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Business plan

1. Executive summary

The M Poultry will be one of the company operated to produce eggs and chicken located in
Addis Ababa city around lagataffo some 100 kilometer away from Abbakiros church.

Egg production is the most popular form of poultry farming because egg consumption cut across
wide divide. Poultry production come in different forms ranging from parent stock breeder meat
(broiler/production), egg production, Quail production, turkey production, ostrich farming, duck
farming, Geese farming and ornamental bird rearing among other

Right now the demand for egg, broiler meat, day old chicks, etc. remains overwhelmingly high.
Poultry industry is a multi-billion dollars industry; the major hindrances to the growth of the
industry ranges from absence of credit, high interest rate, high cost of maize, unavailable
electricity which is important for cold rooms, incubators and operation of automated cages.

1.1. Purpose of the business (The reason of starting the business).

 To meet the demand of customer and built strong customer relationship.

 To create the employment opportunity for others.
 To contribute the economy of the country.

Business objective

General objective

The major objective of the founders is reducing poverty, malnutrition and unemployment
problem of our country. Besides, we want to provide quality product to customer and maintain
the supply sufficiently.
Specific objective
 To increase revenues by 5% in 10% by Year 3
• Achieve a profit margin of 5% in Year 2 and 6% by Year 3
• Be the company of choice in Addis Ababa and recipient of the best poultry business award.
Mission Statement
 The M Poultry is committed to its products and employees which they believe is the
recipe for market success.
 To produce nutritious eggs, generate employment, and create wealth
for investor. Mission:
 To Build a mechanized poultry that is efficient and rewarding.
Guiding Principles
 The M Poultry is committed to values such as excellence, passion, quality, integrity and
leadership which allow navigating challenges and providing for future opportunities.
 These core beliefs start with its commitment to its products and its employees.
 The M Poultry rewards excellence and cherishes loyalty.
 The company will work with its employees to build strong businesses and a secure future.
Keys to Success
The M Poultry will stand out from the competition. Below are the company’s keys to
 Great Products – providing exemplary products at market prices will make
customers want to return again and again.
 Hire Quality Baristas – Pay employees rates similar to the larger chains with
opportunities for long term careers and opportunities for advancement with long
term plans to open a second facility.
 Convert Customers to Connoisseurs
2. Business description
The M poultry is owned 100% by mine (Mohammed Oumer). M Poultry plan to
participate in chicken and egg production. The business entails keeping of
chicken for fourteen weeks when the growers will be transfer to cages. The caged
chicken at the age of 19 – 22 weeks start to lay eggs. The eggs are packed in
crates of 30 packs, transported to the city where they are distributed to
I will also collect chicken and eggs from different producer near to Addis Ababa city especially
from Bishoftu is a town (Debre Zeyit). Chicken and eggs will be distributed to restaurant, super
shop, hotel, community center, and bakery and catering houses around Addis Ababa city.
Prolong the sufficient supply to the customer is one of our most important purpose. We want
to supply extend area of Addis Ababa city with affordable price.
Name of the venture
Address Shop no-17, Road no- 6 old airport road, Addis


Vision Providing quality product with reasonable price.

3. Market analysis
Customer need
.As we all know that, chicken and egg are very nutritious food items. Doctors always
prescribe it as nutritious food. From statistical data, each and every day a family
needs at least four eggs in this country. Most of all children are fond of egg. So
there is a great prospect to being succeeded as being act as distributor. We will
distribute our product to household customers, restaurant, hotel, bakery, cookery etc.
Customers are looking for something special — that’s why they are willing to pay so much for
poultry product. Many customers of the big national chains, while satisfied with the current
poultry product provision they would be intrigued to find a poultry product that is different and
Each and every people need chickens and eggs. Eggs are the ingredients of cake, bread, omelet
etc. So restaurant, bakery, hotel, community centers need eggs and chickens every day. As the
different customers has high demand of chickens and e g g s w e h a v e a h i g h p r o s p e c t o f
Market trend
As we know, Bangladesh is an over populated country. So, there is no equilibrium between
demand and supply and more or less suppliers fail to satisfy the customers.
Most of all, in food business if it is daily product there is no loss. So there is a great prospect of
being succeeded.
SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis examines the café’s strengths and weaknesses that need to be addressed.
Further, this section examines the opportunities presented to Café as well as potential threats.

5.1.1 Strengths •
Based on its smaller size, the fact that it is not a franchise, the Russet Cup is a unique coffee shop
concept unlike any other in the Overland Park market.
• The owner has firsthand experience, in operating and starting new restaurants,
• Handpicked baristas will bring professionalism and enthusiasm to the shop.

5.1.2 Weaknesses
• Franchises are the easiest way and often the safest conduit to start a café; the café will not have
the backing of one of these established entities.
• The Russet Cup has a minimal budget and is competing against larger and more established
coffeehouses for market share.

