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Discuss the pros and cons of a connection-oriented and connection-less service.

Pros Cons
 All packages go in the same direction to  It is slower than the connectionless
their destination. As a result, data service. It takes the same amount of time
packet sequencing is guaranteed. The to establish and dismantle the connection.
data will be sent in good condition to
the receiver. Connection-oriented
services are preferable for extended
and consistent communication since the
data delivered is reliable and the
sequencing of data packets is ensured.
 It is more reliable since it establishes a  Extra header parameters are required to
virtual connection before transmitting ensure reliable communication between
packets and ensures that they arrive at the sender and receiver
their intended destination.
 When transmitting packets, a  It requires a bandwidth of low range since
handshake is carried out ensure that it takes time to create and release the
both the sender and the recipient are in connection.
agreement with the connection.
 No Congestion since there is very little,  If router fails, there are no other options
if any, likelihood of data packets being for continuing communication because it
duplicated because the connection- only uses one data transmission path.
oriented service takes one route to
transfer data for the duration of the
 Packets follow the same route.  The packet's header is larger.
 More feasible.
 Data packets are not duplicated.

Connection-less service
Pros Cons
 It is comparatively faster than Connection-  There is no assurance on the secure data
oriented because there is no circuit setup. transfer to the intended destination.
 No handshaking happens while sending a  packets can follow any route thus data
packet over the network packets are sometimes duplicated
 does not require the establishment of any  It is not reliable because there is a
connection or termination mechanism for significant risk of data packet loss,
transferring data incorrect delivery, or duplication.
 Messages may be broadcast or multicast to  not feasible.
numerous receivers
 If router fails, there are other options for 
data communication.
 The packet's header is smaller. 

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