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28th September 2021 Holism vs Reductionism

Holism – All factors. Psychodynamic approach takes into account all of the different experiences at
childhood, hence linked to holism. Personality, trauma and our unconscious minds are all used to
explain somebody’s behaviour. Humanistic approach is also linked to holism.

Reductionism – Simple, levels of explanation. Biological reductionism and environmental

reductionism (stimulus response links). It’s linked to cognitive approach i.e., our mechanical mind.
Behavioural is linked to it as well.

Both are used as a treatment for mental health.

Gestalt psychology – looking at the problem as a whole.

Term Definition Example

Holism It only makes sense to study an indivisible system Attending therapy for
rather than its constituent parts problems rather than
immediate medication
Reductionism The belief that human behaviour is best Memory, breaking this
explained by breaking it down into its smaller down into simple
constituent parts explanations
Biological A form of reductionism which attempts to Treatments to OCD,
Reductionism explain social and psychological phenomena at a depression i.e., drug
lower biological level treatment
Environmental The attempt to explain all behaviour in terms of Trauma causing
Reductionism stimulus response links that have been learned mental illness i.e., an
through experience event causing trauma
Gestalt A concept that suggests the whole is greater than Pattern recognition
Psychology the sum of its parts
Levels of There are different ways of viewing the same Taking something
Explanation phenomena in psychology down to the specifics
rather than a whole

The level of explanation The Description

Genetic The makeup of a person inherited from their parents
Biochemical Neurotransmitters and hormones inform the nervous system
Physiological A physical output of the biological process. Muscle contractions,
motor actions etc.
Individual Their personal traits, their personality is going to have an effect on
their behaviour
Sociological Cultural background, social environment, education, religion etc.

1. Somebody may be depressed because of their parents having a history of depression or

are/were currently depressed during the child’s development, passed down their genes to
the person giving them depression.

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