• The Overland Park demographics support the need for a unique coffee shop.
• Additional opportunities to target the active and recently retired target market and 45 years+
age group.
• A small slice of a much bigger pie is the goal. Only 40 percent of the nation’s coffee drinkers
are consuming premium ground and whole bean coffee. Encouraging coffee drinkers to become
coffee connoisseurs is the key to continued growth.
• The local coffeehouse/café market is $54 million
5.1.4 Threats
• The Morning Glory Coffee shop is currently for sale; should another independent purchase this
café, it could pose significant threat to market share.

4. Competitive analysis
Consumer taste and personal income drive demand. The profitability of
individual companies depends on the ability to secure prime locations, drive
store traffic, and deliver high-quality products. Large companies have
advantages in purchasing, finance, and marketing. Small companies can
compete effectively by offering specialized products, serving a local market,
or providing superior customer service. The M Poultry compete with other
businesses such as convenience stores, gas stations, quick service and fast
food restaurants, gourmet food shops, and donut shops.
It is essential for every business organization to identify its existing
competitors their skill, strength and as well as weakness. We have huge
number of existing competitors but most of them have not high skill and future
orientation. The future competitors can easily entre the business because of its
low cost and its industry structure is very easy.
5. Organization and management
Facilities and location:
We always try to give high facility to
our customers. To quickly serve the customers we have a farm and
warehouse in Gazipur that is near Dhaka city. We also have an office in Banani which
address is- Shop no-17, Road no- 6, New airportr o a d ,   B a n a n i ,   D h a k a -
1 2 1 3   f o r   q u i c k   a c c e s s   w i t h   t h e   c u s t o m e r s .   F o r   m a k i n g customers order
easy we also have an email address, so that customers can order us
easily. We are going to introduce own website for customers convenience. 
W e moreover supply our product (chicken and Egg) to the customers by own transport system
with full responsibility.
Inventory management:
Our main inventory is chicken and eggs. First of all we will buy chicken and eggs
from different area around Dhaka city especially from Gazipur and put it into our
farm and warehouse. Then we will clean the dust from eggs and test the chicken’s health that
means we ensure that chickens are not affected by any harmful disease. Then we supply the
chickens and eggs to different restaurant, super shop, hotel, community center, and
bakery house as per their order.
Human resource:
In business human resources is one of the most important factors and have a big role
in a business organization. For collect inventory, maintaining inventory, and
reached the product to the desired customers we will have to need some
people. They will very skillful on their own field. If additional skill and efficiency needed we
will provide them training. We also supervise their work.

Entrepreneurial team:

Profile of founders:
Md. Nazmul Hossain

Nazmul Hossain passed his SSC from Monipur high school, Mirpur and also passedhis HSC
from Dhaka Commerce College. He is now studying his BBA at southeast university
(SEU) in 3
year last semester.Md. Mofakkharul IslamMofakkharul Islam passed his SSC from Mirpur
bangla high school, Mirpur and
alsop a s s e d   h i s   H S C   f r o m   B C I C   C o l l e g e .   H e   i s   n o w   s t u d y i n g   h i s   B B
A   a t   s o u t h e a s t university (SEU) in 3
year last semester.Rokeya KhatunRokeya Khatun passed his SSC from Monipur high
school, Mirpur and also passedhis HSC from Dhaka Commerce College. He is now
studying his BBA at southeastuniversity (SEU) in 3
year last semester.Md. Ahsan HabibAhsan Habib passed his SSC from Merchants’ pilot high
school, (Ullapara) Sirajgonjand also passed his HSC from Ullapara Science College. He is now
studying his BBAat southeast university (SEU) in 3
year last semester.Md. Nazmul HosssainNazmul Hossain passed his SSC from Potazia high school, Pabna and
also passed
hisH S C   f r o m   U l l a p a r a   S c i e n c e   C o l l e g e .   H e   i s   n o w   s t u d y i n g   h i s   B B A   a t   s o u t
h e a s t university (SEU) in 3
year last semester.
Key personal:
We will supervise different sectors of this business like- buying inventory (Chickenand eggs),
marketing, and finance etc. We will do this on the basis of our knowledgea n d s k i l l o f t h a t
s e c t o r . A s M o f a k k h a r u l I s l a m a n d R o k e y a K h a t u n h a v e a g o o d knowledge on
finance, so they will look after on financial factors. Nazmul
Hossaina n d   A h s a n   H a b i b   h a s   a   g o o d   c o m m e n d   o n   m a r k e t i n g ,   t h e y   w i
l l   t a k e   c a r e   o f   marketing. And Nazmul Hossain is a specialist on inventory management,
so thathe will care for buying and managing inventory.
Investors are we all five members. We will equally contribute in business. Ourcontri
butions are showing
below:NameInvestmentMd. Nazmul Hosssain TK. 1,00,000Md. Mofakkharul IslamT
K. 1,00,000Rokeya KhatunTK. 1,00,000Md. Ahsan HabibTK. 1,00,000Md. Nazmul 
HosssainTK. 1,00,000
Management role:
Mofakkharul Islam and Rokeya Khatun will keep the books of all our expenses andincome.
Expense here means how much our cost of buying chickens and eggs,
food,t r a n s p o r t a t i o n ,   s a l a r y ,   d i f f e r e n t   t y p e s   o f   b i l l   e t c .   W e   w i l l   k e e p   t h e   b o o
k   o f   a l l expenses day by day with exact date. Nazmul Hossain and Ahsan Habib will look
after on all marketing and distribution system. We will know the customers about
our product and additional service we will provide. How we will reach the product to our
customers etc. Nazmul Hossain will give emphasize on buying and managing chickens
and eggs. From where he will buy chickens and eggs, where it will keep, food and
health of chicken will manage by him.
6. Product or service:
The product is chickens and eggs. The farm will distribute these products around the Addis
Ababa city. Quality assurance is the main motto of our business. We are not compromise in the
question of quality. To ensure the quality we always take high care of our hens
and eggs. Now days, from chickens and eggs harmful diseases are spread out. But we are supply
our chickens and eggs with ensuring that it is free from all kind of jorum, which can create
harmful diseases. Cost of poultry business is not so high. One can easily start a business with a
minimum amount of money. But our cost of business is high, because our business is highly
future oriented. The primary cost of our business is given below:

