometries are displayed.

You can check and uncheck the Part to see the

reference geometries alone.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


There is a new option in the Draft Extensions dialog allows for the creation of a fillet at
the end of the draft extension. In the example below, there is a 3mm bottom fillet
created at the end of the blue draft face extensions.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


In the stock and holder creation dialog, 2 new options have been added to offer more
flexibility to the user when repositioning the holder.

On the top right of the dialog, the total surface selection and extensions values in XYZ
are presented. This is to help in the Stock size calculation for the raw stock.

There are 3 options presented here when the

holder is repositioned.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

As default, when the raw stock drives the holder, the following options are active for
adjusting the XYZ values for the burn location.

Raw drives Holder: With this option, even if the holder is moved, the raw stock
remains at the same place. You can change the values of X and Y for the burn location
manually. In the case below, holder is repositioned in X and Y by 5mm.

Holder drives Raw: In this case when the holder is repositioned, only the location of
the holder can be moved as the raw stock is driven by the holder.

Holder and raw independent: in this case, both the holder location and the raw stock
XY burn location can be edited independently. The fields for A and Point 3 are editable.

All the burn point rounding features work properly.

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New


The collision test in the Electrode Edit dialog has been improved to include the tangent
and draft surface extensions in the collision test.

Note: In this version, you might get some warnings about collisions when the slider is at
the far left (Z at zero position). Please ignore this. It will be improved in upcoming

All image captures in the Electrode Maker report have been updated to save as PNG

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

The following improvements and bug fixes have been made to this first release of V11.0.
This is a mere filtered list based on reports provided by resellers. Most of the
development features, bugs and improvements have been removed from this list to
reduce the size of the list.

Bugs fixed

[MLDP-1628] - Part Extension does not work in V11 Beta9. Works in V11 Beta5

[MLDP-1591] - Arrow direction drawn at false place

[MLDP-1595] - Incorrect color for surface created by check drive select

[MLDP-1578] - Molplus CheckDrives Selector unable to select fillets

[MLDP-1579] - Fix a crash in TestBrunoTesselation dialog

[MLDP-1580] - Moldplus CheckDrives selector crash when selecting a fillet on solids

[MLDP-1586] - Bug : reversing a multi curve path that has been trimmed on a single

[MLDP-1464] - MakeEntityVisible fails on MC2017

[MLDP-1523] - TrimEditor keeps surfaces hidden when closing it by cross dialog

[MLDP-1492] - Remove side angle limitation to [-90;90]

[MLDP-1442] - Swarf smart synch mode does not work correctly

[MLDP-1358] - New trim editor changes the color of edited surface.

[MLDP-1359] - New Trim Editor creates blanked surface

[MLDP-1360] - v10.8 paths get transformed when loaded in v11

[MLDP-1362] - NewTrimEditor: strange Undo behavior

[MLDP-1390] - Path selection : need to have magnetism on locations and also be able to
unselect them

[MLDP-1205] - Fix path projection for curve based path

[MLDP-1342] - Zone split fails

[MLDP-1302] - Undo does not work properly with dynamic trimming

[MLDP-1315] - Fix dynamic trimming for closed paths

[MLDP-1251] - XML Report in Electrode Maker - image capturing and XML file does not

[MLDP-1269] - Radius Analysis - cannot enter values for multi range

[MLDP-1178] - Flip direction does not work for swarf paths

[MLDP-1190] - Fix welding contact detection problem with tight fit of non planar surfaces

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

[MLDP-1218] - Fix Juncsurf

[MLDP-594] - Collision detection with the fixture plates does not work even with tool -
tolerance issue

[MLDP-1166] - Head not displayed correctly

[MLDP-1012] - Cut loop command does not cut exterior loop, only inner loops are cut

[MLDP-893] - EMV10 - cannot change XY values for Burn location and cannot Round XY

[MLDP-1650] - EMV10 - Collision checking should happen on extensions also

[MLDP-1655] - Undo/Redo of path edition actions (add and tilt vector and others) not
working for 'just created' welding paths

[MLDP-1417] - Crash ElectrodeMaker V10 on draft extension

[MLDP-1468] - MC2017 Moldplus dialog not hidden

[MLDP-1667] - Tool head is not properly loaded on some files

[MLDP-1669] - Topologie destroy a corner on this part


[MLDP-961] - Integrate Groups modification in general C5x Undo

[MLDP-1629] - Mastercam 2018 is redoing tessellation (slow display)

[MLDP-1635] - EMV10 bad extension bottom radius

[MLDP-1607] - Add support for Mastercam 2018

[MLDP-1191] - SWARF Edge path feature should require a 5-axis kit Professional license
to run

[MLDP-1325] - C5x improve the PathSelection updating

[MLDP-1455] - Add projection parameters to PathDrawing

[MLDP-1560] - c5x Main: Improve management of width of columns of list of paths

[MLDP-1569] - Add a function to easily create mastercam NamedView

[MLDP-1572] - c5X Refactoring usage of projection parameters

[MLDP-1577] - Remove FeedBack Button in WPF dialogs

[MLDP-1469] - FixtureUHF creating thryedron

[MLDP-1307] - Remove Moldplus license requirement for resellers to Plate Fixtures