Particulars Cost (Birr) Total cost (Birr)

Farm 30,000.00

Warehouse 50,000.00

Transportation 2,00,000.00

Chicken 1,00,000.00

Egg 50,000.00

Food 50,000.00

Utility 20,000.00 5,000,000.00

We also provide some additional facility to ours customers and consumers that are not provided
by other suppliers:

 We reached our product (chickens & eggs) to the customers by our own transportation
with a low transportation cost.
 If any dreadful products are identified by the customers we always make it change.
 Processed meat are also supply if customer feel need.
 We also supply product by credit to a limited amount.

Poultry business is full with competitors. But there have a great prospect of succeed, because mo
st of the suppliers are not able to adequately supply the product.
7. Marketing plan and strategies

We use new processing options which can differentiate our product from the
products of others.
We ensure quality product with affordable price.
We always search for new quality factors related to our p
r o d u c t s   t h a t customers wish to see in the product.
Provide hygienic and nutritious feeding that may 
h e l p   t o   a t t a i n distinguishable quality factors like color and test of
Pricing is the most important factor for this business to compete
with competitors to sustain in the market. Our pricing method is simple.
We only sale product with a limited profit that means our sales price
is our cost plus limited profit. We also provide price discount on a bulk
amount of product. We also offer different types of price and product discount
in different types of festival.
Promotion and advertising
Online Advertising - The Russet Cup will advertise regularly on popular social
media sites, such as Facebook. Compared to traditional print advertising, this
is a cost effective tactic that will allow them to reach prospects in a highly
targeted way (e.g., based on criteria such as age, gender, geography, etc.).
• Web Site - the Russet Cup will develop a simple Web site, which will provide
basic information about the business, the menu, and links to their presence on
the aforementioned social media channels.
• Radio Advertising - During the first six months of operation, and during the
busy holiday shopping season, the business will advertise on local radio
 To know the people about business every company need promotion. Big
spend a large proportion of their budget for promotion.
W e   a l s o   h a v e   s o m e promotional strategy- advertising, banner, billboard,
leaflet, poster etc. we will give advertising in different newspaper and magazine
in our country. We give billboard i n   s o m e   i m p o r t a n t   h u b
o f   D h a k a   c i t y .   W e   w i l l   a l s o   p r o v i d e   l e a f l e t ,   p o s t e r ,   a n d banner so
that people can easily know about our business.
8. Sales strategy
We are not going to use any distribution channel at first. We will use personal
sales representative for selling our product. Our sales representatives will
directly go to o u r c u s t o m e r s   a n d c o l l e c t   t h e   o r d e r .  
A s   p e r   t h e i r   o r d e r   w e   w i l l   d i r e c t l y   s u p p l y chickens and eggs to the
customers by our own transportation.
The Russet Cup will use the following methods to increase sales revenue (as
recommended by Andrew Hetzel on Better Coffee, Better Business):
• The menu will focus on the most profitable products sold. The café will always draw
customer attention to the most profitable products.
• As warranted, the café will raise prices to bolster brand image. Prices communicate a
perceived value of a product; so if set too low, the customers might assume that the
beverages are inferior compared to the competition.
• Monitor flavoring inventory – Excess flavoring inventory ties up capital and valuable back
room space for storage. The café will utilize 4-6 varieties, including sugar free offerings.
• Control waste and theft – audit sales and inventory reports to evaluate ingredient waste
due to inefficient preparation, returned drinks and employee consumption. Retail locations
can easily waste 20% or more of their daily sales these three key categories, which is a
substantial and unnecessary loss.
• Monitor and evaluate hours of operation
Run employee sales contests – The baristas are the salespeople and have a
great deal of influence over the customer ordering process. All baristas will
have some form of sales and customer service training to make each
transaction active, rather than passive. Sales contests will emphasize high
margin items or cross selling
9. Request for funding

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