[MLDP-1421] - C5X Clean up Contextual menu list Path

[MLDP-1184] - TapeLayering strings hard coded in french

[MLDP-1310] - Remove "Remove point" feature

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

[MLDP-1377] - Merge create/delete vector into single Add/Remove feature

[MLDP-1309] - C5x Make precise selection default for path selection

[MLDP-1313] - Add expand/collapse button for settings

[MLDP-1127] - Use machine group tool database when available

[MLDP-1260] - Remove Global Tool parameter

[MLDP-1261] - Tool button should directly open the File tool parameters

[MLDP-1262] - Clarify the Tool parameter dialog

[MLDP-1023] - Change versioning scheme

[MLDP-995] - Make all Moldplus icons from vectorial model

[MLDP-1614] - Add 5axis kit pro license req for feature based paths

[MLDP-1635] - EMV10 bad extension bottom radius

[MLDP-378] - elecMaker - Radius fillet and second draft extension from V9

[MLDP-1107] - Add support for multiple xform copy in C5X

[MLDP-1617] - Make it possible to change/reset/edit tool parameter for multi selected

groups in group manager

[MLDP-1623] - New custom Message Box : add options for buttons and use it in
group/path delete

[MLDP-1624] - Add / fix support for mirror Xform in C5X

[MLDP-1605] - C5x add common toolbar in advanced tool dialogs

[MLDP-1610] - Add possibility to deactivate tangent mode in path drawing

[MLDP-1616] - Add option to display operation internal ID in group label in group


[MLDP-1592] - Simplify tool configuration in C5x

[MLDP-1608] - Inform the user when path creation gives no result

[MLDP-669] - Optimizing path order in a group

[MLDP-923] - Improve path order when multiple paths are created

[MLDP-1461] - Add current selection to undo mechanism

[MLDP-1558] - Add path copy to path / path list context menu

[MLDP-1568] - Instead of deleting current path have delete paths in c5x contextual
menu apply to all selected paths

[MLDP-1588] - Avoid creating empty default group on quick generate

[MLDP-1550] - Path XForm: reset vector to normal when projection is enabled

[MLDP-1563] - Allow smaller value for break angle

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

[MLDP-1511] - Group manager: add possibility to move multiple groups at a time

[MLDP-1514] - Synch Mcam operation order with C5x group order

[MLDP-1535] - Add Crtl-Z shortcut for Undo when possible

[MLDP-1537] - c5x add icon in Add/Remove vector Tool

[MLDP-1544] - C5x PathDrawing: add a way to prolongate path on tangent plan

[MLDP-1516] - C5x path copy should keep order of paths as in the list

[MLDP-1528] - Changing start point multiple times should not create extraneous vectors

[MLDP-1458] - Improve path offset robustness

[MLDP-1459] - Esc should clear the current selection if not empty

[MLDP-1462] - Improve tilt from / to point

[MLDP-1475] - Context menu in the empty space of path list shall display relevant

[MLDP-1481] - tilt tool : make it work on single vectors

[MLDP-1482] - Remove double vectors at selection range extremities

[MLDP-1483] - Add possibility to remove multiple groups in group manager

[MLDP-1484] - Create fixtures as solids rather than surface

[MLDP-1487] - Improve offset : add round corners

[MLDP-1490] - Avoid creating double vectors in edge path

[MLDP-1384] - Swarf UI improvements

[MLDP-1420] - Add direct icon access for swarf and path drawing

[MLDP-1431] - In range selection dialog pressing enter should validate selection

[MLDP-1434] - c5x edition tools : Add dialog boxes for 'split path' and 'create/remove

[MLDP-1443] - Improve swarf rails detection work when no junction is found

[MLDP-1444] - c5x : Ability to enable/disable and hide projection settings

[MLDP-1445] - Add Ok / Cancel buttons to tool params

[MLDP-1447] - Adjust Moldplus dialogs sizes for high screen resolution

[MLDP-1348] - c5X Improve the selection visualization

[MLDP-1364] - JuncSurf : No need to show control points button when in EdgeMode

selection mode

[MLDP-1368] - GroupManager : Select path in list from graphic view

[MLDP-1388] - PathSelection magnetize vector

[MLDP-1331] - Improve tool lib display

Moldplus V11.2 For Mastercam 2019 What’s New

[MLDP-1129] - Allow to change selection order for auto path selection

[MLDP-868] - Improve the collision detection exclusion mechanism

[MLDP-1144] - C5xToolParam : toolside choices should be: left, right AND NONE (not
only left and right)

[MLDP-977] - Add color setting for fixture output

[MLDP-827] - Add undo for all C5X commands

[MLDP-789] - Improve simulation to work with groups

[MLDP-1080] - Implement generalized multi selection mechanism

[MLDP-377] - EMV10 - Option to only show reference geometry of all elecs (deactivate
all other levels)

[MLDP-1590] - Icons redesign

[MLDP-1631] - Display operation number instead of id in group manager

[MLDP-1649] - EMV10 use Png instead Jpg for image capture


Moldplus support is provided through your local Mastercam reseller. If the reseller
cannot solve the issue, the reseller or the end user can email all support questions to

Mastercam is a registered trademark of CNC Software.

Moldplus is a registered trademark of Moldplus SA.


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